The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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So a one-to-two day discrepancy in a "divinely inspired" text regarding an event that many Christians consider to be the most important in all of human history is a "waste of time"? Curious attitude. One might wonder why Christians would "waste time" on fleeting verses in the Bible regarding homosexuality, in that case.

If it doesn't agree with her, it's a "waste of time" to her.
When you have different people writing about the same event, but from different perspectives, you expect to have differences in what they report, and even timelines.

That does not change the fact that there is a purpose. There is a reason that the gospel of Luke is different from the gospel of Matthew, and Matthew from John, and those reasons are known to God.

But the bible is not contradictory in any way shape or form. While you may have different timelines, the story remains the same. And the fact remains that while the disciples were speaking to thousands upon thousands of people who lived in the time of Christ, who saw the miracles and his death...NOBODY contradicted them. Nobody, including Romans, stepped forward to say "this is not true".

On the contrary, those accounts are blatantly contradictory. They assert utterly different time frames. They are a contradiction just as when Paul says in Galatians 1:16-17 that he did not immediately go down to see the apostles in Jerusalem after encountering Jesus at Damascus, while, in Acts 9:26, he is recorded as attempting to do so.

Or when the Pharisees rebuked Jesus because his disciples plucked heads of grain on the Sabbath, when it was unlawful to do so, and Jesus says in Mark 2:25-26 that King David and his men had done the same thing with the Temple showbread when Abiathar was the high priest, despite the fact that the incident he cited, (in 1 Samuel 21:1-6), it is Abiathar's father, Ahimelech, who is the high priest.

Or you might consider the portions of Scripture that are blatantly wrong. Such as when Jesus says in Mark 4:31 that the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds in the world, despite the fact that it is not. Or Deuteronomy 14:7, when "God" claims that the Israelites are prohibited from eating the rock hyrax because it chews the cud, despite the fact that it does not. Those might be mistakes that ignorant men might make, but not omniscient beings.
A little bit of what truthspeaker says makes sense to me now. The part where he said that Jospeh Smith saw God, because that's what the bible always says, the people in it always spoke to God or saw him whatever. So why would it just stop>?
No, you failed to reply because you couldn't think of any explanation for the clearly documented proof that we don't possess an "infallible" version of the Bible. Are you not "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you"? (1 Peter 3:15)

As I mentioned previously, the Gospel of Mark, (which was likely the first Gospel written), recounts that the Passover had started before Jesus was killed, (Mark 14:12 & 15:25), and that the "first day of unleavened bread" (Nisan 14) had occurred, whereas the Gospel of John claims that Jesus had been crucified prior to the consumption of the Passover meal. (John 19:14). In addition, in Mark 15:25, Mark claims that Jesus was crucified in "the third hour," whereas John claims in John 19:14 that it was "about the sixth hour." Even if we were to assume that John used the Roman method of reckoning time rather than the Jewish method, this still presents a chronological difficulty in that Mark's "third hour" would have been about 9:00 AM, whereas John's "sixth hour" would have been about 6:00 AM.

What is your explanation of this inconsistency?

We all know that the Bible has gone through some pretty harsh gauntlets and it is amazing that we have anything left of it today. Seeing as it was kept in private hands for how many hundred years, left in the care of how many corrupt priests? Of course there are going to be lots of plain and precious truths lost because of the interpolations of wicked and conspiring men. This is the reason that we need a living prophet to help interpret these things. Someone who doesn't use his own wisdom but gets the interpretation from the Lord.
The important thing if someone wants to know if the messages in the Bible is true is to pray to God for a personal understanding of them. He always gives the same answer to honest people who truly ask in humility.
So a one-to-two day discrepancy in a "divinely inspired" text regarding an event that many Christians consider to be the most important in all of human history is a "waste of time"? Curious attitude. One might wonder why Christians would "waste time" on fleeting verses in the Bible regarding homosexuality, in that case.

I don't think any matter in the scriptures is a waste of time as long as it is a meaningful discussion between two parties willing to listen to each other.
A little bit of what truthspeaker says makes sense to me now. The part where he said that Jospeh Smith saw God, because that's what the bible always says, the people in it always spoke to God or saw him whatever. So why would it just stop>?

