The Truth Is: Donald Trump Did Pretty Good In Last Night's Debate (And I Can't Stand Him)

Donald Trump's performance at the Commander in Chief Forum:

  • I reluctantly admit was better than I hoped it would be.

  • Was good and I'm glad!

  • Wasn't as good as the OP says.

  • Failed horribly!

  • Not sure.

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Trump's going to beat hiLIARy like a Persian Carpet hanging at a bazaar.

She's weak, she's out of control, she's an undisciplined, coughing, hacking, fat, slob.

She's an embarrassment to herself and the entire country.
Trump did pretty well in the way one's high school junior varsity sports player did pretty well. Among others of the child's ilk, he did well. In the absolute when compared with pros or even the varsity team players, nothing about the kid's performance counts as having done well. When one wants to play on the world stage, sit in the President's seat at the table, one had better be a "varsity league" player in every dimension, not just one or two, because everyone else at the table truly does know what's going on and what they are talking about.

Yes but in reality, where the votes count, most of America functions about the level sociologically and politically at a high school junior level...
weak... out of control,... an undisciplined, coughing, hacking, fat, slob. embarrassment to the entire country.

Hey, Trump's bad and all but go easy on him! :lmao: Did you realize you were projecting on behalf of your beloved Messiah Cheeto Jesus?
Trump did pretty well in the way one's high school junior varsity sports player did pretty well. Among others of the child's ilk, he did well. In the absolute when compared with pros or even the varsity team players, nothing about the kid's performance counts as having done well. When one wants to play on the world stage, sit in the President's seat at the table, one had better be a "varsity league" player in every dimension, not just one or two, because everyone else at the table truly does know what's going on and what they are talking about.

Yes but in reality, where the votes count, most of America functions about the level sociologically and politically at a high school junior level...

That's depressing....
Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...

It's difficult for Hil-Liar to change her strategy. She knows well enough that if you hit Trump below the belt, he will do the same only harder.

She just has too much baggage to attack Trump, so she's relying on her knowledge to get her by. However if Trump is meeting her on that level, she won't have a strong argument for electing her as president.
Every two minutes was another gaffe. How is that OK?
How severe are the gaffs you're talking about vs how strong Trump came off on foreign policy?
He lied about being against Iraq and Libya, he lied about what he was told in briefings, he lied about how potuses pick generals (they don't), he blew Putin in public, and he said we should have kept boots on the ground to loot Iraq's oil.

That said, Hillary continues to trip over her emails.

All politicians lie, but not all politicians leave the Middle East on shambles and not all leave marines behind to die and not all politicians have their own personal charity to launder money and not all politicians have committed a felony and given top secret information away that probably costs lives.
From what I've seen, he definitely did better than he might have.

Seems to me that the addition of Kellyanne Conway was a real turning point, he's kept his shit together comparatively well and his talking points have improved quite a bit.

I don't want him to win, but it's good to know he can take positive instruction just in case.

Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...
Who knows. Hillary's problem is Hillary. How do you fix that in seven weeks?

There has never been a presidential election like this, in which both candidates are so freakin' lucky to have each other as opponents.

She has her electoral college advantage, and she just has to hope that Assange or someone else can't sink her.
Look, people know me here for my stark (and some say "offensive" ) honesty. And everyone knows my position on Donald Trump getting within 100 miles of the Oval Office.

That being said, he did very well in last night's debate. You're hearing a few nitpicking threads but really, he aced it. And that has to be a campaign "uh-oh" moment for the Hillary camp. Trump is pulling ahead in the polls and he aced last night's commander in chief forum. Worse still, Hillary's "can you trust him when the phone rings at 3am" ads just got sucker punched in the face because he came out looking more calm and having self-control than he ever has before.

So....? I guess this means more work for the Hillary camp. Well done Donald. I still think you should be legally restrained from coming within 100 miles of the Whitehouse.

There haven't been any debates.

WTF are you talking about?
How severe are the gaffs you're talking about vs how strong Trump came off on foreign policy?
He lied about being against Iraq and Libya, he lied about what he was told in briefings, he lied about how potuses pick generals (they don't), he blew Putin in public, and he said we should have kept boots on the ground to loot Iraq's oil.

