The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

I also thought you were female.

at least you did flirt with me
Drill, baby, drill!

The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don’t care.

The GOP narrative has a major hole: U.S. oil production — already the highest in the world — is on track to set a new record this year, and will probably rise even more in 2024. But the ever-increasing flow of U.S. crude has failed to keep a lid on gasoline prices, showing once again that a global market drives the fuel prices that shape presidents’ political futures.

And that means events far beyond the nation’s borders will play a sizable role in voters’ verdict on “Bidenomics” — as global oil prices rise and fall in response to banking conditions in Europe, China’s slumping real estate market, Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine and the latest maneuvers by Saudi Arabia.


U.S. oil production is forecast to average an all-time high of 12.8 million barrels a day this year and keep growing to 13.1 million in 2024, the federal Energy Information Administration said in its latest forecast.

This reality has not stopped dishonest Republicans from lying:

In one campaign ad, former Vice President Mike Pence pretends to fill his pickup truck and blames Biden’s energy policy for “causing real hardship” for Americans, while ex-South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has vowed to bring oil production back to the United States.

And Sen. Tim Scott (R.-S.C.) railed last month on the Biden administration, which he asserted “has shut down energy production in America.”

“Why won’t this President tap into our abundant energy resources here at home and bring down prices at the pump?” he asked.

In fact, though, oil production from federal lands and waters has risen on Biden’s watch, reaching past 3 million barrels per day last year. The high mark during President Donald Trump’s term was 2.75 million barrels a day.
You said: "Republicans don't care."

We Republicans have cared about America's freedom long before Biden's puppet strings were yanked by the Deep State bullies to destroy oil companies. Did you see all those electric car issues in the recent flooding? People's lives are at stake in bad weather if they are driving electric cars, and it wasn't the Republicans who tried to force electric car ownership on every American driver, it was the so-what, do-as-we-say control-freak Democrats. :cranky:
No we aren't.

Please back up your statement with data, not a biased news article which is false, like the OP did.

In the link above, I provide data from the official US source. It shows that the Biden Admin has not yet even matched the Trump Admin's record production, despite COVID being over, and having over two years to do so, and oil prices are even higher now, making production more lucrative. There is no explanation other than excessive regulation by the Biden Admin.

As you know and know well, it isn't all about OIL. The subject is ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. But, you just keep whining, don't you?

The week that article was written (12-07-2018), we imported 5,119 above what we exported. They lied!


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