The "TRUTH" about "Wealth Distribution".

Government can increase demand by lowering unemployment and raising the prevailing wages by increased government hiring. More government jobs / contracts for infrastructure would lower unemployment rates (government contracts must be union and prevailing) and force private industry to pay more and provide better working conditions to attract labor. The masses would then have more to spend after being able to meet their living expenses, and that would increase demand.

It is not that people don't want, it is that they do not have any money to spend.
Where do you think the money comes from to do that, Santa Claus?

We could take it out of the defense budget, we waste vast amounts of dollars there.

I think defense could stand to be cut too. That doesn't mean make-work jobs are going to help the economy.
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I really hope you didn't just say we just print money to pay for it......
Yes, he did. "Poof! Now we have Magic Money that's worth something only because we say it is!"
Then we'll take the Magic Money to pay the newly hired bureaucrats, who we'll never get rid of...So, we'll need to raise taxes to pay for them...Which will be a drag on economic growth...Which means that we'll have to spend some more Magic Money on "stimulus" programs to hire more bureaucrats....

Personally, I like the Santa Claus story better. ;)
Leftists simply can't be trusted with money.
We could take it out of the defense budget, we waste vast amounts of dollars there.

I think defense could stand to be cut too. That doesn't mean make-work jobs are going to help the economy.
Would high speed rail from Maine to Modesto help the economy?
compared to a highway, not much. Paid for by the feds, it's a poor investment. Paid for by the state? Depends if the need is there.
We could take it out of the defense budget, we waste vast amounts of dollars there.

I think defense could stand to be cut too. That doesn't mean make-work jobs are going to help the economy.
Would high speed rail from Maine to Modesto help the economy?

Probably not, almost no rail in the US is sustainable. The ridership just isn't there and there are other viable options.
[B"]The "TRUTH" about "Wealth Distribution"." [/B]

It's a wonderful thing. It is called Capitalism and will support all the entitlement programs the federal government manages to pass. You see, it creates prosperity for all.

Society creates all of our prosperity.

Capitalism creates none of it. In fact capitalism destroys more prosperity than it creates.

Capitalism loves war as a simple example. Great for GDP, but a huge prosperity loss.
[B"]The "TRUTH" about "Wealth Distribution"." [/B]

It's a wonderful thing. It is called Capitalism and will support all the entitlement programs the federal government manages to pass. You see, it creates prosperity for all.

Society creates all of our prosperity.

Capitalism creates none of it. In fact capitalism destroys more prosperity than it creates.

Capitalism loves war as a simple example. Great for GDP, but a huge prosperity loss.
"Society" doesn't create jack shit.

Individuals create wealth.
Government can increase demand by lowering unemployment and raising the prevailing wages by increased government hiring. More government jobs / contracts for infrastructure would lower unemployment rates (government contracts must be union and prevailing) and force private industry to pay more and provide better working conditions to attract labor. The masses would then have more to spend after being able to meet their living expenses, and that would increase demand.

It is not that people don't want, it is that they do not have any money to spend.
Where do you think the money comes from to do that, Santa Claus?

We could take it out of the defense budget, we waste vast amounts of dollars there.
Knock it off with the willful naïveté and DNC boilerplate retorts.

Where does the military get their money?
i'm a numbers person, and truthfully, the statistics SHOW a distribution of wealth, and this distribution according to the figures is out of the hands of those considered in the middle to the very few at the very top.

There is no other way to read the numbers....they are plain as day...imo.

What is truly causing this, I am uncertain....but it is what has happened and is happening...
i'm a numbers person, and truthfully, the statistics SHOW a distribution of wealth, and this distribution according to the figures is out of the hands of those considered in the middle to the very few at the very top.

There is no other way to read the numbers....they are plain as day...imo.

