The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

I see bodumbass is still fighting a losing battle.

I am glad to see that you have again added some thought provoking facts to this debate, Lonestar_Logic. How long did it take for you to research this awesome stuff?

There's really nothing left to be said. It's been proven that our FF's founded this nation on Christian principles with historical documents, Supreme Court rulings and the FF's own words.
The purpose of why they have prayer

Throughout the more than 200-year history of our nation, prayer has played a vital role in strengthening the fabric of our society. The purposes of the Congressional Prayer Caucus are to 1) recognize the vital role that prayer by individuals of all faiths has played in uniting us as a people and in making us a more generous, more cooperative, and more forgiving people than we might otherwise have been; 2) collect, exchange, and disseminate information about prayer as a fundamental and enduring feature of American life; 3) use the legislative process – both through sponsorship of affirmative legislation and through opposition to detrimental legislation – to assist the nation and its people in continuing to draw upon and benefit from this essential source of our strength and well-being.'s NOT just a Christian thing?
That is the point I am making about religion.
86% of this nation is religious
76% of them are Christians.
It is what unites us as Americans and makes us a better nation.
We have the freedom to choose what religion we would like.
As Americans you have the freedom to be an atheist.
As Americans you have the right to choose who you want to be or not be.
I see bodumbass is still fighting a losing battle.

I am glad to see that you have again added some thought provoking facts to this debate, Lonestar_Logic. How long did it take for you to research this awesome stuff?

There's really nothing left to be said.

Then you came back to say nothing?

It's been proven that our FF's founded this nation on Christian principles with historical documents, Supreme Court rulings and the FF's own words.

Well, if you can list those Christian principles that our country was founded will be the first. Have at it, my friend. List them. Give us at least a few.
Yes del, the wanted to protect everybody's right to worship as they please. We know that.

But they said they founded the country based upon their belief in a Christian God, and the belief that we all have inalienable rights that are granted by that God alone. They also said that the government wouldn't work except to govern a Christian people.

no, they didn't.

keep trying, though. it's amusing.

del, have you read the federalist papers? It is in there that they said this.
The papers also explained why we are a Federal Republic and not a democracy,and why. Because our founding fathers knew that democracies can and have failed. And I bet that you don't believe this either.
I blame our schools, they haven't been teaching these things for over 46 years.
I am glad to see that you have again added some thought provoking facts to this debate, Lonestar_Logic. How long did it take for you to research this awesome stuff?

There's really nothing left to be said.

Then you came back to say nothing?

It's been proven that our FF's founded this nation on Christian principles with historical documents, Supreme Court rulings and the FF's own words.

Well, if you can list those Christian principles that our country was founded will be the first. Have at it, my friend. List them. Give us at least a few.

No I came back to comment on you fighting a losing battle. Is your reading comprehension skills really that bad?

You've been shown plenty of evidence but you choose to ignore it.
Yes del, the wanted to protect everybody's right to worship as they please. We know that.

But they said they founded the country based upon their belief in a Christian God, and the belief that we all have inalienable rights that are granted by that God alone. They also said that the government wouldn't work except to govern a Christian people.

no, they didn't.

keep trying, though. it's amusing.

del, have you read the federalist papers? It is in there that they said this.
The papers also explained why we are a Federal Republic and not a democracy,and why. Because our founding fathers knew that democracies can and have failed. And I bet that you don't believe this either.
I blame our schools, they haven't been teaching these things for over 46 years.

yes, i have. the FF said a lot of things. they were right about some, like federalism, and wrong about others, like slavery.

some were included in the founding documents of our country.

jesus wasn't.

Yes del, the wanted to protect everybody's right to worship as they please. We know that.

But they said they founded the country based upon their belief in a Christian God, and the belief that we all have inalienable rights that are granted by that God alone. They also said that the government wouldn't work except to govern a Christian people.

no, they didn't.

keep trying, though. it's amusing.

del, have you read the federalist papers? It is in there that they said this.

