The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

You shit on history

Examples please as to where I got history wrong:






just like you shit on every thread you hijack. When you ignore fact and truth and replace it with propaganda and slime.

Here you are whining again. Of course, this will bode well for some lucky posters when you work hard to spread some rep around just so you can neg me again....:lol::lol::lol:

BTW, again....the Christianity/religion of the ff is not in question and has nothing to do with the premise that the country was based on Christian principle. The premise isn't supported by their faith but by their STATEMENTS.

Oh really? Suddenly you are saying that the country was NOT based on Christian principles? If that is what you are suddenly saying, then we have been in agreement all along, haven't we?
Er, no, Troll..I mean Bod...that is not what I'm saying.

Not seeing any evidence to back your statements...just name calling.

Surely you've got something substantial to back your comments? You're not just lying.....are you?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I knew you could do it, Allie! Worked real hard to spread that rep around so you could Neg me again. You hate the Truth that bad, don't you?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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I've backed up all my statements.You're lying when you say I haven't, and everybody that sees this thread knows it.
Already backed up, linked, quoted, etc.


You have quoted what people say....not what is in our government, not what has been is cheap Allie.

Where's the proof in our Constitution?

Where's the proof in ANY of our laws?

Where's the proof in the actions of our country?

Start your list of proof below:





bodecea...ignorance at it's finest.

Maybe you can help Allie out, since you are so very smart....list a few of those Christian principles/tenets this country was founded on:






Those tenets have been linked to countless times. Try putting forth some effort.

Answer this why does the Constitution honor the Christian Sabbath? (Article 1, Section 7, and Clause 2)
bodecea...ignorance at it's finest.

Maybe you can help Allie out, since you are so very smart....list a few of those Christian principles/tenets this country was founded on:






Those tenets have been linked to countless times. Try putting forth some effort.

Answer this why does the Constitution honor the Christian Sabbath? (Article 1, Section 7, and Clause 2)

How odd, you can't seem to be able to put things on the list just refer to some obscure posting in the past......sure....:eusa_whistle:

Still waiting. You're a smart guy, as you keep telling us how much smarter you are....let's see a few on that list.
Maybe you can help Allie out, since you are so very smart....list a few of those Christian principles/tenets this country was founded on:






Those tenets have been linked to countless times. Try putting forth some effort.

Answer this why does the Constitution honor the Christian Sabbath? (Article 1, Section 7, and Clause 2)

How odd, you can't seem to be able to put things on the list just refer to some obscure posting in the past......sure....:eusa_whistle:

Still waiting. You're a smart guy, as you keep telling us how much smarter you are....let's see a few on that list.

In other words, you can't answer a simple question.

Why bother with a list when the evidence has been clearly presented. Ohhh... that's right, we're dealing with the mentally challenged. :cuckoo:
Those tenets have been linked to countless times. Try putting forth some effort.

Answer this why does the Constitution honor the Christian Sabbath? (Article 1, Section 7, and Clause 2)

How odd, you can't seem to be able to put things on the list just refer to some obscure posting in the past......sure....:eusa_whistle:

Still waiting. You're a smart guy, as you keep telling us how much smarter you are....let's see a few on that list.

In other words, you can't answer a simple question.

Why bother with a list when the evidence has been clearly presented. Ohhh... that's right, we're dealing with the mentally challenged. :cuckoo:

No it has not been presented, or you would find it easy to repeat it or give me a post number or a link. And yet, you don't seem able to....and I thought you were a real smart guy. How odd.

Here...again....list at least a few:





(or you can give a few post links or post numbers)
Why on earth you keep carping that I don't provide examples when PROVIDING EXAMPLES is one of the things I do every single day, and have for years, completely blows my mind.

I mean, of ALL the things to attack, why not attack me for something that could at least be possible....why on earth do you choose the one thing that anyone, clicking on any page of any thread where I'm arguing, will instantly see is bogus?

I flood this site with quotes, links, examples. So the question is...are you so fucking stupid that you just don't know what constitutes an "example", "truth", "fact" (this is my suspicion) or are you so ridiculous that you think that if you SAY I don't provide evidence, it will make people forget the evidence that I do bring to bear?
Before this descends any further into ridiculousness, can I get some clarification?

Allie, you say the country was founded on Christian principles. Are you saying that's the only thing it was founded on?

You say the founders stated they were founding the country on Christian principles. Do you mean all of the founders?

Would you accept the statement that the country was founded in part on Christian principles?

I don't want to involve myself too much in this argument if I'm unclear where you are coming from, and it just gets harder to discern as you and Bod get deeper into your spat. :)
How odd, you can't seem to be able to put things on the list just refer to some obscure posting in the past......sure....:eusa_whistle:

Still waiting. You're a smart guy, as you keep telling us how much smarter you are....let's see a few on that list.

In other words, you can't answer a simple question.

Why bother with a list when the evidence has been clearly presented. Ohhh... that's right, we're dealing with the mentally challenged. :cuckoo:

No it has not been presented, or you would find it easy to repeat it or give me a post number or a link. And yet, you don't seem able to....and I thought you were a real smart guy. How odd.

Here...again....list at least a few:





(or you can give a few post links or post numbers)

You may as well give it up. You lost this debate long ago.

This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, the undeniable proof is found in the FF's own words. Our declaration for independence makes it perfectly clear that our rights are given to us by our Creator. Our Constitution honors the Christian Sabbath even though it's a secular document.

I don't know if it was you that mentioned Locke and Montesquieu as being instumental in building of this nation, but I think its important to note that even though these two men were quoted quite often by our FF's, along with Sir William Blackstone, the Bible was quoted more.

Montesquieu was the man quoted most often by the founding fathers, with 8.3 percent of the Founders’ quotes being taken from his writings. Sir William Blackstone was the second most-quoted individual with 7.9 percent of the Founder’s quotes, and John Locke was third with 2.9 percent.

Surprisingly, the founders quoted directly out of the bible 4 times more than they quoted Montesquieu, 4 times more often than they quoted Blackstone, and 12 times more often than they quoted John Locke. Thirty four percent of the Founders’ quotes came directly out of the bible.


David Barton, Original Intent, 1997

Donald Lutz, The Origins of American Constitutionalism 1988

Now you can stick you head up your ass and dismiss the facts that are clearly laid out in front of you, but you can't change history.
If the US. was not founded upon Christianity then why does congress open with Christian prayer every day?
It has done so since the beginning of this nation.
Our political and human rights come from a power higher than human government in which our constitution was formed.
The Christian principles I was always taught as a youth in the late 50s in church were to be Christlike.
What about slavery, treating women as second class citizens, selling slaves and your own offspring from slaves; imprisoning, fining and beating women with children out of wedlock and forcing labor for decades on indentured servants is "Christian principles"?
The nation was not founded on Christian principles. And I am damn proud it wasn't.
Love thy neighbor and turn the other cheek does not win revolutions. Anyone that believes so is is naive to the core.

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