The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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Nice little "Ditty" from N.T. Book Romans Chapter 1.

Can't make it any clearer than that. Paul sum's it up very clearly.

Man is without excuse. God is and has not shrouded Himself in mystery nor allowed man to have difficulty finding Him. His true identity is found in any motel room in a Gideon bible, or at any Barnes and Nobles, or just about any library or person's home. With that knowledge easily gleened from the bible, plus a contrite, and humbled heart, one can ask and one will receive eternal communion(permanent, eternal, new life) with the true and living God through the attoning death and life of Jesus His Son.

The bible has proven to be accurate to such an incredible extent both archeologically, and historically, and also is validated very strongly via the evidenciary Dead Sea scrolls that were written nearly 2,000 years ago. The odds on our current translations being so very accurate to the 2,000 year old Black sea scrolls, is against all human and normal odds, and is "evidence" that demands a verdict.

In fact the Dead Sea Scrolls, say with sounding uproarious thunder, that God indeed has "protected" or "guarded" His Truth or Word to man since it's inception. The bible's scriptural preservation/accuracy, itself, is evidence of God's miraculous, overseeing of His Truth through the ages.

J.S. Jr. just didn't want to accept biblical scripture in total, and went the humanistic, fleshly route, that met his sinful, humanistic, fleshly desires...........Polygamy, marriage of very young girls to grown adult- perverted men. If J.S. Jr. is a true prophet of God, then God is both fallible, unpredictable, weak, a sexual deviate, and no better or different that the pantheon of gods of the greeks, Romans, Babylonians, and Egyptians....

As Romans Chapter One, succinctly states, "Man is without excuse", and that includes every human being, Mormon, J.W., .......You name 'em.

As Romans states, God has revealed His very existence through His creation; namely the very finite, and mystery of life itself from the uni-cellular to the epitome of cellular, mankind himself.

Man has been given a "will" or "chooser" to say "Yeah" or "Nay" to all things within his realm of senses or God's creation. That goes for the bible's contents too. If man wants to believe that their is a pantheon of gods ruling the universe, or that he, man himself can become a god, he has not been stopped, but has been strongly cautioned via the bible.

The Mormons abide to what they call the "wide road", but the bible says that the "wide" or popular road leads to death and total separation from God(Hell). The bible instead says, "Take the narrow road.", which metaphorically infers that it is not easy, and will not be the popular humanistic, fleshly, choice of those who continue in rebellion, self-love, self agrandizement, and Pride, with a big letter, "P". The narrow road is the "crucified" life of Christ. As Paul clearly said in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me." This is not the route of or direction of Mormon doctrine or teaching, but actually the antithesis. Paul's life as a Christian is now totally abiding in the life of Christ, and the life he/Paul now lives is in total surrender, and relationally connected to the deepest degree of his soul. To live or abide in the "crucified" life, is not descriptive of a "picnic" on earth existence, but a life of walking a most painful walk at times, not for the desire to be a martyr, but because the alternative leades to total separation from God's presence for eternity. To abide in Christ/God/the Spirit, is to place all things second before the Almighty! When Jesus said that you must hate your mother, father, brothers, sisters to follow Me, the greek definition of "hate" meant you must love me more or greater than all others, not literal hate as in despising an enemy. Hate, is a very poor translation, but does not take from the very accurate message of scripture.

There are many translations of the bible, and all have their weak and strong points over the others in certain areas of translation. Never the less, they all convey the same message: Christ is God incarnate, God is one, and the only, and not a pantheon of choices.

Sadly, Mormonism is trully a man-run, and authored, society at best, with second class citizenship to women epitomizing it's unGodly authorship. Don't let the obsession with Boy Scouting, and all the other "leave to beaver" family life veneer fool you. It is all a result of Mormonism placing works to be saved or pleasing to God, over, abiding by faith in the total work of Christ as the end-all to man's striving to reach, abide, and be at peace with God.

