The U.S. and North Korea to meet 06/12/2018 in Singapour

Even if he does something amazing, he will STILL be trump; the lying, ego maniac peaches-in-chief.
His claims to being a master deal maker are definitely on the line, as is the fate of many people.
Yeah, the Hildebeast would've had a Korea thing all wrapped up by now. I'm sure of it.
Will Kim Jong Un be finally spring a trap, or is good will a possibility after all?
We don't have to make this another partisan thread; we are merely speculating on what can be hoped for.
Following so closely on the heels of the Iran deal withdrawal, these discussions will not be able to escape the effects.
It has been reported in the past that the leader of North Korea has a problem with air travel. How will he get to Singapore?
Wait until Rocket Mans security team steps into capitalist Singapore and get a quick education on the lies they've been told.
If Trump does get Korea to give up nukes, will that influence Iran?
Something i have pondered, there4..
The mullahs only want money and power, it seems. If they actually developed nukes, they would get sanctioned out of this world. Which will hurt both of their goals..
Does that make sense?
Something i have pondered, there4..
The mullahs only want money and power, it seems. If they actually developed nukes, they would get sanctioned out of this world. Which will hurt both of their goals..
Does that make sense?
It is quite possible Iran has no intentions of spending on a weapon that it cannot reasonably use. Winning a nuclear war (as if anyone could) is certainly beyond their grasp. Korea may have come to a similar conclusion.
Something i have pondered, there4..
The mullahs only want money and power, it seems. If they actually developed nukes, they would get sanctioned out of this world. Which will hurt both of their goals..
Does that make sense?

To them "power" means regional hegemony. So they need the nukes to be able to threaten their neighbors and delude themselves into thinking the USA will not attack them. They could bluff that dumbass Kenyan muslim pussy, but it won't work on Trump.
The better thing to do would be to get rid of nukes worldwide.
Then, the question comes up... "would there still be peace with no nukes?"
IMO, nukes have caused a lot of peace throughout the world.
"peace through strength" as they say.
Something i have pondered, there4..
The mullahs only want money and power, it seems. If they actually developed nukes, they would get sanctioned out of this world. Which will hurt both of their goals..
Does that make sense?

To them "power" means regional hegemony. So they need the nukes to be able to threaten their neighbors and delude themselves into thinking the USA will not attack them. They could bluff that dumbass Kenyan muslim pussy, but it won't work on Trump.
To them, money means money. They would get sanctioned out of this world if they developed one. If not invaded..
The problem with 'nukes' is that with so many around something catastrophic is bound to happen sooner or later.
The problem with 'nukes' is that with so many around something catastrophic is bound to happen sooner or later.
Agreed. And there is no need for anyone to have something like that anyways. I mean... come on!!
Then again, there is so many bad people out there...
Ugh humans suck

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