The Tyranny of the Progressive and Hypocrisy of the Neo Left


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Tyranny of the Progressive and Hypocrisy of the Neo Left -

Ron Paul, and now his son, scare the bejeezus out of progressives, and for good reason. Libertarian ideals are antithetical to the underlying form of progressivism, which in the United States is just another word for social democrat, which is not be confused with but may as well be confused with democratic socialism. People like Rand Paul scare these socialism advocates because Rand Paul generally comes off sounding reasonable, passionate about freedom and the rule of law, and earnestly so. The freshman Senator has risen up the ranks of Congress very quickly proving to be quite adept as a politician without sacrificing his core principles. His core principles and his shrewd politics makes Senator Paul a particularly dangerous antagonist to the progressive agenda. The man, the fledgling Senator and son of an influential Representative, has come to embody, at least for his opposition of the neo-left, libertarian-ism....

The 14th Amendment, seeking to grant rights people already possessed including the multitudes of slaves who were demonstrably injured and their rights clearly violated by their slave holders, is riddled with problems and is of a dubious nature Constitutionally, but that it has been used to not just justify the existence of a corporate person-hood that enjoys the same rights as a living breathing person, but that this logic has been extended to take the living breathing person and drag them down into the gutter on the level of the corporation and declare these living, breathing persons to be equal to the non-living, incapable of breathing corporation.

Many progressives will argue that it was the Supreme Court that declared corporations a “person”, and many erroneously point to Santa Clara County v Union Pacific Railroad (1886) as being the case in which the Supreme Court supposedly declared corporations a “person”. The reality is that a Justice gave an opinion that was merely dicta that he thought corporations were a person. A court reporter in summarizing the trial gave a heading that declared the Supreme Court held corporations were a “person”, but the heading was incorrect and it is important to understand the differences between what is held and what is dicta. The SCOTUS, in the Santa Clara County case did not hold that corporations were a person.

By 1926, however, Congress first published the United States Code. In 1954, Congress defined “person” and among those being defined as a “person” was the corporation. More importantly, the individual was included within this same definition, meaning, and contrary to what progressives claim, Congress placed chartered legal fictions on the same status as living breathing individuals. ...

Progressivism comes with a deep rooted belief that corporations and governments can be managed efficiently, and because of this, rather than doing what is necessary to reign in the inherent problems of incorporation, (the separation of ownership and management from responsibility for the consequences of corporate action, creation of perverse incentives, the rise of the stock exchange, and the rise of the bureaucratic agencies and the bureaucratization of business) the progressive believes they can manage these inherent problems to benefit the public good.

Early progressive’s, such as Benjamin Parke De Witt, even argued that large corporations and monopolies were desirable. It is a fascinating irony that the left, in its beginning, was characterized by its aversion to hierarchy but the American left and their progressive movement of experts and bureaucrats was a march towards a centralized bureaucracy that epitomized this new hierarchical order creating what James Weinstein would call the corporate ideal in the liberal state. The progressives dared to believe they could domesticate the beast, but when that beast bit the hand feeding it, the progressive cried foul and as if it were like the beast, declined to accept any responsibility for their wounds inflicted due to their own recklessness. Instead they, in their childlike petulance, impute the free market. They will not concede to incompetence as self appointed managers and instead argue if there was any mistake made at all it was “allowing” for a free market through “de-regulation”.

Basically corporate cronyism is a long established way of doing business for leftists, setting up patronage networks to buttress state power while using the state as a secular real-life Santa Clause giving the people all the goodies they desire like pigs at a feeding trough.

This is why most knowledgeable and ideologically neutral thinkers realize that fascism is in economic and civil policy areas a leftwing entity. The fascists of Europe in the 1930s made a huge pretense of supporting traditional morality as a vantage point against the Communists, but in secret they despised religion particularly Christianity except in so far as it reinforced state policies.

Today, with the secularization of our society and the growing hostility toward Christianity and traditional morals, the fascists have dropped their façade of support for Christianity and traditional morals altogether and brazenly center all control in the hands of various entities of the central state.

THAT is 'liberalism' today.

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