The angel Moroni was either a masterful fiction of J.S. jr.'s mind, or an out and out demonic angel that really did a job on this J.S. Jr.. Just look back at that Roman's chapter 1, quote, and you can see how J.S. Jr. had brought on his own spiritual blindness, by suppressing both the truth for himself and his followers.

This man will face a most harsh judgement in the end times, as he will have the naive, and willing souls of millions of LDS members on his bloody hands and memory for an eternity.

No good Mormon is going to inherit a planet of his own to propagate his human race. Why? Cause being a good Mormon is a travesty before the God of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, John, Luke, Paul, James, Steven, and every true follower of the one and only Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Being a good Mormon is ignoring the very evidences of God as He is revealed in the bible, and instead laying all hope on a N.Y. scam artist who had a criminal record in N.Y. and did not fullfill the definition of a martyr by any secular or religious definition. His followers exude pride, and Truthspeaker is propagating lies, and untruths, and if you are a true biblical Christian, confront Truthspeaker with scripture. The truth of the bible is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing so deep into a man's soul, even to the very "marrow" of his bones, metaphorically.

Truthspeaker probably is an elder or will be one shortly. He is taught that biblical Christians are naive, people lacking the true, "Truth", of namely this cockamaimee story of Joseph Smith's perverted/twisted imaginations, with much help from Lucifer. The very name "Truthspeaker", reveals the very spiritual condition of this LDS missionary. He has the truth.....end of story. Is he hear to discuss life, and beliefs with an open mind. No! He's here for one thing only. He needs another notch on his gun stock; one more convert to add to his bag of converts.

Satan is just sitting back in his easy-chair just lapping-up with joy everytime a biblical Christian is sucked into the LDS church. They won't lose their salvation, but they will live a most miserable life, out of the will of God.

Mormons are to be most pitied, but also to be cautious-of.

Paul said, "Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing!". Truthspeaker is one of those wolves. He has bought hook, line and sinker, into this skewed, manmade madness of fleshly works, and need to legitamize it through avid missionary endeavors. This thread is his mission currently.

Be respectful to him, but be cautious. Behind that smiling exterior is a very lost, but ambition person that must make a quota of converts to earn brownie points with the LDS God; to be a Mormon in good standing. J. Witnesses, go door to door under such angst and worry for their own security, as they try so hard to convince us all that Watch Tower is the way. Their bible has convoluted so many N.T. verses in an endeavor to make Jesus to seem like just another prophet, or lesser being of God's realm.

Realize that the 144,000 people mentioned in Revelations as 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Isreal is denied by the J.W.'s and claimed to be their members instead!

Remember, remember, cults devalue, and or lessen, the person of Christ down to just a divinely inspired person, but not God, or Jehovah. J.W.'s won't even call God, "God". More ritualism and fear. Christmas trees and flag waving patriotism is forbidden, as they teach their converts that these are graven idols. Can't remember last time I prayed to the American flag when I put my hand on my heart and pledged allegiance, nor do I remember worshipping that fir tree in our livingroom decorated at Christmas.

Folks, the bible said their will be so many coming through the future centuries saying, "I have the truth" or "I've seen the Christ"..........etc.... and they are all counterfeits, propagated by the Prince of this World............SATAN, and his cohorts, or demonic principalities.

Satan does not want the true Christ to be exaulted by mankind. Satan does not want the crucifixion and ressurrection of Christ to be venerated, and believed by mankind. At Calvary's cross, sin was defeated, Satan was neutered, and man was given access to the Holy of Holies........namely a relationship with their Creator, God Almighty. God didn't offer perpetual sex on a new planet, nor 77 virgins, but the best of all, no more tears, total security, constant communion with our Maker, Joy, and peace everlasting. Something that man cannot author.

