The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

So you'll be okay when it's white people's turn, then?

Its already happening daily. Over the border, kilers rapist criminals. Blacks running amok in every big city. When it reaches the breaking point, the strong will survive.

Forgot to add: Marxist enemies of American citizens has seized the GOVT. In process to fully attempt to conquer and control all.
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Yes, breaking up a meeting by shotuting down the speaker is 'less than violence'. Of course, leftwing students have used violence as well. Here's an article from the liberal Atlantic magazine:

A Violent Attack on Free Speech at Middlebury

Liberals must defend the right of conservative students to invite speakers of their choice, even if they find their views abhorrent.
By Peter Beinart

And a video of the assault:

So ... what is your position on Free Speech? What do you think of these attacks on Free Speech?

You seem to blame it on Trump. Trump somehow provokes these students into attacking conservatives. Is that correct? (It's ironic -- Ann Coulter is disliked by many conservatives because she is anti-Trump!)

Also: you say that "

I don't believe this to be true, but I could be wrong. Can you provide some links to back up your claim? One thing I do know: the people attacking Asians are Blacks, not white conservatives.

So: are you in favor of conservatives being allowed to have meetings, on university campuses and elsewhere, without their being broken up by mobs? (There are decent people on the Left who are in favor of this -- after all, it's the traditional liberal view.)

And: can you provide some links that back up your claim that" the only violence is from Trump supporters attcking Blacks, gays, Muslims, Asians and Jews"?

they should be allowed to speak. mobs, assault my butt....

google it.
Its already happening daily. Over the border, kilers rapist criminals. Blacks running amok in every big city. When it reaches the breakjng point, the strong will survive.

Forgot to add: Marxist enemies of American citizens has seized the GOVT. In process to fully attempt to conquer and control all.

You certainly are living in fear, aren't you?
It's very strange. Here, millions upon millions of GOP voters are turning against the Permanent War Party, the We Must Dominate the World Party, in a word the UniParty... and you scorn them, and cover for the Democrats ... who have led America into every major war over the last century and more up to Gulf War I. (Sometimes, for good reasons. But they're no pacifists.)

Is their worldview "chaotic and confused"? Sure. ALL ordinary people, Democrat or Republican, have a "chaotic and confused" worldview. Only very exceptional individuals have a worked-out, coherent, internally-consistent worldview, backed up by knowledge gained by reading. This is just reality.

Now... I hope any conservatives reading this do not adopt Franco's approach to political adversaries. You see, while our side has become very suspicious of wars to bring democracy to backward peoples, and unenthusiastic at best about the Ukraine war (a different situation, but one that could have been avoided if our rulers hadn't been so keen for the last 30 years on breaking up Russia) .... while our base ha changed under the impace of events ... so has the other side's base.

The hard Left component within the liberal/Left Democratic ranks overplayed their hand, with defunding the Police, wiping out American history, and sexualizing children.

Your ordinary Democratic voter -- not your Marxoid Post Modernist college professor -- knows that we must have the police, and that in 99.99% of confrontations of the police with civilians that end in violence, the police are in the right. They don't want American history to be portrayed as it is seen by some semi-literate self-centred loon who thinks it's all a history of oppression. They don't want their children exposed to sexual deviants.

So ... they voted to recall the son-of-Weatherman super-PC District Attorney in San Francisco. He lost 60/40. [San Francisco votes overwhelmingly to recall progressive DA Chesa Boudin]

And they voted to recall the crazy hate-Amerikkka Leftists on the School Board.

"One of the first issues to grab national attention was the board’s January 2021 decision to rename 44 schools they said honored public figures linked to racism, sexism and other injustices. On the list were Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and California’s senior senator, Dianne Feinstein" [San Francisco residents recall three members of embattled school board ]

And this was in Deep Blue San Francico, where the Democratic voters are probably all well-paid college graduates working at 'Woke' corporations. If they can vote to terminate the political careers of some 'woke' loons, think of what the blue-collar Steelworkers Union guy thinks of these Leftist spoiled brats?

