The Truth Comes Out: Stalin, worse even than Hitler, and He was a US Ally

On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.
Because gubmint schools are in the business of promoting socialism and other collectivist authoritarian philosophies, not pointing out their horrors.

How long has it been since you've been in school? None of my teachers would have taught such a politically charged curriculum. Besides, if it really was as you state, that they teach things just to make politically influence, they would do more things to looks democracy look good and not socialism.
One has to wonder what sort of womb can grow such monsters, as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others of this ilk!!!

Holocaust by hunger: The truth behind Stalin's Great Famine

By Simon Sebag Montefiore
Last updated at 1:50 AM on 26th July 2008

The demented Roman Emperor Caligula once mused that if all the people of Rome had one neck he would cut it just to be rid of his troublesome people.

The trouble was there were simply too many Romans to kill them all.

Many centuries later, the brutal Soviet dictator Josef Stalin reflected that he would have liked to deport the entire Ukrainian nation, but 20 million were too many to move even for him.


So he found another solution: starvation.

Now, 75 years after one of the great forgotten crimes of modern times, Stalin's man-made famine of 1932/3, the former Soviet republic of Ukraine is asking the world to classify it as a genocide.

The Ukrainians call it the Holodomor - the Hunger.

Millions starved as Soviet troops and secret policemen raided their villages, stole the harvest and all the food in villagers' homes.

They dropped dead in the streets, lay dying and rotting in their houses, and some women became so desperate for food that they ate their own children.


So terrible was the famine that Igor Yukhnovsky, director of the Institute of National Memory, the Ukrainian institution researching the Holodomor, believes as many as nine million may have died.

For decades the disaster remained a state secret, denied by Stalin and his Soviet government and concealed from the outside world with the help of the 'useful idiots' - as Lenin called Soviet sympathisers in the West.

Russia is furious that Ukraine has raised the issue of the famine: the swaggering 21st-century state of Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev see this as nationalist chicanery designed to promote Ukraine, which may soon join Nato and the EU.


The Ukraine was the bread basket of Russia, but the Great Famine of 1932/3 was not just aimed at the Ukrainians as a nation - it was a deliberate policy aimed at the entire Soviet peasant population - Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh - especially better-off, small-time farmers.

It was a class war designed to 'break the back of the peasantry', a war of the cities against the countryside and, unlike the Holocaust, it was not designed to eradicate an ethnic people, but to shatter their independent spirit.

So while it may not be a formal case of genocide, it does, indeed, rank as one of the most terrible crimes of the 20th century.


Stalin called the peasants 'saboteurs' and declared it 'a fight to the death! These people deliberately tried to sabotage the Soviet stage'.

Between four and five million died in Ukraine, a million died in Kazakhstan and another million in the north Caucasus and the Volga.

By 1933, 5.7 million households - somewhere between ten million and 15 million people - had vanished. They had been deported, shot or died of starvation.

As for Stalin, he emerged more ruthless, more paranoid, more isolated than before.

Stalin later told Winston Churchill that this was the most difficult time of his entire life, harder even than Hitler's invasion.

'It was a terrible struggle' in which he had 'to destroy ten million. It was fearful. Four years it lasted - but it was absolutely necessary'.

Only in the mind of a brutal dictator could the mass murder of his own people be considered 'necessary'.

Whether it was genocide or not, perhaps now the true nature of one of the worst crimes in history will finally be acknowledged.

Read the complete article here.


The Other Holocaust
Sometimes you have to make nice with one enemy to defeat another.

I doubt Hilter would have been stopped without the help of the Russians.
On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.
Because gubmint schools are in the business of promoting socialism and other collectivist authoritarian philosophies, not pointing out their horrors.
I learned it in school. Public school as a matter of fact.

You really are nothing but a partisan hack.
And Mao, whom the Americans also abetted and enabled, was even worse.

Someone needs to share that little tidbit with Anita Dunn.

And you need to be smart enough to listen to everything she said.
On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.
Because gubmint schools are in the business of promoting socialism and other collectivist authoritarian philosophies, not pointing out their horrors.

Maybe in the backwoods school you went to, that might be true. I live in a blue state and I had a high school teacher even teach us the history of Christianity. :eek: Of course when you only take the basic history classes in high school, you learn basic history.
On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.
Because gubmint schools are in the business of promoting socialism and other collectivist authoritarian philosophies, not pointing out their horrors.