Can you plz link the Federalist Paper that says that? TIA

The papers also explained why we are a Federal Republic and not a democracy,and why. Because our founding fathers knew that democracies can and have failed. And I bet that you don't believe this either.

You are correct that we are a Republic....aka a Representative Democracy. We took the best from the Athenian democracy, the Roman Republic, the writings of Locke, Montesqueue, and the English Bill of Rights.

I blame our schools, they haven't been teaching these things for over 46 years.

Actually they have been, particularly in HS and college. But students frequently choose to not listen.
There's really nothing left to be said.

Then you came back to say nothing?

It's been proven that our FF's founded this nation on Christian principles with historical documents, Supreme Court rulings and the FF's own words.

Well, if you can list those Christian principles that our country was founded will be the first. Have at it, my friend. List them. Give us at least a few.

No I came back to comment on you fighting a losing battle.

Maybe it will be a losing battle when someone (maybe you?) can list some of those Christian Principles our nation was founded on.

That hasn't happened I haven't lost anything yet.

Is your reading comprehension skills really that bad?

My reading comprehension skills are just find. I can tell when someone provides a factual list....and when someone is just trying to blow smoke and insult rather than debate.

You've been shown plenty of evidence but you choose to ignore it.

Since there is plenty of evidence of those Christian will be easy for you to list them, won't it?
the founding fathers did not create this country for Christians.....or as Christians....they were the "enlightened" ones, free masons, Illuminati...the illuminate....they stood for the separation of church and state....which many of the established churches of the time, did not agree with....because this meant that these established churches would lose their power over the people.

I am as Christian as they come, but our country, through all of my recent research, was NOT founded on "Christianity", though some if not many of our ideals as a country might have been extended from it.
no, they didn't.

keep trying, though. it's amusing.

del, have you read the federalist papers? It is in there that they said this.
The papers also explained why we are a Federal Republic and not a democracy,and why. Because our founding fathers knew that democracies can and have failed. And I bet that you don't believe this either.
I blame our schools, they haven't been teaching these things for over 46 years.

yes, i have. the FF said a lot of things. they were right about some, like federalism, and wrong about others, like slavery.

some were included in the founding documents of our country.

jesus wasn't.


God was mentioned throughout all of the papers. Who do you think Divine Providence ,the creator and Providence was? God that is who.
This thread started as our Founding Fathers were not Christians and they were.
Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution was written with help from prayer to a Divine Providence ( A Christian God). The majority of our founding fathers believed that Divine Providence help them to win the revolutionary war.
George Washington himself wrote many letters explaining how he was not killed during battle because God - Divine Providence protected him. Many unexplained miracles happened to him throughout his life and he believed it was God who protected him.
That is how they talked back then,they did not say God they said Divine Providence.
del, have you read the federalist papers? It is in there that they said this.
The papers also explained why we are a Federal Republic and not a democracy,and why. Because our founding fathers knew that democracies can and have failed. And I bet that you don't believe this either.
I blame our schools, they haven't been teaching these things for over 46 years.

yes, i have. the FF said a lot of things. they were right about some, like federalism, and wrong about others, like slavery.

some were included in the founding documents of our country.

jesus wasn't.


God was mentioned throughout all of the papers. Who do you think Divine Providence ,the creator and Providence was? God that is who.
This thread started as our Founding Fathers were not Christians and they were.
Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution was written with help from prayer to a Divine Providence ( A Christian God). The majority of our founding fathers believed that Divine Providence help them to win the revolutionary war.
George Washington himself wrote many letters explaining how he was not killed during battle because God - Divine Providence protected him. Many unexplained miracles happened to him throughout his life and he believed it was God who protected him.
That is how they talked back then,they did not say God they said Divine Providence.

psst. there are people who believe in god who aren't christians.

don't let it get around, otay? it's very hush hush.

the founding fathers did not create this country for Christians.....or as Christians....they were the "enlightened" ones, free masons, Illuminati...the illuminate....they stood for the separation of church and state....which many of the established churches of the time, did not agree with....because this meant that these established churches would lose their power over the people.

