The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
today is the day for you to prove once and for all that you're delusional.
you did know I was a mormon...I've said it only about a million times.
what you've just spewed is sunday school stuff for 6-8 year olds in the mormon church..

And yet, you were still too stupid to grasp an overt quip...
wrong! the only overt thing about it, like all your quips is it's meaningless..and beneath notice..the stupidity is as always yours.
wrong! the only overt thing about it, like all your quips is it's meaningless..and beneath notice..the stupidity is as always yours.


You're a hoot when you get caught acting stupid.

Odd, I'd think you'd be used to it by now....
really? seem to me all your yammering is tantrum because you're totally lame attempt at humor was ignored.
now that's a hoot..!
really? seem to me all your yammering is tantrum because you're totally lame attempt at humor was ignored.
now that's a hoot..!

If only you had actually ignored it, huh sporky?


It's alright Daws, it isn't like this is a revelation of your dull wit... I'm certain the vast majority know that you're "special."
the vast imaginary majority you're constantly needing to impress.
I gave it the answer it deserved then ignored it .
however watching you get your panties in a bunch over it has been fun.
The Book of Mormon is a load of rubbish concocted by a charlatan, filled with nonsense, disproven on all historical points from here to doomsday, and which serious science regards with contempt.

However, the Smithsonian has to tippy-toe writing about it, because they dare not cause a ruckus with the ignorant, superstitious fools who regard it as the Word of God.

What matters is that the Smithsonian Statement destroys any reason a rational person could believe in Mormonism, and that it does so quickly, and in ways anyone can understand.

Smithsonian Statement Regarding The Book of Mormon

Mormons have responded to the statement, but they do so with a lot of complex and meaningless warbeling that can only convince someone who wants desperately to believe in Mormonism. When reading that nonsense I doubt most Mormons even understand it. Nevertheless, they think so many complex sentences and big words must be true.
The Smithsonian exposed themselves with that wordy, embarrassing attempt at a scholarly response. They would have been better off saying: We really don't know very much about the possibilities of Book of Mormon claims because we haven't found anything that fits our theories.
That's basically what they said. You could hear the fear in their writings; fear of any of the Book of Mormon being true.
The Smithsonian exposed themselves with that wordy, embarrassing attempt at a scholarly response. They would have been better off saying: We really don't know very much about the possibilities of Book of Mormon claims because we haven't found anything that fits our theories.
That's basically what they said. You could hear the fear in their writings; fear of any of the Book of Mormon being true.

Here's an article by an Ex-Mormon who points out the obvious.

If the Nephite Civilization was as large and as long lasting as Rome, why do we not have any relics of it like we have Relics of the Roman Empire?

Romans and Nephites

If there is anything that this comparison proves, it is the one tremendous difference between the two stories, a difference which casts huge doubt upon the accuracy of the Nephite story. And that difference can be seen in museums and archaeological sites all over Europe: The Romans left behind millions of artifacts, from everyday coins, kitchen utensils and pots to glorious art and architecture. Their historical record is also confirmed by hundreds of independent contemporary written records.

But the Nephites? Nothing even vaguely similar. Nothing. No museum has any Nephite artifact. No art. No architecture. No records other than the Book of Mormon, which is accepted as history by not a single non-Mormon historian.

Why not? One would think that the archaeological and historical record of two great ancient peoples, contemporaries, spanning a thousand years, would leave similar signs of their existence behind. No one doubts the existence of the Romans for that thousand years, or the essential accuracy of their history. Everyone but the Mormons themselves disbelieves the story of the Nephites.
Holy Smokes! You guys just won't let this thread die will you?!:rock:

I hope not as I have just joined it. All religions are irrational. The things that you Mormons believe are no more absurd (read 'stark raving mad') than all the others.

Where you score highly is your moderation. As far I know you are not given to executing apostates or murdering passers-by to prove that your god is loving and merciful.

Mormons have the reputation of being nice people but never having met one I cannot personally confirm that.
Holy Smokes! You guys just won't let this thread die will you?!:rock:

I hope not as I have just joined it. All religions are irrational. The things that you Mormons believe are no more absurd (read 'stark raving mad') than all the others.

Where you score highly is your moderation. As far I know you are not given to executing apostates or murdering passers-by to prove that your god is loving and merciful.

Mormons have the reputation of being nice people but never having met one I cannot personally confirm that.

I have.

They are the most "Smile in your face, stab you in the back" people I've ever met in my life.
JoeB, you are what you are, have been since you been on the Board.

Actually, other than religion, you have some minor good points.

But as an atheist, you simply suck in its defense.
Holy Smokes! You guys just won't let this thread die will you?!:rock:

I hope not as I have just joined it. All religions are irrational. The things that you Mormons believe are no more absurd (read 'stark raving mad') than all the others.

Where you score highly is your moderation. As far I know you are not given to executing apostates or murdering passers-by to prove that your god is loving and merciful.

Mormons have the reputation of being nice people but never having met one I cannot personally confirm that.[/QUOTE

I have.

They are the most "Smile in your face, stab you in the back" people I've ever met in my life.

Sorry to hear that. Another illusion shattered.
Do the women wear magic underwear also? Or is it just the men? And can a woman have more than 1 husband or is that reserved for the men?
yes women wear them too.
both my parents had several pairs ..
only men in the reformed mormon church not the mainstream mormon church can have what they call plural marriage.
women in both sects hold no high offices can not be priests or bishops..
their job is for the most part is to make little mormons cook and keep house.
if you hadn't already guessed I'm an ex mormon.
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JoeB, you are what you are, have been since you been on the Board.

Actually, other than religion, you have some minor good points.

But as an atheist, you simply suck in its defense.

Actually, I mop the board with you theists....

Just most of you can't deal with the fact there are no Magic Sky Pixies...

Ive never heard anyone argue for any magic sky pixies.

God, Our Heavenly Father, on the other hand is very much real and a part of your life even if you ignore Him.

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