Maybe in the backwoods school you went to, that might be true. I live in a blue state and I had a high school teacher even teach us the history of Christianity. :eek: Of course when you only take the basic history classes in high school, you learn basic history.

Yeah, maybe that's why I didn't learn it. I'm more of a math, art, and physics kind of guy.
And Mao, whom the Americans also abetted and enabled, was even worse.

Someone needs to share that little tidbit with Anita Dunn.

And you need to be smart enough to listen to everything she said.
I heard her...The "philosophy" of Mao led to the deaths of more than 35 million of his own people.
Looking at this title, I have to wonder at the OP.

Stalin...A huge worse then Hitler.

So you are saying that the American political left...who are sometimes an American ally....are worse then Hitler?


Stop trying to twist what was said. And as a matter of true fact, during WWII, the whole of the US, including your g-mammy and g-pappy, were on the same side as Stalin, so I guess by YOUR twisted reasoning, the rest of us can take it for true that your family are also a bunch of murderous fucks.

MY POINT, since you were obviously too stupid to get it, is that the US of A has, on all sides, the HABIT of HOOKING UP with these murderous fucks.....

Ends justify means sort of thing.

Stalin was not the first, and he won't be the last...

Some of you righties are really stupid, can't even read.
Because gubmint schools are in the business of promoting socialism and other collectivist authoritarian philosophies, not pointing out their horrors.

Maybe in the backwoods school you went to, that might be true. I live in a blue state and I had a high school teacher even teach us the history of Christianity. :eek: Of course when you only take the basic history classes in high school, you learn basic history.

Yeah, maybe that's why I didn't learn it. I'm more of a math, art, and physics kind of guy.

I liked history, so I took the extra year.
On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.

Because all you were fed in High School was frosting, no cake!

And likely, your mind was more on scoring than any real effort at learning more than you absolutely had to.

Nature of the beast!
On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.

Because all you were fed in High School was frosting, no cake!

And likely, your mind was more on scoring than any real effort at learning more than you absolutely had to.

Nature of the beast!

Yeah to be honest i still don't give a rat's ass about history. It's very boring to me. Math and physics, on the other hand, was not just frosting. You can't do just frosting on a subject like that, if you think about it.
One has to wonder what sort of womb can grow such monsters, as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others of this ilk!!!

Holocaust by hunger: The truth behind Stalin's Great Famine

By Simon Sebag Montefiore
Last updated at 1:50 AM on 26th July 2008

The demented Roman Emperor Caligula once mused that if all the people of Rome had one neck he would cut it just to be rid of his troublesome people.

The trouble was there were simply too many Romans to kill them all.

Many centuries later, the brutal Soviet dictator Josef Stalin reflected that he would have liked to deport the entire Ukrainian nation, but 20 million were too many to move even for him.


So he found another solution: starvation.

Now, 75 years after one of the great forgotten crimes of modern times, Stalin's man-made famine of 1932/3, the former Soviet republic of Ukraine is asking the world to classify it as a genocide.

The Ukrainians call it the Holodomor - the Hunger.

Millions starved as Soviet troops and secret policemen raided their villages, stole the harvest and all the food in villagers' homes.

They dropped dead in the streets, lay dying and rotting in their houses, and some women became so desperate for food that they ate their own children.


So terrible was the famine that Igor Yukhnovsky, director of the Institute of National Memory, the Ukrainian institution researching the Holodomor, believes as many as nine million may have died.

For decades the disaster remained a state secret, denied by Stalin and his Soviet government and concealed from the outside world with the help of the 'useful idiots' - as Lenin called Soviet sympathisers in the West.

Russia is furious that Ukraine has raised the issue of the famine: the swaggering 21st-century state of Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev see this as nationalist chicanery designed to promote Ukraine, which may soon join Nato and the EU.


The Ukraine was the bread basket of Russia, but the Great Famine of 1932/3 was not just aimed at the Ukrainians as a nation - it was a deliberate policy aimed at the entire Soviet peasant population - Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh - especially better-off, small-time farmers.

It was a class war designed to 'break the back of the peasantry', a war of the cities against the countryside and, unlike the Holocaust, it was not designed to eradicate an ethnic people, but to shatter their independent spirit.

So while it may not be a formal case of genocide, it does, indeed, rank as one of the most terrible crimes of the 20th century.