Well you never cease to amaze me there 8 ball. that is quite an interpretation of the scriptures to call me a wolf in sheeps clothing, I never claimed to be a prophet so I am not the person warned about in the scripture. In fact, from the start I have told people that I am NOT trying to convince others of my faith, but only to clarify the truth of what we believe.
In your incessant and truly baseless attacks against me you have spouted off the worst insults and assumptions of my faith. You are entitled. Whatever dude.
I guess they are based on your wild interpretations without authority. go for it.
Well I am here if anyone wants to ask questions about 1 issue at a time if this meeting is not fully adjourned.
Talk to you later.
You do, most completely fullfill what biblical scripture defines as a "Sheep in Wolve's Clothing".

You come here playing the innocent, person who wants to dialogue about faith and Christianity, but all along your agenda is just what you've been succinctly taught by your elders.

From the biblical perspective, you are that Wolf, but from your skewed perspective, your a persecuted, person with the Truth.
First off, sorry if this has already been addressed but I don't feel like reading 58 pages today. :lol:

1.) Joseph Smith was a con man. Alot of what he talked about for Mormonism is what he made up as he went along. For example, Polygamy was originally not a part of the religion. However, eventually it was when he amassed I believe over 7 wives and 50 children.

2.) Similar to honor killings in the Islam world, Blood Atonement. The whole act that if someone has committed a act (murder, rape, especially rape and murder of a child) then the only way they can get into salvation (heaven though :cuckoo: that they could still get in) is if a fellow member of the church killed them out of love not vengeance. I understand Brigham Young, the leader after Joseph Smith was the one who started this. This continued well into the 20th century, which even helped pass Utah's firing squad laws.

I've done plenty of research on this so I believe I'm correct when I say this.

My question is, how do you feel about that being a part of your religion's history? And I assume also that you don't feel it should be brought back today?
thank you for your wonderful reply. That is exactly what I hope everyone thinks about Joseph. He was either a con man or a prophet. People will draw their own conclusions. I have drawn mine. What I say is that no one will really know unless they get a confirmation from God through prayer. Unless that comes, then people will decide which argument makes more sense to them in order to form their opinions about Joseph Smith. But all this does fulfill another prophechy spoken by the angel Moroni in Joseph Smith History chapter 1 verse 33"...and that my name should be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people” (JSH 1:33).

Wait, wait, wait. This is too good to be true. Are you a Mormon who lives in San Francisco? That's like a Chasddic Jew who lives in Utah, or a Buddhist who lives in Alabama, or a Taoist who lives in India.
First off, sorry if this has already been addressed but I don't feel like reading 58 pages today. :lol:

1.) Joseph Smith was a con man. Alot of what he talked about for Mormonism is what he made up as he went along. For example, Polygamy was originally not a part of the religion. However, eventually it was when he amassed I believe over 7 wives and 50 children.

2.) Similar to honor killings in the Islam world, Blood Atonement. The whole act that if someone has committed a act (murder, rape, especially rape and murder of a child) then the only way they can get into salvation (heaven though :cuckoo: that they could still get in) is if a fellow member of the church killed them out of love not vengeance. I understand Brigham Young, the leader after Joseph Smith was the one who started this. This continued well into the 20th century, which even helped pass Utah's firing squad laws.

I've done plenty of research on this so I believe I'm correct when I say this.

My question is, how do you feel about that being a part of your religion's history? And I assume also that you don't feel it should be brought back today?

See TS? I'm not the only one in the world that sees a correlation between Islam and Mormon beliefs.
As long as they teach salvation through faith and inspire people to lives of morality they are OK by me.

Religions that teach that you must convert "or we will kill you" need to be stomped out. Thus, I favor the complete termination of Radical Islam. Most of my Islamic friends do, too. I would hope that Islam could cleanse itself.
Wait, wait, wait. This is too good to be true. Are you a Mormon who lives in San Francisco? That's like a Chasddic Jew who lives in Utah, or a Buddhist who lives in Alabama, or a Taoist who lives in India.

Miracles do happen:eusa_angel:
First off, sorry if this has already been addressed but I don't feel like reading 58 pages today. :lol:

1.) Joseph Smith was a con man. Alot of what he talked about for Mormonism is what he made up as he went along. For example, Polygamy was originally not a part of the religion. However, eventually it was when he amassed I believe over 7 wives and 50 children.

