The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Look, Sky, I can't make you believe something you refuse to believe. I did prove it. You won't accept it, and you haven't even referenced it. I've asked you repeatedly how you manage to ignore the founders' own words about what they were building the country on, and you haven't answered. Because that's what you've done. Ignore. The founders (the FOUNDERS. They FOUNDED the country). said a free country could not take place without the guidance of God. They say in the Declaration of Independence, where they give their REASONS for breaking from England, that GOD gives men rights, and they are going to build a new country to see to it that those rights are provided to men. They discussed it among themselves, and with their families, with the churches of the day. Those documents remain, and provide the proof that they were intent on building a country on Christian values.

And you ignore it and continue to parrot that the founding fathers weren't Christian and our country wasn't founded on Christian principles.
I can't do much with that. Nobody can. It's willfull ignorance, and you seem to be proud of it.

The government is secular. Period. You've ignored the Treaty of Tripoli that clearly states that America is NOT a Christian nation. I've conceded that many of the founders were Christian men. What I don't find in any of the legal documents of the US is any claim to Christianity.
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Who cares? That wasn't the argument.
The country is Christian.
And it was built upon Christian values.
The United States government is secular. I cite the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Tripoli as evidence.

No Christ mentioned in any of those documents.
Except we weren't arguing whether or not the constitution was a secular document.
The argument was whether or not our country was built upon Christian values, and whether it remains Christian.

It was, and it does.

No, your story has changed. It was our nation was founded on Christian principles.
And it wasn't and you know it so now your thesis is "built".
Big difference.
But they both are wrong. This nation was built by HARD WORK, freedom and free thought.
Not religion.
Except we weren't arguing whether or not the constitution was a secular document.
The argument was whether or not our country was built upon Christian values, and whether it remains Christian.

It was, and it does.

No, your story has changed. It was our nation was founded on Christian principles.
And it wasn't and you know it so now your thesis is "built".
Big difference.
But they both are wrong. This nation was built by HARD WORK, freedom and free thought.
Not religion.

My story has been all along that it was founded on Christian principles.
Which is of course correct.
Allie, let me appeal to your reason and common sense:
1. No where in the Constitution does it appeal to God, Jesus, Christianity or ANY supreme being. Why is that?
2. The US Constitution clearly states in the preamble "We the people". The omission of God did not come out of them forgetting to include God. That was out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intention to keep government SEPERATE from religion.
3. You keep posting about the Declaration of Independence. It clearly states that "all men are created equal" and "to secure those rights, governments are instituted amongst MEN" The Declaration of Independence SAYS NOTHING about our rights or any rights secured by Christianity. The Declaration of Independence makes no mention of a personal God of Christianity. Jefferson describes it as "the laws of nature and of Nature's God". Allie, that is clearly deist speak of the day. Everyone knows that.
4. The Treaty of Tripoli clearly states by many of the Founders that we are not a nation founded on Christianity. John Adams signed it in 1790 and you claim we were founded when he stated we were not. Respectfully Allie, I believe John Adams and not you.

If you better understood the concept of seperation of church and state you would see that this PROTECTS your, and all, religion. The free expression of those that are religous and those that are not is allowed by a secular government. A religous government never tolerates that.
In today's America, religion flourishes. We have more churches than fast food restaurants.
No one that I know that is an atheist or non believer wants to ban or eliminate religion from society. That is a myth. Keeping church and state allows any religion or atheist, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs, to practice their beliefs freely WITHOUT government intervention.
Allie, let me appeal to your reason and common sense:
1. No where in the Constitution does it appeal to God, Jesus, Christianity or ANY supreme being. Why is that?
2. The US Constitution clearly states in the preamble "We the people". The omission of God did not come out of them forgetting to include God. That was out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intention to keep government SEPERATE from religion.
3. You keep posting about the Declaration of Independence. It clearly states that "all men are created equal" and "to secure those rights, governments are instituted amongst MEN" The Declaration of Independence SAYS NOTHING about our rights or any rights secured by Christianity. The Declaration of Independence makes no mention of a personal God of Christianity. Jefferson describes it as "the laws of nature and of Nature's God". Allie, that is clearly deist speak of the day. Everyone knows that.
4. The Treaty of Tripoli clearly states by many of the Founders that we are not a nation founded on Christianity. John Adams signed it in 1790 and you claim we were founded when he stated we were not. Respectfully Allie, I believe John Adams and not you.

