The U.S., NATO Have Neither Right nor Authority to Judge Others: FM Spokesperson

The United States can do anything we goddam well please ...
No you cant. Who the fuck do you think you are. Why don't you take on the Russians and the Chinese then? You took on the Vietnamese and you lost.
You don't rule the world now. China does.
you think the Chinese or Russians are going to stop us? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...
They have up until now.
They don't even have debit cards in Russia ... at least not anymore ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...
Oh gee. Thats enough to declare victory over them.
You dumb arse idiot.
The rest of the world can just piss off for all I care ...
Thats fine but your opinion doesn't matter to the Chinese. Get those old guns out and blast a few turkeys for practice. Show us what you're made of rambo.
No you cant. Who the fuck do you think you are. Why don't you take on the Russians and the Chinese then? You took on the Vietnamese and you lost.
You don't rule the world now. China does.

They have up until now.

Oh gee. Thats enough to declare victory over them.
You dumb arse idiot.

Thats fine but your opinion doesn't matter to the Chinese. Get those old guns out and blast a few turkeys for practice. Show us what you're made of rambo.
Actually we can and we don't need anyone's permission to go to war but our own.
No you cant. Who the fuck do you think you are. Why don't you take on the Russians and the Chinese then? You took on the Vietnamese and you lost.
No, the South Vietnamese lost more than a year after we left.

We gave them the tools and prepared the ground but they didn't have the heart for the fight.
The current situation in Ukraine proves you can't.
In fact the people don't make the decision. Congress does.

Youre not quite up to speed son.
No it doesn't. If we wanted to roll in with troops tomorrow nobody could stop us.

The president does not need a declaration or authorization from congress to act either.

Presidents can commit troops to combat for 90 days without asking permission of anyone, all congress can do is decide not to fund the operation or try to impeach and remove the president if they don't like his actions.

You should spend less time talking out of your ass and learn something before further embarrassing yourself.
No it doesn't. If we wanted to roll in with troops tomorrow nobody could stop us.

The president does not need a declaration or authorization from congress to act either.

Presidents can commit troops to combat for 90 days without asking permission of anyone, all congress can do is decide not to fund the operation or try to impeach and remove the president if they don't like his actions.

You should spend less time talking out of your ass and learn something before further embarrassing yourself.
No he can't but your opinion remains the same.
If they don't fund it, it means they have the say.
Is that what you mean?

That aside, let's say there was no nato. What would Trump do do you think?
No he can't but your opinion remains the same.
If they don't fund it, it means they have the say.
Is that what you mean?

That aside, let's say there was no nato. What would Trump do do you think?
Yes he can. Under the War Powers Resolutions he can commit troops for up to 90 days without asking permission from congress or anyone else.

After 90 days the congress could choose to defund further operations but that has no effect on what's already taken place.

Trump would not have allowed us to get in to this situation to begin with.

He'd have continued providing Ukraine all the lethal aid necessary to fortify the country against invasion and would have continued moving more US troops east into the former republics as a deterrent.

Putin would be in checkmate and he would know it.

Stop making declarations of fact when you have no damned idea what you're talking about and you'll make a fool of yourself far less often.

BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Before reflecting on their crimes against the peoples in countries like Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, the U.S. and NATO have neither right nor authority to judge others, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


Yes, the way the Biden administration behaves both internationally and domestically has only TWO explanations:


From the country currently conductin it's own ongoing genocide of Uigurs... . OK.
No he can't but your opinion remains the same.
If they don't fund it, it means they have the say.
Is that what you mean?

That aside, let's say there was no nato. What would Trump do do you think?
Since you keep dodging it let's go back to this.

If the US decides unilaterally to go to war who is going to stop us?
The Jews were not making war on anyone.

Americans in that era were far from perfect particularly with respect to offering shelter to European Jews attempting to escape the Nazi slaughter.

The Indians however in the centuries before made war on everyone slaughtering entire communities and got the same in return when the whites fought back.

Only after WWII did the "civilized nations" decide that it was a really bad thing to specifically target civilians and started protecting them through international law.
1. I think it is WRONG to cover up the crimes of a narrow circle of scums mentioning the entire nation.

This is very convenient, especially after the American Jews left the poor European Jews to be slaughtered by the Nazis: the deaths of 5-6 million European Jews are now being exploited by ALL the scums, especially on Wall Street;

I was talking about how a bunch of moneylenders SPONSORED the wars by lending to both warring parties, making a profit.

"It's just BUSINESS," they claimed and continue to claim.

I have NEVER said anything about ALL people. Don't misconstrue my words.

