The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

No, I consider changing the subject,

Who is changing the subject? Isn't the subject what this country was founded on? Am I not posting evidence of our Founders and the history of this country's founding?

What logical fallacies? When I asked you to prove anything I said was wrong, you have yet to do that...just whine and say "whatever" and call me a "troll"...Deal in facts and proof, Allie....if you can.

What history have I revised? Be specific and PROVE your point.

Ah. Who's changing the subject now, Allie?
You're a thread killer. And it's not because you're good. It's because you're chaotic and dishonest.

IF I am a thread killer Allie, it is because I come on with FACTS and links to back up those facts. You can't handle whine, you say "whatever" when asked to prove your statements against my facts, you call me a "troll"...oh, did I mention you whine?

You don't come up with shit, Bod. Every person who has ever tried to have an intelligent conversation with you gets disgusted and leaves because having a convo with YOU means racing around begging you to state what you mean, and provide some verification.

I have provided a shitload of facts, links, quotations, etc. I almost always do, if I'm arguing something. This point has been proven irrefutably to anyone with half a brain. Just because you have no sense and no reasoning capability and can't understand what's going on does NOT mean the facts haven't been stated. This is a universal problem with the retarded left; you don't recognize truth. You don't have the slightest concept of it. It's impossible to argue with you, because you refuse to recognize fact and truth, period. Between you trying to convince whomever will listen that the fact that the Constitution doesn't reference God means that all the founding fathers were lying when they say they structured the country upon christian values, and dumbshit in the other thread saying that if i post video of lunatics behaving inappropriately I must prove to HIS satisfaction that the evidence isn't just imposters pretending to be foul, you guys have covered all the poles of stupidity.

Really? And all my links? You know, the ones that you said "whatever" to? Still waiting for you to refute ANY of them.

And still waiting for you to list some of the Christian tenets you say this country is founded under. I've asked twice (this makes three)
What links? The links to nonsense that have nothing to do with anything?

You're a troll. You post troll links.
What links? The links to nonsense that have nothing to do with anything?

You're a troll. You post troll links.

Bullshit...those links were historical FACTS and quotes from and about our country's founding and the early colonies.

Now...again...what are those Christian tenets you say our country is founded on?






and so on....
WHAT LINKS? You fucking moron. You posted a bunch of random "Christians are bad" links and you think that proves anything with regard to whether or not the country was based on Christian values?

You're an idiot.
Has the entire history of mankind ever seen a Constitution such as ours?

Was the Constitution not created and inspired by predominantly religious men who by their Christian nature made a point of not designing an exclusive Christian nation?

No. There is no God in the Consitution. It's a complete fantasy to claim Christian responsibility for a secular document.

It's a complete fantasy to go back in time and try to historically remove those men from their own very nature which inspired them to create such a Constitution in the first place.

WHAT LINKS? You fucking moron. You posted a bunch of random "Christians are bad" links and you think that proves anything with regard to whether or not the country was based on Christian values?

You're an idiot.

None of my links are "Christians are bad" just don't like them...and you can't even give reasons why they are wrong...I asked you to prove them wrong or at least point out what was wrong and you just go "whatever" (which is an evasion), you call me a troll (which is an evasion), you call my links troll links with no evidence they are wrong (which is an evasion), and you whine about me here and in other threads (which is the mother of all evasions).

And now you are reduced to calling me names.

Still waiting for you to list those Christian tenets you say our country was founded on:






You DO know them, don't you? :eusa_eh:
Already provided, troll.
YOu're doing exactly what you did to the last thread you ruined. Requesting the same shit, over and over and over, while never contributing anything whatever to the convo.
Already provided

Then it will be easy for you to link again or list again.

Poor Allie, all she's got is insults.

YOu're doing exactly what you did to the last thread you ruined. Requesting the same shit, over and over and over, while never contributing anything whatever to the convo.

I stand corrected...she's got whining down too.


Nope, not doing it again.

I will just carry on, though.

"The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were. . . . the general principles of Christianity. . . . I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God; and that those principles of liberty are as unalterable as human nature. (John Adams, taken from a letter to Thomas Jefferson on June 28, 1813)
Nope, not doing it again.
I will just carry on, though.

"The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were. . . . the general principles of Christianity. . . . I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God; and that those principles of liberty are as unalterable as human nature. (John Adams, taken from a letter to Thomas Jefferson on June 28, 1813)

Of course not....:lol::lol:

Because you never did and you can't....we've seen this drill before.

BTW that quote doesn't list them either...

