The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
The founding document of the United States of America acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ because we are a Christian nation.
Pat Robertson

He did run for president of this country.

The President has ZERO power or authority to do anything about the Constitution. That takes Congress and the States. A President has no power to change the Country to a theocracy.

What a President can do is what Obama does. Quit enforcing laws and use signing statements to change others, until or unless Congress or the Courts rein him in.

Robertson ran as third party Candidate after losing in the primary. Remind me of ANY 3rd party EVER winning the Presidency. Hell I think the most any ever got was 18 percent of the vote not even enough to qualify for matching funds.

And I repeat, link and quote where Robertson ever said he wanted the United States to be a theocracy.
To say that mormons follow the teachings of Jesus would be an oxymormonism.

Mormons follow Jesus as the son of God. They recognize he was sacrificed to save us all. We believe in the Holy Bible and it's teachings. Jesus was or is an Angel of God, he is the first "born" of God. God created Jesus first and delivered powers to him that other Angels do not have.

It is not my problem that you close minded bigots are so against a peaceful religion.

By the way? Cite for us any example of Mormons trying to take over the US and make it have a single religion. In fact cite for us any Christian religion in the US trying to establish a theocracy.

Just an aside Senator Reid is a Mormon.
Marching As To War: The Attempted Christian Takeover of the U.S. Military | Atheist Oasis ? A Rational Refuge
One thing that I found interesting was Mormon Baptism for the Dead.

What questions do you have about baptism for the dead?

How do you know that the dead person wants to be baptized?
Tuesday November 11, 2008

Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews

NEW YORK (AP) — Holocaust survivors said Monday they are through trying to negotiate with the Mormon church over posthumous baptisms of Jews killed in Nazi concentration camps, saying the church has repeatedly violated a 13-year-old agreement barring the practice.

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say they are making changes to their massive genealogical database that will make it more difficult for names of Holocaust victims to be entered for posthumous baptism by proxy, a rite that has been a common Mormon practice for more than a century.
Baptism for the dead

‘Baptism for the dead’ is one of many un-biblical practices of the Mormon Church — which, theologicaly, is a cult of Christianity

What is Baptism for the Dead?

The Mormon/Jewish Controversy chronicles the controversy between leaders of the Jewish faith and of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regarding the Mormon practice of posthumously baptizing deceased Jews into the Mormon faith.

But Ernest Michel, honorary chairman of the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors, said that is not enough. At a news conference in New York City on Monday, he said the church also must “implement a mechanism to undo what you have done.”

“Baptism of a Jewish Holocaust victim and then merely removing that name from the database is just not acceptable,” said Michel, whose parents died at Auschwitz. He spoke on the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Nazi-incited riots against Jews.

“We ask you to respect us and our Judaism just as we respect your religion,” Michel said in a statement released ahead of the news conference. “We ask you to leave our six million Jews, all victims of the Holocaust, alone, they suffered enough.”

Michel said talks with Mormon leaders, held as recently as last week, have ended. He said his group will not sue, and that “the only thing left, therefore, is to turn to the court of public opinion.”

In 1995, Mormons and Jews inked an agreement to limit the circumstances that allow for the proxy baptisms of Holocaust victims. Ending the practice outright was not part of the agreement and would essentially be asking Mormons to alter their beliefs, church Elder Lance B. Wickman said Monday in an interview with reporters in Salt Lake City.

“We don’t think any faith group has the right to ask another to change its doctrines,” Wickman said. “If our work for the dead is properly understood … it should not be a source of friction to anyone. It’s merely a freewill offering.”

Michel’s decision to unilaterally end discussion of the issue through a news conference leaves the church uncertain about how to proceed, Wickman said.

Baptism by proxy allows faithful Mormons to have their ancestors baptized into the 178-year-old church, which they believe reunites families in the afterlife.

Using genealogy records, the church also baptizes people who have died from all over the world and from different religions. Mormons stand in as proxies for the person being baptized and immerse themselves in a baptismal pool.

Church spokesman Otterson said the church kept its part of the agreement by removing more than 260,000 names from the genealogical index.

But since 2005, ongoing monitoring of the database by an independent Salt Lake City-based researcher shows both resubmissions and new entries of names of Dutch, Greek, Polish and Italian Jews.

The researcher, Helen Radkey, who has done contract work for the Holocaust group, said her research suggests that lists of Holocaust victims obtained from camp and government records are being dumped into the database. She said she has seen and recorded a sampling of several thousand entries that indicate baptisms had been conducted for Holocaust victims as recently as July.

Wickman said lists of names have been entered into the database by a small number of well-meaning members who were acting “outside of policy.” He said that church monitors have identified and removed 42,000 names from the database on their own, and that the church welcomes research from others.

Church officials say a new version of the database, called New Family Search, is being tested overseas and should reduce the problems.

In May, the Vatican ordered Catholic dioceses worldwide to withhold member registries from Mormons so that Catholics could not be baptized.

