The U.S., NATO Have Neither Right nor Authority to Judge Others: FM Spokesperson

There were never a 100,000,000 Natives in North America at any time in history or prehistory.

Most who died as a result of European Conquest died of diseases brought by the Europeans they'd never been exposed to before and had therefore no immunity to.

Indians tried to kill whites, whites tried to kill Indians. In the end, the Indians lost for numerous reasons not the least of which was that they were outnumbered by several hundred to one as more and more Europeans came to the US.

Of course, that's no different than the conquests across Europe and Asia going back to the last ice age.

There's not a square foot of occupied ground today that hasn't been taken from someone at some time in the past, it's the nature of man.
The fact that there were about 100 MILLION Native people living on the American continent is out of the discussion. It is a RECOGNIZED fact. And the American genocide the American government RECOGNIZED, though it hid the apology in the pages of the draft of the military budget.

I just don't understand why EVERY day they talk about the 5 or 6 million poor Jews tortured by the Nazis (American Jews, according to Eleanor Roosevelt, did EVERYTHING they could to keep European Jewish refugees out of the United States), and not a word about the 100 million tortured natives of this country!
From studying history and anthropology along with an understanding of what it takes to support a population of that size.

Without modern farming techniques the continent could have not supported such a population and most of the population at that time were still hunter gatherers from the Mississippi to the Cascades.

Your claim about the submarine is just silly.
Well, this is the version of the corrupt American press, which is in the hands of the descendants of the criminals who committed these diabolical crimes, who seek to whitewash their invasive relatives.

Name the sources you cite.
The fact that there were about 100 MILLION Native people living on the American continent is out of the discussion. It is a RECOGNIZED fact.
No it isn't, it isn't even a remote possibility.

Digger subsistence farming with fishing and hunting could never have supported a 1/3 of that number at any given time.
I just don't understand why EVERY day they talk about the 5 or 6 million poor Jews tortured by the Nazis (American Jews, according to Eleanor Roosevelt, did EVERYTHING they could to keep European Jewish refugees out of the United States), and not a word about the 100 million tortured natives of this country!
The Jews were not making war on anyone.

Americans in that era were far from perfect particularly with respect to offering shelter to European Jews attempting to escape the Nazi slaughter.

The Indians however in the centuries before made war on everyone slaughtering entire communities and got the same in return when the whites fought back.

Only after WWII did the "civilized nations" decide that it was a really bad thing to specifically target civilians and started protecting them through international law.
The United States can do anything we goddam well please ... you think the Chinese or Russians are going to stop us? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

They don't even have debit cards in Russia ... at least not anymore ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

The rest of the world can just piss off for all I care ...
Lib Ignorance
The United States can do anything we goddam well please ... you think the Chinese or Russians are going to stop us? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

They don't even have debit cards in Russia ... at least not anymore ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

The rest of the world can just piss off for all I care ...
China could bring the US to a virtual standstill in 3-6 months simply by cutting off trade with US.

We're so dependent on Chinese manufacturing for virtually everything we use today other than energy they all but own us.

Look back a couple of years at how or economy cratered overnight when China went into lockdown over Covid as supplies of almost everything from computer chips to pharmaceuticals dried up.
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Well, this is the version of the corrupt American press, which is in the hands of the descendants of the criminals who committed these diabolical crimes, who seek to whitewash their invasive relatives.

Name the sources you cite.
You're fabricating bullshit and making claims you can't possibly support and now you are demanding I cite sources?

Are you high, or just so full of yourself your teeth are turning brown?

You can't grow enough dryland corn on 10 acres on the high plains to feed even one family for a year much less their livestock.

A family needs a minimum of at least 160 acres for a subsistence farm.

The largest communities of Natives in what is today the US never numbered more than 2,000 and that was among the pueblo Indians. We know this because their pueblos still stand.

The best estimates today only show about 75,000 people living who are of pueblo Indian descent and the pueblo Indians suffered the least during the Indian wars because they were all but completely pacifist unless attacked.

There's simply nothing that can scientifically or historically support your claims.

BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Before reflecting on their crimes against the peoples in countries like Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, the U.S. and NATO have neither right nor authority to judge others, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service


Yes, the way the Biden administration behaves both internationally and domestically has only TWO explanations:


NATO are more guilty than Russia will ever be.
View attachment 621681

In spite of your status of a "Golden Member" you are deeply mistaken: about five years ago Russia began to create its own system of electronic payments MIR, and VISA works within this system.

As for the "hellish sanctions" against Russia, we need to be careful that they do not turn America into hell (and we are heading towards a deep crisis at a breakneck pace, as the end of summer and fall will show).

Russians are used to difficulties. They will overcome these as well. Especially since 80% of the world's population supports Russia.
It is a great delusion that one can have a printing press and green toilet paper, and forever impose these "currency" on the world.
The parasitic Bretton Woods Agreement and system, imposed on the world, is falling apart before our eyes. A bunch of international crooks printing money and selling it to the U.S. government simply don't have enough toilet paper to stop the process.

View attachment 621682
You need to read more than The New York Times and watch more than just the corrupt CNN...

Interest rates are 20% in Russia, Rubel down 50% vs dollar, credit basically nonexistent, import supply chain demolished, exports contracted by 30%. GDP projected down by 15%.

Alexander says? Oh it's fine, everything is according to plan....and even if it isn't Russian people will just bend over and take it for the Dear Leader who MUST have his little bloody war. They are totally used to that by now, will eat up PutinVision shit and ask for more.

Worst part is that he is probably right about Russians tolerating this sort of incompetence from their corrupt, oppressive government.
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Interest rates are 20% in Russia, Rubel down 50% vs dollar, credit basically nonexistent, import supply chain demolished, exports contracted by 30%. GDP projected down by 15%.

