The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

I asked you yesterday to explain how much from where?
I showed you my research that shows only 20% of GDP can be confiscated by FED GOVT (or the money moves, vanishes).

A $20T economy can give up ~$4T. They are ~$2T short already? Yet you scream for more?

I contend, it aint that easy for the GOVT to confiscate more. Now… vanish like always. when on a PC i could repost 100 yr. Charts proving what I say.

i dont claim to know why? Maybe Blackmac knows it all? ask him. But, if GOVT tries to take too much..,,the money dries up?
tax the rich again and invest in America again. if you count all taxes, everyone is paying about 27% on average, not enough from the rich trickle down is total BS.
Soak the rich!

Can't you guys come up with something new?
Reality remains the same for the last 35 years. at least. The rich don't pay enough so we get the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever in the modern world by far. You need a diagram?
Reality remains the same for the last 35 years. at least. The rich don't pay enough so we get the worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness ever in the modern world by far. You need a diagram?
I'll take that as a "no".
I can only speak for myself. I am a conservative Republican Christian. Many people who disagree with Conservative Republicans do so because they listen to the mainstream media. The mainstream media is very biased. When a Republican politician does something bad, they yell it to the rooftops. Many times there are Democrat politicians doing the same thing except viewers of these "news" sources never hear of these shenanigans because these happenings never get reported.
Actually, socialism in practice for the last 100 years at least is that socialism and socialists are for always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like they have in every rich country but the United States, thanks to the GOP its garbage propaganda and its dupes in the base at least. NOT COMMUNISM!!!!! Here the capitalist UK English propaganda is so strong that we haven't had a socialist party since World War one when they were against.
I'll take that as a "no".
There's nothing new in the world pal. The GOP is corrupted by big money and full of crap And it has the most ignorant voters in the world. The rich don't pay enough in taxes since Ray Gun...
Oh yes. Where Leftists and we agree on something ... like recalling Hard Left DA's and School Board members, I'll damned well work with them.

When they do good things, like the Habitat for Humanity house-building schemes, I'll definitely work with them. as the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia do.
[ Community – TSM Houston Militia ]

Who doesn't want us to work with Leftists? Two types:

(1) Smart Leftists, who know that we will benefit by working with their members. Of course they want to insulate their ranks from us, so that they can continue to teach them that we are just nasty hateful ignoramuses.

(2) Our own ignoramuses. People who have no interest in actually getting involved in the real political fight against the Left, which involves hard work, but just sit at home and spew hot-air bullshit on line about 'hanging traitors' or 'shooting every Democrat'.

They're too stupid to be able to answer Leftist arguments, too lazy to study the issues even if they could understand them, so of course they don't want to come into contact with the ranks of the Left ... they'd actually have to know something about the issues that divide us in order to argue with them..

And they're too lazy to want to do any sort of political work at all, which involves reaching and talking to people who don't agree with us ... about 2/3 of the American people.

Most of them are probably 'sincere' -- although we can't rule out some clever infiltrators who will work to divide the Right -- but they are really the Enemy Within.

The sort of people who will turn up at your Neighborhood Defense Group meeting and be super-macho about guns, and drive ordinary people away ... or even propose doing something that's a felony. Pure poison, as bad as police infiltrators (who use these boneheads to try to compromise the whole group).

And they usually want to drive away from the conservative movement everyone but white males, and only white males of their own IQ level at that.

It's this type of idiot that turned up in Washington on 6 January, and swallowed whole the bait the enemy threw out, and dragged good people into giving the Left the best possible gift we could have given them.

Keep 'em away from serious patriots. Let them sit sprawled in front of their flat screen, or posting their semi-literate belches online.

In the meantime, if you're in Houston, join the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia. If you're not, find a similar group here: United States County Preparedness Teams .
So you believe the Jan 6 conspiracy theory?
I have no interest in working with leftists and have instructed my elected representative to do the same.

getting tired of Franco BS. Red is top Tax rate. Up over 90% in some years.

notice: collected revenue (green) always hovers near 20% of GDP.

yet he continues the fantasy…..Tax the rich. Hey Frank, it never worked over 80 years of History. Final time I discuss it.
I cant tell you why this is with certainty right now? Assuming GDP is steady increase each year? Tax rate means very little.
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To the two ends:

How do you intellectually reconcile the fact that half the country disagrees with you, as you push so hard to shove your agenda down their throat?

Is it that you just know what's best for them?

What is your inner justification for that?
You are in no sense of the word a "moderate". Give us a break Mac.
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getting tired of Franco BS. Red is top Tax rate. Up over 90% in some years.

notice: collected revenue (green) always hovers near 20% of GDP.

yet he continues the fantasy…..Tax the rich. Hey Frank, it never worked over 80 years of History. Final time I discuss it.
I cant tell you why this is with certainty right now? Assuming GDP is steady increase each year? Tax rate means very little.
joe and I will give it a try anyway if you don't mind. 27% flat tax is garbage and you haven't told me anything I didn't already know. This conclusion doesn't make any sense.
Well LOL, Trump did tell the Russians to go ahead and hack Hillary And then they started. How much collusion do you need- He said it wouldn't bother him any. And they cost her the election with GOP hero james comey. There's also no doubt that Russians did a huge effort on social media etc to help trump.

