The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

Drill, baby, drill!

In fact, though, oil production from federal lands and waters has risen on Biden’s watch, reaching past 3 million barrels per day last year. The high mark during President Donald Trump’s term was 2.75 million barrels a day.

Hey g5000 how many barrels of that increase is on Tater approved leases?
Former President Trump argued in early 2020 that America had finally attained the goal of energy independence, while pundits on the left argued that America...
"America" includes Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, etc! The US imported 35% of it's oil when Trump claimed "America had attained the goal of energy independence"

Trump Bankrupted Over 100 oil and gas companies. Trump crushed US oil production from 13.1 million b/d down to 9.7 million b/d before he was voted out of office. Biden has brought US oil production back to new record highs on federal lands. US oil production is now above 12.8 million b/d and climbing rapidly.


Not once in the article you cite does the word TRUMP appear. That makes you a flat-out liar. Your source accurately describes what happened during the year of a massive pandemic unleashed on us by Communist China. I am certain that the source you misquoted would not appreciate you lying about what they accurately posted.

How does you lying and editing a headline, by a reliable site, help your cause?
"America" includes Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, etc! The US imported 35% of it's oil when Trump claimed "America had attained the goal of energy independence"
Energy independence has little to do with Oil. You do realize oil is a raw material that is directly used in the refining process. The US can import crude oil and export fuel oil, lubrication oil, asphalt, and diesel .... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
It's the same formula for both administrations. That's why the use the term "Energy" and not "Oil" So they can conflate the two to the rubes. Lying Neo-Republicans try to make the claim that Trump made us energy independent and Biden took that away. We're producing more energy than ever before and we're closing in on oil production records too. But still, on average, 2 to 3 mdb away from oil independence.
As you know, we had energy independence under President Trump. NO ONE has said we had oil independence. As I have shown, President Biden made critical changes on day one of his administration that reversed that trend.

Why do you believe that is a good thing?
As you know, we had energy independence under President Trump. NO ONE has said we had oil independence. As I have shown, President Biden made critical changes on day one of his administration that reversed that trend.

Why do you believe that is a good thing?
We are pumping more oil now than ever before

Shut up
As you know, we had energy independence under President Trump. NO ONE has said we had oil independence. As I have shown, President Biden made critical changes on day one of his administration that reversed that trend.

Why do you believe that is a good thing?

The US has never been energy independent. Never. Before COVID we imported 7-9 million bpd and after COVID we are importing 7-9 million bpd.

Meanwhile, US natural gas production is booming.

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