The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Fuck the treaty of Tripoli.

That was an appeasement towards the Muslim pirates that were terrorizing everybody. And it's NOT a founding document.

Found is not equal to LAW. To found a nation upon Christianity is not to establish a theocracy.

These are simple fucking concepts, and the inability of two retards to grasp them make me wonder...exactly where DID you pick up your education, and how far did you go with it? Have you ever had to write a college-level paper? Ever???? I'm not talking particularly about a college paper in college...I mean have you ever had to draft a grown-up proposal for anything, have you ever delivered a speech, have you ever written anything?? Except here?
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Just want to point out that traditionally, and by that I mean since the beginning of Christianity, when god is capitalized as God , the writer is referring to the Christian God.
Just as Muslims talk about their god named Allah, or the Greeks talked about their god Zeus.

A history major would have known that.

That's nice. Is this a punctuation lesson now? Was that in Punctuation 3004 or 3005?

It's a lesson in words mattering moron. if someone writes " I believe in god", it does NOT mean the same thing as saying "I believe in God"

Damn you're stupid and petty. Can you really not EVER concede a point, even one you are clearly wrong about (IE The Third Reich is NOT a country.)

I cannot help but wonder if you have anything in the way of social and debating skills besides insulting behavior when you get schooled? From past behavior and past, past behavior I'd say no....and starting off again with a clean slate doesn't seem to help much, does it? :eusa_whistle:
The Illuminati is from a movie and is not true about our actual history.

Fail. The Illuminati was a group of freethinkers most active in Europe in the late 1700s. It shares ideological and historical connections with other such groups, including what would become the Freemasons.

Many of the FF were Freemasons and Geaorge Washington, our first president under COTUS, was swron into office whilst wearing his Masnic apron. Much of the architecture from that era features the marks of the Freemasons in its design.
Notice that none of our Founding Fathers are named here? That is because they weren't.

Because they were actually UGLE. Washington was offered the position of Grand Master of a proposed Grand Lodge of the United States. The GLUSA did not come into being; instead, there is a Grand Lodge in each member State.
Fuck the treaty of Tripoli.

You mean that Treaty that was unanimously passed by Congress and signed by President John Adams (who you love to quote)...and became codified as law.

That was an appeasement towards the Muslim pirates that were terrorizing everybody. And it's NOT a founding document.

It is part of our nation's matter how much you huff and puff and pout over it.

Found is not equal to LAW. To found a nation upon Christianity is not to establish a theocracy.

These are simple fucking concepts, and the inability of two retards to grasp them make me wonder...exactly where DID you pick up your education, and how far did you go with it? Have you ever had to write a college-level paper? Ever???? I'm not talking particularly about a college paper in college...I mean have you ever had to draft a grown-up proposal for anything, have you ever delivered a speech, have you ever written anything?? Except here?

Still waiting for that list of Christian tenets you say we are founded under. The ones no one else seems to have seen besides you.
The Illuminati is from a movie and is not true about our actual history.

Fail. The Illuminati was a group of freethinkers most active in Europe in the late 1700s. It shares ideological and historical connections with other such groups, including what would become the Freemasons.

Many of the FF were Freemasons and Geaorge Washington, our first president under COTUS, was swron into office whilst wearing his Masnic apron. Much of the architecture from that era features the marks of the Freemasons in its design.
Notice that none of our Founding Fathers are named here? That is because they weren't.

Because they were actually UGLE. Washington was offered the position of Grand Master of a proposed Grand Lodge of the United States. The GLUSA did not come into being; instead, there is a Grand Lodge in each member State.

Have you seen the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Wash. D.C.?

George Washington Masonic National Memorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We drove by it last summer while in D.C. but didn't stop...were on our way to Mount Vernon.
The left's hatred of Christianity is personal. They hate Christians because Christian morality tells them they are not very nice.
I am better than your god. I am an abolitionist while your god commands slavery and your Jesus continued to support it.

It is you who hate us because we reveal your own amorality.

I find that Abrahamic- primarily Christian and neo christian- individuals oft tell far more than they realize. Take, for instance, a common argument used by many such theists to argue the 'goodness' of religion. This argument usually takes the form of 'how can one be good without god?', 'where do your morals come from?' or, perhaps most frighteningly, 'I cannot see people being good without god.'

What is so telling about these words? Well, basically, what these people are arguing is that they cannot imagine anyone being 'good' without god- more specifically, that they cannot see how anyone can be moral or upright without the fear of hell. Buddhists make a similar claim regarding Karma and reincarnation. Now, think about what they're saying here. They cannot see how anyone... including themselves... can be good... good being defined, as clear by the context as honest and not bringing harm... without fear of punishment.

Now, society has long recognized that some people will only be deterred from undesirable actions by the fear of punishment. This is why executions have historically been quite public and we in America make it well known that criminal behavior results in incarceration. However, most people will admit that such persons are a minority and that most people will try to be 'good' of their own accord, per their own conscience. Indeed, altruism is only natural, as it and the expectation of reciprocation have historically been good not only for the individual, but for humanity as a whole. For a more in-depth examination of these, do a Google search on the moral instinct.