- Source: Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews, AP via CNN, Nov. 11, 2008 — Summarized by Religion News Blog

info Original content © Copyright Religion News Blog. All rights reserved.
Holocaust survivors to Mormons: Stop baptisms of dead Jews
fun fact:the mormon church had it's own army:

From 1857 to 1858, President James Buchanan sent U.S. forces to the Utah Territory, in what became known as the Utah Expedition. The Mormons, fearful that the large U.S. military force had been sent to annihilate them[citation needed], made preparations for defense. Though bloodshed was to be avoided, and the U.S. government also hoped that its purpose might be attained without the loss of life, preparations were made for war. Firearms were manufactured or repaired by the Mormons, scythes were turned into bayonets, and long-unused sabres were burnished and sharpened.

Rather than engaging the enemy directly, Mormon strategy was one of hindering and weakening them. Daniel H. Wells, lieutenant-general of the Nauvoo legion, instructed Major Joseph Taylor:
On ascertaining the locality or route of the troops, proceed at once to annoy them in every possible way. Use every exertion to stampede their animals and set fire to their trains. Burn the whole country before them and on their flanks. Keep them from sleeping, by night surprises; blockade the road by felling trees or destroying the river fords where you can. Watch for opportunities to set fire to the grass on their windward, so as, if possible, to envelop their trains. Leave no grass before them that can be burned. Keep your men concealed as much as possible, and guard against surprise
The Mormons blocked the army's entrance into the Salt Lake Valley, and weakened the U.S. Army by hindering them from receiving provisions.[6]

However, while the confrontation between the Mormon militia, called the Nauvoo Legion, and the U.S. Army involved some destruction of property and a few brief skirmishes in what is today southwestern Wyoming, no actual battles occurred between the contending military forces.

Despite this, the confrontation was not bloodless. At the height of the tensions, on September 11, 1857, more than 120 California-bound settlers from Arkansas, Missouri and other states, including unarmed men, women and children, were killed in remote southwestern Utah by a group of local Mormon militiamen. They first claimed that the migrants were killed by Native Americans. This event was later called the Mountain Meadows massacre and the motives behind the incident remain a mystery.

The "Aiken massacre" took place the following month. In October 1857, Mormons arrested six Californians traveling through Utah and charged them with being spies for the U.S. Army. They were released but later murdered and robbed of their stock and $25,000.[7][8][dead link][9] Other incidents of violence have also been linked to the Utah War, including an Indian attack on the Mormon mission of Fort Limhi in eastern Oregon Territory. They killed two Mormons and wounded several others. The historian Brigham Madsen notes, "[T]he responsibility for the [Fort Limhi raid] lay mainly with the Bannock."[10] David Bigler concludes that the raid was probably instigated by members of the Utah Expedition who were trying to replenish their stores of livestock which had been stolen by Mormon raiders.[11][12]

Taking all incidents into account, MacKinnon estimates that approximately 150 people died as a direct result of the year-long Utah War, including the 120 migrants killed at Mountain Meadows. He points out that this was close to the number of people killed during the seven-year contemporaneous struggle in "Bleeding Kansas."[13]

In the end, negotiations between the United States and the Latter-day Saints resulted in a full pardon for the Mormons, the transfer of Utah's governorship from church President Brigham Young to non-Mormon Alfred Cumming, and the peaceful entrance of the U.S. Army into Utah.
Utah War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, as a black man, I looked into how the mormons dealt with blacks.

I am out.

Yeah being treated like everyone else must be totally rough.
best lie ever!

No need to lie.

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)

I would think you'd know the scriptures better. Of course, that's assuming you ever seriously studied them.

I would think you'd also be aware that the Church has always taught that all men and women will have the opportunity to recieve every blessing the Lord has for them if they choose to accept those blessings.

Like I've said before, you should know better.
Yeah being treated like everyone else must be totally rough.
best lie ever!

No need to lie.

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)

I would think you'd know the scriptures better. Of course, that's assuming you ever seriously studied them.

I would think you'd also be aware that the Church has always taught that all men and women will have the opportunity to recieve every blessing the Lord has for them if they choose to accept those blessings.

Like I've said before, you should know better.
Churches talk the talk but most of them don't walk the walk.
Yeah being treated like everyone else must be totally rough.
best lie ever!

No need to lie.

For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. (2 Nephi 26:33)

I would think you'd know the scriptures better. Of course, that's assuming you ever seriously studied them.

I would think you'd also be aware that the Church has always taught that all men and women will have the opportunity to recieve every blessing the Lord has for them if they choose to accept those blessings.

Like I've said before, you should know better.
thanks for posting the best evidence for the lie....
another thing you don't seem to comprehend is studying the "scriptures" is not the same as buying the bullshit contained in them..
mormon "scriptures" are fiction written in the style of the JKG VERSION OF THE BIBLE..which any one who has ever taken a comparative religion course..will tell you that kjv is also fiction..

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