So ... we must NOT adopt Franco's attitude to our base who have rejected the traditional conservative 'any-war-the-government-starts-we-support' attitude. Rather, where we can, we need to reach out to these Democrats, find ways to work with them on issues where we agree.

We're not going to move really hard-core liberals, even those who vote for sanity in policing and education. But there will be others whom we can reach. They'll be surprised, when they work with us, to find that we don't have fangs, we don't wear Klan hoods at our meetings, we don't want to electrocute gays for sodomy. In fact, some of us are Black, and are gay.

(Hey ... I don't want to upset certain people -- well, maybe I do just a little -- but one of our best thinkers is ... transgender! Long before it became a weapon on the hands of the Left. Look here: [ Deirdre McCloskey - Wikipedia ] )

What unites us is that we see our coutnry being destroyed from within, and we want to stop it from happening. And any Democrat who begins to get a glimpse of this ... however partially, however inconsistently, however 'chaotic and confused' their world-view is ... is someone we want to work with and talk to.

It's war. We must do whatever it takes to win. Divide and conquer.
no, what separates us is your total garbage propaganda misinformation that you believe along with all the other republican base voters. No Steal etc etc etc etc and Democrats are doing 5% of what you think they are. Change the channel, you are totally brainwashed on the subject..
Its already happening daily. Over the border, kilers rapist criminals. Blacks running amok in every big city. When it reaches the breakjng point, the strong will survive.

Forgot to add: Marxist enemies of American citizens has seized the GOVT. In process to fully attempt to conquer and control all.
baloney change the damn channel sometime for God's sake LOL. cheaper health care daycare college and training and taxing the rich again is not a communist dictatorship LOL. every other modern country has all of it...
Hard earned wealth beginning to vanish again like obiden 1.0. My only "fear" at this time.

yup, hoping for things you fear is kind of weird. But you do you, man.

The reality is lessons were learned from the Bush Crash in 2008, which is why it won't happen again.
yup, hoping for things you fear is kind of weird. But you do you, man.

The reality is lessons were learned from the Bush Crash in 2008, which is why it won't happen again.

We heard polly ana BS 08-16 also as we lost 50%. 20 million jobs. Millions more homeless.
The first bank just failed...making me squeamish again. We are already down since the fraud was installed 2021. Nothing good seems to be on the horizon?

Why were not lessons earned from 1929? Allowing 08?
We heard polly ana BS 08-16 also as we lost 50%. 20 million jobs. Millions more homeless.
The first bank just failed...making me squeamish again. We are already down since the fraud was installed 2021. Nothing good seems to be on the horizon?

Um, things actually did get better under Obama. I was making far more when he left than when he got there.

Same thing with Biden, really.

Bush fucked things up, and the only reason why Trump wasn't a lot worse for me is that I was expecting him to fuck things up and took preventative measures.

This is one high risk, small bank. It's not WaMu in 2008.
Um, things actually did get better under Obama. I was making far more when he left than when he got there.

Same thing with Biden, really.

Bush fucked things up, and the only reason why Trump wasn't a lot worse for me is that I was expecting him to fuck things up and took preventative measures.

This is one high risk, small bank. It's not WaMu in 2008.

This is one high risk, small bank. It's not WaMu in 2008.
Mark the tape.

Translation: hope you're right. Revisit your "feelings" later on.
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Churchill once gave a long speech in the House of Commons. Later, when someone criticized its excessive length, he said, "I didn't have time to make it shorter."
I try to back up what I say with links that people can check out for themselves, and sometimes quote a few lines from them since I know many people won't click on a link. This makes the posts longer.

The thing is, you can express your opinion in one or two sentences. But to justify your opinion, to explain it a bit. and to give the things that make you believe what you do, and which might convince another reasonable person, takes more than one or two sentences.

