The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

Well, 'the Left' can't agree with 'the Right' about that, because they don't see shoplifting by the poor (and Black) as theft at all. For them, it's the other way around: the wealthy store owners are 'stealing' from the poor because .... well, it makes no sense.

BUT ... there are plenty of people 'in between' the Hard Left, on the one hand, and hard line conservatives, on the other. You are an example. We can work together on things where we agree.

For example, another locus of political sickness in Portland is the School Board: they teach lies to Black children. Things they know are false.

Yes. I'm trying to reach conservatives, to try to convince them that we can win people from the Left.
It's wrong to think they are a monolithic block of evil people.

There are some really nasty pieces of work there, yes. I've been challenging a particularly cowardly one here to back up his words (he claims I'm lying when I say I was involved in the Civil Rights movement in the 60s -- I've said, let's each put up $10 000 with a trusted third party, and let a group of three people we both trust judge my claim. If he really thought I was lying, he'd jump at the change -- either to win $10 000 or to call my bluff. But he doesn't do it, of course, because he knows he'd lose. What a little weasel.)

But there are plenty of decent people on the Left. We need to reach them. For example, getting them to join with us to prevent a Left-dominated School Board from sexualizing children.

Google what? Give us a link! i gave you a link to an article in a liberal magazine, by a liberal, that discusses this violent mob attack in detail (and condemns it). And I gave a link to a video of it. And your response is ... incoherent.
Go fuck yourself if you believe working with leftists is a good thing
I’d have a hard time saying one speech was the best. I can think of so many great ones. FDR’s four freedoms speech. JFK’s moon speeches. Especially the Rice University speech. Reagan after Challenger. Reagan demanding that the Soviets tear down the wall.

The list is practically endless. And there are times when words changed the course of nations. Churchill at the House of Commons when everyone was expecting and steeling themselves to the idea that they had to capitulate to Hitler after France fell. His opponents who before he spoke were ready with a vote of no confidence if he didn’t take an out and the best deal they could get. They said that Churchill had taken the English Language to war.

The path of a nation was changed by a simple speech. By well chosen words.

MacArthur’s I shall return speech.

MLK and his I have a dream speech.

Words that continue to inspire generations after they were uttered.

I couldn’t pick a best one of the group. I couldn’t say one was more than the others. In context of their eras, they were all important.
Yes. These are examples of things we should teach in school. There should be school assemblies where children are chosen to recite these speeches, or excerpts from them.

And you know what's sad? Our ancestors over 150 years ago would travel many miles and stand in the hot sun for hours, to hear politicians debate. The Lincoln-Douglas debates are an example.
Each debate lasted about three hours; one candidate spoke for 60 minutes, followed by a 90-minute response and a final 30-minute rejoinder by the first candidate. The candidates alternated speaking first. As the incumbent, Douglas spoke first in four of the debates. They were held outdoors, weather permitting, from about 2 to 5 p.m. There were fields full of listeners
[ ]

Now, we're raising a generation with the attention span of a meth-head. (Not a plot by Left or Right ... mainly it's the effects of television and the web.)
Go fuck yourself if you believe working with leftists is a good thing

these board LW loons here never bend an inch. They dig in deeper even with facts shoved down their lying throats. When caught, like Mac….they run off to start a new thread or pile on spinning another set of topics.

the only way these clowns would come around is when they lose it all and are roaming the streets dumspster diving behiind IHOP. oh right, O’Bidens ran out of others money.
Go fuck yourself if you believe working with leftists is a good thing
Oh yes. Where Leftists and we agree on something ... like recalling Hard Left DA's and School Board members, I'll damned well work with them.

When they do good things, like the Habitat for Humanity house-building schemes, I'll definitely work with them. as the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia do.
[ Community – TSM Houston Militia ]

Who doesn't want us to work with Leftists? Two types:

(1) Smart Leftists, who know that we will benefit by working with their members. Of course they want to insulate their ranks from us, so that they can continue to teach them that we are just nasty hateful ignoramuses.

