The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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The time of prophets ended with John the Baptist.

The advent of the "Christ", was the fullfillment of O.T. scripture.........

The Passover Lamb, first instituted by Israel upon their leaving Egypt, was leading/pointing towards the coming/future Messiah, or the actual "Lamb of God", Jesus Christ.

The Passover Lamb had to be unblemished, it was sacrificed and it's blood sprinkled on every door post of the Israelites, or their first borns would be taken in death when the Angel of the Lord passed over their house.

Jesus, virgin born, was the fullfillment of the unblemished lamb, or sinless man, as He was not of Joseph or Mary's actual seed, but the New Adam(Romans/Author Paul). The Holy Spirit of God placed the miracle of the sinless human babe in the virgin Mary's womb.

God's judgement on mankind had to be assuaged, once and for all, and only a perfect, sinless human being could fullfill this for the human race. Even the temple for the Ark that was built in the desert by the Israelites is a perfect metaphorical representation of the Christ, and God the Father and the Holy Spirit/Ghost. The Holy of Holies was only accessible once a year by a Levitical priest. That priest had to go through days of both physical, and spiritual cleansing, to metaphorically represent, the future "elect" or believers that have access to God through Jesus Christ's blood, and life as an atonement and propitiation for their sinful lives.

The Mercy seat or top of the Ark was sprinkled with an unblemished, sacrificed lamb's blood. This represented what Christ would do in the future. Within the Ark was the shattered tablets of God's laws, that represented man's failure and sinfulness before an Holy, Just, and Righteous God.

The lambs blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat covered the top of the Ark, and assuaged or met God's demand for a suitable sacrifice to stand in mankind's place.

Once a year, the collective sins of Isreal were symbolically forgiven by this ritual. At that time, God did indeed dwell within the Tent of Meeting or the Temple, but withdrew Himself from their midst after the Israelites rebelled and built a Golden Calf in Moses' absence, to worship. God said, "No idols, just worship and believe in Me!". God continued to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land of Canaan, but called them an obstinate, or "stiff necked" people; not unlike us or the verdict or depiction of mankind nowadays.

When Jesus breathed His last on the cross of Golgotha, and voluntarily gave up His life, the veil that protected the Holy of Holies from man's eyes, was torn from top to bottom that day. Many people just remember the depiction of earthquakes, thunder, etc..., but the most important symbolic happening was the "veil" torn in two.

Now the Ark, or the most Holy of Holies that was only accessible once a year for one approved, Levitical priest was accessible to all mankind, via Jesus' death, and ressurrected life. Jesus lifted the veil between humanity and God Almighty!

The only measure that was required of mankind was to surrender in faith, their lives into the hands/life of Christ as their intermediator, intercessor, Passover Lamb, as the only means to approach their Creator/God. Christ was the only means for man to release, or erase, his sinful nature, and sins too.

No angel, no old or new prophet, no priest, not any of the old testament saints, just Christ Jesus, the perfect unblemished, sinless sacrifice would suffice.

Paul says that every person who believes on Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is a "New Creature, New Creation in Christ".

This is an internal, soulical/spiritual birth, not a physical change. God does it. Not us.

Nicodemus the Pharisee came to Jesus, in secret and asked Jesus How he/Nicodemus could inherit eternal life. Jesus said, "Nicodemus, you must be, "Born Again" or some translations say, "Born From Above".". Nicodemus couldn't comprehend this, and thought that Jesus was implying that he had to be physically born from the womb of a woman again and start over somehow, but Jesus explained even more succinctly to the Samaritan woman at the well that there was a "water" that one can drink that will totally quench one's thirst, "once and for all". Jesus said that the water that He could give to her, the Samaritan woman, would provide eternal life, and one would never thirst again. Excitedly, the woman ran off to her village and brought others back, as she started to understand what Christ was saying.

Folks,,,,,,there is no longer a need for new or Latter Day Prophets, no, new Revelations to add to the bible, as all the truth that's needed has been clearly revealed in Jesus' 33 years of earthly life. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote what is called the 4 Gospels, that have covered those 33 years of the Lord's life here on earth, from 4 distinct perspectives. Matthew the tax collector spoke of the strong connection of Judaism, the O.T. and the coming Christ and the fullfillment of scripture. Mark did similarly to Matthew, yet added new and different perspective. John, who was claimed to have the most intimate friendship with Jesus, adds his observations/perspective, and Luke, the physician, gives details that are incredible finite, and give added proof of their eye-witness relationships with Jesus.