2. Before the Europeans came, the Native Americans didn't even kill their enemies in their "wars"; it was enough to knock an enemy to the ground.

The Europeans taught them how to KILL.
You somehow "forgot" to mention that the Europeans were INVADORS who brutally slaughtered the native population. Columbus had already ordered the first exemplary executions.

Protecting one's land, culture, and language is the natural right of a people. And we see parallels in the modern world.

You are rewriting arguments from the books of the apologists for the American genocide.

3. How nice you make it look! Did you study world history at school in Ukraine?

Are you aware of MILLIONS of civilians who died during the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraqi aggressions of the United States?!

I'm just ashamed of you when I consider your comments.

With such comments, you simply discredit the Ukrainian educational system. Or the American one.
No, the South Vietnamese lost more than a year after we left.

We gave them the tools and prepared the ground but they didn't have the heart for the fight.
It's a bit more complex that that. The Soviets took a third world guerilla light infantry army, retrained and required it as a first world mechanized army at no cost to the PRVN and "encouraged" North Vietnam to invade the south so the Soviet navy would have access to the massive, US built base at Cam Ranh Bay.
1. I think it is WRONG to cover up the crimes of a narrow circle of scums mentioning the entire nation.

This is very convenient, especially after the American Jews left the poor European Jews to be slaughtered by the Nazis: the deaths of 5-6 million European Jews are now being exploited by ALL the scums, especially on Wall Street;

I was talking about how a bunch of moneylenders SPONSORED the wars by lending to both warring parties, making a profit.

"It's just BUSINESS," they claimed and continue to claim.

I have NEVER said anything about ALL people. Don't misconstrue my words.

2. Before the Europeans came, the Native Americans didn't even kill their enemies in their "wars"; it was enough to knock an enemy to the ground.

The Europeans taught them how to KILL.
You somehow "forgot" to mention that the Europeans were INVADORS who brutally slaughtered the native population. Columbus had already ordered the first exemplary executions.

Protecting one's land, culture, and language is the natural right of a people. And we see parallels in the modern world.

You are rewriting arguments from the books of the apologists for the American genocide.

3. How nice you make it look! Did you study world history at school in Ukraine?

Are you aware of MILLIONS of civilians who died during the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraqi aggressions of the United States?!

I'm just ashamed of you when I consider your comments.

With such comments, you simply discredit the Ukrainian educational system. Or the American one.
You are fabricating bullshit by the ton like a feedlot here.

This is very convenient, especially after the American Jews left the poor European Jews to be slaughtered by the Nazis: the deaths of 5-6 million European Jews are now being exploited by ALL the scums, especially on Wall Street;

What the hell are you talking about now? Was the US somehow supposed to beam 13 million Jews out of Europe using the Enterprise?

There wasn't even confirmation of the Holocaust until 1943, the Germans were working overtime to make sure it was kept covered up.

The most the allies had were scattered reports they could not verify as to the atrocities as related to them by a few who were able to escape from the ghettos and trains.

I was talking about how a bunch of moneylenders SPONSORED the wars by lending to both warring parties, making a profit.

Which of course is nuts.

2. Before the Europeans came, the Native Americans didn't even kill their enemies in their "wars"; it was enough to knock an enemy to the ground.

This of course we know to be a lie. They killed their enemies wholesale across the Americas and enslaved the survivors for labor. We know this because it's documented in the oral histories of pretty much every tribe in The Americas and in stone by the natives of Central and South America.

"Counting Coup" was not warfare, it was a contest, a sporting event that prepared young men for war much the same as the Olympic games dating back to Ancient Greece.

Are you aware of MILLIONS of civilians who died during the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraqi aggressions of the United States?!

No, because I don't have a head full of bugs and snakes and I know that to be a complete fabrication. No such numbers can be documented by any source nor anything close to same.

The interventions in Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq were all in response to attacks by those nations on their own peoples and neighboring countries. Not one of those was a unilateral action either, each of them were authorized by votes of the United Nations as a whole, or by the UNSC.

You somehow "forgot" to mention that the Europeans were INVADORS who brutally slaughtered the native population. Columbus had already ordered the first exemplary executions.

Protecting one's land, culture, and language is the natural right of a people. And we see parallels in the modern world.

I didn't forget anything, I in fact noted it. Every inch of ground occupied today on this planet by any civiliaztion other than those in the most remote locations on earth are standing on land that their ancestors took from someone else.

It's not relevant today because the major powers started getting together in the late 19th century setting rules for how warfare and nations were to behave to be considered as civilized nations and welcomed into the community of nations.

