The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.
And yet, congressional Repubs sell themselves to their constituents as fiscal conservatives and their constituents buy it. The reality is fiscally conservative Repubs don't have a party because they don't reflect what people want. Their cake and to eat it too.
And yet, congressional Repubs sell themselves to their constituents as fiscal conservatives and their constituents buy it. The reality is fiscally conservative Repubs don't have a party because they don't reflect what people want. Their cake and to eat it too.

Pretty much. I live in a blue red state. My US politicians always claiming they're going to beat the left. And the voters here (and in every other state), just take them at their word. Regardless of how bad their voting record is.

If Republicans ever got a big dose of actual conservatism, and all the benefits of it, they wouldn't let people like McCarthy or Trump anywhere near DC.
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.
Good stuff. Many current 'republicans' have mutated into populist magaturds after the dawn of orange darkened their doorstep. Out of control spending and large government overreach are the goals of magaturds. They make democrats seem redundant at this point.
Do liberals believe every opinion on the internet as long as it's anti-Trump? The entire premise of the article is flawed. Americans can register as conservative and vote for some unknown 3rd party conservative candidate or they can vote for a republican. Anything beats Brandon and everyone knows it.
Good stuff. Many current 'republicans' have mutated into populist magaturds after the dawn of orange darkened their doorstep. Out of control spending and large government overreach are the goals of magaturds. They make democrats seem redundant at this point.

Those magaturds are left of center. More closely aligned with the democrats than conservatism. And I simply don't know how to explain it to either side.
Do liberals believe every opinion on the internet as long as it's anti-Trump? The entire premise of the article is flawed. Americans can register as conservative and vote for some unknown 3rd party conservative candidate or they can vote for a republican. Anything beats Brandon and everyone knows it.

Republicans can't register as "conservatives." Conservatism is an ideology, with a firm grasp and support for government that is small and unintrusive. We believe in balanced budgets and living within our means. Things that RINOs like Trump and Mike Johnson campaign on, but never even try to deliver on.

If you're trying to tell us conservatives that the left is bad, you're preaching to the choir. If you're just trying to start an argument with the left, take it somewhere else.

There's plenty of left vs right threads here.
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.
In your mind, who fits the bill of being an "Actual Conservative"?
In your mind, who fits the bill of being an "Actual Conservative"?

DeSantis is pretty close. The closest one on the ballot. But if you want true fiscal and constitutional conservatism, you need to look at guys like Chip Roy, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul (not as much as he was when he got elected, but still in the league). Also Mike Lee.

For an easy example, without having to dig through layers of voting records, I use the New American Freedom index. If they're above 92%, then you could say they're conservative. Anything below 85%, and they're RINO's.
It's not 100%. But very close. It's better than The Liberty Score.
This is a good article that explains why us actual conservatives don't like Trump or much of what's going on with the GOP. Republicans run their campaigns on stopping the left and the lefts "out of control spending." But campaigning is about all they do. Once elected, they turn into exactly what they campaign against.

Actual conservatives are voters without a party.

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion​

Ideology in the United States is an often muddled subject, not well understood by most, and usually confused with partisanship when people speak about it. In so doing, the common belief is that Democrats are liberal while Republicans are conservative, and each party represents the left and right ends of the spectrum respectively. This belief is so entrenched that most will use the partisan and ideological terms interchangeably, treating them as one and the same. However, the reality is that ideology isn't really a simple one-dimensional spectrum stretching from left to right, and in the United States, we don't really have a conservative party.


Knowing this, it now ought to be easy to see why the United States is truly without a conservative party and has been for decades. Republicans only ever campaign on the principle of limited government in the economy, but that is little more than lip service to a position they have never truly adhered to.

Nowhere is this Republican hypocrisy better evidenced than when it comes to the matter of government spending. In looking to the U.S. budget going as far back as Ronald Regan, we see a nearly four decade pattern of deficit spending under Republican presidents. Blowing up the national debt to finance an ever-growing government is not a conservative position, but it is a consistent result of what happens when a Republican is in the White House.

confucius lower taxes for rich.jpg
Those magaturds are left of center. More closely aligned with the democrats than conservatism. And I simply don't know how to explain it to either side.
So are the Bushies....Yet millions voted for those scum, under the false "conservative" premise.....That's how far left that the Overton window has been moved.

For better or worse, the party has been taken over by the Trumpster populists...The good news there is that means it can be taken over by a farther right philosophy.

You going to sit here and whine about it, or notice an opportunity to seize the wave and steer it to the right?
So are the Bushies....Yet millions voted for those scum, under the false "conservative" premise.....That's how far left that the Overton window has been moved.