So it's a trade off. I could post one- or two-liners that everyone would read, but which would only 'convince' the people who already agree with me. Or I could take the chance that we have some readers among us -- after all, "Liberals read, conservatives watch TV" as a conservative pundit noted -- and post something that gives the reader something to think about.

I agree with you about the Gettysburg Address. Have you read Gary Wills' brilliant book about it? [Lincoln at Gettysburg - Wikipedia ] (He's an example of someone who went the other way. He used to be one of us, and became one of you. He's a really interesting -- and puzzling -- personality. [ Garry Wills - Wikipedia ])

And, that book, or the key idea in it, is the center of a long-standing political debate within the Right: are we a 'propositional nation', or not. But I won't go into that here. (Sighs of relief all round.)

Another book you'd like, if you haven't read it, is The Killer Angels, about the Battle of Gettysburg, by Michael Shaara. Absolutely brilliant, one of the top two war novels I've ever read.

I’d have a hard time saying one speech was the best. I can think of so many great ones. FDR’s four freedoms speech. JFK’s moon speeches. Especially the Rice University speech. Reagan after Challenger. Reagan demanding that the Soviets tear down the wall.

The list is practically endless. And there are times when words changed the course of nations. Churchill at the House of Commons when everyone was expecting and steeling themselves to the idea that they had to capitulate to Hitler after France fell. His opponents who before he spoke were ready with a vote of no confidence if he didn’t take an out and the best deal they could get. They said that Churchill had taken the English Language to war.

The path of a nation was changed by a simple speech. By well chosen words.

MacArthur’s I shall return speech.

MLK and his I have a dream speech.

Words that continue to inspire generations after they were uttered.

I couldn’t pick a best one of the group. I couldn’t say one was more than the others. In context of their eras, they were all important.
baloney change the damn channel sometime for God's sake LOL. cheaper health care daycare college and training and taxing the rich again is not a communist dictatorship LOL. every other modern country has all of it...

Frako, rest of world doesn't fund $1T military like US does. The just weasel freedom, safety off US.

You spout all those Programs but already $2T over budget annually?

Where do the funds come from? 20%*GDP is available.
Except you guys were only ever really in the majority for a breif time between Reagan and Bush.

And you had to lie to get there.
There is no except anything
In the early 1900's America was 85-90% christian it would be a christian way or you would be silenced in a democracy during that period of time. It's because of a Republic and protection of rights leftists gained a foothold
Hmmm... are you simply redifing 'good' to mean 'being a rightwinger'? If so, of course you are right by definition.

And I can do the same: there are no flying mammals. (Because I have redefined 'mammal' to mean, 'not able to fly'.)

But if we use one of the normal meanings of 'good' -- however you want to define it -- then, you are mistaken. Please think again.

Here's a test: I could pick some people I know personally and tell you everything about them, except for their political views. Some would be conservatives, some liberals ... two of them, in fact, are hard-core Marxists -- one a Trotskyist, the other the head of the Communist Party in his city. You would not be able to tell who is who just from their non-political characteristics. They're all 'good' people, even if the consequences of the views of the Leftists, especially the Marxists, would be disastrous.

And here's the problem with that attitude to Leftists: it keeps us from destroying the Left. We need to argue with these people. We need to present facts that undermine their beliefs, and demoralize them, and then make them think again, and change their minds. This never happens overnight. It takes years, and above all, the impact of events.

We need to open up the contradictions within the Left -- say, between the ones who believe in Free Speech, and the ones who have the fascist attitude towards Free Speech.

Between the ones who actually want to help Black children get a decent education, and the ones who couldn't care less.

We need to pull some of them towards us.

Can Leftists become conservatives? Can Saul become Paul?

Well, of course they can. Half the founding members of the editorial board of William Buckley's National Review -- for decades the premier conservative journal in the US -- were ex-Marxists.

