The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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funny, what would you know about being rational..
by definition belief in god is not rational.....
what I posted is fact .
you believing I'm a fanatic that's not just irrational it's paranoid.:lol::lol:

You are a fanatic - you spend your time and effort trying to force your faith on others.

The ONLY rational statement is that we have no fucking clue - and EVERYONE, on all sides, knows it.

Your shit-filled certainty that there is no god and cannot be one is just as delusional as the belief of a Mormon that he will get the Celestial kingdom and become a god of a planet of his own.

There is ZERO evidence to support either proposition.

You know Daws, I don't give a shit that you're a delusional fanatic, I really don't. BUT you demand that the full weight and implied force of the state be employed to force others to follow your silly-assed faith - and that I won't abide with.

I don't give a shit if someone says the lords prayer, why would I? I don't believe that shit - it has no power over me.

But it has power over you - you fucking come unglued - like a Taliban fanatic reacting to blasphemy. If you truly didn't believe it - you wouldn't care - it would be no more meaningful than a bird chirping. But you do care - and you dedicate your life to silencing the utterance of those who speak these words you fear.

And that, makes you a fanatic.
funny, what would you know about being rational..
by definition belief in god is not rational.....
what I posted is fact .
you believing I'm a fanatic that's not just irrational it's paranoid.:lol::lol:

You are a fanatic - you spend your time and effort trying to force your faith on others.

The ONLY rational statement is that we have no fucking clue - and EVERYONE, on all sides, knows it.

Your shit-filled certainty that there is no god and cannot be one is just as delusional as the belief of a Mormon that he will get the Celestial kingdom and become a god of a planet of his own.

There is ZERO evidence to support either proposition.

You know Daws, I don't give a shit that you're a delusional fanatic, I really don't. BUT you demand that the full weight and implied force of the state be employed to force others to follow your silly-assed faith - and that I won't abide with.

I don't give a shit if someone says the lords prayer, why would I? I don't believe that shit - it has no power over me.

But it has power over you - you fucking come unglued - like a Taliban fanatic reacting to blasphemy. If you truly didn't believe it - you wouldn't care - it would be no more meaningful than a bird chirping. But you do care - and you dedicate your life to silencing the utterance of those who speak these words you fear.

And that, makes you a fanatic.
:lol::lol::lol::lol:and I'm' delusional!!!

btw who the fuck is everyone make that statement like it has some weight or power behind it.
I've never much cared what everybody thought's been my experience when assholes like you say shit like that ,it's because they,- you lack any self confidence and need the approval of the nebulous everybody.
btw there are a number of people on this site who share much of the same philosophy I do are they all delusional too....and does EVERYONE KNOW IT?
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So who's got the magic plates?
the alleged angel moroni took them back...convenient isn't it !:eusa_whistle:

Well considering he has to protect the sealed portion that hasnt been translated, yeah it is probably convenient for him to have the plates in his effort to protect them. We have the content in English and countless other language. You are free to examine it at your leisure. As mentioned earlier, you can get a copy for free. Given some of your other posts, I should let you that Books better used to read than to wipe ones butt.

Considering the Book of Mormon is a type for Christ, it's appropriate that we have 12 witnesses to the plates. Because we had 12 witnesses for the Risen Lord as well.

I hope that one day you will seek the Lord and try to learn how He operates. The Law of witnesses being one of those ways. "By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established."
the alleged angel moroni took them back...convenient isn't it !:eusa_whistle:

Indian giver....
wow! that was pointless.

You truly are not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag....

Standard Explanation for the chronically stupid: Mormon belief is that Israelite traveled to America and became the Indians. Moroni was an angel of Elohim to these Indians, Moroni later gave Joe Smith - fortune teller elite - some golden plates with the Book of Mormon on them. But Indian Angel Moroni then took his gift back, making him an......

Seriously dude, it's clever when we don't have to explain it to retards.....
Indian giver....
wow! that was pointless.

You truly are not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag....

Standard Explanation for the chronically stupid: Mormon belief is that Israelite traveled to America and became the Indians. Moroni was an angel of Elohim to these Indians, Moroni later gave Joe Smith - fortune teller elite - some golden plates with the Book of Mormon on them. But Indian Angel Moroni then took his gift back, making him an......

Seriously dude, it's clever when we don't have to explain it to retards.....
today is the day for you to prove once and for all that you're delusional.
you did know I was a mormon...I've said it only about a million times.
what you've just spewed is sunday school stuff for 6-8 year olds in the mormon church..
best part is there is no evidence any of it happened.

your willful ignorance is hilarious.

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