For better or worse, the party has been taken over by the Trumpster populists...The good news there is that means it can be taken over by a farther right philosophy.

Agreed..... 100%
You going to sit here and whine about it, or notice an opportunity to seize the wave and steer it to the right?

Wait. What? Easy there pal. You're coming at me at a 10. I need you to back down to something like a 3. This is something that's at the highest levels of our "establishment" that's protected at the highest levels of our government. Not something that one person can defeat or even attempt to change.

The idea can't be defeated. And that's all I, or anyone else here has. It took the Brits years to break enigma. One person isn't going to crack this code.
Wait. What? Easy there pal. You're coming at me at a 10. I need you to back down to something like a 3. This is something that's at the highest levels of our "establishment" that's protected at the highest levels of our government. Not something that one person can defeat or even attempt to change.
I'm not dialing back shit...You keep creating these whine threads, yet propose no course of action to remedy the situation or, steer the efforts already underway.

The idea can't be defeated. And that's all I, or anyone else here has. It took the Brits years to break enigma. One person isn't going to crack this code.

Well, the Trumpsters are hard at cracking it...Moms for Liberty going at school boards, the Precinct Strategy putting friendlies in at the precinct level, Lindell putting up his entire multi-million dollar business up to fight for clean and transparent elections, for starters....Regardless of their politics, like them or not, they're taking action and getting results.

What's your plan of action?
I'm not dialing back shit...You keep creating these whine threads, yet propose no course of action to remedy the situation or, steer the efforts already underway.

No course? Uh, yeah I have.
Learn what fiscal conservatism actually is.
Recognize fiscal and constitutional conservatives.
Vote for only them
Recognize RINO's and don't vote for them.
Well, the Trumpsters are hard at cracking it...Moms for Liberty going at school boards, the Precinct Strategy putting friendlies in at the precinct level, Lindell putting up his entire multi-million dollar business up to fight for clean and transparent elections, for starters....Regardless of their politics, like them or not, they're taking action and getting results.

What's your plan of action?

All of those are supporting Trump. FFS, Lindell tried to make the case that DeSantis's election was a fraud. He's not going anything to advance conservatism or liberty in this country. He's turned into a raving lunatic.

My plan of action is to hopefully expose the difference between RINO's and conservatives. It's extremely childish the way your bashing me for doing it. Like I'm supposed to be out there moving mountains by myself.
No course? Uh, yeah I have.
Learn what fiscal conservatism actually is.
Recognize fiscal and constitutional conservatives.
Vote for only them
Recognize RINO's and don't vote for them.
VOTE HARDER! :icon_rolleyes:
All of those are supporting Trump. FFS, Lindell tried to make the case that DeSantis's election was a fraud. He's not going anything to advance conservatism or liberty in this country. He's turned into a raving lunatic.

My plan of action is to hopefully expose the difference between RINO's and conservatives. It's extremely childish the way your bashing me for doing it. Like I'm supposed to be out there moving mountains by myself.
So, they're supporting Trump....So what?

They're examples of how you can go about holding institutions accountable and even take them over....Most libertarians I've known are intelligent enough to see through those examples , to the point that they can understand that if someone else did it, so can they.

Exposing RINOs isn't diddly-shit, until you do something about it.
VOTE HARDER! :icon_rolleyes:

How does that work? Push the button harder?
So, they're supporting Trump....So what?

So, they're supporting debt ceiling increases, higher debt, higher inflation, bigger and more intrusive government. All the things that bitch about when a democrat does it, but dismiss when RINO Trump does it.

The end result is it's not making America better.
They're examples of how you can go about holding institutions accountable and even take them over....Most libertarians I've known are intelligent enough to see through those examples , to the point that they can understand that if someone else did it, so can they.

Exposing RINOs isn't diddly-shit, until you do something about it.

The entire Mises Caucus can't hardly fix the LP. In fact the LP can't even win a congressional seat.
What about RINO's do I not understand?
VOTE HARDER! :icon_rolleyes:

So, they're supporting Trump....So what?

They're examples of how you can go about holding institutions accountable and even take them over....Most libertarians I've known are intelligent enough to see through those examples , to the point that they can understand that if someone else did it, so can they.

Exposing RINOs isn't diddly-shit, until you do something about it.

A note to add to my above comment, WTF do you have against me calling out RINO's? It seems to upset you that I'm more concerned with the GOP bringing some much needed opposition to the left, instead of bashing the left.

We all know the left is bad for this country. But how TF can any republican point the finger at the left when our own damn party is guilty of 95% of the same thing.

I'm all for keeping my own house clean before bashing others about the mess in theirs.

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