The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

They got so much right because of one particular Christian pillar they rejected: Faith The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books

Oh, you're wrong. I think it's beyond obvious that the founding fathers were mostly Believers.

Oh, and as I pointed out 20 pages ago, before you came to the thread I believe. The BIGGEST thing they took from Christianity was free will. Each person is free to choose their own destiny. Would you not say that describes the United States to a tee?

Free will? What about Predetermination?

Actually Free will I would it exclusively a Christian tenet or is it a generic tenet (except for some belief systems like SOME Christian sects)?

Again, you are unworthy of me discussing this with you.
The principles were already noted, and the fact has been established that the US was founded on Christian principle.

They were not...or you would have no problem listing them for us again....but you will not. Just watch.

And you're a liar.

You keep saying that, but you never provide I'm on to your little game.

How about another neg rep? Or is it getting too hard to spread rep all day in order to get me back for telling the Truth?
there is something else that makes the US special.

What's that? How is this country 'special'?

Our excellent civil rights history? :lol:

Our Quality of life? (we're #13)

Our excellent human development? Also #13

Our economic freedom? We're #8

Again, NO ONE has suggested we were meant to be a Christian theocracy

Then we're not founded on Christian ideals, as the Chrisitan ideal, as outlined in the conception of Heaven, is a theocratic autocracy where zero dissent or independent thought is allowed. The Christian ideal is naturally antagonistic to liberty.
and hw was the war for Independence against God?

Read your bible

The King of England may have thought he was God's chosen leader,

He was.

1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

-Romans 13

1Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,
2To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

-Titus 3

The FF shall burn for their sins
The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Keep in mind that the human race was pretty sure that the sun revolved around the earth only a hundred years previous to our countries existence.

Not EVERYTHING our forefathers believed to be true was in fact so.

It is amazing they got so much right.
They got so much right because of one particular Christian pillar they rejected: Faith

[ame=""] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]

Oh, you're wrong. I think it's beyond obvious that the founding fathers were mostly Believers.

The FF rejected faith. They were men of science. Franklin is merely the most obvious example. They demanded that which was accepted as true be challenged and not accepted because some book or some preacher or other 'authority' said it was so.

With faith there is no liberty, only dogma and social stagnation.

[ame=] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]
They got so much right because of one particular Christian pillar they rejected: Faith The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books

Oh, you're wrong. I think it's beyond obvious that the founding fathers were mostly Believers.

The FF rejected faith. They were men of science. Franklin is merely the most obvious example. They demanded that which was accepted as true be challenged and not accepted because some book or some preacher or other 'authority' said it was so.

With faith there is no liberty, only dogma and social stagnation.

[ame=] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]

okay, I'm out. I can't even believe you are going to claim that the founding father's were even Christians.

Some people are just willfully stupid.
Some people are just willfully stupid.
You always have been a fine example of that.

Yeah, that's some sour grapes right there JB and we both know it. I made it clear to you, I don't deal with liars and dishonest debaters. You don't like it, stop doing it. I was more than willing to debate this topic with you or anyone else until you and or they behaved that way.
That's a bit over the top, given your propensity for lying and your crap debate skills.

Dishonest debaters indeed.

Oh, you're wrong. I think it's beyond obvious that the founding fathers were mostly Believers.

Oh, and as I pointed out 20 pages ago, before you came to the thread I believe. The BIGGEST thing they took from Christianity was free will. Each person is free to choose their own destiny. Would you not say that describes the United States to a tee?

Free will? What about Predetermination?

Actually Free will I would it exclusively a Christian tenet or is it a generic tenet (except for some belief systems like SOME Christian sects)?

Again, you are unworthy of me discussing this with you.

In other words, You've got nothing....we'll see you again later then....because you WILL be back. Then we get to talk more about being honest about oneself, don't we? :eusa_whistle:
and you're a liar.

you keep saying that, but you never provide i'm on to your little game.

How about another neg rep? Or is it getting too hard to spread rep all day in order to get me back for telling the truth?


Pretty colors doesn't make what I said any less true, Allie. You'd think that you'd be eager to prove me wrong by posting your list of Christian principles again and again.

If it were me, I'd have them bookmarked for easy reference.

But not simply keep saying you've already done it when you have done no such thing. When called on it, you get insulting and another neg rep comes my many is that in two weeks now? 11? 12? Your sense of denial is STRONG! :lol:

You're ability to PROVE your argument is weak, weak, weak. I don't see it getting any better soon.
Why does the House ,Senate and Supreme Court still have opening prayers before they do business?
What do you think the purpose of that is?
Why does the House ,Senate and Supreme Court still have opening prayers before they do business?
What do you think the purpose of that is?

Do they have to have those opening prayers? And are those prayers always Christian?

To me, and this is only my opinion, is tradition and to pander. If someone forgot to do it one day, it would be no big deal.....nor would it break any laws.
The purpose of why they have prayer

Throughout the more than 200-year history of our nation, prayer has played a vital role in strengthening the fabric of our society. The purposes of the Congressional Prayer Caucus are to 1) recognize the vital role that prayer by individuals of all faiths has played in uniting us as a people and in making us a more generous, more cooperative, and more forgiving people than we might otherwise have been; 2) collect, exchange, and disseminate information about prayer as a fundamental and enduring feature of American life; 3) use the legislative process – both through sponsorship of affirmative legislation and through opposition to detrimental legislation – to assist the nation and its people in continuing to draw upon and benefit from this essential source of our strength and well-being.
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The purpose of why they have prayer

Throughout the more than 200-year history of our nation, prayer has played a vital role in strengthening the fabric of our society. The purposes of the Congressional Prayer Caucus are to 1) recognize the vital role that prayer by individuals of all faiths has played in uniting us as a people and in making us a more generous, more cooperative, and more forgiving people than we might otherwise have been; 2) collect, exchange, and disseminate information about prayer as a fundamental and enduring feature of American life; 3) use the legislative process – both through sponsorship of affirmative legislation and through opposition to detrimental legislation – to assist the nation and its people in continuing to draw upon and benefit from this essential source of our strength and well-being.

Yes del, the wanted to protect everybody's right to worship as they please. We know that.

But they said they founded the country based upon their belief in a Christian God, and the belief that we all have inalienable rights that are granted by that God alone. They also said that the government wouldn't work except to govern a Christian people.
Yes del, the wanted to protect everybody's right to worship as they please. We know that.

But they said they founded the country based upon their belief in a Christian God, and the belief that we all have inalienable rights that are granted by that God alone. They also said that the government wouldn't work except to govern a Christian people.

no, they didn't.

keep trying, though. it's amusing.

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