The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Hey, just like there are different varieties of Christians that use the Bible, you all have different varieties of Mormons that use your book. But......because you all use the same book, you are all culpable of those who use your book wrong.

Nope.......not gonna budge on this one. Your religion is a cult. be fair......somewhat of a decent cult for certain groups.

Definition of Cult again: a specific set of religious beliefs or practices.

Fine by me.

But also, we are not culpable for errors that others make. We are the authority on our doctrine not those who are not members of our church but use an unrecognized interpretation of our book.
Well......then tell me why you guys post up Moron-i like Christians post up Jesus?


Just because we put up his symbol to admire it doesn't mean we worship the dang thing. That would be idol worship.

Symbols mean a lot to us as a reminder to keep the faith in Christ. The statue of Moroni on the top of temples is a reminder that the angels(not just moroni but all angels) trumpets will sound at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in glory. The statue always faces East because that is the direction he will appear in our views.
Well, with the way your church handles him, it looks suspiciously like idolatry, which, as you know (hopefully), is against what God said in the 10 Commandments, which in turn, makes it a false religion.
If you read my last post it is quite clear we don't worship it. I even mentioned that that would be idol worship. Yeah, I know it's bad to do that.
Well then, explain the special treatment accorded Moron-i only, while all the other angels are second to him?

Like I said, in your religion, he's accorded the same status given to Jesus by Christians.

Don't you silly believers understand that there's a heirarchy, and Moron-i ain't in it.

It goes.......

the World
I love it when a biblical retard sets himself up as some sort of authority.

You're quite the Biblical retard yourself, considering that you still haven't replied to my textual criticism of differences between the Gospels of Mark and John, as well as my noting that several passages in the Bible were added by later scribes.
Well then, explain the special treatment accorded Moron-i only, while all the other angels are second to him?

Like I said, in your religion, he's accorded the same status given to Jesus by Christians.

Don't you silly believers understand that there's a heirarchy, and Moron-i ain't in it.

It goes.......

the World

I don't know where you are getting these ideas about Moroni getting special treatment. We hold him in regards equal with other prophets of the Bible and Book of Mormon. In fact he was quite a remarkable man. After the Nephite nation was destroyed by the Lamanites, his father Mormon being one of the last to die, Moroni was the very last of the true Christians in the pre-Columbian Americas. He wandered in the wilderness for 36 years trying to avoid christian hunters who would execute him if they found him. They were also on a mission to destroy all spiritual writings they could find.
Moroni said "for they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ, and I Moroni will not deny the Christ. Wherefore I wander, whithersoever I can, for the safety of mine own life."
In his old age, he had wandered to what is now known as present day upstate New York. Buried the sacred gold plates and wrote many wonderful things on them before he hid them. He taught us a lot about having faith in Christ and receiving answers to our prayers by the power of the Holy Ghost.

As a resurrected messenger of God, he appeared to Joseph Smith in a vision and instructed him on where to find the plates and what to do in order to prepare himself for a work that the Lord was to have him do. he showed Joseph the location on the same day for four straight years at the age of 20. He told Joseph that he would not be allowed to touch the plates until he was 24 years old. He actually once tried to take the plates out of the box ahead of time but was shocked by God and then reprimanded. Joseph repented of his sin and was eventually prepared properly for the work he was then commanded to do.
That is the teaching we receive concerning Moroni. He was anything but a Moron as you have disrespectfully referred to him.
You're quite the Biblical retard yourself, considering that you still haven't replied to my textual criticism of differences between the Gospels of Mark and John, as well as my noting that several passages in the Bible were added by later scribes.

I didn't respond to them because it takes too much time. People try to draw believers into these ridiculous "high minded" discussions all the time. They're without exception ignorant and based on nothing but vague possibilities and suppositions.
I didn't respond to them because it takes too much time. People try to draw believers into these ridiculous "high minded" discussions all the time. They're without exception ignorant and based on nothing but vague possibilities and suppositions.

No, you failed to reply because you couldn't think of any explanation for the clearly documented proof that we don't possess an "infallible" version of the Bible. Are you not "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you"? (1 Peter 3:15)

As I mentioned previously, the Gospel of Mark, (which was likely the first Gospel written), recounts that the Passover had started before Jesus was killed, (Mark 14:12 & 15:25), and that the "first day of unleavened bread" (Nisan 14) had occurred, whereas the Gospel of John claims that Jesus had been crucified prior to the consumption of the Passover meal. (John 19:14). In addition, in Mark 15:25, Mark claims that Jesus was crucified in "the third hour," whereas John claims in John 19:14 that it was "about the sixth hour." Even if we were to assume that John used the Roman method of reckoning time rather than the Jewish method, this still presents a chronological difficulty in that Mark's "third hour" would have been about 9:00 AM, whereas John's "sixth hour" would have been about 6:00 AM.

What is your explanation of this inconsistency?
No, you failed to reply because you couldn't think of any explanation for the clearly documented proof that we don't possess an "infallible" version of the Bible. Are you not "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you"? (1 Peter 3:15)

As I mentioned previously, the Gospel of Mark, (which was likely the first Gospel written), recounts that the Passover had started before Jesus was killed, (Mark 14:12 & 15:25), and that the "first day of unleavened bread" (Nisan 14) had occurred, whereas the Gospel of John claims that Jesus had been crucified prior to the consumption of the Passover meal. (John 19:14). In addition, in Mark 15:25, Mark claims that Jesus was crucified in "the third hour," whereas John claims in John 19:14 that it was "about the sixth hour." Even if we were to assume that John used the Roman method of reckoning time rather than the Jewish method, this still presents a chronological difficulty in that Mark's "third hour" would have been about 9:00 AM, whereas John's "sixth hour" would have been about 6:00 AM.

What is your explanation of this inconsistency?

And as I pointed out, a discrepency of 3 hours isn't worth addressing.
Moroni is a 'real' angel? What gives an angel it's 'reality'?
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If that's the best you've got, as I said, there's no point in wasting time on it.
You are a bible retard.
My refusal to be baited into a ridiculous circular argument about discrepancies of time has nothing to do with the fact that you make huge, bumbling, and obvious mistakes all the time while attempting to appear a bible scholar.

When you do it it's funny, I can't help ribbing you.

When someone like Agno does it, it's just a waste of time.
If that's the best you've got, as I said, there's no point in wasting time on it.

So a one-to-two day discrepancy in a "divinely inspired" text regarding an event that many Christians consider to be the most important in all of human history is a "waste of time"? Curious attitude. One might wonder why Christians would "waste time" on fleeting verses in the Bible regarding homosexuality, in that case.
When you have different people writing about the same event, but from different perspectives, you expect to have differences in what they report, and even timelines.

That does not change the fact that there is a purpose. There is a reason that the gospel of Luke is different from the gospel of Matthew, and Matthew from John, and those reasons are known to God.

But the bible is not contradictory in any way shape or form. While you may have different timelines, the story remains the same. And the fact remains that while the disciples were speaking to thousands upon thousands of people who lived in the time of Christ, who saw the miracles and his death...NOBODY contradicted them. Nobody, including Romans, stepped forward to say "this is not true".

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