The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

By the way Article 125 : Sodomy made unnatural sex a crime against the UCMJ for those who are curious

So, I suppose gays who don't have sex weren't violating the UCMJ.

So anyone in the military committing sodomy was a disgrace to their Uniform and is dishonest, eh?

(BTW...what makes you think I committed sodomy during my career?)

As I said, I'm done talking to you about this matter. You have no desire to have an actual conversation about anything.

I have no problem with you running away. Go if you want to. But it's pretty obvious you have painted yourself into a corner on this o/t discussion and cannot find your way out honorably.

Nope I have no ill will towards gays and support letting them serve. But you are wrong, prior to DADT it was against the UCMJ to serve. That was the entire point of DADT.

Don't Ask Don't Tell doesn't sound like it's saying no gays in the military, I'll need to see a quote from old legislation or something specifically saying no gays in the military to buy that. As that's not what I've seen from the searches I've done.

Sure seemed like to me you made a lot of posts talking about how morally awful it was for a human to be gay .

Come on man. You are either not reading, or you're deliberately being dishonest.

We are NOT discussing DADT , we are discussing about the military PRIOR to DADT, that means BEFORE. Before DADT gays were absolutely kicked out of the military. PERIOD. Bode claims to have served in the Navy before DADT was enacted. She also claims to be gay. Therefor it stand to reason that she acted illegally.

Oh ok I didn't know about the timing, but even still I'm going to need to see proof that gays were kicked out for being gay.

I'm not taking a definitive stance that I know for a fact you're wrong, I'm just gonna need proof to believe it.
Nope I have no ill will towards gays and support letting them serve. But you are wrong, prior to DADT it was against the UCMJ to serve. That was the entire point of DADT.

Don't Ask Don't Tell doesn't sound like it's saying no gays in the military, I'll need to see a quote from old legislation or something specifically saying no gays in the military to buy that. As that's not what I've seen from the searches I've done.

Sure seemed like to me you made a lot of posts talking about how morally awful it was for a human to be gay .

Come on man. You are either not reading, or you're deliberately being dishonest.

We are NOT discussing DADT , we are discussing about the military PRIOR to DADT, that means BEFORE. Before DADT gays were absolutely kicked out of the military. PERIOD. Bode claims to have served in the Navy before DADT was enacted. She also claims to be gay. Therefor it stand to reason that she acted illegally.

Really? All gays in the military were kicked out before DADT? How did I manage to stay in then? How did all those gay soldiers and sailors before DADT manage to stay in then?
Don't Ask Don't Tell doesn't sound like it's saying no gays in the military, I'll need to see a quote from old legislation or something specifically saying no gays in the military to buy that. As that's not what I've seen from the searches I've done.

Sure seemed like to me you made a lot of posts talking about how morally awful it was for a human to be gay .

Come on man. You are either not reading, or you're deliberately being dishonest.

We are NOT discussing DADT , we are discussing about the military PRIOR to DADT, that means BEFORE. Before DADT gays were absolutely kicked out of the military. PERIOD. Bode claims to have served in the Navy before DADT was enacted. She also claims to be gay. Therefor it stand to reason that she acted illegally.

Oh ok I didn't know about the timing, but even still I'm going to need to see proof that gays were kicked out for being gay.

I'm not taking a definitive stance that I know for a fact you're wrong, I'm just gonna need proof to believe it.

well, I'm going to assume then that you are in your early to mid 20s? I assure you that DADT was enacted specifically because gays were being kicked out of the military for no other reason than being gay.

And honestly, here is how they did it. PRIOR to DADT a recruiter would ask, are you gay. If you answered yes, you were not accepted. If you were later found out to be gay, well you were kicked out for lying to your recruiter. Either way your gay ass wasn't getting in the military as far as the old regime was concerned. Now me personally I disagree with that, I believe that a homosexual should be able to fight for the country that allows him or her to be homosexual; but the POLICY was to kick gays out. If Bode indeed served prior to DADT she was asked if she was gay at some point, AND she was aware that being gay was against the rules. IF she served then that is.
See above as an example of Bode's dishonesty. I CLEARLY never said ALL gays were kicked out of the military prior to DADT, yet Bode falsely claims that I did.

