The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

You just refuse to accept the FACT that OIL is not the subject. It is ENERGY independence.
Then why do you keep posting a link to an article that leads with "


Energy Security: Last week, the U.S. exported more oil than we imported, for the first time in 70-plus years."

First of all it didn't happen. We were still running huge deficits in oil consumption v production. We still are.

We didn't reach the legendary and for all practical purposes , useless, energy independence until 2019 and then only a few weeks. 2020 we produce and exported more energy than we imported. Not so much in 2021 but it took off in the middle of 2022 and we've been on a streak since then.

The week that article was written (12-07-2018), we imported 5,119 above what we exported. They lied!

You should have checked the week prior, 11/30/2018. That was the achievement which was being celebrated - the first time net imports went negative.

Another Trump accomplishment for you to acknowledge.


You should have checked the week prior, 11/30/2018. That was the achievement which was being celebrated - the first time net imports went negative.

Another Trump accomplishment for you to acknowledge.

View attachment 825041

As I said, the article specifically stated we exported more oil than we imported. "Last week, the U.S. exported more oil than we imported, for the first time in 70-plus years." They were mistaken. We still had a 4,016 mbd deficit in oil. But I was mistaken in that we did reach that legendary and for all practical purposes useless mark of energy independence for one week in Nov. 2018. We have not reach oil independence yet.

We are more energy independent than ever before under Biden but it still is useless because, oil sets the price of gas not LNG.
Then why do you keep posting a link to an article that leads with "


Energy Security: Last week, the U.S. exported more oil than we imported, for the first time in 70-plus years."

First of all it didn't happen. We were still running huge deficits in oil consumption v production. We still are.

We didn't reach the legendary and for all practical purposes , useless, energy independence until 2019 and then only a few weeks. 2020 we produce and exported more energy than we imported. Not so much in 2021 but it took off in the middle of 2022 and we've been on a streak since then.

As you know, this is contained in the rest of the same article.

A Radical Change​

Then President Donald Trump took office and announced a radical departure from 50 years of received energy "wisdom." In a speech to the Energy Department months after taking office, he said that for decades leaders peddled the myth of energy scarcity. Most of it is self-imposed, he said. What the country needs, he said, isn't "alternative" energy, or new austerity measures. It's a government that "promotes energy development." Trump listed actions he was taking to lift federal impediments to energy production.

Lo and behold, Trump was right.

Advanced drilling technologies have opened vast expanses of domestic oil and natural gas. And as domestic production skyrocketed, imports have been steadily dropping.

Trump doesn't deserve the credit for this boom. Oil companies do. But unlike his predecessors, Trump understands that energy independence doesn't require yet another "energy plan" that tells people to wear more sweaters in the winter and wastes money on "new" energy sources.

It just requires government to get out of the way so that oil companies can get at the vast supplies of good old oil and gas right under U.S. soil.

Yeah, fracking went nuts despite the fact Barry Hussein opposed it.

Under Obama’s watch, coal exports have risen more than 50 percent. Federal officials have paved the way for oil and gas exports, too, rubberstamping massive liquefied natural gas export plant proposals and loosening the four-decades-old ban on crude oil exports. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which is in charge of administering public land, continues to lease millions of acres to coal companies at below-market rate.

But of the administration’s many climate sins—and there are many—one stands out in particular: ongoing tolerance, and even support, for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on public land. No other energy policy seems to so brashly defy climate science, popular will, and rudimentary political wisdom at the same time.
Oil and gas production is booming nationwide thanks to fracking, a drilling technique that involves injecting chemically infused water miles underground to crack open energy-rich shale rock formations.
“Fracking is opening up millions of acres of lands that were once not economically viable to produce oil and gas,” says Dan Chu, senior campaign director at the Sierra Club’s Our Wild America initiative, which opposes fossil fuel extraction on public land.

The poor environmentalist are like Charlie Brown kicking a field goal, with Lucy holding the ball.

Missed it by that much.
I call bullshit on the oil production numbers.
Tater is probably counting the SPR draw-down as "production".

just look at the US rig count for oil production on this link
From 623 rigs in January to 512 in September....that's about a 18% drop in rigs...and production is rising??????

I call bullshit on the oil production numbers.
Tater is probably counting the SPR draw-down as "production".

just look at the US rig count for oil production on this link
From 623 rigs in January to 512 in September....that's about a 18% drop in rigs...and production is rising??????

View attachment 825053
Rig count is drilling, not production. We have nearly a million wells producing........
Natural gas is booming.

We are producing ON AVERAGE 12.8 m barrels per day.

During the Trump years oil production PEAKED ( that’s not an average) at 13

We are also producing much more oil from Federal lands now than during any part of the Trump Admin

I'm glad you dipshits finally abandoned your dumb conspiracy theory that fossil fuels are causing global warming.