Alexander says? Oh it's fine, everything is according to plan....and even if it isn't Russian people will just bend over and take it for the Dear Leader who MUST have his little bloody war. They are totally used to that by now, will eat up PutinVision shit and ask for more.

Worst part is that he is probably right about Russians tolerating this sort of incompetence from their corrupt, oppressive government.
It's not that they like it, it's simply the fact there's very little they can do about it.

There are no free and credible elections in Russia and you can be sent to prison for treason for simply voicing an opinion the state doesn't like.

Of course they are also all but completely disarmed so any sort of armed uprising to remove a tyrant is out of the question as well.

Keep in mind that Putin maintains his power by surrounding Moscow with four armored divisions of his own personal guard.

About the only way to remove Putin would be for his fellow oligarch's to tire of his incompetence and tell him to retire or die or, for the sanctions to be so severe against all of them that they lose access to their billions and can then be driven out all at once.

Russia is not the US, we're fundamentally different in every way legally and politically.

There's also the aspect of staunch Russian Nationalism. As long as a leader can speak the right rhetoric promoting that kind of fanatical nationalism he's going to be very difficult to remove from power by any means.
Russia: Oligarchy (where the government is ruled by a few wealthy people). They arrest, imprison and/or assassinate serious political opponents. In essence, your typical One-Party government which is authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous.
Ukraine: Democracy (after throwing out a Russian puppet leader), which allows multi-party elections and the current leader won with 73% of the vote. They take over no nations and look to the west for friendship and alliance.
So, why should we be involved. It's a small nation that became Democratic in nature and should be defended. The only reason the west is reluctant to send in their forces is because that would trigger a nuclear war and no one would win, only die.
On a different nation note, a coalition of western nations should send troops to Myanmar to force out the military junta that took away that island nation's Democratically elected government, which the public supported, but as it has no strategic value, the west ignores it, basically, shrugging it off. Sad.
Actually we should be involved because we promised via the "Budapest Memorandum" that if Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons we (the US and France) would guarantee their security.
The fact that there were about 100 MILLION Native people living on the American continent is out of the discussion. It is a RECOGNIZED fact. And the American genocide the American government RECOGNIZED, though it hid the apology in the pages of the draft of the military budget.

I just don't understand why EVERY day they talk about the 5 or 6 million poor Jews tortured by the Nazis (American Jews, according to Eleanor Roosevelt, did EVERYTHING they could to keep European Jewish refugees out of the United States), and not a word about the 100 million tortured natives of this country!
You are WRONG!! Your population numbers are nonsense.
Diseases are what caused the population reduction.

"While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from 3.8 million, as mentioned above, to 7 million people to a high of 18 million. The aboriginal population of Canada during the late 15th century is estimated to have been between 500,000 and two million. Repeated outbreaks of Old World infectious diseases such as influenza, measles and smallpox (to which they had no natural immunity) were the main cause of depopulation. This combined with other factors such as dispossession from European/Canadian settlements and numerous violent conflicts resulted in a forty- to eighty-percent aboriginal population decrease after contact. For example, during the late 1630s, smallpox killed over half of the Wyandot (Huron), who controlled most of the early North America.
View attachment 621681

In spite of your status of a "Golden Member" you are deeply mistaken: about five years ago Russia began to create its own system of electronic payments MIR, and VISA works within this system.

As for the "hellish sanctions" against Russia, we need to be careful that they do not turn America into hell (and we are heading towards a deep crisis at a breakneck pace, as the end of summer and fall will show).

Russians are used to difficulties. They will overcome these as well. Especially since 80% of the world's population supports Russia.
It is a great delusion that one can have a printing press and green toilet paper, and forever impose these "currency" on the world.
The parasitic Bretton Woods Agreement and system, imposed on the world, is falling apart before our eyes. A bunch of international crooks printing money and selling it to the U.S. government simply don't have enough toilet paper to stop the process.

View attachment 621682
You need to read more than The New York Times and watch more than just the corrupt CNN...
No problem... given that the Ruble is now worth less than a Penny... :auiqs.jpg:
Lib Ignorance

This is George XLIII policy ... are Republicans who do stupid things now called "liberals"? ...

Hey STUPID ... American Exceptionalism is something Donald Trump would promote ... not this pussified "global village" bullshit ... why are you calling me a "lib" for voting for the Man ... too funny the ignorance ...
Guilty of what exactly? When has NATO ever attacked anyone except in response to their attacking a NATO member?
Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Korea.....I love this country but I can never understand why many Americans are proud of America's aggressions overseas. How the hell do you think is normal to bomb other countries based on lies or to topple a regime? I live in LA and we have thousands of homeless who have PTSD and are drug abusers don't you feel sorry for them at least? because I know you don't care about the millions that suffered because of the West's interventions.
Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Korea.....I love this country but I can never understand why many Americans are proud of America's aggressions overseas. How the hell do you think is normal to bomb other countries based on lies or to topple a regime? I live in LA and we have thousands of homeless who have PTSD and are drug abusers don't you feel sorry for them at least? because I know you don't care about the millions that suffered because of the West's interventions.
There has been no NATO attack on Syria. Each of those were UN authorized uses of force issued to UN member nations.

None of those was an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation, Putin's invasion of Ukraine is.
Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, Korea.....I love this country but I can never understand why many Americans are proud of America's aggressions overseas. How the hell do you think is normal to bomb other countries based on lies or to topple a regime? I live in LA and we have thousands of homeless who have PTSD and are drug abusers don't you feel sorry for them at least? because I know you don't care about the millions that suffered because of the West's interventions.
Another correction, NATO was not involved in either Korea or Vietnam.

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