That said, Hillary continues to trip over her emails.
Not so sure:

Powell goes on defense: 'I stand by my decisions'

email from Powell:

In the email, Powell, who used a private email account during his time in office, confided that he connected his computer to a private phone line in order to avoid having his emails go through State Department servers.
She's so classy. Refusing to make Powell the fall guy even with emails "right there"

She takes responsibility for her vote on Iraq, not blaming Bush lying.

She takes responsibility for her emails.

Does Trump? We already know the answer to that, don't we?

Deany, do you know the different between an email account and an email server?
You can't have a "Private Email Account" without a private Email Server.

Do you understand how Email Accounts work?
So what do you call an AOL account, which is what Powell said he had? Public? Then how come there's a password.
Hillary set up a PRIVATE ILLEGAL SERVER! Powell used a private email account.
Are you really this fucking ignorant or are you just trolling to get attention?
Trump did pretty well in the way one's high school junior varsity sports player did pretty well. Among others of the child's ilk, he did well. In the absolute when compared with pros or even the varsity team players, nothing about the kid's performance counts as having done well. When one wants to play on the world stage, sit in the President's seat at the table, one had better be a "varsity league" player in every dimension, not just one or two, because everyone else at the table truly does know what's going on and what they are talking about.
Anyone else find it hilarious one of Hillary's ass licker would have the temerity to even use the words "junior varsity".
You really are a fucking dummy.
From what I've seen, he definitely did better than he might have.

Seems to me that the addition of Kellyanne Conway was a real turning point, he's kept his shit together comparatively well and his talking points have improved quite a bit.

I don't want him to win, but it's good to know he can take positive instruction just in case.

Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...
Who knows. Hillary's problem is Hillary. How do you fix that in seven weeks?

There has never been a presidential election like this, in which both candidates are so freakin' lucky to have each other as opponents.

She has her electoral college advantage, and she just has to hope that Assange or someone else can't sink her.
You can be 100% guaranteed that Assange will drop a fucking MOAB on Hillary a couple of weeks before the election.
Assange HATES!!!!! Hillary with a fucking burning passion!
He is saving the very best for last.
He's going to make 100% positive the MSM Hillary ass lickers can't hide the MOAB from the public.
From what I've seen, he definitely did better than he might have.

Seems to me that the addition of Kellyanne Conway was a real turning point, he's kept his shit together comparatively well and his talking points have improved quite a bit.

I don't want him to win, but it's good to know he can take positive instruction just in case.

Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...
Who knows. Hillary's problem is Hillary. How do you fix that in seven weeks?

There has never been a presidential election like this, in which both candidates are so freakin' lucky to have each other as opponents.

She has her electoral college advantage, and she just has to hope that Assange or someone else can't sink her.
You can be 100% guaranteed that Assange will drop a fucking MOAB on Hillary a couple of weeks before the election.
Assange HATES!!!!! Hillary with a fucking burning passion!
He is saving the very best for last.
He's going to make 100% positive the MSM Hillary ass lickers can't hide the MOAB from the public.
I wonder how you would be reacting if someone were doing this to Trump.
I personally don't think foreigners should mess with the election; even if it means exposing Trump. This includes Assange.
From what I've seen, he definitely did better than he might have.

Seems to me that the addition of Kellyanne Conway was a real turning point, he's kept his shit together comparatively well and his talking points have improved quite a bit.

I don't want him to win, but it's good to know he can take positive instruction just in case.

Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...
Who knows. Hillary's problem is Hillary. How do you fix that in seven weeks?

There has never been a presidential election like this, in which both candidates are so freakin' lucky to have each other as opponents.

She has her electoral college advantage, and she just has to hope that Assange or someone else can't sink her.
You can be 100% guaranteed that Assange will drop a fucking MOAB on Hillary a couple of weeks before the election.
Assange HATES!!!!! Hillary with a fucking burning passion!
He is saving the very best for last.
He's going to make 100% positive the MSM Hillary ass lickers can't hide the MOAB from the public.
I wonder how you would be reacting if someone were doing this to Trump.
I believe Trump having been in a very serious world of business dealing with the most conniving ruthless asshole businessmen in the world has done some 'shady' things.
No one at that level survives if they can't get in the ring with those bastards.
Trump knows where a lot of skeletons are hidden.
That's a major reason the 'establishment' on both sides are shit scared of him.
If anyone has a MOAB they can drop on Trump I say DROP IT!.
On the other hand Hillary has been a player in Washington for decades.
No one can say with a straight face she doesn't know what a document means. Whether it's got a fucking 'C' on it or not.
Either that or she really is too stupid to have the 'codes'.
From what I've seen, he definitely did better than he might have.

