The U.S., NATO Have Neither Right nor Authority to Judge Others: FM Spokesperson

The scenario is already obvious: a simulated "chemical attack" against the Ukrainians, the White Helmets (they are already in Poland), and... the introduction of troops into Western Ukraine. Then Russia strikes the interventionists with tactical nuclear weapons, the USA retaliates and ...very annoyed and aggressive Poseidons - off our shores.
Putin is neither stupid nor crazy. The Russo-Ukraine war began over a decade ago with the insertion of GRU/FSB paramilitary and political officers to stir up a rebellion in Donbas and to them flame it up into a civil war.

This is the most basic of old Soviet doctrines.

The objective was to destabilize Ukraine and fabricate all the Nazi crap and supposed war crimes being committed there by Ukraine to justify an invasion.

His sole objective for more than 20 years now has been to become a national hero by being remembered for having reestablished the "Russian Empire" and to begin that process Russia deserately needs the natural resources of the Ukraine.

The first use of nukes by Putin such as you suggest would destroy everything he's worked for since first taking office in 99 and his life's dream because it would mean the complete destruction of himself, his country, and pretty much everyone and every thing he ever cared about.

BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Before reflecting on their crimes against the peoples in countries like Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, the U.S. and NATO have neither right nor authority to judge others, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


Yes, the way the Biden administration behaves both internationally and domestically has only TWO explanations:




A stalwart Stalinist or Maoist pitchman directly out of their State propaganda's rules and regulations for the lemings of their tribe, you make it it appear!

And why NOT review to an equal degree the sins of the Russians and the Red Chinese to those of the US and NATO Countries? The Russians and Chinese are somehow faultless and beyond reproach while the US and NATO are always at fault?

Now that is bald face PROPAGANDA you're shoveling, Ivan!
For decades, I have been stopping on California freeways to assist drivers, particularly ladies, who have pulled over most commonly for flat tires. I change them and see them off safely. My favorite was a young lady with a broken radiator hose on Christmas Eve. I brought water from home, told her to follow me where we have a party going on with lots of women present to reassure her. She gave me money to buy a new hose across the street which I installed before filling her radiator and sending her home 90 miles away. She cried as she thanked me and left.

Had a decent man stopped to help Denise Huber one night, she would be alive today. But none did. So raping and murdering her, storing her in a freezer for three years was just fine with Mr. Immorality? Sick. Evil. Sickening to look askance at such evil and say it's not immoral.

BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Before reflecting on their crimes against the peoples in countries like Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, the U.S. and NATO have neither right nor authority to judge others, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


Yes, the way the Biden administration behaves both internationally and domestically has only TWO explanations:


Russia: Oligarchy (where the government is ruled by a few wealthy people). They arrest, imprison and/or assassinate serious political opponents. In essence, your typical One-Party government which is authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous.
Ukraine: Democracy (after throwing out a Russian puppet leader), which allows multi-party elections and the current leader won with 73% of the vote. They take over no nations and look to the west for friendship and alliance.
So, why should we be involved. It's a small nation that became Democratic in nature and should be defended. The only reason the west is reluctant to send in their forces is because that would trigger a nuclear war and no one would win, only die.
On a different nation note, a coalition of western nations should send troops to Myanmar to force out the military junta that took away that island nation's Democratically elected government, which the public supported, but as it has no strategic value, the west ignores it, basically, shrugging it off. Sad.
Should I post clips here of Azov Nazis executing captured Donbass militiamen in 2014 by putting pots on their heads, with a single kick of their feet??????

Should I post a picture of a beautiful woman who was NOT rapedd: a Ukrainian mine simply ripped off her arms and legs...

Should I publish a picture of a young teenage girl who had one leg and one arm torn off by a Ukrainian mine?

Shall I show you the cemetery of children who were killed by Ukrainian shelling only because they did not want to speak Ukrainian, but in their native, Russian language???
You can post whatever drivel the Kremlin is putting out here that you want, nobody can stop you.

What you can't do is actually show those mines were planted by Ukrainians which wouldn't even make sense because mines are laid as a defensive measure not offensive or that when both sides are exchanging gun fire where those artillery rounds were fired from or even where they landed.

You sure as hell can't show any of that resulted from kids wanting to speak Russian.
Whatever we do, whether we love, conceive children, plant gardens, or build houses, we do it all on a land whose every inch is soaked in the blood of the innocent, soaked in fear and terror - isn't that why our continent is cracking?
Now we're getting truly to the heart of the matter, you're out of your fucking mind.
Well, it's primitive labeling and a sign of weakness.

Yes, I know that some people have a two-year supply of everything to live on. But some people have a LONGER life :))) True, there is also moss or peat.
Accurate labeling is essential to understand what's being discussed.

We don't hoard, we buy what we need as we need it and keep a rotating stock of most essentials since it's a hundred plus mile round trip to the nearest grocery store or Walmart.

The shortages were primarily created by panic buyers who decided to hoard up because they heard of shortages from their news sources.
By the way, the Slavs did NOT have slavery in History.

Slavery is an ugly deformity in the History of future Europe and America.

I am sure that it is a product of the sick psyche of those who have decided that only THEY are THE PEOPLE.
Virtually every culture in history has a history of slavery going back to the Neolithic era.

You are absolutely nuts.
NATO is obligated to defend Ukraine since they agreed to be non-nuclear and signed the Budapest Memorandum. (Google the Budapest Memorandum)

"The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons."