If you better understood the concept of seperation of church and state you would see that this PROTECTS your, and all, religion. The free expression of those that are religous and those that are not is allowed by a secular government. A religous government never tolerates that.
In today's America, religion flourishes. We have more churches than fast food restaurants.
No one that I know that is an atheist or non believer wants to ban or eliminate religion from society. That is a myth. Keeping church and state allows any religion or atheist, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs, to practice their beliefs freely WITHOUT government intervention.

Separation of church and state does protect religion. I'm the one who continually carps on that here, stating that said separation exists to protect religion. Hence it is a disservice to freedom of religion and liberty to insist that separation of church and state means we are PREVENTED from incorporating our religion into all aspects of our lives if we so desire.

That is NOT to say we should legislate religion, I have never said that and never will. But the idea that we can't refer to our religion in any meaningful manner outside of our homes and church goes diametrically against everything our founders meant to protect.

The founding fathers SAID they were basing the concept of a free country upon the concept of a heavenly father who provides us with human rights which no man has the right to remove from us.

That means we're based on Christian principles.

I'm not saying we should be a theocracy. I'm not saying we should or ever have legislated religion, of course we haven't. But the concepts of a free republic as our founders saw it is based on Christian tenets. According to them. And confirmed in the declaration.
Allie, let me appeal to your reason and common sense:
1. No where in the Constitution does it appeal to God, Jesus, Christianity or ANY supreme being. Why is that?
2. The US Constitution clearly states in the preamble "We the people". The omission of God did not come out of them forgetting to include God. That was out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intention to keep government SEPERATE from religion.
3. You keep posting about the Declaration of Independence. It clearly states that "all men are created equal" and "to secure those rights, governments are instituted amongst MEN" The Declaration of Independence SAYS NOTHING about our rights or any rights secured by Christianity. The Declaration of Independence makes no mention of a personal God of Christianity. Jefferson describes it as "the laws of nature and of Nature's God". Allie, that is clearly deist speak of the day. Everyone knows that.
4. The Treaty of Tripoli clearly states by many of the Founders that we are not a nation founded on Christianity. John Adams signed it in 1790 and you claim we were founded when he stated we were not. Respectfully Allie, I believe John Adams and not you.

If you better understood the concept of seperation of church and state you would see that this PROTECTS your, and all, religion. The free expression of those that are religous and those that are not is allowed by a secular government. A religous government never tolerates that.
In today's America, religion flourishes. We have more churches than fast food restaurants.
No one that I know that is an atheist or non believer wants to ban or eliminate religion from society. That is a myth. Keeping church and state allows any religion or atheist, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs, to practice their beliefs freely WITHOUT government intervention.

Good arguments, you might want to read up more on Locke though. Not about him, but his words.

He was a Christian, though a different breed. He did share with us, "Separation of Church and State", "Life, Liberty, And Property" (Life , Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness) as a defense against Tyranny. Non-Violent civil disobedience, and so much more. These are Christian principles.

51. A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke (1689) — Classic statement of the case for toleration of those holding different views.
52. Second Treatise on Government, John Locke (1690) — Principal proponent of the social contract theory which forms the basis for modern constitutional republican government.

What year were we founded as a Nation?

What Year did we adopt "The Constitution" as the supreme law of the land?

Have you studied the original State Constitutions in relation to God and Religion?

Liberty Library of Constitutional Classics
Allie, let me appeal to your reason and common sense:
1. No where in the Constitution does it appeal to God, Jesus, Christianity or ANY supreme being. Why is that?
2. The US Constitution clearly states in the preamble "We the people". The omission of God did not come out of them forgetting to include God. That was out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intention to keep government SEPERATE from religion.
3. You keep posting about the Declaration of Independence. It clearly states that "all men are created equal" and "to secure those rights, governments are instituted amongst MEN" The Declaration of Independence SAYS NOTHING about our rights or any rights secured by Christianity. The Declaration of Independence makes no mention of a personal God of Christianity. Jefferson describes it as "the laws of nature and of Nature's God". Allie, that is clearly deist speak of the day. Everyone knows that.
4. The Treaty of Tripoli clearly states by many of the Founders that we are not a nation founded on Christianity. John Adams signed it in 1790 and you claim we were founded when he stated we were not. Respectfully Allie, I believe John Adams and not you.