Stalin called the peasants 'saboteurs' and declared it 'a fight to the death! These people deliberately tried to sabotage the Soviet stage'.

Between four and five million died in Ukraine, a million died in Kazakhstan and another million in the north Caucasus and the Volga.

By 1933, 5.7 million households - somewhere between ten million and 15 million people - had vanished. They had been deported, shot or died of starvation.

As for Stalin, he emerged more ruthless, more paranoid, more isolated than before.

Stalin later told Winston Churchill that this was the most difficult time of his entire life, harder even than Hitler's invasion.

'It was a terrible struggle' in which he had 'to destroy ten million. It was fearful. Four years it lasted - but it was absolutely necessary'.

Only in the mind of a brutal dictator could the mass murder of his own people be considered 'necessary'.

Whether it was genocide or not, perhaps now the true nature of one of the worst crimes in history will finally be acknowledged.

Read the complete article here.


The Other Holocaust

stalin was worse only because hitler lost the war (he was stopped) and had 20 fewer years in which to complete his work. hitlers plan was to enslave 150 million people in the east. if the soviet POW's were any indication, these 150 million people would have lasted an average of six months.
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You know, I think some people have trouble discerning Stalinist military dictatorships with the "soft" socialism like some countries in Europe have. There is "hard" socialism then there is "soft" socialism. Our education system does a piss-poor job at explaining the two. Then again, our education system up to grade 12 is "soft" socialism.
No revelation to me that sociopaths and psychopaths claw their way to power. I've had some bosses like you wouldn't believe.
On a more serious note, why wasn't this something I learned in high school history? It seems like a pretty big damn deal.
Because gubmint schools are in the business of promoting socialism and other collectivist authoritarian philosophies, not pointing out their horrors.

The Commies were always the bad guys in the public schools that I went to.

Russia was noted for their role in the war but Stalin was always portrayed as an evil dictator.
Yet another reason why I often tell people the USA didn't 'really' win WWII and we wern't 'the good guys' but just one of many self interested nations at war.

We did not win World War 11??? Seems to me that if we didn't win World War 11 we would all be speaking German by now.:lol::lol: Those of us that are left anyway.:lol:
What did the US win?

World police responsibilities.

The financial burden of every third world country in existance.

The unending hatred of every poor bastard our lovely 'allies' oppressed for years.

A cold war with the Russians that lasted 4 decades and turned our economy from consumer production to military industrial.

The 'blame' for everything wrong in the world.

The list is endless.
One has to wonder what sort of womb can grow such monsters, as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others of this ilk!!!

Holocaust by hunger: The truth behind Stalin's Great Famine

By Simon Sebag Montefiore
Last updated at 1:50 AM on 26th July 2008

The demented Roman Emperor Caligula once mused that if all the people of Rome had one neck he would cut it just to be rid of his troublesome people.

The trouble was there were simply too many Romans to kill them all.

Many centuries later, the brutal Soviet dictator Josef Stalin reflected that he would have liked to deport the entire Ukrainian nation, but 20 million were too many to move even for him.


So he found another solution: starvation.

Now, 75 years after one of the great forgotten crimes of modern times, Stalin's man-made famine of 1932/3, the former Soviet republic of Ukraine is asking the world to classify it as a genocide.

The Ukrainians call it the Holodomor - the Hunger.

Millions starved as Soviet troops and secret policemen raided their villages, stole the harvest and all the food in villagers' homes.

They dropped dead in the streets, lay dying and rotting in their houses, and some women became so desperate for food that they ate their own children.


So terrible was the famine that Igor Yukhnovsky, director of the Institute of National Memory, the Ukrainian institution researching the Holodomor, believes as many as nine million may have died.

For decades the disaster remained a state secret, denied by Stalin and his Soviet government and concealed from the outside world with the help of the 'useful idiots' - as Lenin called Soviet sympathisers in the West.

Russia is furious that Ukraine has raised the issue of the famine: the swaggering 21st-century state of Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev see this as nationalist chicanery designed to promote Ukraine, which may soon join Nato and the EU.


The Ukraine was the bread basket of Russia, but the Great Famine of 1932/3 was not just aimed at the Ukrainians as a nation - it was a deliberate policy aimed at the entire Soviet peasant population - Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh - especially better-off, small-time farmers.

It was a class war designed to 'break the back of the peasantry', a war of the cities against the countryside and, unlike the Holocaust, it was not designed to eradicate an ethnic people, but to shatter their independent spirit.

