The truth some here cannot take

The facts to be understand by this thread is whites did not invent everything and no one else did nothing.

Whatever someone invents rarely has anything to do with their race (unless of course they are inventing something specific to use by a particular race, which is limited at best). The desire to connect the two (the ability to invent something, and a person's race in regards to that) is an attempt to assign value to something other than what the person invented, which is at best useless in regards to what they invented.

You tell that shit to the whites in here. OK?
Panties aren't in a bunch. Nice that you decide to go to a childish statement. The difference in this section vs others is, this section is only about race. The only thing it does is creates bad relations. Most of the ops here are blatant racist lies and or done to antagonize. Its only useful to racists and for race baiting. The lies come from the extremes on either side. Open your mind, stop being a leftist clown.
Do you think the "Politics" section creates GOOD relations between Democrats and Republicans?!?!?

Who do you think you are talking to?

Once again, you can apply this word for word to the "Politics" section, and instead of whites and blacks, it would be Republicans and Democrats.
I think I am talking to a guy that wont own up to the truth about the race a racist threads. Political differences aren't race oriented.

Poliical differences are often race oriented.
Very very rarely.
Panties aren't in a bunch. Nice that you decide to go to a childish statement. The difference in this section vs others is, this section is only about race. The only thing it does is creates bad relations. Most of the ops here are blatant racist lies and or done to antagonize. Its only useful to racists and for race baiting. The lies come from the extremes on either side. Open your mind, stop being a leftist clown.
Do you think the "Politics" section creates GOOD relations between Democrats and Republicans?!?!?

Who do you think you are talking to?

Once again, you can apply this word for word to the "Politics" section, and instead of whites and blacks, it would be Republicans and Democrats.
I think I am talking to a guy that wont own up to the truth about the race a racist threads. Political differences aren't race oriented.

Poliical differences are often race oriented.

When manufactured to be so.

When Europeans came to America, they wanted the land for themselves. These immigrants had no desire to assimilate, just to take over. For they knew that the white man far outnumbered and outgunned the native Americans, so why share? They chose to use racism to help conquer those people by painting them as subhuman savages.

However, today the "brown" man far outnumbers his white counterpart. Now the tables have been turned as political leaders run to take advantage of the race card once again by attacking the white man as racist and inferior on many levels, all in an attempt to secure their votes.

It never ends really.
The very definition of politics is division and discord.

After all, if a politician said that he was going to treat everyone the same and with equality, who would throw their money at them?

No, the goal is to get a leg up on your fellow man by either making him pay more or you getting more.

That is what we see with issues like marriage. Gays poured their money into the establishment to secure their "rights".

However, polygamists did not, so they are ignored.

In fact, why do single folk not have the same rights as married folk?

It makes no sense, assuming you buy into the BS that political parties really give a damn about equality.
Why are you so comfortable w/the willful division and discord in US politics, but SEEM to be so incensed by the differences that come about in interracial discourse?
I’d be interested to hear you demonstrate this claim.

It's not hard. We all come into this world "free" men, but is only man who seeks to imprison us either politically or militarily.

In fact, most men who have walked the earth have been either a slave or forced to fight in the military. Today there are more slaves in the world than at any other time in human history.
Some to this day are born into slavery. So not all men are born free. Many have their fates determined before birth. Many more still have their fates sealed prior to birth, and never get to take a breath. I see no evidence that equality exists in nature. Neither amongst men, nor beasts...

We are all arguably born into slavery of some kind.

We pay taxes on what we eat, on land we live on, and the money we make.

Some more than others.
Therefore mankind does not; cannot live in a state of equality...

That is a false premise.
Show us...
You tell that shit to the whites in here. OK?

I tell it to everyone when I post it, the fact you think it is an attack against you personally, or has any different meaning as associated with race, is why you will always be a victim of your own racial proclivities.
The very definition of politics is division and discord.

After all, if a politician said that he was going to treat everyone the same and with equality, who would throw their money at them?

No, the goal is to get a leg up on your fellow man by either making him pay more or you getting more.

That is what we see with issues like marriage. Gays poured their money into the establishment to secure their "rights".

However, polygamists did not, so they are ignored.

In fact, why do single folk not have the same rights as married folk?

It makes no sense, assuming you buy into the BS that political parties really give a damn about equality.
Why are you so comfortable w/the willful division and discord in US politics, but SEEM to be so incensed by the differences that come about in interracial discourse?

Man is a political creature. As such, division is a continuum.

Does it make me happy? No, but it is what it is. There is no point in pretending otherwise.

As for myself, I speak what I perceive to be the truth regarding these divisions.

What I object to most are elements within the political system seeking to enslave us further.

I view socialism to be one of those tools.

I don't relish having to get a meal from a garbage can like they are doing in Venezuela or North Korea today.
As true as all that may be, I would rather USMB maintain the Race Relations sub-forum as one of the many options it provides for people to find the discussions they want to have, and keep a specific space where a reader can expect to find the same garbage, all the time, if they so desire. At best, they may consider moving it to a different zone, such as Zone 3, slap a sign on the door reading "You're going to get what you ask for", and let the nonsense run its course.

Yeah. Zone 3 makes the most sense. That's the place for the combative natured "you whites and "you blacks" speech.

Race relations is an important aspect in society. I don't disagree with the concept of it. I encourage it, in fact. But it requires maturity. Free speech and responsible speech are not mutually exclusive.

But what's going on here now isn't proper race relations. The clowns are running the circus.