These theists, however, make a different claim. Not only do they claim that such persons... persons who will only act in an acceptable matter if they fear a great enough punishment... are the majority, they claim that every single person is motivated to be good, honest, or altruistic purely out of fear of punishment if they are caught doing something wrong. Every person. Including themselves. Not only this, but most common forms of punishment are not enough to keep them in line. Fear of incarceration of even execution is not enough to keep these people in line. Only fear of an eternity of indescribable suffering is enough to motivate them.

These people admit, through their arguments, that they are either amoral or immoral. For those not familiar with these terms, amorality is the lack of a personal sense of morality. Immorality describes one who acts without regard to morality, where amorality implies a total lack of a moral guide in the first place. Either of these scenarios should be quite frightening when one realizes that these non-moral individuals, who either lack altogether any moral guidelines or would not be limited by them anyway are the very people who seek to not only claim a moral high ground, but who would then seek to push their twisted views of their so-called morality... the mere Law of an ancient culture, which is founded on no moral or ethical code, as we have just discussed, into the public arena to influence our own laws. They are also the ones who wish to see these views instilled in children.

This reality should be very unsettling to any thinking, rational person with a vested interest in their own well being or that of their children, their society, their nation, or humanity as a whole. Remember that the non-morality of theism has been seen in the past in the form of genocides, inquisitions, and witch burnings. This is not mere speculation or philosophy. The results of such twisted views have been seen time and again over the past six thousand years of theist influence. While we most oft encounter these arguments when dealing with Christians in the West, this same problem is seen manifest in all theistic religions that claim to take a sense of morality... indeed a misnomer, as they are unable to tell morality from mere Law... from ancient texts and are willing to act in accordance to the alleged will of their delusions without regard to any sense of morality or ethics or any care for their fellow Man.

This is perhaps the biggest reason we must oppose theism and the thinking that oft accompanies it, if we are ever going to see the existence of a more just society.

[ame=] The Science of Liberty: Democracy, Reason, and the Laws of Nature (9780060781507): Timothy Ferris: Books[/ame]
I think this is why you really have a problem with this. Christan Morals.
Where polygamists can not have many wives, also Muslims, gays can not get married. That kind of laws.
Polygamists have one legal wife, but they still have many women who live with them.
Gays have many rights also here. Be glad that you don't live in Iran where they kill gays.
That is why we have our constitution so that minority's have rights also.
The problem that minorities have is they are trying to rule over the majority and then it becomes that the majority is suppressed by the few. And thus so it has always been throughout history the majority rise up against the minority.
Our Constitution may not be perfect but it is better than any other throughout history.
That's nice. Is this a punctuation lesson now? Was that in Punctuation 3004 or 3005?

It's a lesson in words mattering moron. if someone writes " I believe in god", it does NOT mean the same thing as saying "I believe in God"

Damn you're stupid and petty. Can you really not EVER concede a point, even one you are clearly wrong about (IE The Third Reich is NOT a country.)

I cannot help but wonder if you have anything in the way of social and debating skills besides insulting behavior when you get schooled? From past behavior and past, past behavior I'd say no....and starting off again with a clean slate doesn't seem to help much, does it? :eusa_whistle:

In other words you have no actual debate for what I just pointed out. AGAIN
I think this is why you really have a problem with this. Christan Morals.
Where polygamists can not have many wives, also Muslims, gays can not get married. That kind of laws.
Polygamists have one legal wife, but they still have many women who live with them.

Where do you get these stupid ideas? I assume you just make shit up, right?

Polygamy is the act of having multiple wives, it's what the word means.
He never insisted it wasn't law.

What we said was that the term "found" does not imply "law". Something doesn't have to be law to exist as a foundation.
I think this is why you really have a problem with this. Christan Morals.
Where polygamists can not have many wives, also Muslims, gays can not get married. That kind of laws.
Polygamists have one legal wife, but they still have many women who live with them.
Gays have many rights also here. Be glad that you don't live in Iran where they kill gays.
That is why we have our constitution so that minority's have rights also.
The problem that minorities have is they are trying to rule over the majority and then it becomes that the majority is suppressed by the few. And thus so it has always been throughout history the majority rise up against the minority.
Our Constitution may not be perfect but it is better than any other throughout history.

Absolutely correct, Peach. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
When you go to the Capital you will see many paintings of our founders with faith.

You'll also see George Washington himself pictured as a god.



Washinton = Zeus?
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I think this is why you really have a problem with this. Christan Morals.
Where polygamists can not have many wives, also Muslims, gays can not get married. That kind of laws.
Polygamists have one legal wife, but they still have many women who live with them.

Where do you get these stupid ideas? I assume you just make shit up, right?

Polygamy is the act of having multiple wives, it's what the word means.

You need to read it again. She's saying where the law restricts polygamists to one wife, it would also restrict gay marriage. And yet the law doesn't restrict the people living together despite it.
And I wouldn't sneer too much at Peach if I were you...her information has been the most accurate and comprehensive so far. If you don't get it, you probably want to slow down a little and read it again, cuz chances are the problem isn't with Peach, but with you.
I think this is why you really have a problem with this. Christan Morals.
Where polygamists can not have many wives, also Muslims, gays can not get married. That kind of laws.
Polygamists have one legal wife, but they still have many women who live with them.

Where do you get these stupid ideas? I assume you just make shit up, right?

Polygamy is the act of having multiple wives, it's what the word means.

Why do you feel the need to cut out half of Peach's post?

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