So while it may not be a formal case of genocide, it does, indeed, rank as one of the most terrible crimes of the 20th century.


Stalin called the peasants 'saboteurs' and declared it 'a fight to the death! These people deliberately tried to sabotage the Soviet stage'.

Between four and five million died in Ukraine, a million died in Kazakhstan and another million in the north Caucasus and the Volga.

By 1933, 5.7 million households - somewhere between ten million and 15 million people - had vanished. They had been deported, shot or died of starvation.

As for Stalin, he emerged more ruthless, more paranoid, more isolated than before.

Stalin later told Winston Churchill that this was the most difficult time of his entire life, harder even than Hitler's invasion.

'It was a terrible struggle' in which he had 'to destroy ten million. It was fearful. Four years it lasted - but it was absolutely necessary'.

Only in the mind of a brutal dictator could the mass murder of his own people be considered 'necessary'.

Whether it was genocide or not, perhaps now the true nature of one of the worst crimes in history will finally be acknowledged.

Read the complete article here.


The Other Holocaust

We were fighting a World War, he was convenient at the time. Notice carefully you dumb ass, that as soon as Germany was out of the picture he was our enemy.

If Germany had defeated the Soviet Union Europe would not have been liberated. Pretty simple concept.

Close to 75 percent of Germany's army was IN the Soviet Union even after D-Day.

Now granted we could have raised 200 divisions instead of the 106 we did raise but that would have impacted our ability to produce the weapons, aircraft vehicles and materials we produced to win the war.

I suggest you learn a little reality with your history.

However on your note, Roosevelt LOVED Stalin. He sided with Stalin against Churchill several times. Roosevelt is the reason we did not keep arming Chiang Ki Shek in China. He made a pact with Stalin that when the war was over China would let the Communist into the Government. Something Chiang Ki Shek had done in the 30's only to nearly lose to an inside revolt from said Communists.

When the war was over China refused to allow the Communists into the Government and we promptly cut off all war materials to Nationalist China. Stalin had promised not to deliver war materials to the Communists. He skirted that by delivering all the Japanese arms munitions and supplies the Soviets captured from over 700,000 captured Japanese.
One has to wonder what sort of womb can grow such monsters, as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others of this ilk!!!

Read the complete article here.


The Other Holocaust

We were fighting a World War, he was convenient at the time. Notice carefully you dumb ass, that as soon as Germany was out of the picture he was our enemy.


When the war was over China refused to allow the Communists into the Government and we promptly cut off all war materials to Nationalist China. Stalin had promised not to deliver war materials to the Communists. He skirted that by delivering all the Japanese arms munitions and supplies the Soviets captured from over 700,000 captured Japanese.

So since Stalin became our ENEMY after the war, we did what we could to further his cause by cutting off Chiang Kai Shek and the Nationalists??? How convenient was THAT, for us or the nationalists? Some Ally of the Nationalists we were!!!!
One has to wonder what sort of womb can grow such monsters, as Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and so many others of this ilk!!!

Read the complete article here.


The Other Holocaust

We were fighting a World War, he was convenient at the time. Notice carefully you dumb ass, that as soon as Germany was out of the picture he was our enemy.


When the war was over China refused to allow the Communists into the Government and we promptly cut off all war materials to Nationalist China. Stalin had promised not to deliver war materials to the Communists. He skirted that by delivering all the Japanese arms munitions and supplies the Soviets captured from over 700,000 captured Japanese.

So since Stalin became our ENEMY after the war, we did what we could to further his cause by cutting off Chiang Kai Shek and the Nationalists??? How convenient was THAT, for us or the nationalists? Some Ally of the Nationalists we were!!!!

Your Democrats did that FDR followed by Truman. FDR made the deal and Truman kept it.

Now granted by 47/48 the US once again figured out the Soviets lied but it was to late to save the Nationalists.
Gee Cobbled together 4 days after the history lesson was given by Glenn Beck it is spun into Anti Americanism

Revolutionary Holocaust airs Friday, January 22 at 5p ET on the Fox News Channel...