If you better understood the concept of seperation of church and state you would see that this PROTECTS your, and all, religion. The free expression of those that are religous and those that are not is allowed by a secular government. A religous government never tolerates that.
In today's America, religion flourishes. We have more churches than fast food restaurants.
No one that I know that is an atheist or non believer wants to ban or eliminate religion from society. That is a myth. Keeping church and state allows any religion or atheist, no matter how ridiculous their beliefs, to practice their beliefs freely WITHOUT government intervention.

Separation of church and state does protect religion. I'm the one who continually carps on that here, stating that said separation exists to protect religion. Hence it is a disservice to freedom of religion and liberty to insist that separation of church and state means we are PREVENTED from incorporating our religion into all aspects of our lives if we so desire.

That is NOT to say we should legislate religion, I have never said that and never will. But the idea that we can't refer to our religion in any meaningful manner outside of our homes and church goes diametrically against everything our founders meant to protect.

The founding fathers SAID they were basing the concept of a free country upon the concept of a heavenly father who provides us with human rights which no man has the right to remove from us.

That means we're based on Christian principles.

I'm not saying we should be a theocracy. I'm not saying we should or ever have legislated religion, of course we haven't. But the concepts of a free republic as our founders saw it is based on Christian tenets. According to them. And confirmed in the declaration.

Agreed. Besides the fact that we do not want the Church deciding about property and material things, we do not want the government deciding about issues of salvation. Plain and simple. When Madison defined the separation, he told us to put God first in matters of conscience. It is an individual matter that cannot be forced or legislated. Some fear what they cannot control in others, and rather than find peace in liberty, seek to scheme and force control over others. There are matters government has no right to control. Jefferson, Madison, Thoreau, King, Gandhi, knew that. Why must we turn backwards? Progressive seems more and more an oxymoron.
And deists of the 18th century were still Christians, btw.

Some. There were principles they held on to. Dogma was not their friend. Who would use scripture to manipulate and serve personal interest to the harm of others.
That has nothing to do with the founding of this country.

This country was founded on Christian principles, first and foremost, that all men are created equal and certain rights come from God.

You can say it all you like, and I'm sure it makes you feel better, but there is no proof that the US was founded on Christian principles. The evidence is not in the legal documents in which we found our government.

Sky, I suggest you go do some serious reading then, because if you had read letters and other associated documents written by the founders themselves while the country was being established, you would see how very wrong you are. It's a shame that our history is not being taught but is being covered up and buried to the point that you feel you can make this statement and feel that you are right.

Their very interpretation of their brand of neoxtinity was grounded in Liberalism more than anything else.

As I've shown, the Constitution has little, if anything, in common with the bible- it much more closely resembles the writings of Locke.
51. A Letter Concerning Toleration, John Locke (1689) — Classic statement of the case for toleration of those holding different views.
-so long as they were neoxitans, too

52. Second Treatise on Government, John Locke (1690) — Principal proponent of the social contract theory which forms the basis for modern constitutional republican government.

Exactly- We the People = the social contract. This is mutually exclusive with xtianity (specifically 1 Peter 2:13-17)

Locke is regarded as one of the major formers of the ideology of Liberalism, and it was upon these Liberal principles, rather than on Christian teachings, that the nation was founded and its form moulded.

Hence the nation was not founded upon Christianity, but upon Liberalism.
The founding fathers if America were a deeply repligious people. The separation that they fought for was that the government would NOT be able to interfere with our religious freesoms. I don't think that can be denied with any intelligence.

From where this great nation began, to where she is today is a shameful disgrace to the founding fathers.

In the current state of affairs of this nation, God certainly is not being allowed to have any part, if the government has it's way. That is the opposite of what the founders intended. Look at the monuments, and rich religious history of the nation just once with an open mind. You will see that all religions were acknowledged, but the Christian faith is engraved deeply in these monuments, and our history.

Today God is being dishonored by our government. Our founders prayed whil doing government tasks and writing laws. Our founders made God a part of what they were doing, and depended upon Him to guide them (for the most part).

The founders never wanted a theocracy, and I know of no Christians who are seeking to establich one, at lease no Christians who have the support of mainstream Christianity. A few radicals maybe. There are a few radicals who want the Muslims to be the power in America, among them is our so called president.

Yes, God was with us as this nation was being birthed. God has blessed this nation for 200 years. Now He doesn't belong, and I believe His mighty hand of protection has been lifted. We Christians need to get back toi the task at hand. That is to seek the face of God, repent and turn from our wicked ways, and allow God to move in us in His mighty power to restore America to the status of the blessed.

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