What a liar she is. How could ANYONE take anything she says at face value.
Come on man. You are either not reading, or you're deliberately being dishonest.

We are NOT discussing DADT , we are discussing about the military PRIOR to DADT, that means BEFORE. Before DADT gays were absolutely kicked out of the military. PERIOD. Bode claims to have served in the Navy before DADT was enacted. She also claims to be gay. Therefor it stand to reason that she acted illegally.

Oh ok I didn't know about the timing, but even still I'm going to need to see proof that gays were kicked out for being gay.

I'm not taking a definitive stance that I know for a fact you're wrong, I'm just gonna need proof to believe it.

well, I'm going to assume then that you are in your early to mid 20s? I assure you that DADT was enacted specifically because gays were being kicked out of the military for no other reason than being gay.

And honestly, here is how they did it. PRIOR to DADT a recruiter would ask, are you gay. If you answered yes, you were not accepted. If you were later found out to be gay, well you were kicked out for lying to your recruiter. Either way your gay ass wasn't getting in the military as far as the old regime was concerned. Now me personally I disagree with that, I believe that a homosexual should be able to fight for the country that allows him or her to be homosexual; but the POLICY was to kick gays out. If Bode indeed served prior to DADT she was asked if she was gay at some point, AND she was aware that being gay was against the rules. IF she served then that is.

Again not saying you're wrong but I'll need to see proof, as I haven't found it myself.

Even still, if a law is wrong and it's violated I don't make morals judgements on people purely for breaking a law.

You and I agree gays should be allowed in the military now, in the past and in the future, so if we both think that it surprises me that you take issue with her being in the military at that time whether it was legal or not.
Nope I have no ill will towards gays and support letting them serve. But you are wrong, prior to DADT it was against the UCMJ to serve. That was the entire point of DADT.

Don't Ask Don't Tell doesn't sound like it's saying no gays in the military, I'll need to see a quote from old legislation or something specifically saying no gays in the military to buy that. As that's not what I've seen from the searches I've done.

Sure seemed like to me you made a lot of posts talking about how morally awful it was for a human to be gay .

Come on man. You are either not reading, or you're deliberately being dishonest.

We are NOT discussing DADT , we are discussing about the military PRIOR to DADT, that means BEFORE. Before DADT gays were absolutely kicked out of the military. PERIOD. Bode claims to have served in the Navy before DADT was enacted. She also claims to be gay. Therefor it stand to reason that she acted illegally.

So the Brain didn't say what I bolded.
Oh ok I didn't know about the timing, but even still I'm going to need to see proof that gays were kicked out for being gay.

I'm not taking a definitive stance that I know for a fact you're wrong, I'm just gonna need proof to believe it.

well, I'm going to assume then that you are in your early to mid 20s? I assure you that DADT was enacted specifically because gays were being kicked out of the military for no other reason than being gay.

And honestly, here is how they did it. PRIOR to DADT a recruiter would ask, are you gay. If you answered yes, you were not accepted. If you were later found out to be gay, well you were kicked out for lying to your recruiter. Either way your gay ass wasn't getting in the military as far as the old regime was concerned. Now me personally I disagree with that, I believe that a homosexual should be able to fight for the country that allows him or her to be homosexual; but the POLICY was to kick gays out. If Bode indeed served prior to DADT she was asked if she was gay at some point, AND she was aware that being gay was against the rules. IF she served then that is.

Again not saying you're wrong but I'll need to see proof, as I haven't found it myself.

Even still, if a law is wrong and it's violated I don't make morals judgements on people purely for breaking a law.

You and I agree gays should be allowed in the military now, in the past and in the future, so if we both think that it surprises me that you take issue with her being in the military at that time whether it was legal or not.

