The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

this is one those issues where the insanity of the conservative is revealed

on the one hand;
they'll spend HOURS insisting that it was CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS (working with god) who ENDED the liberal/atheistic/secular EVIL PRACTICE of SLAVERY

faced with the AWFUL TRUTH that god condones and endorses slavery
they start spinning.....
and expain to us that slavery isn't really so bad

another thing they reveal is their ignorance of the bible....

imagine that

they promote it
they believe in it
they want it studied in schools
and turned into law

they don't even know what is in it!

Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. There were also a lot who fought to keep them as slaves. Believe it or not, Christians are human, and can disagree with each other about what something means.

I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth.

"Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. "

That's right.

and FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE TRADITIONAL VALUES GOD LOVING STATES RIGHST BELIEVING CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS fought them tirelessly, to the point of killing many of them, in order to DEFEND their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to enlslave black folk

"I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth"

of course
I know for a fact that all RIGHTWINGERS are hate filled deranged lunatics and mean spirited scumbags...

but what does the fact that they are all mindless minions of their nazi facist leaders have to do with slavery?

You're mentally ill, aren't you?

Please provide one scintilla of evidence for any of the hate-filled lies you spout.
this is one those issues where the insanity of the conservative is revealed

on the one hand;
they'll spend HOURS insisting that it was CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS (working with god) who ENDED the liberal/atheistic/secular EVIL PRACTICE of SLAVERY

faced with the AWFUL TRUTH that god condones and endorses slavery
they start spinning.....
and expain to us that slavery isn't really so bad

another thing they reveal is their ignorance of the bible....

imagine that

they promote it
they believe in it
they want it studied in schools
and turned into law

they don't even know what is in it!

Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. There were also a lot who fought to keep them as slaves. Believe it or not, Christians are human, and can disagree with each other about what something means.

I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth.

"Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. "

That's right.

and FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE TRADITIONAL VALUES GOD LOVING STATES RIGHST BELIEVING CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS fought them tirelessly, to the point of killing many of them, in order to DEFEND their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to enlslave black folk

"I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth"

of course
I know for a fact that all RIGHTWINGERS are hate filled deranged lunatics and mean spirited scumbags...

but what does the fact that they are all mindless minions of their nazi facist leaders have to do with slavery?

If you could read you would know I already addressed that. You should let your text to speech reader get past the first line.
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Suffice it to say, America was not founded on the principles of Atheism.

As I already told dd, people are willfully ignorant. There is no question that the US was founded on Christian principles. The founding fathers were up front about it and there are REAMS of documents which baldly state it.

And yet the document we base our country on (The Constitution) doesn't mention Jesus or Christianity anywhere and it gives you the right to violate some of God's commandments.

Imagine that.
When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

Sounds like slavery to me....I don't see her having much choice in the matter

this is one those issues where the insanity of the conservative is revealed

on the one hand;
they'll spend HOURS insisting that it was CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS (working with god) who ENDED the liberal/atheistic/secular EVIL PRACTICE of SLAVERY

faced with the AWFUL TRUTH that god condones and endorses slavery
they start spinning.....
and expain to us that slavery isn't really so bad

another thing they reveal is their ignorance of the bible....

imagine that

they promote it
they believe in it
they want it studied in schools
and turned into law

they don't even know what is in it!

The Founders were radicals of their time.
The conservative Christians in the colonies at that time were TORRIES.
History lesson to the uninformed:
The Torries were on the other team.
Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. There were also a lot who fought to keep them as slaves. Believe it or not, Christians are human, and can disagree with each other about what something means.

I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth.

"Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. "

That's right.

and FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE TRADITIONAL VALUES GOD LOVING STATES RIGHST BELIEVING CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS fought them tirelessly, to the point of killing many of them, in order to DEFEND their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to enlslave black folk

"I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth"

of course
I know for a fact that all RIGHTWINGERS are hate filled deranged lunatics and mean spirited scumbags...

but what does the fact that they are all mindless minions of their nazi facist leaders have to do with slavery?