Here are some Leftists who became Rightists.

Second Thoughts on James Burnham - Wikipedia

And these are just the 'heavy artillery'. I can name you lots of small fry who were radical leftists in their youth, but who wised up as they got older. As Churchill is supposed to have said, 'If you are not a socialist when you are 20, you have no heart. If you are still one at 40, you have no brain.'

Their morality didn't change. Their values didn't change. Their political views -- their views of the proper means to making their values reality -- changed.

It can happen again. But not if we just reject all Leftists as evil people or cultists etc.
You wrote all that in a rebuttal to there are no good leftists?
Ok there are zero good leftists
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Um, things actually did get better under Obama. I was making far more when he left than when he got there.

Same thing with Biden, really.

Bush fucked things up, and the only reason why Trump wasn't a lot worse for me is that I was expecting him to fuck things up and took preventative measures.

This is one high risk, small bank. It's not WaMu in 2008.
Joe joe joe, there you go again. Sigh.
things actually did get better under Obama
Dead Cat bounce. Doing nothing would have been faster recovery. If not recovery? Then it would be full on World collapse.
Bush fucked things up,
Right. GWB controlled the Banks. Wrote the CRA, Glass-Stegall repeal? Not Congress or others? But, GWB was stupid like a monkey right? But he snuck around SEC? FIDC?
Congress? All by himself?

you know They created a crisis to get the muslim into office//
he thinks he is a “good guy” conservative but he beds down with MAC every chance he gets, true LW loons roll together but pretend to be some moderate BS.
He's the rino leftists dream of. The one who would compromise his rights away
We heard polly ana BS 08-16 also as we lost 50%. 20 million jobs. Millions more homeless.
The first bank just failed...making me squeamish again. We are already down since the fraud was installed 2021. Nothing good seems to be on the horizon?

Why were not lessons earned from 1929? Allowing 08?
You notice it was the bush crash even though democrats controlled Congress with a senator obama
I’m saying, and I suspect you agree, that we are a broken society, and a meeting of the minds is not possible

I’m not inclined to compromise with the left on matters of principle

and they have no interest in compromising with me

Look at whats going in in Portland with the democratic mayor and DA

It defies common sense that shoplifting should be allowed as long as the criminals take less than $1000 at a time

If left and right cant agree on basic issues such as that we cant agree on anything
Well, 'the Left' can't agree with 'the Right' about that, because they don't see shoplifting by the poor (and Black) as theft at all. For them, it's the other way around: the wealthy store owners are 'stealing' from the poor because .... well, it makes no sense.

BUT ... there are plenty of people 'in between' the Hard Left, on the one hand, and hard line conservatives, on the other. You are an example. We can work together on things where we agree.

For example, another locus of political sickness in Portland is the School Board: they teach lies to Black children. Things they know are false.
You wrote all that in a rebuttal to there are no good leftists?
Ok there are zero good leftists
Yes. I'm trying to reach conservatives, to try to convince them that we can win people from the Left.
It's wrong to think they are a monolithic block of evil people.

There are some really nasty pieces of work there, yes. I've been challenging a particularly cowardly one here to back up his words (he claims I'm lying when I say I was involved in the Civil Rights movement in the 60s -- I've said, let's each put up $10 000 with a trusted third party, and let a group of three people we both trust judge my claim. If he really thought I was lying, he'd jump at the change -- either to win $10 000 or to call my bluff. But he doesn't do it, of course, because he knows he'd lose. What a little weasel.)

But there are plenty of decent people on the Left. We need to reach them. For example, getting them to join with us to prevent a Left-dominated School Board from sexualizing children.
they should be allowed to speak. mobs, assault my butt....

google it.
Google what? Give us a link! i gave you a link to an article in a liberal magazine, by a liberal, that discusses this violent mob attack in detail (and condemns it). And I gave a link to a video of it. And your response is ... incoherent.

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