What is truly causing this, I am uncertain....but it is what has happened and is happening...
From Phil's Stock World:

"The main problem with the system of distribution of wealth in this country is the TOTAL LACK of distribution. Of course you don’t see that when you are in the deep end of the distribution pool…

"10,000 people make 30% of the income in the United States of America and the next 29.99M people make another 40% and the next 30M people make 12% and THE OTHER 240M people have to fight over the remaining 18%.

"This is your idea of fair?

"Let’s say it’s a poker tournament:

* Table 1 has 10,000 people who have $1M each to play with
* Table 2 (top 10-0.01%) has 30M people who have $433 each to play with
* Table 3 (top 20-10%) has 30M people who have $133 each to play with
* Table 4 (bottom 60%) has 240M people who have $25 each to play with."

This author also makes the claim the richest 10,000 Americans pay tax on their income at a rate of about 20% compared to 30% to 35% for the less wealthy.

This seems to stem from government (Republican AND Democrat) tax policies that favor those who donate the most to political campaigns AND a long term tax bias in favor of debt over equity investing.

It's alleged this preference for debt financing has resulted in the crushing debt overhead that's currently pushing this country into depression.
i'm a numbers person, and truthfully, the statistics SHOW a distribution of wealth, and this distribution according to the figures is out of the hands of those considered in the middle to the very few at the very top.

There is no other way to read the numbers....they are plain as day...imo.

What is truly causing this, I am uncertain....but it is what has happened and is happening...
And currently the tax structure has the top 5% of wage earners paying over half the tax collected, while the bottom 60% of wage earners receive money back or come out even.

So... what are you saying?
Big Fitz,
I have been waiting for someone to make your point.

But here's the counter point:
While it is true that, in 2008, the top 5% paid 58.72% of taxes and the top 10% pay 69.94% of the taxes, the salient point is that, even after the top 10% pays 69.94% of the taxes, they still have enough left over, year after year, to own over 71% of the wealth and the bottom 60% still have only 4% of the wealth! This is the 2nd worst lopsided concentration of wealth and income in the world!

Internalize that!

These stats are a prima facie reflection of our economic system being inequitable biased in favor of the wealthy among us.

Bern80, before you go there, the immediately preceding sentence is not the same as criticizing the wealthy or saying that the wealthy are mean or bad. It is a comment on the inequity of the existing system itself...and it needs to be fixed, now.

If and when it is ever corrected and fixed, our country and its citizens will be much better off on so many levels.

georgephillip, you are a hero.

I don't know exactly what those red ovals below 'Rep Power' mean or how they get there, but I think it means something about the degree of intellectual insecurity and frustration that the righties in this forum are experiencing as a result of the repeated successful assaults on their weak and faulty positions.
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I think my lack of respect here stems primarily from posting mainly on 911Truth and Israel/Palestine threads. The emotions of most of us posting regularly on those subjects seem very close to the surface, and I've made some rash statements about Israel and 911 I probably should have thought long and hard on.

I blame the damn Pentagon for coming up with the internet.

Your knowledge of statistics has been helpful for someone like myself without any formal background in Economics and Statistics.

You referred once to some numbers that could be "easily found"; however, when you have time, a few links would be appreciated.

Eventually the class war will become so glaringly apparent here that even US conservatives will be forced to choose sides. I would like to get a few weeks ahead of the curve, if I could.

Thanks for all your help.
Big Fitz,
I have been waiting for someone to make your point.

But here's the counter point:
While it is true that, in 2008, the top 5% paid 58.72% of taxes and the top 10% pay 69.94% of the taxes, the salient point is that, even after the top 10% pays 69.94% of the taxes, they still have enough left over, year after year, to own over 71% of the wealth and the bottom 60% still have only 4% of the wealth! This is the 2nd worst lopsided concentration of wealth and income in the world!

Internalize that!
The tax rates paid are largely irrelevant to who is accumulating wealth or not. Moreover, income taxes tax productivity, not accumulated wealth.

The salient point is that you're both envious and covetous.

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