You're mentally ill, aren't you?

Please provide one scintilla of evidence for any of the hate-filled lies you spout.

So called "Christians" in the south considered it their god given right to own slaves. They routinely quoted the Bible to support their assertion that certain peoples place in life was to be a slave.
"Excuse me, but there were a lot of Christians who worked tirelessly to free the slaves. "

That's right.

and FREEDOM LOVING CONSERVATIVE TRADITIONAL VALUES GOD LOVING STATES RIGHST BELIEVING CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS fought them tirelessly, to the point of killing many of them, in order to DEFEND their GOD GIVEN RIGHT to enlslave black folk

"I know that explodes your belief system that the right wing cannot think for themselves and only parrot each other, but it is the truth"

of course
I know for a fact that all RIGHTWINGERS are hate filled deranged lunatics and mean spirited scumbags...

but what does the fact that they are all mindless minions of their nazi facist leaders have to do with slavery?

You're mentally ill, aren't you?

Please provide one scintilla of evidence for any of the hate-filled lies you spout.

So called "Christians" in the south considered it their god given right to own slaves. They routinely quoted the Bible to support their assertion that certain peoples place in life was to be a slave.

Junior this is becoming very annoying

The Bible's insistence that Israelite slaves should be treated more gently was expanded by the Talmud to insist that Jewish slaves should be granted similar food, drink, lodging, and bedding, to that which their master would grant to himself. Furthermore, the Talmud instructed that servants were not to be unreasonably penalised for being absent from work due to sickness. The biblical 7th-year manumission was still to occur after the slave had been enslaved for six years; extra enslavement couldn't be tacked on to make up for the absence, unless the slave had been absent for more than a total of four years, and if the illness didn't prevent light work (such as needlework), then the slave could be ill for all six years without having to repay the time.
You're mentally ill, aren't you?

Please provide one scintilla of evidence for any of the hate-filled lies you spout.

So called "Christians" in the south considered it their god given right to own slaves. They routinely quoted the Bible to support their assertion that certain peoples place in life was to be a slave.

Junior this is becoming very annoying

The Bible's insistence that Israelite slaves should be treated more gently was expanded by the Talmud to insist that Jewish slaves should be granted similar food, drink, lodging, and bedding, to that which their master would grant to himself. Furthermore, the Talmud instructed that servants were not to be unreasonably penalised for being absent from work due to sickness. The biblical 7th-year manumission was still to occur after the slave had been enslaved for six years; extra enslavement couldn't be tacked on to make up for the absence, unless the slave had been absent for more than a total of four years, and if the illness didn't prevent light work (such as needlework), then the slave could be ill for all six years without having to repay the time.

Out of curiosity, what is Christianity's stance on the Talmud? Do they accept it as part of their religion, or is it mainly just in Judaism?
So called "Christians" in the south considered it their god given right to own slaves. They routinely quoted the Bible to support their assertion that certain peoples place in life was to be a slave.

Junior this is becoming very annoying

The Bible's insistence that Israelite slaves should be treated more gently was expanded by the Talmud to insist that Jewish slaves should be granted similar food, drink, lodging, and bedding, to that which their master would grant to himself. Furthermore, the Talmud instructed that servants were not to be unreasonably penalised for being absent from work due to sickness. The biblical 7th-year manumission was still to occur after the slave had been enslaved for six years; extra enslavement couldn't be tacked on to make up for the absence, unless the slave had been absent for more than a total of four years, and if the illness didn't prevent light work (such as needlework), then the slave could be ill for all six years without having to repay the time.

Out of curiosity, what is Christianity's stance on the Talmud? Do they accept it as part of their religion, or is it mainly just in Judaism?

