The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

See Ephesians. I've already cited where Jesus tells us that slaves should always obey their masters with love in their hearts as they serve God himself.


No, that'd by you and the false Christians.

Yawn, what a boring little troll.

You pick and choose what parts of the bible you want to follow and ignore the bits you don't like.

I don't follow the Bible at all. I note that you base your idiotic trolling on misrepresentation of a single verse, though.

Is slavery okay or no? God says it is. He told the Jews whom they may enslave and Jesus told slaves to obey their masters in good faith.

Yawn, what a dull-witted little troll you really are.
You do realize we are talking about America and American laws don't you?
And many Christians helped slaves with the underground railroad.
Indeed they did....and many other christians fought FOR slavery. In fact, the Methodist and Baptist sects of christianity split over the issue.

They did not you lying troll. They split because those who formed the Methodists favored a strong federal government and the ones that formed the Baptists believed that it the states should have more power.

History major my ass.
Is this kinda like the whole 'states' rights- to have slaves' thing?
He said there's no god. i asked whether he can prove there's no god.

How's that make me cuckoo?

Or are you just mad and calling names because you have no intelligent response to the facts of what's in the book?
No, you're just cuckoo when it comes to this topic. You get all bent out of shape and start jumping all over the place.
All I did was post the facts.

I gave you what the book says, chapter and verse.

I pointed out the reality that the FF were Liberals and that both they and the abolitionists were guided by their own consciences and not by religious dogma.

You have no intelligent response and can offer no rebuttal against the truth, so now you resort to childish name-calling.
Not a single Christian was ever an abolitionist..

Ah, so you're just a lying troll.

I got it.

In truth, I no longer give JB or Bodecea credit for even attempting to debate the topic. It is obvious to me they are not even attempting to be factual in their comments and are intentionally playing the more serious members like a fiddle however dishonest they have to be to accomplish that.

I'm sure that is great sport for them. But it leaves me quite bored.

Uncensored, Peach, Allie et al, I think we're all essentially on the same page here and agree on the basics even if we don't always use the same language to define them. If we do get a more constructive discussion going I'll be back.

Ya'll all have a great day.

What am I not being factual about?

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