Why thank you cloe. If someone believes that God is the same today, yesterday and forever, then it doesn't make sense that he would change the way he operates and no longer talk to prophets. The question is then very polarizing. Is a prophet true or false and how would we know. This seems a logical scripture found in the Bible:
"When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him." (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

Unless you are very afraid of having your opinion of Joseph Smith change dramatically. Click this link to view one of the most impressive prophecies of all time. This prophecy of the civil war down to it's minutest details are squeaky clean and irrefutable as they were prophesied in 1832 and the Civil war wasn't until the mid 1860's. Joseph had been dead a long time. The truth has a certain ring to it. Who will hear it?
Joseph Smith's War Prophecy
Interesting, but maybe someone gave him inside political information.....
Interesting, but maybe someone gave him inside political information.....

The only possible person who could have given inside information about exactly how a war would play out over 33 years in advance would have been God himself. One can't begin to guess that accurately. That would be one hell of a guess.:eusa_angel:

btw-Anyone ever seen the movie "Glory"?
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A little bit of what truthspeaker says makes sense to me now. The part where he said that Jospeh Smith saw God, because that's what the bible always says, the people in it always spoke to God or saw him whatever. So why would it just stop>?

Chloe: The bible or scripture cautions us about validating alleged "truth" based on the senses...i.e. "I saw God!".

I have posted two times, a very strong rebuttle to J.S. Jr.'s being a spokesman for God's truth, right from Paul's N.T. book, Romans.


I.E. Chloe: Even in Paul's time, there were Joseph Smith types who claimed to have the "truth", and claimed to have experienced supernatural phenomena that they "of course" attributed to God. Many were sadly misled, yet they had been cautioned/warned. Manmade religions say that they "esteem" God, but it's basically a secondary prioriy to doing what they esteem the most. That is working hard to "please" God. "Pleasing" God can be a precarious path, as it often leads to something called "works" or "legalism". Basically this is a means in which man tries/attempts to assuage his guilt ridden soul by doing "goodie two shoes" attempts towards humanity or the world to gain "brownie points" with his/her maker. It may take the form of rabid participation in saving the whales, the Death Valley Pupfish, the Manatee......etc... It may involve pushing for all kinds of welfare reforms even to the absurd. Man is born with a conscience that validates God's truthful premise that we are a most sinful people. The greatest sin, is the pride in "self", and the "I'll do it my way." type of pride that rebells against giving-up, giving-in, surrendering, serving, self-sacrificing, etc.... This is all foreign to the natural born human mind.

So these great religions pop up that claim to be the fix-it-all of mainstream biblical Christianity. They proceed to point out alleged flaws, and discrepancies in biblical Christianity, and of course have their answer to the problem. Wa La! We create Latter Day Prophets......Joseph Smith Jr. conveniently comes on the scene. Although God tolerated polygamy in the O.T., it definetly ended during the N.T. as "ok". Not with J.S. Jr.'s new reformed Christianity. J.S. Jr. had many wives, and many were very young.........His co-patriot, Brigham Young also had many wives too. Interestingly, it's novel how cults often seem to go the multiple wife route. Why not, that male human drive to pro-create is fed to the limit in J.S. Jr's religion.

There is a natural tendency in humanity to try and work out guilt, or pay back to others when receiving a gift. Gifts are not rewards, but are given without having to earn them. This biblical salvation. A gift, via Christs sacrifice, not ours. He did it in our "stead". Yet, the man inspired religions of the world can't comprehend a "free" gift, but must "earn" it via works........."Be a good Mormon, or Moonie, or Scientologist", and you will have rewards..... God is good, Christ is good, we receive God's goodness, and it's done. Our part is belief, or faith. That is an act of our human wills. The enemy of our wills and souls will do everything possible to disuade you and I from believing. They will make prerequisites to it. You must do this or that. You must get baptised first. You must learn a catechism first, you must say this chant or this prayer......or do so many deeds. God doesn't need deeds. He wants us............our lives, our love, our intimacy, and belief in Him as our all in all. Giving Up: That at the core. We fight the good life of earthly living, but sooner or later we get exhausted.........That's when it's time to finally let God to what we can't do. That's cope with life hand in hand with Him. Let Him be the pilot. We don't even occupy the co-pilot seat. We need to take a passenger's seat, and just trust that the plane/our life is in good hands.

