The Truth Staring You In The Face

Today, they Democrats blocked an anti-infanticide bill.

Having parroted the popular Right Wing lies, I'm not surprised Trumpybear's initiative failed because of Democrats. Did that denial cause the federal law against infanticide to change? Have the Democrats changed their platform to include legalizing infanticide?
Today, they Democrats blocked an anti-infanticide bill.

Having parroted the popular Right Wing lies, I'm not surprised Trumpybear's initiative failed because of Democrats. Did that denial cause the federal law against infanticide to change? Have the Democrats changed their platform to include legalizing infanticide?

Blind is the perfect name for you. The New York law certainly does allow infanticide as does Virginia's. Thus making infanticide legal in those Dimbo run states. Funny you left out the standing ovation the idiot Dims in New York gave when they passed the law allowing killing of babies. Continue to lie in ignorance like a good little sheep.
Today, they Democrats blocked an anti-infanticide bill.

Having parroted the popular Right Wing lies, I'm not surprised Trumpybear's initiative failed because of Democrats. Did that denial cause the federal law against infanticide to change? Have the Democrats changed their platform to include legalizing infanticide?

Blind is the perfect name for you. The New York law certainly does allow infanticide as does Virginia's. Thus making infanticide legal in those Dimbo run states. Funny you left out the standing ovation the idiot Dims in New York gave when they passed the law allowing killing of babies. Continue to lie in ignorance like a good little sheep.

Omg I love you SJWer types. You make me laugh.

Even if the states did pass a law allowing it, and I'm not saying they did, it would still be illegal in every single state due to the Federal Law passed in 2002.

But I'll bite, what evidence do you have that the recent laws they passed allowed this form of homicide?
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.

"Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much"

What do you call a person who votes for republicans who want to arrest gays?

a conservative.
Today, they Democrats blocked an anti-infanticide bill.

Having parroted the popular Right Wing lies, I'm not surprised Trumpybear's initiative failed because of Democrats. Did that denial cause the federal law against infanticide to change? Have the Democrats changed their platform to include legalizing infanticide?

Blind is the perfect name for you. The New York law certainly does allow infanticide as does Virginia's. Thus making infanticide legal in those Dimbo run states. Funny you left out the standing ovation the idiot Dims in New York gave when they passed the law allowing killing of babies. Continue to lie in ignorance like a good little sheep.

Omg I love you SJWer types. You make me laugh.

Even if the states did pass a law allowing it, and I'm not saying they did, it would still be illegal in every single state due to the Federal Law passed in 2002.

But I'll bite, what evidence do you have that the recent laws they passed allowed this form of homicide?
I'm no SJW snowflake like you. Evidence you say? Obviously you're intentionally ignoring articles, interviews, and all the other information out there. Then again, you lefties never are big on this thing called the truth. See, we laugh at uneducated people like you who make ridiculous easily debunked statements and then double down on stupid. You've gotten your ass kicked this whole thread. You should quit while you're only 6 feet deep.
Today, they Democrats blocked an anti-infanticide bill.

Having parroted the popular Right Wing lies, I'm not surprised Trumpybear's initiative failed because of Democrats. Did that denial cause the federal law against infanticide to change? Have the Democrats changed their platform to include legalizing infanticide?

Blind is the perfect name for you. The New York law certainly does allow infanticide as does Virginia's. Thus making infanticide legal in those Dimbo run states. Funny you left out the standing ovation the idiot Dims in New York gave when they passed the law allowing killing of babies. Continue to lie in ignorance like a good little sheep.

Omg I love you SJWer types. You make me laugh.

Even if the states did pass a law allowing it, and I'm not saying they did, it would still be illegal in every single state due to the Federal Law passed in 2002.

But I'll bite, what evidence do you have that the recent laws they passed allowed this form of homicide?
I'm no SJW snowflake like you. Evidence you say? Obviously you're intentionally ignoring articles, interviews, and all the other information out there. Then again, you lefties never are big on this thing called the truth. See, we laugh at uneducated people like you who make ridiculous easily debunked statements and then double down on stupid. You've gotten your ass kicked this whole thread. You should quit while you're only 6 feet deep.

Of course you are. Why else would you believe, without evidence, such nonsense like a healthy and viable child born alive can be legally killed after birth by anyone in any state of the union.
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.

She got $10 Million from Netflix literally days after being elected for rights to do a documentary on her.

Now you know why she chased Amazon out of her district. Netflix is Amazon's competitor in streaming media.

She is already owned, bought and paid for.

She probably showed Neflix her tits just like she used to do at the bar for a $5 tip.