I am as Christian as they come, but our country, through all of my recent research, was NOT founded on "Christianity", though some if not many of our ideals as a country might have been extended from it.

Lord help us and what our young believe. Good Grief.
Our Founders created this country for freedom of religion of all faiths and freedom from a Federal Government.
Separation of Church and state meant that a state could not form a certain religion like what they came away from in Europe.
The Illuminati is from a movie and is not true about our actual history.

The movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Inconstant (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the Illuminati, with an initial membership of five,[1] by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830),[2] who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.[3] The movement was made up of freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment, and seems to have been modeled on the Freemasons.[4]

Originally Weishaupt had planned the order to be named the "Perfectibilists".[5] The group has also been called the Bavarian Illuminati and the movement itself has been referred to as Illuminism (after illuminism). In 1777, Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism and, in 1784, his government banned all secret societies, including the Illuminati.

During the period when the Illuminati were legally allowed to operate, many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, who was number two in the operation and was found with much of the group's literature when his home was searched.[6] The Illuminati's members pledged obedience to their superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees.

The order had its branches in most countries of the European continent; it reportedly had around 2,000 members over the span of ten years.[7] The organization had its attraction for literary men, such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder, and even for the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar. Weishaupt modeled his group to some extent on Freemasonry, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges. Internal rupture and panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was effected by the Secular Edict made by the Bavarian government in 1785.[8]

Notice that none of our Founding Fathers are named here? That is because they weren't.
yes, i have. the FF said a lot of things. they were right about some, like federalism, and wrong about others, like slavery.

some were included in the founding documents of our country.

jesus wasn't.


God was mentioned throughout all of the papers. Who do you think Divine Providence ,the creator and Providence was? God that is who.
This thread started as our Founding Fathers were not Christians and they were.
Our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution was written with help from prayer to a Divine Providence ( A Christian God). The majority of our founding fathers believed that Divine Providence help them to win the revolutionary war.
George Washington himself wrote many letters explaining how he was not killed during battle because God - Divine Providence protected him. Many unexplained miracles happened to him throughout his life and he believed it was God who protected him.
That is how they talked back then,they did not say God they said Divine Providence.

psst. there are people who believe in god who aren't christians.

don't let it get around, otay? it's very hush hush.


Yes like Jews and Muslums that is why we have freedom of religion.
Why do you have a problem with the majority of this nation being Christian?
They were back then and they are now.
83% of this nation is religious.
76% of them are Christians.
The left's hatred of Christianity is personal. They hate Christians because Christian morality tells them they are not very nice.
Then you came back to say nothing?

Well, if you can list those Christian principles that our country was founded will be the first. Have at it, my friend. List them. Give us at least a few.

No I came back to comment on you fighting a losing battle.

Maybe it will be a losing battle when someone (maybe you?) can list some of those Christian Principles our nation was founded on.

That hasn't happened I haven't lost anything yet.

Is your reading comprehension skills really that bad?

My reading comprehension skills are just find. I can tell when someone provides a factual list....and when someone is just trying to blow smoke and insult rather than debate.

You've been shown plenty of evidence but you choose to ignore it.

Since there is plenty of evidence of those Christian will be easy for you to list them, won't it?

Use a little bit of common sense (if you possess any) and read what the FF's have said. The only item you need on your dopey list is unalienable rights. The rights of personal security, of personal liberty, and private property do not depend upon the Constitution for their existence. These rights were endowed to man by our Creator and that's exactly what Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. These truths are self-evident.

Now I'm off to Louisiana for a bid meeting.

Good day.
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The left's hatred of Christianity is personal. They hate Christians because Christian morality tells them they are not very nice.

i'm not a leftist.

i'm not a christian, nor a jew, nor a muslim, but i believe in god.

i don't hate christians, but i don't believe they've cornered the market on morality.

get down off your cross, allie, we need the wood.

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