Morminism is built upon not the Character of God, but the character of Joseph Smith Jr., Brigham Young, and many other elders of that religion. .........And were they characters! :eusa_liar:

Joseph Smith's life is skewed with sinful behaviour, lies, false martyrdom, and totally unethical, and rascist practices. This man started as a con man in New York, and carried out his elaborate charade upon people, hungry for truth. One day, Joseph Smith Jr. will face some incredible scrutiny and judgement before the God! Because of him, literally millions of human souls have lived and died not knowing the truth Christ, and God of the bible. :(

Nowadays, the Mormon church pushes family bonds, the American flag, Apple Pie, and "Leave to Beaver" home life as their godly answer to Christianity.

The relationship with God through Jesus Christ is not a theatrical summation of various jumps through difficult hoops of life, in order to please this Mormon father god.

Having the most intimate relationship with God through Christ doesn't involve mandatory missions domestically or in other parts of the world, riding bicycles, wearing pressed white shirts, dark ties, and pressed slacks.

All of these people that come to your door, who want you to become Latter Day Saints, are in need of salvation, as the Wall Street Executive, UAW worker, Sheet Metal Man, Butcher, Teacher, Retired person, in your city.

They just offer you a manmade concoction of Joseph Smith's sinful yet brilliant con-like imaginations since 1830

Brand new Mormons are never exposed to the deep teachings of the LDS church..........or what is within Temple Rites, for various priesthoods, or what is contained within their Journal of Discourses. If the novice Mormon were to read these documents, they would be so shocked with rancid displeasure, and revulsion at what they were tied or connected to as a religion that they probably would never want to enter another Mormon church, or Stake.

One of the other signs of a cult, is the "holding back" of the real "truth" or the core of the belief system to the novice. Members must be slowly "spoon fed" these doctrines gradually, so as to not upset and send them fleeing from the flock. Just read some studies on how cults "hook" their members. You'll see what I'm saying.

True biblical Christianity holds back nothing to new believers and old timers alike. Christ ripped the blocking veil of intimacy/relationship between our Creator, and ourselves. Christ gave us total access to God the Father through His sacrificed life. God is and was pleased with the atonement, and with open arms welcomes us to dine, and commune with Him eternally. Jesus is the "gateway", not Mormonism, nor charitable works, nor clean living, etc.... It is by "faith" that we enter the portal of God's new life for us. He just asks us to accept His Son as the "completion" of our quest. Just becareful to be asking for the Jesus of the bible and not some conconction dreamed up by Joseph Smith Jr. back in 1830.

Don't be beguiled by the sweet smiles and clean cut appearance of these young Mormons who come to your door. They bring to you a false Gospel; a false Jesus, a false hope, and a totally unbiblical counterfeit of true Christianity. Their Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer. That is from their documents. Missionaries will deny this, either out of ignorance of their own doctrines, or because they don't want to admit to a potential novice member.

Don't hate these missionaries! Pity them, and pray for them that the scales on their eyes would be removed and they would realize how they have lived a Stepford-type life, in order to please their Mormon god. Pray for their salvation! Read your bible and be ready to tell them the real Truth, when then come to your door. The Truth sets men and women free!

They need salvation badly. People in Christian-type cults are often the most difficult to help, as they live under so much pressure and fear to think for themselves and even investigate their own system of belief. It is taboo in all cults. You listen to the elder of your group. You interpret scripture according to your elders direction. You accept, without question. This is not Christianity!

In biblical Christianity, mere babes in the faith often bring wonderful nuggets of wisdom to those that have been long time Christians.

Even the Crusaders of old, were poor examples of true biblical Christianity. God did not want them slaughtering Jews, and Muslims in the Holy lands to extend a so-called Christian empire. They should have been bringing the gospel of reconciliation through Christ. Not with the physical sword, but with the sword of the Word or God's scripture!