No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hawley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...
Last edited:
The insane party's spokesperson, Ocasio, suggests this is a 'right'....

"Her new apartment complex — which boasts on its website that it vows to take "luxury apartment living" to a higher level — offers over 100,000 square feet of amenities for its residents.

These include: two private massage rooms with state-of-the-art hydrotherapy beds; men’s and women’s saunas; a full-scale demonstration kitchen with wood-fired pizza oven; a 25-meter indoor lap pool; a rooftop infinity pool with panoramic views of the Capitol; a Peloton cycling studio with over a dozen bikes; and a fireside lounge featuring a Steinway & Sons player piano.

Also included is a PGA-grade golf simulation lounge with a wrap-around screen and viewing bar that allows residents to play virtually at dozens of the world’s most exclusive golf courses with the touch of a button. Last week, Democrats mocked President Trump for installing a new golf simulator at the White House — updating with his own money one originally installed by former President Barack Obama.

Apartments in the building currently start at $1,840 per month for a 440 square foot studio, and range up to $5,200 for a three-bedroom. The average rent in Washington D.C. is $1,340 for a one-bedroom apartment and $1,550 for a two-bedroom, according to the most recent data from Apartment List."
Poor people not allowed in AOC's luxury apartment complex
Today, they Democrats blocked an anti-infanticide bill.

Having parroted the popular Right Wing lies, I'm not surprised Trumpybear's initiative failed because of Democrats. Did that denial cause the federal law against infanticide to change? Have the Democrats changed their platform to include legalizing infanticide?

Blind is the perfect name for you. The New York law certainly does allow infanticide as does Virginia's. Thus making infanticide legal in those Dimbo run states. Funny you left out the standing ovation the idiot Dims in New York gave when they passed the law allowing killing of babies. Continue to lie in ignorance like a good little sheep.

He's a liar for his party.
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.

"Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much"

What do you call a person who votes for republicans who want to arrest gays?

a conservative.

Link or lie?

You make it soooo easy, you dunce.
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.

She got $10 Million from Netflix literally days after being elected for rights to do a documentary on her.

Now you know why she chased Amazon out of her district. Netflix is Amazon's competitor in streaming media.

She is already owned, bought and paid for.

She probably showed Neflix her tits just like she used to do at the bar for a $5 tip.

No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.

She got $10 Million from Netflix literally days after being elected for rights to do a documentary on her.

Now you know why she chased Amazon out of her district. Netflix is Amazon's competitor in streaming media.

She is already owned, bought and paid for.

She probably showed Neflix her tits just like she used to do at the bar for a $5 tip.

No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.
As always, RWNJs get "truth" completely backwards.
Anti-science and anti-education is who they ARE
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.

She got $10 Million from Netflix literally days after being elected for rights to do a documentary on her.

Now you know why she chased Amazon out of her district. Netflix is Amazon's competitor in streaming media.

She is already owned, bought and paid for.

She probably showed Neflix her tits just like she used to do at the bar for a $5 tip.

No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.

You sure can move.....hitchhike.

But you're so dumb, you probably can only hitchhike in one direction.

I suggest off a pier.
She got $10 Million from Netflix literally days after being elected for rights to do a documentary on her.

Now you know why she chased Amazon out of her district. Netflix is Amazon's competitor in streaming media.

She is already owned, bought and paid for.

She probably showed Neflix her tits just like she used to do at the bar for a $5 tip.

No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.

You sure can move.....hitchhike.

But you're so dumb, you probably can only hitchhike in one direction.

I suggest off a pier.

PC, they are just using semantics, don't let them off the hook.

So, lets get this straight, if I run for office, get elected, then put forth legislation to kill every Leftist in the country, and call it...…….oh, I dunno, how about---------------> Preservation of the American Homeland, lol.

So BLIND AS A BAT says I am calling for murder, it is illegal in every state, etc, etc. And you come back with it------------->it isn't murder, it is called "Preservation of the American Homeland," so vote for Whosure anyway, since it is illegal everywhere since our constitution was written, do you think BLIND AS A BAT would say, "oh yeah, Whosure is AOK, he is a hero now, because he can't do what he wants," lololol!

Next time you Leftists go to a hospital to visit someone; or ANY reason for that matter, make a quick stop at the maternity ward, and look in where they keep the newly delivered babies...…….just for the hell of it.

Now then, which one of you STUD MUFFINS have the balls to cut one of those babies throats; which one of you???????????? You are a bunch of clowns, in a clown car, and have no idea where the clown car is being driven to. What the HELL is wrong with you? Are you a bunch of fu**ing physchopaths?!?!?!?!
She got $10 Million from Netflix literally days after being elected for rights to do a documentary on her.