2.) Similar to honor killings in the Islam world, Blood Atonement. The whole act that if someone has committed a act (murder, rape, especially rape and murder of a child) then the only way they can get into salvation (heaven though :cuckoo: that they could still get in) is if a fellow member of the church killed them out of love not vengeance. I understand Brigham Young, the leader after Joseph Smith was the one who started this. This continued well into the 20th century, which even helped pass Utah's firing squad laws.

I've done plenty of research on this so I believe I'm correct when I say this.

My question is, how do you feel about that being a part of your religion's history? And I assume also that you don't feel it should be brought back today?

Well you have done your research and I have done mine. I know for a certainty that he was not because of two reasons put together, my prayers combined with overwhelming "coincidences" that Joseph Smith knew nothing about ancient literature but hit every historical norm of the Jews and Asiatic warfare while describing in detail conditions in the arabian desert and new world that it is truly impossible for him to have known. Especially for a backwoods farm boy in 1826. The actual teachings of Joseph Smith have inspired me to live a better life. I am sure you have your reasons to believe as you do. But i am sticking to mine.
2) I like your manipulative question. you must be in sales. I must say the teaching you have heard about us being allowed to kill anyone of our families is incorrect, despite your research. I feel great about the fact that people feel they constantly need to "expose" something they truly haven't studied. They look up mormon history on anti-mormon websites and books but don't bother to get the straight dope from the horses mouth. As far as they are concerned, they have heard "what the mormons won't tell you." then they give up because they don't possibly think that a knowledgeable mormon can possibly refute their errors. That's how I feel. How do you feel? Are you really interested in finding out what we believe or are you just anxious to try and prove a smiling stranger wrong. If you have drawn all of your conclusions and are not willing to hear my side of a story, then don't waste yours or my time.
As long as they teach salvation through faith and inspire people to lives of morality they are OK by me.

Religions that teach that you must convert "or we will kill you" need to be stomped out. Thus, I favor the complete termination of Radical Islam. Most of my Islamic friends do, too. I would hope that Islam could cleanse itself.

Well I haven't heard from you in a while, thanks for sticking up for us to some degree. What took you so long to come back on this thread?:eusa_eh:
Wait, wait, wait. This is too good to be true. Are you a Mormon who lives in San Francisco? That's like a Chasddic Jew who lives in Utah, or a Buddhist who lives in Alabama, or a Taoist who lives in India.

By the way I'd be willing to bet that all those other circumstances have probably already happened.
You really are a prime example of the quote "ignorance is bliss" Truthspeaker.

You should really seek out the truth and know it before you start to speak of it dude.

Are you trying to be funny? Because at this point in time I'm laughing my butt off at you.
Well you have done your research and I have done mine. I know for a certainty that he was not because of two reasons put together, my prayers combined with overwhelming "coincidences" that Joseph Smith knew nothing about ancient literature but hit every historical norm of the Jews and Asiatic warfare while describing in detail conditions in the arabian desert and new world that it is truly impossible for him to have known. Especially for a backwoods farm boy in 1826. The actual teachings of Joseph Smith have inspired me to live a better life. I am sure you have your reasons to believe as you do. But i am sticking to mine.
2) I like your manipulative question. you must be in sales. I must say the teaching you have heard about us being allowed to kill anyone of our families is incorrect, despite your research. I feel great about the fact that people feel they constantly need to "expose" something they truly haven't studied. They look up mormon history on anti-mormon websites and books but don't bother to get the straight dope from the horses mouth. As far as they are concerned, they have heard "what the mormons won't tell you." then they give up because they don't possibly think that a knowledgeable mormon can possibly refute their errors. That's how I feel. How do you feel? Are you really interested in finding out what we believe or are you just anxious to try and prove a smiling stranger wrong. If you have drawn all of your conclusions and are not willing to hear my side of a story, then don't waste yours or my time.