Throughout the bible, and especially the N.T., Christians are cautioned to "beware!" of the wiles and deceptions of the enemy of God's children and the human race in total; namely Lucifer/Satan. He was one of the most powerful and beautiful creatures in heaven. There is even evidence in the scripture that Lucifer might have been a Seraphim, or one of the majestic/powerful multi-winged creatures that stood before God's throne in heaven, before he/Satan was cast out with 1/3 or the heavenly host/angels who also abided in Satan and not in God. These beautiful creatures apparently had free-will, not unlike humanity, yet they were eye witnesses to God's very beauty, and character, and still rebelled, as they wanted to be "Like God" Himself, and not humbly serve Him in gratitude and awe.

So Joseph Smith Jr. has this vision and says he saw an angel who identified itself as "Moroni". Ok, thats possible, but remember that 1/3 of the angels created by God rebelled in eternity past, and are now renamed "demons", though they are still angels. They have a Commander and Chief named Lucifer, who is not omnipresent, but has myriads of demons to work on the souls of humanity across this terrestrial ball called "earth". Lucifer in a sense is self-deluded, as he still assumes that he can "win" in essence this mighty, battle with God in heavenly/spiritual realms unseen by the eyes of mere earthly man.

Jesus Himself told His disciples that He saw Lucifer fall from the heavens to earth with his army of wicked-minded angels. They now go about the earth tempting mankind in ways to attempt to thwart God's Holy Spirit, which is also tugging at the heart/consciences of mankind.

How Do They Do This?:

False miracles, not from God. False visions, not from God.
False prophets and prophetesses, not from God.

How can we be sure what messages are right and from God, and what are from the literal "pit" of evil or Satan's authorship?

Paul had a very simple and effective play. He told the current believers/Christians of his day to do as the Bereans do. What did the Berean believers do? Well, whenever a person came to Berea or to their church or gatherings in Berea and claimed to be speaking words from God, or performing miracles in the name of God, he/Paul said that the Bereans immediately fleed to their scripture of God to validate or verify these messages and messengers.

As I quoted that Romans verse above, we Christians are supposed to bring all "things" of question or of supposed God inspiriation to the scriptures, bar none! God's scripture will not fail to enlighten, and keep us safe from being misled, and or disceived.

Our faith is non based on miracles, visions, dreams, voices in our head, but on scriptural truth that reveals the true nature of God, and His gospel of reconciliation with the human race through the redemptive work of His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ.

In every case, the best way to test if a religion is Christian to the core, is test it's material, or doctrine in the area of how they deal with Jesus. Is He, non created by has always been, and is and always will be......I.E. "The same yesterday, today, and forever." "The Alpha and Omega." "The I AM", who existed before the prophets, before time, before creation, for eternity past, present, and future.

The Mormon doctrine of Jesus Christ cannot fullfill that descriptiron of their "jesus". Their Journal of Discourses, and Book of Mormon cannot.

When a Mormon missionary comes to your door and asks if you will pray and ask God to tell you if Mormonism is the "truth", they are breaking the cardinal rule that Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ set down in Romans. "FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, AND HEARING BY THE WORD(scriptures/bible) OF GOD."

People that laugh at the fact that God in His omnipotence can and has protected His Word/scripture throughout the ages are saying that God is basically week, and can't control that which He created.

Who can follow a god, that let's his word or alleged truths become corrupted as the Mormons claim the present day bible is?

The bible succinctly says that God holds the stars and the sun, and earth and all things in suspension according to His might strength and wisdom. In the N.T. book of Collosians, Paul clearly said that all things were created in and through Jesus Christ Himself. God the Father is Spirit, Jesu Christ God's Son is God in the flesh/incarnate so that man would and could glimpse and understand the true nature of God, and the Holy Spirit is our counselor that indwells Christians/believers and enables, directs, and protects us, and is God's lasting seal on our souls that we are His for eternity.

Mormonism is a manmade counterfeit. It's jesus is a skewed strange jesus that if you read the many sermons of Brigham Young, and check out the Journal of Discourses, you will find a most strange belief system.

Throughout it's inception, Mormonism has had to adapt, and change many of their doctrinal stances, as they went against common biblical, ethical rules of culture, and human life. They had to withdraw their Polygamous doctrine, their ban on Negroid/African decent human beings being allowed into their priesthoods.......etc..

