The Tweet John Fetterman Doesn't Want You to See: The Pennsylvania senate Democrat nominee posing with his beloved, 'Don't Tread on Weed' flag

Looks to me like the people of Pennsylvania have a lousy choice coming up. REALLY lousy.

Is there a point at which Americans start raising our standards and demanding better? Who knows. Our "system" allows for this decay.

They gave themselves these choices.
Good for him. Nothing says I'm a nanny state goon like support for Big Governments War on Americans who choose to use non government approved recreational substances like cannabis.
Progs vote near pure 100% in an agenda. Tens of trillions of dollars voted on since Biden came in with their agendas in an environment that is not a mandate. They must die.

Without a doubt you do have the best drunk post on this forum!

Keep up the good work.

Democrats don't care. If they voted for a guy who had two brain embolisms, can't hardly put a sentence together and engages in inappropriate behavior with women (kissing and touching and nuzzling), a guy like Fetterman looks good.
Just because you choose booze over pot does not make you any better than them.
If what you promote is true in your views of me, it makes me a person who uses a libation around for written human history. And that is what it is all about. Reduce the taxes in half. You will see real drugs in action.
The "first in the nation" for grass pushing of course gets a temporary boost like Nevada did with gambling.

Once the "tourist" factor is eliminated, that will decline.
And when do you "predict" that will happen?

And it's funny that you "think" Nevada's gambling is a temporary boost. :heehee:
the cook political report moved this race from "tossup" to "lean Dem", so there's that

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