Poor got nothing...absolutely Nothing.
You should read more American history. George Washington was very much so a Christian.The majority that signed the constitution were Christian.
The majority of Europeans that moved here was Christian. They moved here to practice their way of worship. The very first colonists were Christian's.

LOL, well, you are right about them moving here and they were Christian. No one disputes that. But your Pilgrim story is a fairy tale. They came here to get away from the Christian religon's influence in the European countries where your blood line, not your work ethic, determined your status in life.
That is what religion does.
But they left the European governments, ALL dominated by Christian influence.
The Founders came here and devised our government without any mention of God in The US Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
The Founders ran from religous influenced governments. The English government we defeated was dominated by religion.
We are a nation of LAWS, not men and their varying religions.
Did someone dispute that?


Can we get back to the subject? Which is...America was founded on Christian principles.

NOT that Christ is mentioned in the Constitution.

NOT that Plato held beliefs similar to Christian beliefs.

NOT that we're a theocracy.
Did someone dispute that?


Can we get back to the subject? Which is...America was founded on Christian principles.

NOT that Christ is mentioned in the Constitution.

NOT that Plato held beliefs similar to Christian beliefs.

NOT that we're a theocracy.

We have already defeated your "all men are created equal" Christian principle Allie.
What others have you offered?
When this nation was founded all men were not equal. So how was that practiced?
Slavery, indentured servants, women treated as property and second class citizens.
All Christian principles?
Explain that one.
Or instead of going silently, researching the facts, read historical books and court cases of the day that still exist and maybe raise some suspicions of your ignorance, go ahead and post another whopper like that one and remove all doubt.
Did someone dispute that?


Can we get back to the subject? Which is...America was founded on Christian principles.

NOT that Christ is mentioned in the Constitution.

NOT that Plato held beliefs similar to Christian beliefs.

NOT that we're a theocracy.

And those are:





and anymore you can list

Note: :lol: :lol: :lol: Apparently the FEAR of having actually provide some kind of list of Christian Principles has put Allie into such a state that she had to neg rep me AGAIN....well, scared to have to actually provide EVIDENCE of your statements is that horrible, eh?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Remember that folks....Allie DOES NOT LIKE to be asked to back up her comments....Doesn't like it at all.
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See this is what happens, look at how many have not been taught our full American history on this subject, when Madeline Murray O'Hair (an Atheist) got religion out of the public schools in 1963.
Once again minority ruling over the majority. It has done great harm.
We have many who have not been taught the full history of America. When God was taken out of the schools, the History of America was severely limited in what was taught because so much of our history had God referenced in it. Then it had to be rewritten so that basic history of America could be taught.
You who do not think that we are founded in Christianity need to go a library and read American History books written before 1963 and you will see the reference throughout those books about how much God and Christianity guided this nation.
When this ruling happened many said that this would dummy down our children's learning of our history. It certainly has come true.
It is absolutely shameful at how ignorant our children have become in our Christian heritage and foundation of America.
See this is what happens, look at how many have not been taught our full American history on this subject, when Madeline Murray O'Hair (an Atheist) got religion out of the public schools in 1963.
Once again minority ruling over the majority. It has done great harm.
We have many who have not been taught the full history of America. When God was taken out of the schools, the History of America was severely limited in what was taught because so much of our history had God referenced in it. Then it had to be rewritten so that basic history of America could be taught.
You who do not think that we are founded in Christianity need to go a library and read American History books written before 1963 and you will see the reference throughout those books about how much God and Christianity guided this nation.
When this ruling happened many said that this would dummy down our children's learning of our history. It certainly has come true.
It is absolutely shameful at how ignorant our children have become in our Christian heritage and foundation of America.

A fairy tale. Were you born before 1963?
See this is what happens, look at how many have not been taught our full American history on this subject, when Madeline Murray O'Hair (an Atheist) got religion out of the public schools in 1963.
Once again minority ruling over the majority. It has done great harm.
We have many who have not been taught the full history of America. When God was taken out of the schools, the History of America was severely limited in what was taught because so much of our history had God referenced in it. Then it had to be rewritten so that basic history of America could be taught.
You who do not think that we are founded in Christianity need to go a library and read American History books written before 1963 and you will see the reference throughout those books about how much God and Christianity guided this nation.
When this ruling happened many said that this would dummy down our children's learning of our history. It certainly has come true.
It is absolutely shameful at how ignorant our children have become in our Christian heritage and foundation of America.

Can you provide a reference where God and Christianity guided the nation? Where history has been changed?

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