You need to read that document again. NATO is not responsible to provide them a defense but the US, Russia, and UK all provided them security gurantees in exchange for them giving up those nukes.

Unfortunately they toook us at our word and didn't insist on a lot of fine print spelling out exactly what that entailed.

Contractually we're not really obligated to do a lot, morally we are certainly obligated to do whatever we can without necessarily putting our own troops on the ground.

They are doing a magnificent job defending Ukraine on their own and with the aid of a handful of volunteers so I say keep pouring in the aid in whatever forms needed to allow them to continue the fight.
Russia: Oligarchy (where the government is ruled by a few wealthy people). They arrest, imprison and/or assassinate serious political opponents. In essence, your typical One-Party government which is authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous.
Ukraine: Democracy (after throwing out a Russian puppet leader), which allows multi-party elections and the current leader won with 73% of the vote. They take over no nations and look to the west for friendship and alliance.
So, why should we be involved. It's a small nation that became Democratic in nature and should be defended. The only reason the west is reluctant to send in their forces is because that would trigger a nuclear war and no one would win, only die.
On a different nation note, a coalition of western nations should send troops to Myanmar to force out the military junta that took away that island nation's Democratically elected government, which the public supported, but as it has no strategic value, the west ignores it, basically, shrugging it off. Sad.
Not really. Putin is no fool and he knows that going nuclear means the destruction of his own nation, himself, his dream of Empire, and everyone he cares or ever cared about.
NATO will expand because of Putin's blunder

Either that or the other non NATO countries almost certainly form their own alliance closely tied to and supported by NATO.

No wonder Putin's generals and advisors are suddenly committing suicide or disappearing because they all blew it badly and the result one way or another is going to be Putin's undoing.

Sooner or later "The People" wake up and realize that leaving someone like that in power is going to result in the destruction of their nation.
What's your real name, commie?

How much is the FSB paying you?
My name is ALEXANDRE FEDOROVSKI, Ph.D. in Philosophy, living in New York City.

As I understand it, you are a victim of template thinking, an algorithm embedded in your mind during the American government's psychological warfare against its own people.

Trying to label me a communist makes no sense since I am not talking about the banning of private property, the exploitation of man by man, and the equality of all people-it would be ridiculous to talk about this in the United States.

In reality, though, I would have nothing against the establishment of communism in society - you don't oppose heaven and make regular donations to the church, thus "booking" your place over there, do you!

I don't tithe to the "communist church" because there isn't one. Communism, alas, is just a fairy tale today. Until people get rid of greed, communism cannot be built. And do you know HOW many people love gold and diamonds...
No, that would be Russia and China during the purges and cultural revolution following the most devastating war in human history in which a 100, 000,000 or more died directly and indirectly at the hands of Hitler and Stalin.
That is when "one smoked soot kettle nods on another smoked soot kettle". And this is a very old and primitive technique.

Do you deny the American Holocaust?
That is when "one smoked soot kettle nods on another smoked soot kettle". And this is a very old and primitive technique.

Do you deny the American Holocaust?
There were never a 100,000,000 Natives in North America at any time in history or prehistory.

Most who died as a result of European Conquest died of diseases brought by the Europeans they'd never been exposed to before and had therefore no immunity to.

Indians tried to kill whites, whites tried to kill Indians. In the end, the Indians lost for numerous reasons not the least of which was that they were outnumbered by several hundred to one as more and more Europeans came to the US.

Of course, that's no different than the conquests across Europe and Asia going back to the last ice age.

There's not a square foot of occupied ground today that hasn't been taken from someone at some time in the past, it's the nature of man.
Either that or the other non NATO countries almost certainly form their own alliance closely tied to and supported by NATO.

No wonder Putin's generals and advisors are suddenly committing suicide or disappearing because they all blew it badly and the result one way or another is going to be Putin's undoing.

Sooner or later "The People" wake up and realize that leaving someone like that in power is going to result in the destruction of their nation.
And WHERE did you get that confidence?

I think the domination of the world by an invasive upper class of one ethnic group is far scarier than Hitler, Stalin, and Putin combined. Just because from time immemorial it is the top of that ethnic group that finances all wars.

For example, in April 1945, a fake American firm in Argentina refueled German submarines with diesel fuel. Как Вам это?
How about that?
And WHERE did you get that confidence?

I think the domination of the world by an invasive upper class of one ethnic group is far scarier than Hitler, Stalin, and Putin combined. Just because from time immemorial it is the top of that ethnic group that finances all wars.

For example, in April 1945, a fake American firm in Argentina refueled German submarines with diesel fuel. Как Вам это?
How about that?
From studying history and anthropology along with an understanding of what it takes to support a population of that size.

Without modern farming techniques the continent could have not supported such a population and most of the population at that time were still hunter gatherers from the Mississippi to the Cascades.

Your claim about the submarine is just silly.
There were never a 100,000,000 Natives in North America at any time in history or prehistory.

Most who died as a result of European Conquest died of diseases brought by the Europeans they'd never been exposed to before and had therefore no immunity to.

Indians tried to kill whites, whites tried to kill Indians. In the end, the Indians lost for numerous reasons not the least of which was that they were outnumbered by several hundred to one as more and more Europeans came to the US.

Of course, that's no different than the conquests across Europe and Asia going back to the last ice age.

There's not a square foot of occupied ground today that hasn't been taken from someone at some time in the past, it's the nature of man.

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