Google gays kicked out of the military before DADT

Oh, and you are misunderstanding. I am not saying Bode's lack of of honor comes from serving while gay, I am saying her lack of honor comes from her denying that serving while gay was at that time against the rules.

IF she were simply morally opposed to the rule, she would now be proud to say she broke the rule b/c she disagreed with it. Instead she simply lies and says the policy never existed in the first place.

If the policy didn't exist, then WHY the need for DADT to begin with?
well, I'm going to assume then that you are in your early to mid 20s? I assure you that DADT was enacted specifically because gays were being kicked out of the military for no other reason than being gay.

And honestly, here is how they did it. PRIOR to DADT a recruiter would ask, are you gay. If you answered yes, you were not accepted. If you were later found out to be gay, well you were kicked out for lying to your recruiter. Either way your gay ass wasn't getting in the military as far as the old regime was concerned. Now me personally I disagree with that, I believe that a homosexual should be able to fight for the country that allows him or her to be homosexual; but the POLICY was to kick gays out. If Bode indeed served prior to DADT she was asked if she was gay at some point, AND she was aware that being gay was against the rules. IF she served then that is.

Again not saying you're wrong but I'll need to see proof, as I haven't found it myself.

Even still, if a law is wrong and it's violated I don't make morals judgements on people purely for breaking a law.

You and I agree gays should be allowed in the military now, in the past and in the future, so if we both think that it surprises me that you take issue with her being in the military at that time whether it was legal or not.

Google gays kicked out of the military before DADT

Oh, and you are misunderstanding. I am not saying Bode's lack of of honor comes from serving while gay, I am saying her lack of honor comes from her denying that serving while gay was at that time against the rules.

IF she were simply morally opposed to the rule, she would now be proud to say she broke the rule b/c she disagreed with it. Instead she simply lies and says the policy never existed in the first place.

If the policy didn't exist, then WHY the need for DADT to begin with?

I did, I saw one article that might be saying what you are but I'm at work and it blocked it, but that was all I saw,
There's part of the link but that's all I could see. If you can do me the favor of going to that and finding it and copying and pasting it I would appreciate it.

I found this from during the Reagan Administration, 1982, "Any member of the military who had participated in homosexual activity or had stated that they were homosexual or bisexual is immediately discharged." This still only says saying you were gay or having gay sex is worthy of discharge.
Again not saying you're wrong but I'll need to see proof, as I haven't found it myself.

Even still, if a law is wrong and it's violated I don't make morals judgements on people purely for breaking a law.

You and I agree gays should be allowed in the military now, in the past and in the future, so if we both think that it surprises me that you take issue with her being in the military at that time whether it was legal or not.

Google gays kicked out of the military before DADT

Oh, and you are misunderstanding. I am not saying Bode's lack of of honor comes from serving while gay, I am saying her lack of honor comes from her denying that serving while gay was at that time against the rules.

IF she were simply morally opposed to the rule, she would now be proud to say she broke the rule b/c she disagreed with it. Instead she simply lies and says the policy never existed in the first place.

If the policy didn't exist, then WHY the need for DADT to begin with?

I did, I saw one article that might be saying what you are but I'm at work and it blocked it, but that was all I saw,
There's part of the link but that's all I could see. If you can do me the favor of going to that and finding it and copying and pasting it I would appreciate it.

I found this from during the Reagan Administration, 1982, "Any member of the military who had participated in homosexual activity or had stated that they were homosexual or bisexual is immediately discharged." This still only says saying you were gay or having gay sex is worthy of discharge.

Give this article a read, maybe it will clear things up a little.

Gays being kicked out of military at steady rate - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
well, I'm going to assume then that you are in your early to mid 20s? I assure you that DADT was enacted specifically because gays were being kicked out of the military for no other reason than being gay.