Seems to me that the addition of Kellyanne Conway was a real turning point, he's kept his shit together comparatively well and his talking points have improved quite a bit.

I don't want him to win, but it's good to know he can take positive instruction just in case.

Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...
Who knows. Hillary's problem is Hillary. How do you fix that in seven weeks?

There has never been a presidential election like this, in which both candidates are so freakin' lucky to have each other as opponents.

She has her electoral college advantage, and she just has to hope that Assange or someone else can't sink her.
You can be 100% guaranteed that Assange will drop a fucking MOAB on Hillary a couple of weeks before the election.
Assange HATES!!!!! Hillary with a fucking burning passion!
He is saving the very best for last.
He's going to make 100% positive the MSM Hillary ass lickers can't hide the MOAB from the public.
I wonder how you would be reacting if someone were doing this to Trump.
I believe Trump having been in a very serious world of business dealing with the most conniving ruthless asshole businessmen in the world has done some 'shady' things.
No one at that level survives if they can't get in the ring with those bastards.
Trump knows where a lot of skeletons are hidden.
That's a major reason the 'establishment' on both sides are shit scared of him.
If anyone has a MOAB they can drop on Trump I say DROP IT!.
On the other hand Hillary has been a player in Washington for decades.
No one can say with a straight face she doesn't know what a document means. Whether it's got a fucking 'C' on it or not.
Either that or she really is too stupid to have the 'codes'.
Partisan politics aside, how comfortable are you with the knowledge that people from other countries (including a clear and dangerous adversary) now appear to be distorting an American presidential election?
Agreed. But how do you think it will change the Hillary strategy? They were counting on him screwing up in the debates...
Who knows. Hillary's problem is Hillary. How do you fix that in seven weeks?

There has never been a presidential election like this, in which both candidates are so freakin' lucky to have each other as opponents.

She has her electoral college advantage, and she just has to hope that Assange or someone else can't sink her.
You can be 100% guaranteed that Assange will drop a fucking MOAB on Hillary a couple of weeks before the election.
Assange HATES!!!!! Hillary with a fucking burning passion!
He is saving the very best for last.
He's going to make 100% positive the MSM Hillary ass lickers can't hide the MOAB from the public.
I wonder how you would be reacting if someone were doing this to Trump.
I believe Trump having been in a very serious world of business dealing with the most conniving ruthless asshole businessmen in the world has done some 'shady' things.
No one at that level survives if they can't get in the ring with those bastards.
Trump knows where a lot of skeletons are hidden.
That's a major reason the 'establishment' on both sides are shit scared of him.
If anyone has a MOAB they can drop on Trump I say DROP IT!.
On the other hand Hillary has been a player in Washington for decades.
No one can say with a straight face she doesn't know what a document means. Whether it's got a fucking 'C' on it or not.
Either that or she really is too stupid to have the 'codes'.
Partisan politics aside, how comfortable are you with the knowledge that people from other countries (including a clear and dangerous adversary) now appear to be distorting an American presidential election?
If the russians and the Israelis and the Chinese and a couple of Inuit teenagers with an antique 286 were able to hack into the DNC and the US government and Hillary illegal server what does that say about how fucking stupid 'america's brightest' computer geeks are?
Pretty pathetic.
We all need to face the fact that the US is literally in a cyberwar with many nations.
Looks like they are winning.
IF other countries are now able to fuck with the election process it's 100% on the shoulders of the Obama administration.
I'm definitely very unhappy that this is happening.
As far as Assange goes I don't care what country any whistleblower comes from.
If they have factual information about the Clinton Crime Inc. let's see it BEFORE the old White 1%er liar is elected President.
Anyone with a shread of decency and loyalty to America would want this to happen.
Let the chips fall where they may.

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