(2) Our own ignoramuses. People who have no interest in actually getting involved in the real political fight against the Left, which involves hard work, but just sit at home and spew hot-air bullshit on line about 'hanging traitors' or 'shooting every Democrat'.

They're too stupid to be able to answer Leftist arguments, too lazy to study the issues even if they could understand them, so of course they don't want to come into contact with the ranks of the Left ... they'd actually have to know something about the issues that divide us in order to argue with them..

And they're too lazy to want to do any sort of political work at all, which involves reaching and talking to people who don't agree with us ... about 2/3 of the American people.

Most of them are probably 'sincere' -- although we can't rule out some clever infiltrators who will work to divide the Right -- but they are really the Enemy Within.

The sort of people who will turn up at your Neighborhood Defense Group meeting and be super-macho about guns, and drive ordinary people away ... or even propose doing something that's a felony. Pure poison, as bad as police infiltrators (who use these boneheads to try to compromise the whole group).

And they usually want to drive away from the conservative movement everyone but white males, and only white males of their own IQ level at that.

It's this type of idiot that turned up in Washington on 6 January, and swallowed whole the bait the enemy threw out, and dragged good people into giving the Left the best possible gift we could have given them.

Keep 'em away from serious patriots. Let them sit sprawled in front of their flat screen, or posting their semi-literate belches online.

In the meantime, if you're in Houston, join the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia. If you're not, find a similar group here: United States County Preparedness Teams .
he thinks he is a “good guy” conservative but he beds down with MAC every chance he gets, true LW loons roll together but pretend to be some moderate BS.
Fuck moderates. If they're not glassy-eyed, they're not on your side!
Fuck moderates. If they're not glassy-eyed, they're not on your side!

This country was taken over (fraudulently) in 2020. It is nearing the breaking point. There is no more time to “play nice” with this enemy, IMVHO. They openly show 100% support for this enemy takeover. This was not 81 million Americans voting for this imbecile, lol!

Its already a War (they started) without any shots fired….yet. i’ve seldom been proven wrong (over many decades) in everything I believe. Like Trump was almost always proven right, DEMs MSM always proven wrong.
Fuck moderates. If they're not glassy-eyed, they're not on your side!

It depends on where the individual is. How they fall on the spectrum will determine by geographical location what they are.

A man who is a member of the ACLU in rural Georgia is a Liberal. A man who is a member of the NRA in Berkeley is a raving radical conservative. If you believe an Abortion is a Woman’s right in Texas you are a radical leftist. If you believe in pro life in California you are a radical rightist.

I’m a member of both the ACLU and the NRA. I support CCW laws, but oppose Constitutional Carry. I believe the other amendments matter as much as the Second.

In Rural Georgia where I live, I’m slightly left of center. I voted for Kemp, the Republican. I voted against Walker, another Republican. I voted for Trump in 2016, but didn’t vote in 2020 because I didn’t like either candidate.

I voted for Obama in 2008, and Romney in 2012.

If Trump is the nominee in 24, I won’t vote for him. I don’t know if I will vote at all. But it won’t be for Trump. I’d prefer someone slightly right of center, but assume I’ll get a nut foisted upon me and will probably ignore the election. Again.

I will always vote for who I think is the better choice. Regardless of party and who endorsed.
This country was taken over (fraudulently) in 2020. It is nearing the breaking point. There is no more time to “play nice” with this enemy, IMVHO. They openly show 100% support for this enemy takeover. This was not 81 million Americans voting for this imbecile, lol!
Preach it, brother! Don't forget about the lizard people and the space lasers.

Its already a War (they started) without any shots fired….
I hear ya. They started it!!!
... i’ve seldom been proven wrong (over many decades) in everything I believe. Like Trump was almost always proven right, DEMs MSM always proven wrong.
Decades of being right. Impressive!
Oh yes. Where Leftists and we agree on something ... like recalling Hard Left DA's and School Board members, I'll damned well work with them.