And honestly, here is how they did it. PRIOR to DADT a recruiter would ask, are you gay. If you answered yes, you were not accepted. If you were later found out to be gay, well you were kicked out for lying to your recruiter. Either way your gay ass wasn't getting in the military as far as the old regime was concerned. Now me personally I disagree with that, I believe that a homosexual should be able to fight for the country that allows him or her to be homosexual; but the POLICY was to kick gays out. If Bode indeed served prior to DADT she was asked if she was gay at some point, AND she was aware that being gay was against the rules. IF she served then that is.

Again not saying you're wrong but I'll need to see proof, as I haven't found it myself.

Even still, if a law is wrong and it's violated I don't make morals judgements on people purely for breaking a law.

You and I agree gays should be allowed in the military now, in the past and in the future, so if we both think that it surprises me that you take issue with her being in the military at that time whether it was legal or not.

Google gays kicked out of the military before DADT

Oh, and you are misunderstanding. I am not saying Bode's lack of of honor comes from serving while gay, I am saying her lack of honor comes from her denying that serving while gay was at that time against the rules.

IF she were simply morally opposed to the rule, she would now be proud to say she broke the rule b/c she disagreed with it. Instead she simply lies and says the policy never existed in the first place.

If the policy didn't exist, then WHY the need for DADT to begin with?

What rule(s) did I break while serving, the Brain? If you are going to accuse me of dishonoring my uniform, you need to be armed with more than your dislike of me.
Google gays kicked out of the military before DADT

Oh, and you are misunderstanding. I am not saying Bode's lack of of honor comes from serving while gay, I am saying her lack of honor comes from her denying that serving while gay was at that time against the rules.

IF she were simply morally opposed to the rule, she would now be proud to say she broke the rule b/c she disagreed with it. Instead she simply lies and says the policy never existed in the first place.

If the policy didn't exist, then WHY the need for DADT to begin with?

I did, I saw one article that might be saying what you are but I'm at work and it blocked it, but that was all I saw,
There's part of the link but that's all I could see. If you can do me the favor of going to that and finding it and copying and pasting it I would appreciate it.

I found this from during the Reagan Administration, 1982, "Any member of the military who had participated in homosexual activity or had stated that they were homosexual or bisexual is immediately discharged." This still only says saying you were gay or having gay sex is worthy of discharge.

Give this article a read, maybe it will clear things up a little.

Gays being kicked out of military at steady rate - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -

Google....Conduct Unbecoming by Randy Shilts

Google...USS Norton Sound

Google...USS Iowa explosion, NIS

Then talk about dishonor and who's the dishonorable ones.
I would like for the discussion of gays in the military to be moved to that appropriate thread so that we could resume the topic of this thread.
I would like for the discussion of gays in the military to be moved to that appropriate thread so that we could resume the topic of this thread.

Sorry I contributed to the derailing of this thread. It just irks me when people who act dishonorably claim they are as honorable as the next person.
I would like for the discussion of gays in the military to be moved to that appropriate thread so that we could resume the topic of this thread.

Sorry I contributed to the derailing of this thread. It just irks me when people who act dishonorably claim they are as honorable as the next person.

It is so easy to call someone dishonorable when you cannot even say what they were dishonorable about.

How many other of your fellow soldiers and sailors have you called dishonorable with nothing to back your accusations?
I would like for the discussion of gays in the military to be moved to that appropriate thread so that we could resume the topic of this thread.

Have no problem with that as long as I'm allowed to defend my honor from those who can't even say what I'm dishonorable about....I'm sure that he would not want me to call his military service dishonorable for some reason I can't specify or prove either.
"no problem with that except I'm not going to do it"

It never ends, does it?

Lifetime victim, I say we let her wallow her in her own filth and respect the wishes of not further derailing this thread. I started an appropriate thread in the legal forum if you'd like to opine.
America was founded on Christianity and was blessed richly, but now she continues to fall from her blessed state because she has let the wicked tear out the roots of her start.

Was stealing the land from the Indians and then slaughtering their women and children founded on Christianity?
Was that wicked? What recent wicked events compare with that?

we Indians sure racked up in the past few years in restitution.

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