God's way, is "abiding" in His Truth. It's giving up inside, our own ways, dreams, and ambitions, and letting God direct us into the treasures of life. It's scarey, as we all have been trained from birth to find that dream or star that is our's. God doesn't take away ambition, nor material blessings, but He does show us how we have prioritized wants of life in a very upside down way, that will only lead to ultimate dissappointment, and disillusionment. Things will fade away one day. Things will rust, and moths will eat holes, but a relationship with God is for eternity.

Make sure you choose wisely. ;)
I honestly don't have the patience to read all that. It is undoubtedly more of the same jargon as before. I skimmed through it and all I really needed to see is that you think because of the Old Testament fulfillment of the Law of Moses, YOU think that there are no prophets today. But you claim God is the same yesterday today and forever. You still never answered my scripture from Amos 3:7 which states that "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the prophets."
You dodge topics all day long and jump to something else. Can't we just agree to disagree? You don't like us, you don't like our teachings so that's fine, you won't convince me and I won't convince you so let's go our separate ways.
I honestly don't have the patience to read all that. It is undoubtedly more of the same jargon as before. I skimmed through it and all I really needed to see is that you think because of the Old Testament fulfillment of the Law of Moses, YOU think that there are no prophets today. But you claim God is the same yesterday today and forever. You still never answered my scripture from Amos 3:7 which states that "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the prophets."
You dodge topics all day long and jump to something else. Can't we just agree to disagree? You don't like us, you don't like our teachings so that's fine, you won't convince me and I won't convince you so let's go our separate ways.

The last, best cry of someone who is truly defeated.
whatever. I have lost all confidence in your ability to reason. So what you say means nothing to me.
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It worked better for you as a hot blooded firebreathing ignoramus. Now you are just a calmer ignoramus.
Ya know what......lemmie lay a little wisdom on ya.........

As much as I can be vicious, bloodthirsty, and cruel, I can be equally gentle, kind, and generous. Comes from studying Eastern Philosophy, Taoism to be exact, as well as quite a bit of Zen.

Helps to find your way through the lies.
I honestly don't have the patience to read all that. It is undoubtedly more of the same jargon as before. I skimmed through it and all I really needed to see is that you think because of the Old Testament fulfillment of the Law of Moses, YOU think that there are no prophets today. But you claim God is the same yesterday today and forever. You still never answered my scripture from Amos 3:7 which states that "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the prophets."
You dodge topics all day long and jump to something else. Can't we just agree to disagree? You don't like us, you don't like our teachings so that's fine, you won't convince me and I won't convince you so let's go our separate ways.

How about skipping Amos.........from the BOM, and going to a legitimate book such as the bible..........Then maybe there can be some rational discussion. Christians don't accept the Book of Mormon, nor do rational Christian theologians. Even the secular, scientific world had debunked the BOM's historicity of North and South America. The very visitation of Jesus to N. America is right from the High I.Q. Lunacy of J.S. Jr.'s mind. There is absolutely no evidence of Hebrew DNA in the American indian, nor the evidence of metalurgy prior to the European colonization, nor, any archeological evidence of great, highly evolved empires having existed in N. America in the past.

The reason you don't want to read my post, is it cuts like a sword at the very foundations of your religiosity in Mormonism, based on a very questional person as your prophet, and all the following LDS prophets.

The Word/bible/scripture is a two edged sword that cuts deep in a man's soul, even to the "marrow". Now that's deep.

You aren't going to get validation for your system of belief as long as you rely on these con-man inspired books...i.e. Book of Mormon.......etc...

Me wonders how much you really know about the core beliefs/doctrines of your church.

My Dad's side of the family goes back to Salt Lake City. His Mom was from Mormon background but his Dad owned two saloons in Salt Lake in from the late 1800's into the early 1900's. He or grandpa was an episcapaleon. If you weren't a Mormon in Salt Lake you were scum of the earth.

You couldn't make the good business connections with the good old LDS boys club........etc...
Your founder was a full blown Freemason, who didn't hide any traces of his Freemason background when he instituted all the secret LDS Temple rituals for the "good Mormons". He built an empire of a cult. The magic underware is absolutely weird, and pitiful. The witchcraft/occultic symbols on Mormon magic underware are absolutely an abomination.

