The truth is the tea party are the rino's

I am absolutely amazed so many Progressives just love raising the debt ceiling so much. I would think more debt would be a good thing to be avoided??

I'm dealing with a situation north of 49 that involves my new Prime Minister who actually campaigned on throwing the country back into a negative. After my conservative government stick handled thru the global bullshit and kept us on track.
Republicans from the 1930's through the 1980's always were supporters of sane regulations, science, infrastructure and education.

Nixon created the EPA..Which of course cleaned up our water and air!
Republicans may of deported the illegals but they also paved our roads at the same time!!!
Republicans supported the civil rights act
Republicans Created nasa
Republicans Supported SSI. Reagan had no problem with it! ;)

The idea that a republican is now a rino for investing and supporting common sense regulation is insane. History doesn't support your idea of the republican party.

You loserterians are the real rino's that have taken over a once respectable party. Your ideas are for losers and I pray you lose big time in the election so the republican party can become the party it once was.

Loserterianism doesn't = republicans. Loserterianism is a disease.

i had another drink.
republicans have always been about accountable and intelligent government!!! That includes investment in our country and sane regulations...

ANyone that believes we shouldn't do that isn't a republican...They're a loserterian.
The country has been broke for decades? Clinton left this country in the black when he left office, and we were good until 2000 when Jr. took over.

That's only a decade and a half, not "decades".
Actually, it was the Republican Congress that controlled the national purse at the time, Clinton went along with their budgets kicking and screaming, then of course he stole the credit and the lemmings believe him.
Republicans from the 1930's through the 1980's always were supporters of sane regulations, science, infrastructure and education.

Nixon created the EPA..Which of course cleaned up our water and air!
Republicans may of deported the illegals but they also paved our roads at the same time!!!
Republicans supported the civil rights act
Republicans Created nasa
Republicans Supported SSI. Reagan had no problem with it! ;)

The idea that a republican is now a rino for investing and supporting common sense regulation is insane. History doesn't support your idea of the republican party.

You loserterians are the real rino's that have taken over a once respectable party. Your ideas are for losers and I pray you lose big time in the election so the republican party can become the party it once was.

Loserterianism doesn't = republicans. Loserterianism is a disease.

The shift started with Reagan, when concentrated wealth finally took over the party and wanted to end everything government did for the non-wealthy. This was literally a situation where a small collection of insanely wealthy people wanted to take all the investment in infrastructure, technology and the middle class and channel it into direct subsidies, taxbreaks bailouts for those with concentrated wealth. It was coup d'e'tat. made possible by a massive investment in think tanks and popular media, designed to mislead people about the purpose and success of our great postwar government where Liberal New Deal policies created Conservative outcomes because these liberal policies resulted in higher wages/benefits SO THAT the mom could stay home and FAMILIES could spend more time together (Family = conservatism).

This era of liberal economic policy reached its apex in the 50s, which was the golden era of capitalism because capitalism lifted all boats and Americans enjoyed the most broadly shared prosperity in its history, i.e., LABOR & CAPITAL prospered; worker and owner prospered because of liberal wage and trade policies that tied capital more tightly to American Labor and ensured that the worker kept more of the profit that was made off his back.

[Study the NEW DEAL and its legacy - and the great Republican Presidents like Eisenhower and Nixon who furthered it almost as much as FDR/Truman].

The was in contrast to the post Carter government the middle class was bypassed for cheap labor in Communist China. [Who knew John Galt, the minute Reagan gave him freedom, would sell this nation down river? Who knew that post Carter capitalism would become such a powerful ally of Communist China and other freedom hating nations?] Now, after 30 years of Reaganomics > lower wages = higher profits > we have lost the middle class. To make room for bigger tax cuts, we have withdrawn public investment in education for the masses, the very epicenter of upward mobility for poor and middle class Americans has been destroyed so we can become a plutocracy (where a small collection of people can afford to buy government and media, control legislation and opinion. Game Over.
Never said that Ice. All governments spend, and all governments require money.

That's why we have taxes.

What I said was that jobs are coming back and the debt is slowly going down.
It's going down because of the evil do nothing party of no Republicans. Government needs money, but they don't need to spend like drunken sailors.
The shift started with Reagan, when concentrated wealth
LOL. Couldn't make it past that. He reduced top marginal taxes but a lot, since few actually payed it. People with the big bucks had ways to get around it. Reagan closed loopholes and the fact is the federal government took in much more in taxes.

The shift started with Reagan, when concentrated wealth
LOL. Couldn't make it past that. He reduced top marginal taxes but a lot, since few actually payed it. People with the big bucks had ways to get around it. Reagan closed loopholes and the fact is the federal government took in much more in taxes.


Looks like the government didn't take a lot more enough in taxes to offset reagan's big time spending.
I'll say it again (Hey, why not, I love seeing my words on the screen!):

The Tea Party/Freedom Caucus group needs the GOP's infrastructure because it doesn't want to do the heavy lifting of creating its own as a separate party.

This is a group of absolutists who will even turn on their own if that person makes one wrong step. They have no interest in cooperation, and they've been convinced by certain people that they can somehow "defeat liberalism", which is absurd on its face.

Of course, the people who have convinced them that they can somehow defeat liberalism have a vested professional/financial interest in a permanent struggle, which is what this would be.
I'll say it again (Hey, why not, I love seeing my words on the screen!):

The Tea Party/Freedom Caucus group needs the GOP's infrastructure because it doesn't want to do the heavy lifting of creating its own as a separate party.

This is a group of absolutists who will even turn on their own if that person makes one wrong step. They have no interest in cooperation, and they've been convinced by certain people that they can somehow "defeat liberalism", which is absurd on its face.

Of course, the people who have convinced them that they can somehow defeat liberalism have a vested professional/financial interest in a permanent struggle, which is what this would be.
The shift started with Reagan, when concentrated wealth
LOL. Couldn't make it past that. He reduced top marginal taxes but a lot, since few actually payed it. People with the big bucks had ways to get around it. Reagan closed loopholes and the fact is the federal government took in much more in taxes.


Looks like the government didn't take a lot more enough in taxes to offset reagan's big time spending.
Income went way up. Reagan had a LOT of help spending from the Democrats, why do they get a pass?

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