Now you know why she chased Amazon out of her district. Netflix is Amazon's competitor in streaming media.

She is already owned, bought and paid for.

She probably showed Neflix her tits just like she used to do at the bar for a $5 tip.

No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.

You sure can move.....hitchhike.

But you're so dumb, you probably can only hitchhike in one direction.

I suggest off a pier.
As always, you can't argue with a brainwashed functional moron... You can just yell at them.
No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.

You sure can move.....hitchhike.

But you're so dumb, you probably can only hitchhike in one direction.

I suggest off a pier.
As always, you can't argue with a brainwashed functional moron... You can just yell at them.

OK, can have another chance to prove you're a moron.....

Do you agree with Ocasio, that this is a 'right'?????

The insane party's spokesperson, Ocasio, suggests this is a 'right'....

"Her new apartment complex — which boasts on its website that it vows to take "luxury apartment living" to a higher level — offers over 100,000 square feet of amenities for its residents.

These include: two private massage rooms with state-of-the-art hydrotherapy beds; men’s and women’s saunas; a full-scale demonstration kitchen with wood-fired pizza oven; a 25-meter indoor lap pool; a rooftop infinity pool with panoramic views of the Capitol; a Peloton cycling studio with over a dozen bikes; and a fireside lounge featuring a Steinway & Sons player piano.

Also included is a PGA-grade golf simulation lounge with a wrap-around screen and viewing bar that allows residents to play virtually at dozens of the world’s most exclusive golf courses with the touch of a button. Last week, Democrats mocked President Trump for installing a new golf simulator at the White House — updating with his own money one originally installed by former President Barack Obama.

Apartments in the building currently start at $1,840 per month for a 440 square foot studio, and range up to $5,200 for a three-bedroom. The average rent in Washington D.C. is $1,340 for a one-bedroom apartment and $1,550 for a two-bedroom, according to the most recent data from Apartment List."
Poor people not allowed in AOC's luxury apartment complex

Speak up, dope.
No, I didn't know that.....but I do know how close Netflix is to Hussein and his spouse.

On the other side.....can't be more Liberal than Bezos.......he bought a newspaper, WaPo, to attack Trump and the Repubs.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.

You sure can move.....hitchhike.

But you're so dumb, you probably can only hitchhike in one direction.

I suggest off a pier.

PC, they are just using semantics, don't let them off the hook.

So, lets get this straight, if I run for office, get elected, then put forth legislation to kill every Leftist in the country, and call it...…….oh, I dunno, how about---------------> Preservation of the American Homeland, lol.

So BLIND AS A BAT says I am calling for murder, it is illegal in every state, etc, etc. And you come back with it------------->it isn't murder, it is called "Preservation of the American Homeland," so vote for Whosure anyway, since it is illegal everywhere since our constitution was written, do you think BLIND AS A BAT would say, "oh yeah, Whosure is AOK, he is a hero now, because he can't do what he wants," lololol!

Next time you Leftists go to a hospital to visit someone; or ANY reason for that matter, make a quick stop at the maternity ward, and look in where they keep the newly delivered babies...…….just for the hell of it.

Now then, which one of you STUD MUFFINS have the balls to cut one of those babies throats; which one of you???????????? You are a bunch of clowns, in a clown car, and have no idea where the clown car is being driven to. What the HELL is wrong with you? Are you a bunch of fu**ing physchopaths?!?!?!?!
Of course in the real world you need two doctors and the mother to agree that the baby is not viable, and of course it never happens after birth dumbass except in garbage propaganda... Way to vote against you and your family and friends' best interests and for emotional wedge issues...
1. And the truth is that the Democrat Party is anti-knowledge, anti-education, socialist, and simply....stooooopid.

And they could not have chosen a more representative Representative than Ocasio.

2. "AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) downplayed the amenities available in her expensive Washington, D.C., apartment building last week, saying her unit was comparable to apartments in a new public housing complex in New York City.

Ocasio-Cortez made the comparison during a Bronx town hall, saying people have been conditioned to view things that should be available to everyone as "luxury" amenities.

"What we have been taught that [sic] is a luxury should not be a luxury," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"Another world is possible," she said. "We can live in buildings that are not-for-profit, or tenant-owned, there are so many ways we can slice this and we can structure it in a way where all people have the right to a dignified home."
AOC Downplays Luxury Apartment, Says Everyone Should Have One

3. With metronomic regularity, we see Liberals demand whatever they can imagine.....with no connection to what it requires to create their imaginings, to bring them to fruition.
Remember Hussein claiming that what Trump promised would require a 'magic wand'?
A 'magic wand' is what Democrats have as the basis for their promises, in place of economics.