Mainstream Christian theologians don't even consider Mormonism even a Christian cult, but just a cult, as they don't venerate the bible as the scriptural foundation of Christianity. Instead they have bought into J.S. Jr's blasphemous creation of a God, who had sexual relations with the Virgin Mary..............Yes, that's your Latter Day Prophet's very words from your Journal of Discourses, and have humanized God, and brought Him down to a level of a goofy, fleshly, sinner.

Secondly, you exude a pride by discounting all the posts that don't agree with your doctrine or mindset.

Christians are told to be open minded, but also to not stray from the admonistions of scripture..........Scripture meaning the bible, not some ticker-tape printout out of J.S. Jr.'s hat one day, while using his seer's stone.

Do you realize that in the O.T. if Joseph Smith had claimed to be a follower or Prophet of God, he would have been stoned to death as a seer. God will have no other gods before him..........Christians don't need old latter day geezer prophets in high places in Salt Lake City telling them, "Thus sayeth the Lord". God has given every believer the Holy Ghost/Spirit, to help interpret scripture, to discern evil and good, to counsel in the inner man/or soul of man, and to also enable man to do good works, not appeasement works as the Mormons do through their Missions requirements, and stiff tithing quotas.......

Also, the fact that the Mormon husband holds the power to ressurrect his wife from the grave is a travesty!

In the God's economy, both man and woman are co-equal in marriage. One is not master over the other's destiny or decisions of life. God had however called man to spiritually lead his family............but he has also called woman to respectfully correct and encourage her husband in this position that he's entrusted the husband with. This is a co-equal partnership.

Husband and wife are helpmates to each other. Together they make a marriage and the foundation of the family.

God has also called husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How did Jesus express His love of the church? He gave His life!
You know full well, that your Mormon jesus, is not the bible Jesus. You also know or maybe don't know that your prophets of old have some real "screw ball" concepts of creation. They believe in a Pantheon of Adams and planets that Mormons will inhabit and fill with their off-spring.

Mormons also think that their children were little spirit babies waiting up in heaven to be born on earth. Where in the bible is this?

You know about the Celestial sexual Intercourse that is promised for Mormon husbands, who also can call which wife or woman they want. It's hard to believe that so many intelligent, rational thinking people could be hoodwinked by this N.Y. con man, but he did it with a big fat green light and help from the Author of all Lies, Lucifer himself. A most powerful fallen angel. Do not under-estimate his power. Just look at his creation. The multi-million member LDS church that is spreading like wildfire throughout the world.

Also remember that the road to the truth is a narrow one, and wide is the road of perdition or rebellion. Sadly, the bible says that multitudes will follow after false gods, and anti-christs claiming to be the "one".

True Christians don't become Christians by hanging on the familial coat-tails of their relatives or parent's religions or systems of belief. That isn't the way it works. All must face the reality of their human condition when reaching the age of accountability, and "think" for themselves, and decide for themselves. Salvation is a one on one encounter with God.

The bible is a book that demands a verdict. It has over and over again, proven itself in Middle Eastern archeological digs, with both recent and older ruins being unearthed that validate the existence of people's and cities that were mentioned in the O.T.. Countless evidences support both the O.T. and N.T.. Not one evidence has been found to support J.S. Jr.'s Book of Mormon.

So an angel tells J.S. Jr. that the bible is corrupted. Remember that 1/3 of the angels rebelled and are now steadfastly on the hunt to tempt, mislead, and basically de-rail any human beings attempt at finding the Truth in God's very protected Word, the bible. Think Omnipotence! That is one of God's attributes. Omnipotence means that there is no, "OOPs!" with God. He is perfect, sinless, holy, and doesn't mislead, nor lie, nor does He make Himself difficult to find. Nothing happens in creation that isn't directed, or allowed in some fashion by God.

He hasn't changed through the ages.........from eternity past to eternity future..........He is the same always.

If God wants man to know about Himself, He doesn't let man screw-up His communication to His Creation.

The Mormon concept of God is one anemic, helpless, god, that can't keep track of his creation nor, protect his written word. Thus we need J.S. Jr. and his angel Moroni to set things straight for God.

That's not the God of the bible!
why did God want to trick adam & eve without warning them or giving them any guidance ?
Ya know what......lemmie lay a little wisdom on ya.........

