The Truth Comes Out: Stalin, worse even than Hitler, and He was a US Ally

Chaing was a facist and innefective leader, and dispite years of US war material his amry was ineffective.

We never should have proped him up in the first place.

If you want you know just how bad the Nationalists were, read this:

Barbara Tuchman, Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911 - 45 (New York, New York: Macmillan Co., 1971)

Barbara Tuchman was one of the best historians who ever wrote, you will find the book quite enlightening.
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Chaing was a facist and innefective leader, and dispite years of US war material his amry was ineffective.

We never should have proped him up in the first place.

Of course we should have.

There are 70 million reasons why we should have.
No, we should not have, and its a further extention of the leftest FDR world police nonsense that permeates US thought to this day.

China was NOT a vital nor strategic interest to the USA, WWII proved this ratrher decisivily as the fighting there did not effect the outcome one iota.

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