1.) How do we know that Joseph Smith did not know the other religion literatures? Mormonism is a mix of Christianity, Islam, and some Judaism.

2.) I'm not saying you're allowed to kill anyone for no reason. I'm simply stating according to Blood Atonement that if you murder, rape, or another horrible deed that compares to such a extent then the only way for you to reach salvation is to be killed by a member of the church.

Blood Atonement and the Early Mormon Church

I'm not "exposing" anything but rather showing the facts of history here. I love how you must assume that I got my information from Anti-Mormon books or websites when I didn't. By simply assuming that I did such a thing is a attack on my character in order to try and invalidate my points because of my character.

You didn't even bother to answer my question. All you did was tell me I was wrong, and some bullshit.

I'm interested in finding out what you thought, but obviously you think I'm attacking your religion and being seen as some enemy that you must character destroy in order to validate your own points.

If I wasn't interested in hearing your story, I wouldn't of asked would I?

1.) How do we know that Joseph Smith did not know the other religion literatures? Mormonism is a mix of Christianity, Islam, and some Judaism.

2.) I'm not saying you're allowed to kill anyone for no reason. I'm simply stating according to Blood Atonement that if you murder, rape, or another horrible deed that compares to such a extent then the only way for you to reach salvation is to be killed by a member of the church.

Blood Atonement and the Early Mormon Church

I'm not "exposing" anything but rather showing the facts of history here. I love how you must assume that I got my information from Anti-Mormon books or websites when I didn't. By simply assuming that I did such a thing is a attack on my character in order to try and invalidate my points because of my character.

You didn't even bother to answer my question. All you did was tell me I was wrong, and some bullshit.

I'm interested in finding out what you thought, but obviously you think I'm attacking your religion and being seen as some enemy that you must character destroy in order to validate your own points.

If I wasn't interested in hearing your story, I wouldn't of asked would I?


Well, then, since we cannot hear intonations in print, we are bound to eventually have some misunderstandings. Thank you for showing some genuine interest and I will forgive you for insulting me back with the :cuckoo: sign. If you have followed a small portion of this thread I created you would not blame me for being a little gunshy. I have answered people questions every single time. Some have not liked my answers but in this thread, I would consider myself the authority on my religion before anyone else who is not part of my religion.
I came here for genuine dialogue and that is what you will get from me. What, now if I am not mistaken, did I fail to address in your post?
Well, then, since we cannot hear intonations in print, we are bound to eventually have some misunderstandings. Thank you for showing some genuine interest and I will forgive you for insulting me back with the :cuckoo: sign. Turn the other cheek isn't in your doctrine is it? If you have followed a small portion of this thread I created you would not blame me for being a little gunshy. I have answered people questions every single time. Totally untrue! You've repeated that same mantra throughout this thread. You have not answered most if any of the pertinent questions about your religion at all! Some have not liked my answers but in this thread, I would consider myself the authority on my religion before anyone else who is not part of my religion. Pride.......Not, a Christian attribute.
I came here for genuine dialogue cough, cough..such lies. You've come here like a male Peacock spreading it's wings. You don't answer legitimate questions, and you dismiss people, who don't agree with you. Also you play the "victim of persecution" as you've been totally schooled in your church and that is what you will get from me. What, now if I am not mistaken, did I fail to address in your post?

Smiles, apple pie, the American flag, and "leave to beaver" living don't cut it with God. "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" Romans N.T./Author Paul
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Well, then, since we cannot hear intonations in print, we are bound to eventually have some misunderstandings. Thank you for showing some genuine interest and I will forgive you for insulting me back with the :cuckoo: sign. If you have followed a small portion of this thread I created you would not blame me for being a little gunshy. I have answered people questions every single time. Some have not liked my answers but in this thread, I would consider myself the authority on my religion before anyone else who is not part of my religion. :eusa_snooty:I came here for genuine dialogue and that is what you will get from me. What, now if I am not mistaken, did I fail to address in your post?

Pride cometh before a fall?

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