The circus was just fine when only whites got to badmouth blacks. But in standard white fashion, when we start pushing back the rules must be changed.
Putting it in Zone 3 may not be appealing if the staff doesn't want to "look" like they don't take a desire for improved race relations seriously. At the same time when measured against the depth of discussions that go on in the sub-forum, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea to "put it out to pasture" and let the ponies run wild. :21:

They'll get over it. There's not enough time in the day or enough mods around at the same time to deal with the rule enforcement in this section anyway.
As true as all that may be, I would rather USMB maintain the Race Relations sub-forum as one of the many options it provides for people to find the discussions they want to have, and keep a specific space where a reader can expect to find the same garbage, all the time, if they so desire. At best, they may consider moving it to a different zone, such as Zone 3, slap a sign on the door reading "You're going to get what you ask for", and let the nonsense run its course.

Yeah. Zone 3 makes the most sense. That's the place for the combative natured "you whites and "you blacks" speech.

Race relations is an important aspect in society. I don't disagree with the concept of it. I encourage it, in fact. But it requires maturity. Free speech and responsible speech are not mutually exclusive.

But what's going on here now isn't proper race relations. The clowns are running the circus.

The circus was just fine when only whites got to badmouth blacks. But in standard white fashion, when we start pushing back the rules must be changed.

I get the sense that you are taking the black slavery issue personally. You shouldn't.

Before slavery in the US, indentured servants were used for cheap labor, however, that fell out of favor and slavery was adopted.

Today we have illegal aliens for cheap labor, which is why neither party chooses to secure the border.

Imagine, the GOP in full control of government and no wall.

There never will be a wall.
The Truth: The OP is a Racist Hack who constantly Race Baits and Promotes Racial Division.
You tell that shit to the whites in here. OK?

I tell it to everyone when I post it, the fact you think it is an attack against you personally, or has any different meaning as associated with race, is why you will always be a victim of your own racial proclivities.

I'm tired of you whites here and that victim shit. I have not seen you say shit to whites so until I see you do it, that's my position.
The circus was just fine when only whites got to badmouth blacks. But in standard white fashion, when we start pushing back the rules must be changed.

I don't know what you're popping off about when you compare whites and blacks, but nobody wants the rules changed. The rules are just fine. It's you, and people like you who consistently abuse the sub forum's purpose and rules arbitrarily who are the problem. We just want the rules enforced or put the hate in zone 3 where it belongs.
I'm tired of you whites here and that victim shit. I have not seen you say shit to whites so until I see you do it, that's my position.

Again you are being disingenuous at best. You aren't "tried of seeing" any of it, because it's primarily how you spend your time here. What I post doesn't apply any different to anyone according to their race. That is a false correlation and association you have to make, in order to promote something other than the truth.
As true as all that may be, I would rather USMB maintain the Race Relations sub-forum as one of the many options it provides for people to find the discussions they want to have, and keep a specific space where a reader can expect to find the same garbage, all the time, if they so desire. At best, they may consider moving it to a different zone, such as Zone 3, slap a sign on the door reading "You're going to get what you ask for", and let the nonsense run its course.

Yeah. Zone 3 makes the most sense. That's the place for the combative natured "you whites and "you blacks" speech.

Race relations is an important aspect in society. I don't disagree with the concept of it. I encourage it, in fact. But it requires maturity. Free speech and responsible speech are not mutually exclusive.

But what's going on here now isn't proper race relations. The clowns are running the circus.

The circus was just fine when only whites got to badmouth blacks. But in standard white fashion, when we start pushing back the rules must be changed.

I get the sense that you are taking the black slavery issue personally. You shouldn't.

Before slavery in the US, indentured servants were used for cheap labor, however, that fell out of favor and slavery was adopted.

Today we have illegal aliens for cheap labor, which is why neither party chooses to secure the border.

Imagine, the GOP in full control of government and no wall.

There never will be a wall.

This particular thread is about those issues. And I am not going to listen to a white man telling me what he thinks I am taking personal. Learn what modern racism is, then come talk to me about what I am taking personally.
I'm tired of you whites here and that victim shit. I have not seen you say shit to whites so until I see you do it, that's my position.

Again you are being disingenuous at best. You aren't "tried of seeing" any of it, because it's primarily how you spend your time here. What I post doesn't apply any different to anyone according to their race. That is a false correlation and association you have to make, in order to promote something other than the truth.

I haven't seen you do it. You still haven't done it. You want to tell me how I spend my time here according to your opinion but you don't want to articulate what I am responding to. In his thread what white person have you said anything to about what they do?
This particular thread is about those issues. And I am not going to listen to a white man telling me what he thinks I am taking personal. Learn what modern racism is, then come talk to me about what I am taking personally.

Would it help if I agree you provide an excellent example of "modern racism"?
I haven't seen you do it. You still haven't done it. You want to tell me how I spend my time here according to your opinion but you don't want to articulate what I am responding to. In his thread what white person have you said anything to about what they do?

What you mean is that "you haven't seen me do what you want me to do", and the simple fact you cannot see what doesn't exist, because I am not posting in a manner that assigns race to anything I post, would more accurately reflect the truth of the matter.

Answer is simple URNot,

Timeline of historic inventions - Wikipedia

Now do the research, do the count, and tell us how much white people didn't invent! :auiqs.jpg:

And take the handful or so of people you found, wrap them in your racist inferiority complex and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.

Answer is simple URNot,

Timeline of historic inventions - Wikipedia

Now do the research, do the count, and tell us how much white people didn't invent! :auiqs.jpg:

And take the handful or so of people you found, wrap them in your racist inferiority complex and stick them where the sun doesn't shine.

Your posting history shows us that you are the racist and you have the inferiority complex,

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