As much as I can be vicious, bloodthirsty, and cruel, I can be equally gentle, kind, and generous. Comes from studying Eastern Philosophy, Taoism to be exact, as well as quite a bit of Zen.

Helps to find your way through the lies.

"you sperm burping, weenie wacking, penis pumping gutter bitch.":eusa_drool:
First I genuinely and truly want to thank you because I don't think I have ever heard such a funny insult before. I showed it to my friends and we all just about split a gizzard:eek: and now we have been laughing about it for almost a week. You must have been truly enlightened because it enlightened my day. I am laughing thinking about it right now. Was that the Buddhist or the Sailor in you? Bravo:clap2:
God didn't want to trick them. What He had done, was give the SaTan the job of tempting them, to make sure they obeyed what He had told them to do. Only trouble is, the SaTan (in his great desire to do a good job), went way beyond what he was told to do.

Some scholars say that the reason the SaTan did it was because he was jealous of anyone else coming close to God, and he especially didn't like that God had given us humans free will, which places us above the demons and angels.
"you sperm burping, weenie wacking, penis pumping gutter bitch.":eusa_drool:
First I genuinely and truly want to thank you because I don't think I have ever heard such a funny insult before. I showed it to my friends and we all just about split a gizzard:eek: and now we have been laughing about it for almost a week. You must have been truly enlightened because it enlightened my day. I am laughing thinking about it right now. Was that the Buddhist or the Sailor in you? Bravo:clap2:

Actually, it's penis PUFFING gutter SLUT.

Which side of me? Both. The Zen side is there to assemble the things (think of it like directions), and the life experience I had in the Navy is the parts.

Combine 'em both together, and you get me.
I must regrettably get back to work. I am a salesman you know. Eightball, you would do very well and save yourself the writers cramp, if you would start reading this discussion from the beginning, and you will see that I already quite easily answered every point you brought up in that last essay. Oooh especially the DNA thing, you'll get a kick out of that, plus the ancient hebrew writing found in america... I am so excited I can't hardly wait for you to get back to me. See you all tonight.

Tell us about what you call modern day prophets? What are prophets?

We have 'tulkus' in our tradition. They are like spiritual geniuses. They incarnate with qualities already present as small children and they develop rapidly when they meditate.

Are prophets like this?
I must regrettably get back to work. I am a salesman you know. Eightball, you would do very well and save yourself the writers cramp, if you would start reading this discussion from the beginning, and you will see that I already quite easily answered every point you brought up in that last essay. Oooh especially the DNA thing, you'll get a kick out of that, plus the ancient hebrew writing found in america... I am so excited I can't hardly wait for you to get back to me. See you all tonight.

No, you have not.........and you know it too.

You've done what most Mormons do when confronted with biblical truth, or the truth about your founders.......You do the good old "side step" and evade the question. ;)
There is absolutely no evidence of Hebrew DNA in the American indian, nor the evidence of metalurgy prior to the European colonization, nor, any archeological evidence of great, highly evolved empires having existed in N. America in the past.

Nor is there any evidence that Jesus was the son of a god. Just faith. Go figure....
Nor is there any evidence that Jesus was the son of a god. Just faith. Go figure....

There are a myriad of authors in the N.T. that were eye witnesses to Jesus' life, and witnessed His transfiguration, and distinctly heard God tell them that "This is My Son....."

John in his first verses of his book called "John" says distinctly that the Word became flesh, and that He was Jesus, and the Word was God. Just read the 1st chapter of John. John spent 3 years with Jesus, and witnessed his ressurrected life, and also his death and burial too.

Luke records in Acts, that several hundred people witnessed Jesus and also witnessed His ascension.

Does the bible have to be written last week to be valid?

Omnipotence, my friend. We have a God who has full control over his message line to mankind. He didn't need J.S. Jr. to amend alleged corrupted translations. If that was the case, then our Creator is most weak, and ill prepared to care for us at all. ;)
God didn't want to trick them. What He had done, was give the SaTan the job of tempting them, to make sure they obeyed what He had told them to do. Only trouble is, the SaTan (in his great desire to do a good job), went way beyond what he was told to do.

Some scholars say that the reason the SaTan did it was because he was jealous of anyone else coming close to God, and he especially didn't like that God had given us humans free will, which places us above the demons and angels.

so did God make satan too?

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