The most revolting counterfeit is their Melkisidek(Mispelled but phonetically correct) priesthood. This Priest is indeed listed in Genesis, and was the priest that met and blessed Abraham after his battles. Abraham gave this priest a tenth of his spoils/riches from his battles as a than offering or worshipful offering to God. Melkisidek is clearly stated to have no geneology in the bible, and many notable bible scholars believe Him to have been the pre-incarnate Christ. There is no more mention of Melkisidek accept, I believe in the book of Hebrews by Paul.

The LDS church has used this priest's name and bestowed this priesthood on many of their most obedient members. This is pure blasphemy! We are not God nor are we little gods. We are created, we have a geneology, and we are not a type of Christ.

Paul said that every Christian, or every believer/elect is a priest, in the principle that we have access to the Most High/God, through the Spirit of Jesus/Holy Spirit. How do we have access? Christ said, "It is finished!" on the cross. He died, and the Holy veil in the Jerusalem temple that guarded the Holy of Holies place from all of humanity except the Levitical Priest who once a year could enter the veil, was torn in two or asunder! This was Gods direct intervention, telling mankind that Jesus had made entrance to the Holy of Holies accessible to all of mankind through His sacrifice of His life, and blood. So all who would believe by faith on Jesus's work would also enter in to the Holy of Holies, or have access to an intimate relationship with God. Our sin stained souls were no longer a road block to access to our Creator. Jesus took those sin-stains, and suffered God's eternal punishment for them all.

Our Part: Just accept, believe, surrender, commit, and live-on in faith that God has taken care of it all.

Our earthly lives may not be any different that the family next door, or may be even worse, but, we are secure, and have received an "eternity" of life that does not end at death. We only give up our old battered earth suit, and live on in with our God in heaven. No more tears, no more regrets, no more repentance, no more sin........

We will be clothed in garments of such brightness and purity that our earthly eyes can't comprehend!

J.S. offers you a planet of your own to pro-create another human race not to different from the 77 virgins for Islamic martyrs. It is all man based/created incentives, lacking grace, humility, humbleness, and the joy of true salvation with the utmost of security.
You know......the really interesting thing is, that those who claim to hear God, are generally not real open to hearing other viewpoints. Now, if God is everything, then that would mean that beliefs I don't necessarily carry that others have should be accorded the same respect that I would want mine. The only exception for that is when I figure out something isn't a true religion, then I attack it.

But.....there are many places where God has told us that we've got to have an open mind, which means a "one way only" attitude has gotta ease up.
Joseph Smith NEVER to my knowledge claimed to have SEEN God. He was visited by Angels of God.

You will have to point me DIRECTLY to verifiable source that claims he saw God. That is NOT a claim made by any missionary I have ever had a conversation with, nor with anyone in the church.

As a Prophet God would have talked to him possibly directly. That is NOT the same as God appearing before a mortal man.
I would find it difficult to believe that gaybiker has any firmer a grasp on Mormonism than he does on the content of the bible.
Chloe: The bible or scripture cautions us about validating alleged "truth" based on the senses...i.e. "I saw God!".

I have posted two times, a very strong rebuttle to J.S. Jr.'s being a spokesman for God's truth, right from Paul's N.T. book, Romans.


I.E. Chloe: Even in Paul's time, there were Joseph Smith types who claimed to have the "truth", and claimed to have experienced supernatural phenomena that they "of course" attributed to God. Many were sadly misled, yet they had been cautioned/warned. Manmade religions say that they "esteem" God, but it's basically a secondary prioriy to doing what they esteem the most. That is working hard to "please" God. "Pleasing" God can be a precarious path, as it often leads to something called "works" or "legalism". Basically this is a means in which man tries/attempts to assuage his guilt ridden soul by doing "goodie two shoes" attempts towards humanity or the world to gain "brownie points" with his/her maker. It may take the form of rabid participation in saving the whales, the Death Valley Pupfish, the Manatee......etc... It may involve pushing for all kinds of welfare reforms even to the absurd. Man is born with a conscience that validates God's truthful premise that we are a most sinful people. The greatest sin, is the pride in "self", and the "I'll do it my way." type of pride that rebells against giving-up, giving-in, surrendering, serving, self-sacrificing, etc.... This is all foreign to the natural born human mind.