You are insane you nonfuctional brain dead retard.
joe and I will give it a try anyway if you don't mind. 27% flat tax is garbage and you haven't told me anything I didn't already know. This conclusion doesn't make any sense.

Apperantly, there is only so much "available". If they try to take too much, they get less as the GDP drops? Or the rich leave?

Tax rate was 91% but collected revenue did not increase compared to GDP? Is That is all that is available?

Unless you go door to door and start taking assets from "your rich"?

Everthing you propose has already failed. You wont get but a few tens of billion per yr? Not even 1 day of debt interest?

You have to change theTax rules dramatically and/or go confiscate assets. Change corporate rate to 90%? Then they just shut down? You end up with less?

Probably unconstitutional to go seize homes or bank accounts
Trump was “third party”. A common sense pro-America, pro-business elevating all to join in and become successful.

he was hated before he started by DC. He showed them To be slow, stupid, corrupt & evil. Thus….they worked 24-7 to get rid of him. Not because his vision was not Great for America.

Trump was just the messenger for 200 million Americans, it could have been another person….Trump was just a representative.

50 yrs. Of Liberal BS has resulted in men in womens bathrooms, running womens track, Criminals set free 50 times to rob, murder & rape again.

with what got installed in 2020 (Election Fraud) there is no time to “change the system”. There will be nothing left to change. They are tearing it down, installing enemies & changing the rules.

if seemingly “intelligent” citizens (like those here) don’t see what is happening? There seems to be little hope left? //

Unless there is some type of extinction level event involving Democrats we will continue to devolve.
So you believe the Jan 6 conspiracy theory?
I have no interest in working with leftists and have instructed my elected representative to do the same.

What do you mean by 'the Jan 6 conspiracy theory'? There seem to be at least two, one coming from the Left (it was an attempt to seize power, to overthrow the government), and one coming from the Right (it was a peaceful demonstration and our people got enticed into the Capitol while infiltrators/provocateurs started the violence).

Or maybe you're referring to yet another one?

(I've been pretty active on the internet -- and here on USMB until I was banned from doing so -- in posting the link to the PatriotMailProject, which organizes people to write letters to the imprisoned patriots. My own position is that exactly what happened is irrelevant to the fact that these people are our own, and we have to stand by them and support them.

There's a thread somewhere with me and others debating the 'hang them all' Left on this issue.

Also: I think what happened shows the need for patriots to form an organization that, in situations like the Washington demonstration, could provide organized, trained stewards to marshall the whole thing -- protecting it from Anti-Fa attackers, and dealing with provocateurs and hotheads within our own ranks.)

On working with the Left. You don't want to.:

So ... if the local school board where you live decides to introduce a "Drag Queen Story Hour", and other ways of sexualizing children ... and there is a big outcry and pushback from parents, some of whom are Democrats ... and a public meeting is called for all parents who want to protect their children from this filth, to organize a recall election to pull the Groomers off the school board, and it happens to be chaired by one of these Democrats ...
... you would not attend it, and would urge all other patriots not to attend it. Because you 'have no interest in working with leftists'?

If you lived in Houston, you would urge the Houston Branch of the Texas State Militia, who work with Habitat for Humanity (started by the 'Christian communists' of Koinonia Farm [Koinonia Partners - Wikipedia]) to break off their relationship, and not do any community work if it involved working with people on the Left?

(By the way, why do you think the Houston militia do that community work with Habitat for Humanity? What's their motivation -- besides helping poor Blacks? )
[ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

Likewise, you would tell the Yavapai Community Defense Team [ ] and the national group they are trying to build [ United States County Preparedness Teams ] not to admit any Democrats or non-conservatives to their work in preparing their area to be able to deal with a future social/economic breakdown?

If your house caught fire, and a bunch of your neighbors came running to help put it out, you would say 'No Democrats! No Leftists'. Really?

Look ... there are two very different reasons for patriots to work with Leftists:

(1) Where we both agree on something.

If some Democratic parents want to recall School Board Groomers .. we obviously should work together. If you say that, being Leftists, they should support grooming ... well, that's their contradiction.

(2) In some cases, it's a way to destroy Leftists ... by doing as Abraham Lincoln counselled as the best way to destroy an enemy: make him a friend.

Many people on the Left think we're primitive racist monsters.

Working together gives us a chance to kill that lie.

And we get a chance to talk to them about politics ... in the context of working together on something that will help them realize how bad the real Left is. We want to help them stay in political motion, moving away from the hard Left.

Being able to talk to these people in a non-hostile context is very valuable ... even if it's a non-political thing like the Houston militia take part in.