A groundbreaking hour long special where Glenn Beck takes us back in time to examine the roots of socialism and communism and the evil that followed. We all know about the horrors of the holocaust where the pure evil Hitler inspired claimed the lives of millions of innocent people. But most do not know about the millions upon millions of lives lost in a different genocide of the Ukrainian people under the Stalin regime. This special also takes a look behind the iconic fashion symbol of Che Guevara showing that the myth doesn't tell the story of the man who was a blood thirsty killer. We meet a family who saw first hand what a monster the man was. They know the cost of communism and you will too when you hear their story, and who can forget about Mao Zedong? A leader responsible for 70-million deaths during his reign. All communist. All killers. We will show you things you've never seen but need to.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck special revoutionary holocaust part 1.wmv[/ame]


Edvins Snore

Edvins Snore

Edvins Snore is both the author of ‘The Soviet Story’ script and the director of the film.

‘The Soviet Story’ is his debut feature documentary. The film won the Jury’s “Mass Impact Award” at the 2008 Boston Film Festival, has been shown on national television in Europe and is now screening on public broadcasting TV stations in the United States. The film has been translated into 30 languages.

As a Master of Political Science, Edvins Snore studied the subject and collected materials for the film over 10 years.

‘The Soviet Story’ was filmed over 2 years in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Germany, France, UK and Belgium. As a result, ‘The Soviet Story’ presents a truly unique insight into recent Soviet history, told by people, once Soviet citizens, who have firsthand knowledge of it.

Taras Hunczak

is a professor emeritus at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. He lectures in Ukrainian, Russian, and East-European history.

Dr. Hunczak's publications include:

- Russian Imperialism from Ivan the Great to the Revolution;
- The Ukraine, 1917-1921: A Study in Revolution;
- On the Horns of a Dilemma: The Story of the Ukrainian Division Halychyna;
- Symon Petliura and the Jews: A reappraisal (Ukrainian Jewish studies);
- Ukraine: The Challenges of World War II

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck special revoutionary holocaust part 2.wmv[/ame]

Publications in Ukrainian include:

- Ukraina—persha polovyna XX stolittia: Narysy politychnoi istorii;
- Symon Petliura ta ievrei;
- U mundyrakh voroha
- Shevchenko Scientific Society Opens its Holodomor Archive
- Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Jonah Goldberg
Author Liberal Fascism

Jonah Goldberg was the founding editor of National Review Online and is currently editor-at-large of NRO. He is a Pulitzer-nominated columnist for The Los Angeles Times. His column is carried by the Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Dallas Morning News and scores of other papers. His first book, Liberal Fascism, was a #1 New York Times and Amazon bestseller and was selected as the #1 history book of 2008 by Amazon readers. He is a member of the Board of Contributors to USA Today and previously served as a columnist for theTimes of London, Brill’s Content and the American Enterprise. His writings have appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Commentary, The New Yorker, Food and Wine and numerous other publications. He is currently a Fox News Contributor.


Video: Ukraine famine genocide survivor interviews

Damian Kolody, Filmmaker

Damian Kolody is a writer and independent filmmaker based in New York City. He also freelances as an editor and videographer. His award winning "The Orange Chronicles" is a feature documentary on Ukraine's Orange Revolution that has screened throughout North America and Europe. He is also working on compiling a video archive documenting eyewitness testimony from the few survivors left of the 1933 Famine in Ukraine, which he hopes will serve in educating the public about this tragedy.


Nigel Colley

Nigel Colley is the great nephew of Gareth Jones, a young Welsh Journalist of worldwide repute for internationally exposing the 1932-33 Holodomor, & believed to have been politically murdered in his prime by Chinese bandits in 1935. Nigel and his family have devoted their lives to educating the public about Gareth Jones and the horrors of the Holodomor that he tried to show the world.

- Famine Exposure Newspaper Articles relating to Gareth Jones' trips to The Soviet Union


[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck special revoutionary holocaust part 3.wmv[/ame]

Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova

Cuban-born author, columnist and public-speaker. He holds an M.A in Latin American Studies from Tulane University and is the author of four books including Fidel Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant and Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him.

- Fidel Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant
- Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him


Nick Gillespie

Editor in Chief, and

Nick Gillespie is editor in chief of and, which draws 2.5 million visits per month and features the staff weblog Hit & Run, and others as one of the best political blogs.

Gillespie served as Reason magazine's editor in chief from 2000 to 2008. Under his direction, Reason won the 2005 Western Publications Association "Maggie" Award for Best Political Magazine. Gillespie originally joined Reason's staff in 1993 as an assistant editor and ascended to the top slot in 2000. In 2004, Gillespie edited the book Choice: The Best of Reason, an anthology of the magazine's best articles.

