The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

JBeukema....I graduated from college before the Internet. Heck, I graduated before the PC came out.

Complete lie.

Says you...and we know you can't handle the truth pointed out to you. That's ok...rather entertaining.

As an aside. What kind of idiot asks if a painting is real?

Tongue in cheek is a higher level, more adult form of humor. I'm not surprised you didn't get it.

Oh apologies to GaDawg, I believe it was his, for writing East Carolina, as Eastern Carolina. Not that big of an error, but I don't want to seem like the liar Bode.
The belief in God was almost universal with the Founders. God-foundation-founders.
Make the law. No where mentioned in Constitution but as we have been saying a shit load here:
Christianity influenced the Founders in writing the laws but were not the foundation of GOVERNMENT.

You guys are ridiculous. You're saying that because we aren't a theocracy that there is noway we were founded on Christian principles.

NO ONE could really be as stupid as some of you are acting.

I would be more likely to believe you if you could list those Christian principles incorporated into the way our country is run. of yet....nothing.
The principles were already noted, and the fact has been established that the US was founded on Christian principle.
The principles were already noted, and the fact has been established that the US was founded on Christian principle.

I love the way the idiot ignores facts given and continues to scream that no one has answered her questions.

I also love how she is trying to backtrack her way out of claiming that colleges don't use four digit class designations. LOL

History major my ass. She's never even BEEN to college.
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Keep in mind that the human race was pretty sure that the sun revolved around the earth only a hundred years previous to our countries existence.

Not EVERYTHING our forefathers believed to be true was in fact so.

It is amazing they got so much right.
You've been arguing this for quite awhile and you could NOT be more wrong. We are NOT a nation based on laws. We are nation based on ideals. Christian ideals. Many countries have codified legal systems very similar to ours, but they are NOT us, why? Because of our ideals.

So you're arguing about laws is a complete strawman.

What protects you from the power of government? Ideals? LOL.


A Nation of Laws - Conservative Politics Web Site

Guns, blood, sweat and THE LAW are what this country was founded on.
Ideals? You have got to be kidding.

Do you REALLY think laws protect you from anything? If that were so then the law making murder illegal would mean no one would commit murder. But that obviously is not the case.

What keeps people from being murdered is people's ideals telling them not to murder.

Our founding father's ideals told them that man was created equal and that was a basis for a new nation. A very Christ like ideal. And hey to be truthful that is an ideal espoused by many religions, BUT those religions weren't represented by any of the founding fathers, so we know they aren't the basis for our nation.

Unfreekin' laws mean nothing to you.
What protects you from the power of government? Ideals? LOL.


A Nation of Laws - Conservative Politics Web Site

Guns, blood, sweat and THE LAW are what this country was founded on.
Ideals? You have got to be kidding.

Do you REALLY think laws protect you from anything? If that were so then the law making murder illegal would mean no one would commit murder. But that obviously is not the case.

What keeps people from being murdered is people's ideals telling them not to murder.

Our founding father's ideals told them that man was created equal and that was a basis for a new nation. A very Christ like ideal. And hey to be truthful that is an ideal espoused by many religions, BUT those religions weren't represented by any of the founding fathers, so we know they aren't the basis for our nation.

Unfreekin' laws mean nothing to you.

Damn you're pitiful. That isn't even close to what I said, and I think you know it.
We are NOT a nation based on laws.

So John Adams had no idea what he was talking about and I don't have to follow the Law? All those laws about due process and COTUS- thew Lw of the Land- mean absolutely nothing?
We are nation based on ideals. Christian ideals.

We're a nation of a theocratic autocracy? Or do you really intend Heaven is meant to represent an ideal world?

The War for Independence was a direct violation of God's law.
Many countries have codified legal systems very similar to ours, but they are NOT us, why? Because of our ideals.

What ideals are those?
You've been arguing this for quite awhile and you could NOT be more wrong. We are NOT a nation based on laws. We are nation based on ideals. Christian ideals. Many countries have codified legal systems very similar to ours, but they are NOT us, why? Because of our ideals.

So you're arguing about laws is a complete strawman.

What protects you from the power of government? Ideals? LOL.


A Nation of Laws - Conservative Politics Web Site

Guns, blood, sweat and THE LAW are what this country was founded on.
Ideals? You have got to be kidding.

Do you REALLY think laws protect you from anything?
They do a better job than the ideals of a pig.

We don't have courts of ideals, and if we did their rulings would be meaningless.
Our founding father's ideals told them that man was created equal
so long as they were White male landed gentry
and that was a basis for a new nation.
Along with slavery
A very Christ like ideal

Fuck your christ. Slaves should rise up against their 'masters'.
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Keep in mind that the human race was pretty sure that the sun revolved around the earth only a hundred years previous to our countries existence.

Not EVERYTHING our forefathers believed to be true was in fact so.

It is amazing they got so much right.
They got so much right because of one particular Christian pillar they rejected: Faith

[ame=] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]
Yes, one of the Christian tenets is that each person must personally choose their spiritual path. So of course they weren't going to force religion upon anyone.
So John Adams had no idea what he was talking about and I don't have to follow the Law? All those laws about due process and COTUS- thew Lw of the Land- mean absolutely nothing?

That is not even close to what I said JB. Don't pull a Bode here. Of course are laws are important, But they are NOT the foundation of this country. Any country can have laws; but there is something else that makes the US special.

We're a nation of a theocratic autocracy? Or do you really intend Heaven is meant to represent an ideal world?

Again, NO ONE has suggested we were meant to be a Christian theocracy

and hw was the war for Independence against God? The King of England may have thought he was God's chosen leader, but meh.......
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Keep in mind that the human race was pretty sure that the sun revolved around the earth only a hundred years previous to our countries existence.

Not EVERYTHING our forefathers believed to be true was in fact so.

It is amazing they got so much right.
They got so much right because of one particular Christian pillar they rejected: Faith

[ame=] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]

Oh, you're wrong. I think it's beyond obvious that the founding fathers were mostly Believers.

Oh, and as I pointed out 20 pages ago, before you came to the thread I believe. The BIGGEST thing they took from Christianity was free will. Each person is free to choose their own destiny. Would you not say that describes the United States to a tee?
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Keep in mind that the human race was pretty sure that the sun revolved around the earth only a hundred years previous to our countries existence.

Not EVERYTHING our forefathers believed to be true was in fact so.

It is amazing they got so much right.
They got so much right because of one particular Christian pillar they rejected: Faith

[ame=] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]

Oh, you're wrong. I think it's beyond obvious that the founding fathers were mostly Believers.

Oh, and as I pointed out 20 pages ago, before you came to the thread I believe. The BIGGEST thing they took from Christianity was free will. Each person is free to choose their own destiny. Would you not say that describes the United States to a tee?

Free will? What about Predetermination?

Actually Free will I would it exclusively a Christian tenet or is it a generic tenet (except for some belief systems like SOME Christian sects)?
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Yes, one of the Christian tenets is that each person must personally choose their spiritual path. So of course they weren't going to force religion upon anyone.

That is a Christian tenet? I thought to Christians there was only one way, thru Christ.

Sounds more like Hinduism to me.

Of course it does. Well we've established that you are no expert, and that your odd and incomplete store of knowledge means you can't make an informed opinion. So what it sounds like to you has no bearing on anything, except the degree of your delusion.

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