The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

Everybody knows Covid was the reason for the drop in demand in 2020. Only those who want to Blame Biden ignore the fact that the Covid implosion is the impetus for most of of economic rollercoaster since.
Yes, Orange Man is bad; c'mon man, we were talking about oil production in 2020. It is 2023 now :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
How much oil did Trump release from the strategic reserves?
Check it.

We are producing ON AVERAGE 12.8 m barrels per day.

During the Trump years oil production PEAKED ( that’s not an average) at 13

We are also producing much more oil from Federal lands now than during any part of the Trump Admin
Precious little to do with our ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. Try again.
Hey jackass, we do NOT set the world price of oil. Most decidedly not.

Supply and demand sets it. And when a major producer like SA cuts production that drives prices up.
we use the most supply which means we set the demand

we control the money supply which oil is traded with

the oil is traded on our stock market

we make the rules and regulations affecting the price

we sanction countries, buying or denying oil

we change our energy policy to make oil more expensive and we force other countries to follow our policiy

If supply and demand were the only two factors effecting oil, I would agree, but they are not
we use the most supply which means we set the demand

we control the money supply which oil is traded with

the oil is traded on our stock market

we make the rules and regulations affecting the price

we sanction countries, buying or denying oil

we change our energy policy to make oil more expensive and we force other countries to follow our policiy

If supply and demand were the only two factors effecting oil, I would agree, but they are not
Nope. Supply is being curtailed by SA and Russia.

That has a major effect on price
making us the people who set the world price

Nope... Making domestic producers the first to suffer when the price goes down. In fact, when the price goes down US production suffers and slows down.
Nope. Supply is being curtailed by SA and Russia.

That has a major effect on price
and in response we have not increased our production nor changed our energy policy having a larger effect on price

so much we could do, if we dump wind and solar energy the price of oil will drop
Yes, Orange Man is bad; c'mon man, we were talking about oil production in 2020. It is 2023 now :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Trumpyberra had very little to do with Covid, US Oil Production levels, or the price of oil on the world market during the initial phase of the pandemic. Biden has none in 2020. But do continue to pigeon hole....... US oil production is finally reaching the 13mbd mark again, as predicted in 2021. Energy production is at or near all time high in all sectors including wind and solar, except for Coal I believe. The overall policy changed in 2008. Both candidate supported forms of Drill Baby Drill. Biden can't change the laws Congress passed. He paused them as long as he could but that didn't stop the Oil Patch they had plenty of prospects and a limited number of rigs.

"Up to the early 1950s, the United States produced most of the energy it consumed.1 U.S. energy consumption was higher than U.S. energy production in every year from 1958–2018. The difference between consumption and production was met by imports, particularly crude oil and petroleum products such as motor gasoline and distillate fuel oil. Total energy imports (based on heat content) peaked in 2007 and subsequently declined in nearly every year since then. Increases in U.S. crude oil and natural gas production reduced the need for crude oil and natural gas imports and contributed to increases in crude oil and natural gas exports. The United States has been a net total energy exporter—total energy exports have been higher than total energy imports—since 2019."

and in response we have not increased our production
Contrary to known reality. Production has been increasing since the 2020 pandemic knocked production down a couple of million barrels a day.

if we dump wind and solar energy the price of oil will drop
NFL. But you'd be right at home in the Lone Star State's Neo-GOP.

Oil-rich Texas produces more wind power and, soon, more solar power than anywhere else in the country. Now state lawmakers want to cut renewable power off at the knees.

and in response we have not increased our production nor changed our energy policy having a larger effect on price

so much we could do, if we dump wind and solar energy the price of oil will drop

We're drilling deeper for oil these days.. Don't you think it's a good idea to have diverse sources of energy?

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