When they do good things, like the Habitat for Humanity house-building schemes, I'll definitely work with them. as the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia do.
[ Community – TSM Houston Militia ]

Who doesn't want us to work with Leftists? Two types:

(1) Smart Leftists, who know that we will benefit by working with their members. Of course they want to insulate their ranks from us, so that they can continue to teach them that we are just nasty hateful ignoramuses.

(2) Our own ignoramuses. People who have no interest in actually getting involved in the real political fight against the Left, which involves hard work, but just sit at home and spew hot-air bullshit on line about 'hanging traitors' or 'shooting every Democrat'.

They're too stupid to be able to answer Leftist arguments, too lazy to study the issues even if they could understand them, so of course they don't want to come into contact with the ranks of the Left ... they'd actually have to know something about the issues that divide us in order to argue with them..

And they're too lazy to want to do any sort of political work at all, which involves reaching and talking to people who don't agree with us ... about 2/3 of the American people.

Most of them are probably 'sincere' -- although we can't rule out some clever infiltrators who will work to divide the Right -- but they are really the Enemy Within.

The sort of people who will turn up at your Neighborhood Defense Group meeting and be super-macho about guns, and drive ordinary people away ... or even propose doing something that's a felony. Pure poison, as bad as police infiltrators (who use these boneheads to try to compromise the whole group).

And they usually want to drive away from the conservative movement everyone but white males, and only white males of their own IQ level at that.

It's this type of idiot that turned up in Washington on 6 January, and swallowed whole the bait the enemy threw out, and dragged good people into giving the Left the best possible gift we could have given them.

Keep 'em away from serious patriots. Let them sit sprawled in front of their flat screen, or posting their semi-literate belches online.

In the meantime, if you're in Houston, join the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia. If you're not, find a similar group here: United States County Preparedness Teams .

since 2015 these “LEFTISTS” have attacked, jailed, harrassed, tortured President Trump (100% BS charges like Russian collusion) and most of his employees or supporters. Without any payback they get away with it? Those in power on his side look away while it all happens. Its maddening! Dont you see?

They have J6 Tresspaaers locked up, tortured and without due process for over 2 years now. But ANTIFA BLM go free? Huh?

You expect us to roll over and have discussions about change with these sorts of filthy maggots! What they deserve is to be chained & dragged.
There are no ends for Democrats. Maybe there are one or two moderates. They are all very far left outside of that.
Preach it, brother! Don't forget about the lizard people and the space lasers.

I hear ya. They started it!!!

Decades of being right. Impressive!

Another clone of a MAC. Useless fence riding BS. Pick a side you coward,
The reality is no one should be able to label themselves a member of a party. That needs to stop. Get 'elected' based on your vision and ideas for America. Not the party you belong too. Media needs to be held responsible too.
The reality is no one should be able to label themselves a member of a party. That needs to stop. Get 'elected' based on your vision and ideas for America. Not the party you belong too. Media needs to be held responsible too.
I don't necessarily have a problem with parties. It's just that the current dominant parties suck donkey balls. As voters, we need to start valuing our votes more, and stop wasting them on shitty candidates.
This country was taken over (fraudulently) in 2020. It is nearing the breaking point. There is no more time to “play nice” with this enemy, IMVHO. They openly show 100% support for this enemy takeover. This was not 81 million Americans voting for this imbecile, lol!

Its already a War (they started) without any shots fired….yet. i’ve seldom been proven wrong (over many decades) in everything I believe. Like Trump was almost always proven right, DEMs MSM always proven wrong.

Get professional help.
Fuck your "sides".

got it. You are OK with the EVIL harrassing Political opposition since 2015. launching virus, collapsing economies. You are OK with Communists running a puppet GOVT while raiding the US Treasury.

In other words, you ARE the enemy. Mark the tape//
I don't necessarily have a problem with parties. It's just that the current dominant parties suck donkey balls. As voters, we need to start valuing our votes more, and stop wasting them on shitty candidates.
People vote based on party. Not person.

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