So these great religions pop up that claim to be the fix-it-all of mainstream biblical Christianity. They proceed to point out alleged flaws, and discrepancies in biblical Christianity, and of course have their answer to the problem. Wa La! We create Latter Day Prophets......Joseph Smith Jr. conveniently comes on the scene. Although God tolerated polygamy in the O.T., it definetly ended during the N.T. as "ok". Not with J.S. Jr.'s new reformed Christianity. J.S. Jr. had many wives, and many were very young.........His co-patriot, Brigham Young also had many wives too. Interestingly, it's novel how cults often seem to go the multiple wife route. Why not, that male human drive to pro-create is fed to the limit in J.S. Jr's religion.

There is a natural tendency in humanity to try and work out guilt, or pay back to others when receiving a gift. Gifts are not rewards, but are given without having to earn them. This biblical salvation. A gift, via Christs sacrifice, not ours. He did it in our "stead". Yet, the man inspired religions of the world can't comprehend a "free" gift, but must "earn" it via works........."Be a good Mormon, or Moonie, or Scientologist", and you will have rewards..... God is good, Christ is good, we receive God's goodness, and it's done. Our part is belief, or faith. That is an act of our human wills. The enemy of our wills and souls will do everything possible to disuade you and I from believing. They will make prerequisites to it. You must do this or that. You must get baptised first. You must learn a catechism first, you must say this chant or this prayer......or do so many deeds. God doesn't need deeds. He wants us............our lives, our love, our intimacy, and belief in Him as our all in all. Giving Up: That at the core. We fight the good life of earthly living, but sooner or later we get exhausted.........That's when it's time to finally let God to what we can't do. That's cope with life hand in hand with Him. Let Him be the pilot. We don't even occupy the co-pilot seat. We need to take a passenger's seat, and just trust that the plane/our life is in good hands.

Throughout the bible, and especially the N.T., Christians are cautioned to "beware!" of the wiles and deceptions of the enemy of God's children and the human race in total; namely Lucifer/Satan. He was one of the most powerful and beautiful creatures in heaven. There is even evidence in the scripture that Lucifer might have been a Seraphim, or one of the majestic/powerful multi-winged creatures that stood before God's throne in heaven, before he/Satan was cast out with 1/3 or the heavenly host/angels who also abided in Satan and not in God. These beautiful creatures apparently had free-will, not unlike humanity, yet they were eye witnesses to God's very beauty, and character, and still rebelled, as they wanted to be "Like God" Himself, and not humbly serve Him in gratitude and awe.

So Joseph Smith Jr. has this vision and says he saw an angel who identified itself as "Moroni". Ok, thats possible, but remember that 1/3 of the angels created by God rebelled in eternity past, and are now renamed "demons", though they are still angels. They have a Commander and Chief named Lucifer, who is not omnipresent, but has myriads of demons to work on the souls of humanity across this terrestrial ball called "earth". Lucifer in a sense is self-deluded, as he still assumes that he can "win" in essence this mighty, battle with God in heavenly/spiritual realms unseen by the eyes of mere earthly man.

Jesus Himself told His disciples that He saw Lucifer fall from the heavens to earth with his army of wicked-minded angels. They now go about the earth tempting mankind in ways to attempt to thwart God's Holy Spirit, which is also tugging at the heart/consciences of mankind.

How Do They Do This?:

False miracles, not from God. False visions, not from God.
False prophets and prophetesses, not from God.

How can we be sure what messages are right and from God, and what are from the literal "pit" of evil or Satan's authorship?

Paul had a very simple and effective play. He told the current believers/Christians of his day to do as the Bereans do. What did the Berean believers do? Well, whenever a person came to Berea or to their church or gatherings in Berea and claimed to be speaking words from God, or performing miracles in the name of God, he/Paul said that the Bereans immediately fleed to their scripture of God to validate or verify these messages and messengers.

As I quoted that Romans verse above, we Christians are supposed to bring all "things" of question or of supposed God inspiriation to the scriptures, bar none! God's scripture will not fail to enlighten, and keep us safe from being misled, and or disceived.

Our faith is non based on miracles, visions, dreams, voices in our head, but on scriptural truth that reveals the true nature of God, and His gospel of reconciliation with the human race through the redemptive work of His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ.