Since rightwinger had been using Old Testament scriptures as reference I used this.
The Talmud is the oral Torah the Christians Old Testament came from the Torah.
Why do we argue over the influence of Christianity? We all know right from wrong, and Rome has no place in that equation. Let's just say that the Golden Rule applies and leave religion out of it.
Junior this is becoming very annoying

The Bible's insistence that Israelite slaves should be treated more gently was expanded by the Talmud to insist that Jewish slaves should be granted similar food, drink, lodging, and bedding, to that which their master would grant to himself. Furthermore, the Talmud instructed that servants were not to be unreasonably penalised for being absent from work due to sickness. The biblical 7th-year manumission was still to occur after the slave had been enslaved for six years; extra enslavement couldn't be tacked on to make up for the absence, unless the slave had been absent for more than a total of four years, and if the illness didn't prevent light work (such as needlework), then the slave could be ill for all six years without having to repay the time.

Out of curiosity, what is Christianity's stance on the Talmud? Do they accept it as part of their religion, or is it mainly just in Judaism?

Since rightwinger had been using Old Testament scriptures as reference I used this.
The Talmud is the oral Torah the Christians Old Testament came from the Torah.

That doesn't quite answer it. The Talmud is indeed the oral Torah, but the Old Testament comes from the written one. If the Old Testament included the Talmud, it'd be referred to collectively with the rest as the Old Testament. So what is Christianity's stance on the Talmud? Do they accept it, or reject? If they reject it, the further commentary on slavery in the Bible doesn't apply.
Out of curiosity, what is Christianity's stance on the Talmud? Do they accept it as part of their religion, or is it mainly just in Judaism?

Since rightwinger had been using Old Testament scriptures as reference I used this.
The Talmud is the oral Torah the Christians Old Testament came from the Torah.

That doesn't quite answer it. The Talmud is indeed the oral Torah, but the Old Testament comes from the written one. If the Old Testament included the Talmud, it'd be referred to collectively with the rest as the Old Testament. So what is Christianity's stance on the Talmud? Do they accept it, or reject? If they reject it, the further commentary on slavery in the Bible doesn't apply.

If you look at what I said:
the Christians Old Testament came from the Torah
Wikipedia? You must be shitting me!

As much as I dislike using wiki I only use it as a reference. The golden rule came from religion and through wiki there are many religious versions of the golden rule so how do you use the golden rule and keep religion out of it?
As much as you hate using Wikipedia you use it when you have no other choice, if I may paraphrase.
You're mentally ill, aren't you?

Please provide one scintilla of evidence for any of the hate-filled lies you spout.

So called "Christians" in the south considered it their god given right to own slaves. They routinely quoted the Bible to support their assertion that certain peoples place in life was to be a slave.

Junior this is becoming very annoying

The Bible's insistence that Israelite slaves should be treated more gently was expanded by the Talmud to insist that Jewish slaves should be granted similar food, drink, lodging, and bedding, to that which their master would grant to himself. Furthermore, the Talmud instructed that servants were not to be unreasonably penalised for being absent from work due to sickness. The biblical 7th-year manumission was still to occur after the slave had been enslaved for six years; extra enslavement couldn't be tacked on to make up for the absence, unless the slave had been absent for more than a total of four years, and if the illness didn't prevent light work (such as needlework), then the slave could be ill for all six years without having to repay the time.

Southern Baptists did not read the Talmud. They did however cite biblical justification for the enslavement of blacks..

Biblical Defense Of Slavery

Proslavery clergymen could cite biblical references that sanctioned slavery and particularly the enslaving of the black race. The primary citation was Genesis 9:25-27, in which Noah, upset over an indiscretion of his son Ham, who was supposed to be black, cursed all the descendants of Ham's son Canaan. They were to be slaves for eternity and were to serve the other six-sevenths of the population.

Canaan's descendants were said to have populated Africa, and the clergy had only to point to history to demonstrate that the prophecy had been fulfilled. Therefore, it was supposedly the divine decree of God that gave the black people the liability of being enslaved by white people and justified the degradation of the entire race. Divine law and natural went hand in hand. It was obvious to the clergy that blacks were inferior to whites and that slavery was the black man's natural state. Indeed, slavery was rationalized as beneficial to the black race. White masters, it was said, gave them sustenance, Christianized them, and offered them hope for salvation.
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