Gillespie's work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, Slate, Salon,, Marketplace, and numerous other publications.


Che Guevara Consultants

- Pedro Corzo, creator/producer “Anatomy of a Myth”
- Victims Memorial

[ame=]YouTube - part 4.wmv[/ame]

Lee Edwards

Lee Edwards

Lee Edwards is widely regarded as the chief historian of the American conservative movement. He has published more than 15 books about the leading individuals and institutions of American conservatism, including biographies of Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater and a history of The Heritage Foundation.

He published To Preserve and Protect: The Life of Edwin Meese III in 2005. It is a biography of Meese, the 75th U.S. Attorney General, a Reagan adviser for more than 30 years – and Heritage's Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy.

A second offering in 2005 revisited a favorite subject: Ronald Reagan. A year after the former president's death, Edwards – who published the first Reagan biography in 1967 – thought he should write another to help keep the memory alive. The 187-page result, The Essential Ronald Reagan: A Profile in Courage, Justice and Wisdom, covers Reagan's life and impact on America in a way that led one reviewer to write, "This book is essential for anyone wanting to learn about Ronald Reagan – especially those who are reading about him for the first time."

Edwards, Heritage's Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought, also serves as an Adjunct Professor of Politics at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He is chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which reached an important goal in 2007: the creation of an international memorial in Washington to the more than 100 million victims of communism.

Modeled after the statue created by Chinese students in 1989 before the Tiananmen Square massacre, the memorial stands at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue NW and New Jersey Avenue NW. President George W. Bush helped dedicate it on June 12, 2007, saying that while we will never know the names of all who perished, "at this sacred place, communism's unknown victims will be consecrated to history and remembered forever."


Jung Chang

Jung Chang

Jung Chang is a Chinese-born British writer now living in London, best known for her family autobiography Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China, selling over 10 million copies worldwide but banned in mainland China.

Her 832-page biography of Mao Zedong, Mao: The Unknown Story, written with her husband, the British historian Jon Halliday, was published in June 2005 and is a highly critical description of Mao Zedong's life and work.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - The Revolutionary Holocaust
We were fighting a World War, he was convenient at the time. Notice carefully you dumb ass, that as soon as Germany was out of the picture he was our enemy.


When the war was over China refused to allow the Communists into the Government and we promptly cut off all war materials to Nationalist China. Stalin had promised not to deliver war materials to the Communists. He skirted that by delivering all the Japanese arms munitions and supplies the Soviets captured from over 700,000 captured Japanese.

So since Stalin became our ENEMY after the war, we did what we could to further his cause by cutting off Chiang Kai Shek and the Nationalists??? How convenient was THAT, for us or the nationalists? Some Ally of the Nationalists we were!!!!

Your Democrats did that FDR followed by Truman. FDR made the deal and Truman kept it.

Now granted by 47/48 the US once again figured out the Soviets lied but it was to late to save the Nationalists.

On the head with your knowledge of history!

And, of course the advice re: cut off the Kuo Min Tang, came from Asia-experts like Harold Lattimore.

"The ever-intrepid Evans (M. Stanton Evans, author of Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and his fight Against America's Enemies,) has produced a memo from Lou Nichols of the FBI saying he couldn't understand what had come over Tydings — that the Maryland Democrat knew very well that Director Hoover had said that if he had been on the Loyalty Board, he would have questioned any attempt to clear Lattimore, and that he regarded the IPR icon as a security risk and would never have hired him at the Bureau.
• Lattimore had conferred (during the Hitler-Stalin pact) with the Soviet ambassador about Lattimore's upcoming assignment as President Roosevelt's adviser to Chiang-Kai-Shek — then trying to fend off the Communist revolution in his country.
• Credible testimony revealed "five episodes" wherein Lattimore — within the Politburo of the Communist Party — "participated as a full participant in the conspiracy."
• A former brigadier-general in the Soviet military intelligence testified to having been told that "Lattimore was one of our men."
• On page 218 of the McCarran committee's voluminous report of its year-long investigation, this bottom line: "[T]he subcommittee can come to no other conclusion but that Lattimore was for some time beginning in the 1930s a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."
The documented truth about the McCarthy investigations

And the Roosevelt and Truman administrations employed and promoted known Soviet agents.

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