The U.S. Is Pumping Oil Faster Than Ever

You can’t read. Why would I believe your words. Again, show one policy the Biden instituted that increases oil production. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. The companies are pulling more out and processing more as demand increases when the shutdowns stopped. Try to think for yourself for a change.
Biden has not allowed one permit to go forward to drill more so we can be self sufficient again. The demand is up but we aren’t staying up with the demand allowing OPEC to dictate prices. Completely opposite of what Trump had established.
The policy of max pumping.
Biden approved more leases than Trump, and has record oil output because of it.

Bidenomics is fucking working folks day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

Worst president ever!


Joe Biden has America pumping the most oil ever in US history (more than Trump)! Better yet the US is also largest Oil producer in the world !!
SO under Biden we are the world's top producer AND we are pumping more oil than under Trump, or any other president ever.

Better yet, the US is also pumping record nat gas and is the largest producer of nat gas in the world !!!
Better yet the US is also producing the most renewable energy ever !!!

Joe Biden is the energy president with the best energy policy in US history, with America leading the world in oil AND nat gas production, the US producing record amounts of both fuels, AND the US is producing record amounts of renewable energy.

The Saudi's are the reason oil prices are slightly higher, I'm sure there is a connection between the criminal Saudi regime's oil production drop, the $2B bribe they gave Kushner, and Donald "break any law he wants" Trump.

Add energy to the long list of Biden wins !

Wait! What?

I thought libs and Ds opposed oil production on grounds it causes global warming. You mean that opposition was all bull shit? Damn!
Wait! What?

I thought libs and Ds opposed oil production on grounds it causes global warming. You mean that opposition was all bull shit? Damn!
Joe Biden: Killing Mother Nature at a record pace!
The Saudi's are the reason oil prices are slightly higher, I'm sure there is a connection between the criminal Saudi regime's oil production drop, the $2B bribe they gave Kushner, and Donald "break any law he wants" Trump.
55% is “slightly higher”?

You sack at math.
Gas was under $2.00 per gallon during Trump's administration. Today it's double that and more. If we are pumping more oil where the hell is it going?
Biden has approved record amounts of leases (more than Trump), just none on federal land, but we don't need leases on federal ground..


Leases that were already set by the Trump administration. Since then, Biden has been ORDERED by courts to follow the law and conduct auctions he stopped.

Biden's Interior Department had attempted to suspend the federal oil and gas leasing program to study its environmental and climate impacts but was blocked by a federal judge.

"After observing new obstacles to federal development, including the leasing ban and litigation, companies may have decided it’s just not worth the additional time, cost, and risk," Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, said in an emailed statement.


Leases that were already set by the Trump administration. Since then, Biden has been ORDERED by courts to follow the law and conduct auctions he stopped.

Biden's Interior Department had attempted to suspend the federal oil and gas leasing program to study its environmental and climate impacts but was blocked by a federal judge.
"After observing new obstacles to federal development, including the leasing ban and litigation, companies may have decided it’s just not worth the additional time, cost, and risk," Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, said in an emailed statement.


Man, these Banker threads go down in flames faster than the Hindenburg.
The Biden administration’s five-year plan for offshore oil and gas leasing will not include any sales in 2024 and will feature just three in the final four years–the lowest number of auctions in the history of the program. This continues his record as leasing fewer federal acres for oil and gas than any president since World War II. The lease plan, required by law, is a critical tool needed for domestic energy supplies and to keep gasoline prices in check. Since 1992, no five-year oil lease plan has had fewer than 11 lease sales and most have had 15 to 20, according to the Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
In 2018, the Trump administration’s proposed plan had 47 lease sales and besides the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, included offshore areas in California and the Atlantic. Court decisions have required continued leasing and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has made offshore oil lease sales a pre-requisite for new offshore wind lease auctions that are a major part of Biden’s climate agenda. The Biden lease plan is subject to a 60-day mandatory waiting period before it can be approved by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. It will be the 10th offshore oil program since 1978, when the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act was amended to include a program for drilling in federal waters.


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