You're cheering for Big Oil now.


Under Obama’s watch, coal exports have risen more than 50 percent. Federal officials have paved the way for oil and gas exports, too, rubberstamping massive liquefied natural gas export plant proposals and loosening the four-decades-old ban on crude oil exports. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which is in charge of administering public land, continues to lease millions of acres to coal companies at below-market rate.

But of the administration’s many climate sins—and there are many—one stands out in particular: ongoing tolerance, and even support, for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, on public land. No other energy policy seems to so brashly defy climate science, popular will, and rudimentary political wisdom at the same time.
Oil and gas production is booming nationwide thanks to fracking, a drilling technique that involves injecting chemically infused water miles underground to crack open energy-rich shale rock formations.
“Fracking is opening up millions of acres of lands that were once not economically viable to produce oil and gas,” says Dan Chu, senior campaign director at the Sierra Club’s Our Wild America initiative, which opposes fossil fuel extraction on public land.

The poor environmentalist are like Charlie Brown kicking a field goal, with Lucy holding the ball.

Missed it by that much.
After over 7 years in office, he put the football down for the environmentalist with a proprosal that would surely be squashed by the courts.....and they did.

"Because most fracking in the United States takes place on private land, the case had little direct effect on existing operations. Roughly 22 percent of U.S. oil production comes from federal lands, with much of that from offshore Gulf of Mexico production, not shale fields.
Rig count is drilling, not production. We have nearly a million wells producing........
Drilling leads to production. Read below, a well produces 40%-50% of its oil in the 1st year, so as drilling slows production slows more. Drilling is slowing. Biden shut down ANWR, and other areas. Looking ahead, US oil production will slow.

Rig Count​

Because spudding a well is the first step (after acquiring the rights to drill and requisite permits) in the production of oil and gas, it is a leading indicator of future output. Modern oil and gas wells usually produce 40%-50% of their total lifetime production in their first year. Oil production follows a decline curve, which means the amount of oil and gas produced decreases over time. As such, in order to keep production levels flat or increasing, new wells need to be constantly drilled. Drilling fewer wells, all else equal, means overall oil and gas output decreases. Conversely, increasing the number of wells increases production.
Biden shut down ANWR, and other areas. Looking ahead, US oil production will slow.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects U.S. crude oil production to surpass 12.9 million barrels per day for the first time in late 2023 and to exceed 13 million barrels per day in early 2024. In its August Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), EIA forecasts U.S. crude oil production to average 12.8 million barrels per day in 2023, which is 200,000 barrels per day more than in its July forecast.

EIA expects sustained global demand for petroleum products and Saudi Arabia’s extended voluntary production cuts will contribute to oil prices rising through the year. The Brent crude oil price was near $75 per barrel at the beginning of July and increased throughout the month to surpass $86 per barrel on August 4. EIA forecasts the Brent crude oil price to increase the rest of 2023 and to approach $90 per barrel in late 2023.

"We forecast continued growth in domestic oil production, which is bolstered by higher oil prices and higher well productivity in the near term," said EIA Administrator Joe DeCarolis
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects U.S. crude oil production to surpass 12.9 million barrels per day for the first time in late 2023 and to exceed 13 million barrels per day in early 2024. In its August Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), EIA forecasts U.S. crude oil production to average 12.8 million barrels per day in 2023, which is 200,000 barrels per day more than in its July forecast.

EIA expects sustained global demand for petroleum products and Saudi Arabia’s extended voluntary production cuts will contribute to oil prices rising through the year. The Brent crude oil price was near $75 per barrel at the beginning of July and increased throughout the month to surpass $86 per barrel on August 4. EIA forecasts the Brent crude oil price to increase the rest of 2023 and to approach $90 per barrel in late 2023.

"We forecast continued growth in domestic oil production, which is bolstered by higher oil prices and higher well productivity in the near term," said EIA Administrator Joe DeCarolis
Thanks for that post.
I hope he's right, but I have my doubts.
Biden curtailed new drilling, especially ANWR, and new pipelines and new refineries..
His "war on energy" will bite him on the ass eventually, hopefully around 11/2024.
Thanks for that post.
I hope he's right, but I have my doubts.
Biden curtailed new drilling, especially ANWR, and new pipelines and new refineries..
His "war on energy" will bite him on the ass eventually, hopefully around 11/2024.
Like everything in 2020, drilling was effected by Covid, Biden not so much. There was a slight pause in 2021 in approving drilling permits, after that they were flying off the shelves, with no new restrictions on fracking either. An import pipeline has nothing to do with US production. You mean his war on fossil fuels? Charlie Brown, Lucy.........

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