In every case, the best way to test if a religion is Christian to the core, is test it's material, or doctrine in the area of how they deal with Jesus. Is He, non created by has always been, and is and always will be......I.E. "The same yesterday, today, and forever." "The Alpha and Omega." "The I AM", who existed before the prophets, before time, before creation, for eternity past, present, and future.

The Mormon doctrine of Jesus Christ cannot fullfill that descriptiron of their "jesus". Their Journal of Discourses, and Book of Mormon cannot.

When a Mormon missionary comes to your door and asks if you will pray and ask God to tell you if Mormonism is the "truth", they are breaking the cardinal rule that Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ set down in Romans. "FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, AND HEARING BY THE WORD(scriptures/bible) OF GOD."

People that laugh at the fact that God in His omnipotence can and has protected His Word/scripture throughout the ages are saying that God is basically week, and can't control that which He created.

Who can follow a god, that let's his word or alleged truths become corrupted as the Mormons claim the present day bible is?

The bible succinctly says that God holds the stars and the sun, and earth and all things in suspension according to His might strength and wisdom. In the N.T. book of Collosians, Paul clearly said that all things were created in and through Jesus Christ Himself. God the Father is Spirit, Jesu Christ God's Son is God in the flesh/incarnate so that man would and could glimpse and understand the true nature of God, and the Holy Spirit is our counselor that indwells Christians/believers and enables, directs, and protects us, and is God's lasting seal on our souls that we are His for eternity.

Mormonism is a manmade counterfeit. It's jesus is a skewed strange jesus that if you read the many sermons of Brigham Young, and check out the Journal of Discourses, you will find a most strange belief system.

Throughout it's inception, Mormonism has had to adapt, and change many of their doctrinal stances, as they went against common biblical, ethical rules of culture, and human life. They had to withdraw their Polygamous doctrine, their ban on Negroid/African decent human beings being allowed into their priesthoods.......etc..

The most revolting counterfeit is their Melkisidek(Mispelled but phonetically correct) priesthood. This Priest is indeed listed in Genesis, and was the priest that met and blessed Abraham after his battles. Abraham gave this priest a tenth of his spoils/riches from his battles as a than offering or worshipful offering to God. Melkisidek is clearly stated to have no geneology in the bible, and many notable bible scholars believe Him to have been the pre-incarnate Christ. There is no more mention of Melkisidek accept, I believe in the book of Hebrews by Paul.

The LDS church has used this priest's name and bestowed this priesthood on many of their most obedient members. This is pure blasphemy! We are not God nor are we little gods. We are created, we have a geneology, and we are not a type of Christ.

Paul said that every Christian, or every believer/elect is a priest, in the principle that we have access to the Most High/God, through the Spirit of Jesus/Holy Spirit. How do we have access? Christ said, "It is finished!" on the cross. He died, and the Holy veil in the Jerusalem temple that guarded the Holy of Holies place from all of humanity except the Levitical Priest who once a year could enter the veil, was torn in two or asunder! This was Gods direct intervention, telling mankind that Jesus had made entrance to the Holy of Holies accessible to all of mankind through His sacrifice of His life, and blood. So all who would believe by faith on Jesus's work would also enter in to the Holy of Holies, or have access to an intimate relationship with God. Our sin stained souls were no longer a road block to access to our Creator. Jesus took those sin-stains, and suffered God's eternal punishment for them all.

Our Part: Just accept, believe, surrender, commit, and live-on in faith that God has taken care of it all.

Our earthly lives may not be any different that the family next door, or may be even worse, but, we are secure, and have received an "eternity" of life that does not end at death. We only give up our old battered earth suit, and live on in with our God in heaven. No more tears, no more regrets, no more repentance, no more sin........

We will be clothed in garments of such brightness and purity that our earthly eyes can't comprehend!

J.S. offers you a planet of your own to pro-create another human race not to different from the 77 virgins for Islamic martyrs. It is all man based/created incentives, lacking grace, humility, humbleness, and the joy of true salvation with the utmost of security.

my attention span isn't that long, if you shorten it down I might get it better. :razz:, basically if faith comes by hearing it, then who decides who hears it or who is the Prophet? why isn't it allowed for just anyone to be a Prophet nowadays or not allowed to believe someone got word from God about something if people accepted it in the old bible days? Why would God just stop giving commandments? I hope you can explain that to me. thanks.

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