The truth about taxes


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
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“I’m sick of hearing Democrats call today’s tax rates “historically low.” That is another lie. There are many factors that determine your tax bill—including deductions and tax credits. Overall, we are all paying among the highest taxes ever. “Tax Freedom Day” in 2012 was April 17. That means the average taxpayer had to give the government all the money he made for more than the first three and a half months of the year, just to pay his tax burden.

In 1917 “Tax Freedom Day” was January 24. Facts don’t lie, folks. If taxes are “historically low,” then why does it take until April to pay our taxes, versus mid-January in 1917?”

Tax Freedom Day ® | Tax Foundation

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
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“Rates are lower today than in the past because many valuable tax deductions were eliminated. And we now face caps, phase-outs, and the dreaded Alternative Minimum Tax. Therefore quoting higher rates is a distortion of the truth. A tax rate of 70% from decades ago might actually yield a lower effective tax rate than today’s rates once you include these factors.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
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• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

I doubt that's true. The biggest chunk of state and local taxes comes from property taxes. The rich and businesses own far more property than the poor, so they obviously pay the bulk of property taxes. For the same reason, they pay more sales taxes than the poor. The proportion isn't as great as it is for income taxes, but they still pay more per capita, not less.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives.

That's the logic of a theif: I steel from the rich because they have more money.

For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family.

You just admitted you're a confiscatory Marxist. You may not want to shoot the rich, but you sure as hell want to take most of what they earn.

We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

You are communists. The end result of your schemes will be indistinguishable from the Soviet Union.
When the progressive income tax was introduced in 1913 at a top rate of 7%, it was to never exceed 10%. We all see how that worked out. Never ever trust lying progressives.

And the minimum wage never exceeded $0.25.

Then Eisenhower came along - the last fiscally responsibility conservative - and balanced the budget through progressive taxation. We had to pay off our wartime debt.

Then Conservatives came along and cut taxes for the rich while wage useless wars off of lies, and then take it out on poor people.

You people are fucking disgusting.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives.

That's the logic of a theif: I steel from the rich because they have more money.

For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family.

You just admitted you're a confiscatory Marxist. You may not want to shoot the rich, but you sure as hell want to take most of what they earn.

We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

You are communists. The end result of your schemes will be indistinguishable from the Soviet Union.

You don't actually wonder why Mitt lost, do you?

Conservatives like you are part of the reason Mitt lost. Your debate skills are perfectly matched for arguments against Communists, who aren't running for office in the United States in any serious way. Conservatives need to up their game against Liberals instead of Communists. The refusal of conservatives to acknowledge any difference between liberals and communists is why conservative arguments come across as shrill and insane. Voters hear conservatives shriek about "Obamao" and think the conservative is unhinged and loony. Listen, I'm trying to help you.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

The whole they can afford it argument is ridiculous

Tell you what if you make more than I why don't you have to pay more for the exact same car I drive?

After all you can afford it.

The fact is that the rich use less government services than the so called poor.

Economic liberty was just as important to true liberals as personal liberty today's so called liberals seem to have forgotten that.
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

The whole they can afford it argument is ridiculous

Tell you what if you make more than I why don't you have to pay more for the exact same car I drive?

After all you can afford it.

The fact is that the rich use less government services than the so called poor.

Economic liberty was just as important to true liberals as personal liberty today's so called liberals seem to have forgotten that.

Don't they have a section to place fictional/fantasy topics? IF not they should.

Hey I heard that the ultra wealthy are having to sign up for welfare benefits. You know, they are doing so badly, they need help.

Why don't you rethugs on here send your favorite ultra wealthy family your money? They are struggling I tell you. Barely making it. Help them out. Send them some of YOUR welfare check.
• The top 1% of the wealthy earn 13% of all income but pay 39% of all income taxes (that is 3x's as much taxes as their share of the income: 13x3=39)

• The top 5% pay an astounding 64% of all income taxes

• The top 20% —the “rich”—already pay 94.1% of income taxes

• The bottom 60% pay on net less than zero income taxes, once the tax credits the government pays them are taken into account

Top 1% earns 13% of the wealth but pays 39% of the taxes

Top 5% paid 40% of taxes, what is their 'fair' share?

Top 20% Paid 94.1% of Income Taxes in 2009

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Why is it you guys only discuss federal income taxes and never discuss the numbers when all taxation is included? I'll tell you why. Because if you include all forms of taxation, those numbers become drastically different, and the wealthy then only pay slightly more than percentage wise compared to their earnings. Just by including payroll taxes, the numbers change substantially, and then when you include state and local taxes, it really changes drastically, because lower income earners pay the highest percentage of state and local taxes. They also pay a much larger portion of their income in payroll taxes.

I'm so sick of this stupid argument, but hey, I'm sure you'll keep throwing it out there. What we should do is tax the wealthy less and tax the poor more.

Not everyone pays payroll taxes.

I don't anymore

My income is labeled "ordinary income" by the IRS since I do not work for anyone I do not have to pay payroll taxes.
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[ame=]Wealth distribution In America - YouTube[/ame]
The wealthy can afford to pay much higher rates, and still live very comfy lives. For some reason, conservatives are very concerned about the well-being of the rich, but they don't need to worry about them. They will still have plenty of wealth under higher progressive rates that liberals would prefer. The right has convinced itself that liberals are a bunch of confiscatory marxists who won't be satisfied till the rich are shot against a basement wall, like the Romanov family. We aren't communists, we are liberals. And the Right's failure to see the difference is one of the reasons why they've been losing.

The whole they can afford it argument is ridiculous

Tell you what if you make more than I why don't you have to pay more for the exact same car I drive?

After all you can afford it.

The fact is that the rich use less government services than the so called poor.

Economic liberty was just as important to true liberals as personal liberty today's so called liberals seem to have forgotten that.

Don't they have a section to place fictional/fantasy topics? IF not they should.

Hey I heard that the ultra wealthy are having to sign up for welfare benefits. You know, they are doing so badly, they need help.

And I heard you saw a unicorn too.

Why don't you rethugs on here send your favorite ultra wealthy family your money? They are struggling I tell you. Barely making it. Help them out. Send them some of YOUR welfare check.

I have been posting here for all of a week or two and you just know I am a republican.

OK Kreskin.

BTW Am not never have been never will be a member of any political party.
Most of our military spending goes towards protecting the rich. Most of our lobbying spending goes towards protecting the rich.
The top 20% own 90% of the country's wealth.


The top 1% own 46% of the world's wealth.

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