4. Almost as free from reality as her Green New Deal, this is the cost associated with her "Says Everyone Should Have One" plan:
"The building does not offer affordable units under the city's Affordable Dwelling Units program, the Washington Examiner reported.

Prices in the complex range from around $2,000 for a small studio to over $5,000 for a three-bedroom. Ocasio-Cortez says she moved there because of the 24/7 lobby security."

5. "Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics
August 8th, 2018

NEW YORK, NY—Democratic candidate for Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the middle of a run-of-the-mill interview—blankly staring at the interviewer for a minute straight after being asked how she’d pay for all the social programs she’s proposing—when disaster struck. She noticed a book on a table nearby and reached over to pick it up before anyone could stop her.

“Aieeee! It burns ussss!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed as her hand burst into flames from touching the book on rudimentary economic concepts. She claimed she had never seen one of those “dreadful things” before and wasn’t aware how much damage it could do.

She was immediately rushed to the hospital.

“As socialism has become increasingly popular, we’ve been seeing more and more of this,” said Doctor Pauline Hudson, who treated Ocasio-Cortez for third-degree burns. “Often it’s a severe-allergic reaction to math. Socialist policies are all well and good, but if you adopt them, you want to stay far away from even basic economic idea like supply and demand. It’s not pretty what happens when the two collide.”

Ocasio-Cortez is expected to make a full-recovery and seems undaunted by the incident, already proposing even more programs she thinks the government should pay for, like dog-walking. In the future, she says she’ll be more careful. Luckily, Ocasio-Cortez is expected to easily win her heavily Democratic district which means she’s headed for our nation’s Capitol, a place that’s traditionally been a safe space from economics and math."
Ocasio-Cortez Severely Burned After Accidentally Touching Book On Basic Economics

Does one have to be a fool to vote Democrat?

Pretty much.
No, but it helps.
Intelligent tolerant well-informed people tend to stick together, just like brainwashed functional morons like you. so why are we as the richest country in the world the only Rich modern country that does not have health care daycare paid parental leave living wage great vacations and infrastructure cheap college and training oh, and ID card to end illegal immigration karma and mainly dumbass a progressive tax system? Only garbage hateful character assassination and misinformation propaganda from greedy a****** mega Rich GOP billionaires makes it possible.... Thanks for ruining the middle class and our infrastructure with giveaway tax rates for the rich and Wrecking the Middle East with Reagan's pal Uncle Saddam, 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. And you're about to ruin Obama's recovery with the stupidest trade and tariff Wars ever. Ever heard of smoot Hartley? That's how the GOP finally wrecked the world in 1930 and here we go again. They just cannot leave the economy alone. they just have to have a corrupt bubble and bust that regular people pay for...

Don't like it here???

I'll help you pack.....
you can't move unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to a citizen, or retired with over $20,000 a year income which leaves out the great majority of Americans plus I'm what you call a good citizen of America, not a brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot rich, d******... Your sympathy for the mega rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. Answer the question, stupid.

You sure can move.....hitchhike.

But you're so dumb, you probably can only hitchhike in one direction.

I suggest off a pier.

PC, they are just using semantics, don't let them off the hook.

So, lets get this straight, if I run for office, get elected, then put forth legislation to kill every Leftist in the country, and call it...…….oh, I dunno, how about---------------> Preservation of the American Homeland, lol.

So BLIND AS A BAT says I am calling for murder, it is illegal in every state, etc, etc. And you come back with it------------->it isn't murder, it is called "Preservation of the American Homeland," so vote for Whosure anyway, since it is illegal everywhere since our constitution was written, do you think BLIND AS A BAT would say, "oh yeah, Whosure is AOK, he is a hero now, because he can't do what he wants," lololol!

Next time you Leftists go to a hospital to visit someone; or ANY reason for that matter, make a quick stop at the maternity ward, and look in where they keep the newly delivered babies...…….just for the hell of it.

Now then, which one of you STUD MUFFINS have the balls to cut one of those babies throats; which one of you???????????? You are a bunch of clowns, in a clown car, and have no idea where the clown car is being driven to. What the HELL is wrong with you? Are you a bunch of fu**ing physchopaths?!?!?!?!
Of course in the real world you need two doctors and the mother to agree that the baby is not viable, and of course it never happens after birth dumbass except in garbage propaganda... Way to vote against you and your family and friends' best interests and for emotional wedge issues...


You see PC's evidence, where is yours, or are you just the master of one liners, you PHONY!

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