After WWI and the way it devastated particularly Europe the Geneva Conventions set even tighter standards of behavior for all to follow and then again, the UN after it's formation added to that body of international law.
It's a bit more complex that that. The Soviets took a third world guerilla light infantry army, retrained and required it as a first world mechanized army at no cost to the PRVN and "encouraged" North Vietnam to invade the south so the Soviet navy would have access to the massive, US built base at Cam Ranh Bay.
No argument from me on any of that.
1. I think it is WRONG to cover up the crimes of a narrow circle of scums mentioning the entire nation.

This is very convenient, especially after the American Jews left the poor European Jews to be slaughtered by the Nazis: the deaths of 5-6 million European Jews are now being exploited by ALL the scums, especially on Wall Street;

I was talking about how a bunch of moneylenders SPONSORED the wars by lending to both warring parties, making a profit.

"It's just BUSINESS," they claimed and continue to claim.

I have NEVER said anything about ALL people. Don't misconstrue my words.

2. Before the Europeans came, the Native Americans didn't even kill their enemies in their "wars"; it was enough to knock an enemy to the ground.

The Europeans taught them how to KILL.
You somehow "forgot" to mention that the Europeans were INVADORS who brutally slaughtered the native population. Columbus had already ordered the first exemplary executions.

Protecting one's land, culture, and language is the natural right of a people. And we see parallels in the modern world.

You are rewriting arguments from the books of the apologists for the American genocide.

3. How nice you make it look! Did you study world history at school in Ukraine?

Are you aware of MILLIONS of civilians who died during the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraqi aggressions of the United States?!

I'm just ashamed of you when I consider your comments.

With such comments, you simply discredit the Ukrainian educational system. Or the American one.
You need to learn some real history. Amerindians were very violent killing and enslaving their enemies. I know this not only from history, but from my great-grandmother who was a full blood Comanche. When I was a kid she told me what it was really like being a member of a tribe that even the Apaches were afraid of. The "peaceful, noble savage" of Rosseau never existed anywhere in the Americas. She lived it being a young woman when the Comanches were finally defeated and moved onto reservations. Probably the closest to "peaceful" Indians would be the coastal tribes of Southern California who were near Stone Age and lived largely by aquaculture. The most violent would be either the Aztecs or Mayans who slaughtered their way across Mexico and South America enslaving, killing and making live sacrifices of their captives by the thousands every year. Most tribes were somewhere in between killing and slaving whenever convenient.
1. I think it is WRONG to cover up the crimes of a narrow circle of scums mentioning the entire nation.

This is very convenient, especially after the American Jews left the poor European Jews to be slaughtered by the Nazis: the deaths of 5-6 million European Jews are now being exploited by ALL the scums, especially on Wall Street;

I was talking about how a bunch of moneylenders SPONSORED the wars by lending to both warring parties, making a profit.

"It's just BUSINESS," they claimed and continue to claim.

I have NEVER said anything about ALL people. Don't misconstrue my words.

2. Before the Europeans came, the Native Americans didn't even kill their enemies in their "wars"; it was enough to knock an enemy to the ground.

The Europeans taught them how to KILL.
You somehow "forgot" to mention that the Europeans were INVADORS who brutally slaughtered the native population. Columbus had already ordered the first exemplary executions.

Protecting one's land, culture, and language is the natural right of a people. And we see parallels in the modern world.

You are rewriting arguments from the books of the apologists for the American genocide.

3. How nice you make it look! Did you study world history at school in Ukraine?

Are you aware of MILLIONS of civilians who died during the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraqi aggressions of the United States?!

I'm just ashamed of you when I consider your comments.

With such comments, you simply discredit the Ukrainian educational system. Or the American one.
In the late thirties American Jews were a tiny percentage of Americans, powerless and socially despised. Almost all rich and powerful Americans were WASPs, not Catholics or Jews.
There has been no NATO attack on Syria. Each of those were UN authorized uses of force issued to UN member nations.

None of those was an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation, Putin's invasion of Ukrain
UN? Lol u mean they Puppet that the west uses as they please. Let's not be hypocritical.
Since you keep dodging it let's go back to this.

If the US decides unilaterally to go to war who is going to stop us?
If the USA is still in nato, which it is, the other partners will strongly object.
That doesn't mean it will stop you because you have a habit of charging around the world and getting beaten with your gung ho bravo, waving guns everywhere.
The Vietnam war wall in dc is testimony to those failures. Arlington is another one.
So, more than likely no one will stop you but that doesn't make it justified it only confirms you haven't learnt from history.

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