The desire to be pure, to only associate with people who are just like you,or to insist they become exactly like you, is not new, It's actually a natural human response. Paul had to admonish certain people in the new churches who were acting this way. (Galatians 3:28)

So, please, think again. We're in a war. We have to do whatever it takes to win, even if it makes us feel personally uncomfortable. We need to become fishers of men, to seek converts, and in so doing we will necessarily want to work with people who have not yet seen the light.
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One way to look at patriotism is that it's a restricted application of the way we ought to feel towards the whole human race. But of course, in pratice, that's more than most of us are capable of. We can't jump over our own heads.

We can wish all of humanity well, abstractly, contribute a few dollars to Doctors Without Borders when they go in to patch up the survivors of yet another African inter-tribal slaughter ... but since there is no world state to protect us, and there IS a national state to do so ... most of us don't get beyond love for that part of humanity encompassed within that national state.

The thing about AntiFa and the other flagburners is that they obviously 'love' no one but themselves. They actually have class-based contempt for the American working class. The don't love 'the country' (ie its people) and hate the government. They hate both.

Really, they are a million miles from the Old Left.
But of course, in pratice,
It’s exactly the same for everyone. You haven’t earned anything through practice for your dead contemporaries with this action.

I’m not saying you’re wrong for your choices but that you’re wrong for proselytizing on those who died.
You don’t get that right. The price for your survival is silence.

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What do you mean by 'the Jan 6 conspiracy theory'? There seem to be at least two, one coming from the Left (it was an attempt to seize power, to overthrow the government), and one coming from the Right (it was a peaceful demonstration and our people got enticed into the Capitol while infiltrators/provocateurs started the violence).

Or maybe you're referring to yet another one?

(I've been pretty active on the internet -- and here on USMB until I was banned from doing so -- in posting the link to the PatriotMailProject, which organizes people to write letters to the imprisoned patriots. My own position is that exactly what happened is irrelevant to the fact that these people are our own, and we have to stand by them and support them.

There's a thread somewhere with me and others debating the 'hang them all' Left on this issue.

Also: I think what happened shows the need for patriots to form an organization that, in situations like the Washington demonstration, could provide organized, trained stewards to marshall the whole thing -- protecting it from Anti-Fa attackers, and dealing with provocateurs and hotheads within our own ranks.)

On working with the Left. You don't want to.:

So ... if the local school board where you live decides to introduce a "Drag Queen Story Hour", and other ways of sexualizing children ... and there is a big outcry and pushback from parents, some of whom are Democrats ... and a public meeting is called for all parents who want to protect their children from this filth, to organize a recall election to pull the Groomers off the school board, and it happens to be chaired by one of these Democrats ...
... you would not attend it, and would urge all other patriots not to attend it. Because you 'have no interest in working with leftists'?

If you lived in Houston, you would urge the Houston Branch of the Texas State Militia, who work with Habitat for Humanity (started by the 'Christian communists' of Koinonia Farm [Koinonia Partners - Wikipedia]) to break off their relationship, and not do any community work if it involved working with people on the Left?

(By the way, why do you think the Houston militia do that community work with Habitat for Humanity? What's their motivation -- besides helping poor Blacks? )
[ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

Likewise, you would tell the Yavapai Community Defense Team [ ] and the national group they are trying to build [ United States County Preparedness Teams ] not to admit any Democrats or non-conservatives to their work in preparing their area to be able to deal with a future social/economic breakdown?

If your house caught fire, and a bunch of your neighbors came running to help put it out, you would say 'No Democrats! No Leftists'. Really?

Look ... there are two very different reasons for patriots to work with Leftists:

(1) Where we both agree on something.

If some Democratic parents want to recall School Board Groomers .. we obviously should work together. If you say that, being Leftists, they should support grooming ... well, that's their contradiction.

(2) In some cases, it's a way to destroy Leftists ... by doing as Abraham Lincoln counselled as the best way to destroy an enemy: make him a friend.

Many people on the Left think we're primitive racist monsters.

Working together gives us a chance to kill that lie.

And we get a chance to talk to them about politics ... in the context of working together on something that will help them realize how bad the real Left is. We want to help them stay in political motion, moving away from the hard Left.

Being able to talk to these people in a non-hostile context is very valuable ... even if it's a non-political thing like the Houston militia take part in.

The desire to be pure, to only associate with people who are just like you,or to insist they become exactly like you, is not new, It's actually a natural human response. Paul had to admonish certain people in the new churches who were acting this way. (Galatians 3:28)

So, please, think again. We're in a war. We have to do whatever it takes to win, even if it makes us feel personally uncomfortable. We need to become fishers of men, to seek converts, and in so doing we will necessarily want to work with people who have not yet seen the light.

We are definitely in a war.
Not sure which side you're on though.
Say GDP is $20T. No matter where they put the top tax rate they can only collect ~$4T max. If you get too greedy people stop working? Jobs dry up?

I have posted a 100 yr. Chart from the FED showing that data.

Why? How? I dont know. Even when tax rate was 91%.....only 20% of GDP could be pulled in. Why? I guess the GDP drops? The rich leave?

Thats all i was trying to show you. To say raise the top rate? It seems to do no good.

Im on small phone, not reposting. Battery running down.
Did you vote for ,25 of that debt, mr numbers?

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