The U.S. Presidential Election of 1876 Was Pure Chaos, and Went to the House for Final Decision


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is another possibility that the President coudl tie this stuff up for so long that the swing states fail to officially name a winner and it then goes to the House for a decision, and this happ3ened in 1876

The 1876 presidential electionone of the most controversial elections that made Americans question the validity of the Electoral College voting systemgranted Republican Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency after a polarized Congress disputed votes from four key states, marking the closest victory in history, as Hayes beat his Democratic competitor by just one vote.....
Amid the 1876 presidential election, the United States was in a blistered economic depressionwhich came to be the panic of 1873. Republican Ulysses S. Grant was the president at the time, so Democrats viewed the election as being advantageous since the economy was in complete ruins. The party nominated bourbon Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, the former governor of New York, to regain the White House.
The Republicans supported Hayes, the former governor of Ohio and Civil War hero, who also was known to be a reformer. Both candidates didn’t campaign much partially due to the country’s economic state.
With the Democrat power in the House and the Republicans dominating the Senatesimilar to 2020Congress established a bipartisan electoral commission composed of seven Democrats, seven Republicans and one Independent. But, the IndependentSupreme Court Justice David Davisdropped out of the commission after he was offered a Senate seat. A Republican then replaced him, and the commission voted along strict party lines in favor of Hayes getting the electoral votes.
In an 8-7 ruling, Hayes beat Tilden by one electoral college vote, marking it one of the few presidential elections that the president elected did not lead by popular vote.
This is another possibility that the President coudl tie this stuff up for so long that the swing states fail to officially name a winner and it then goes to the House for a decision, and this happ3ened in 1876

The thing was, in 1876, the Democrats went along with in in exchange for the North essentially giving up all the gains they had made in the Civil War, giving us 100 years of Jim Crow.

Unlikely the people would tolerate that today...

Here's what's going to happen. PA, AZ and GA will declare for Biden. NC will declare for Trump. Biden wins 306 to 232 - Ironically the same numbers Trump came in on.
claimed victory on both sides of the aisle, forcing Congress to dictate which candidate would receive the twenty electoral votes since the Constitution couldn’t determine the outcome.

the states selected the winner and it was Biden.
This is another possibility that the President coudl tie this stuff up for so long that the swing states fail to officially name a winner and it then goes to the House for a decision, and this happ3ened in 1876

The 1876 presidential electionone of the most controversial elections that made Americans question the validity of the Electoral College voting systemgranted Republican Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency after a polarized Congress disputed votes from four key states, marking the closest victory in history, as Hayes beat his Democratic competitor by just one vote.....
Amid the 1876 presidential election, the United States was in a blistered economic depressionwhich came to be the panic of 1873. Republican Ulysses S. Grant was the president at the time, so Democrats viewed the election as being advantageous since the economy was in complete ruins. The party nominated bourbon Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, the former governor of New York, to regain the White House.
The Republicans supported Hayes, the former governor of Ohio and Civil War hero, who also was known to be a reformer. Both candidates didn’t campaign much partially due to the country’s economic state.
With the Democrat power in the House and the Republicans dominating the Senatesimilar to 2020Congress established a bipartisan electoral commission composed of seven Democrats, seven Republicans and one Independent. But, the IndependentSupreme Court Justice David Davisdropped out of the commission after he was offered a Senate seat. A Republican then replaced him, and the commission voted along strict party lines in favor of Hayes getting the electoral votes.
In an 8-7 ruling, Hayes beat Tilden by one electoral college vote, marking it one of the few presidential elections that the president elected did not lead by popular vote.

I was wondering about this, how could states declare a tie:
Tilden had won 184 of 185 needed electoral votes and also led the popular vote by more than 250,000. Four states -- Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, South Carolina
now days most states will go by the popular vote giving the number of the EC. The popular votes is the same of the EC.

All except Maine and Nebraska.
This is another possibility that the President coudl tie this stuff up for so long that the swing states fail to officially name a winner and it then goes to the House for a decision, and this happ3ened in 1876

The thing was, in 1876, the Democrats went along with in in exchange for the North essentially giving up all the gains they had made in the Civil War, giving us 100 years of Jim Crow.

Unlikely the people would tolerate that today...

Here's what's going to happen. PA, AZ and GA will declare for Biden. NC will declare for Trump. Biden wins 306 to 232 - Ironically the same numbers Trump came in on.

Trump will be the first (and hopefully) only person in history to lose the popular vote twice.
This is another possibility that the President coudl tie this stuff up for so long that the swing states fail to officially name a winner and it then goes to the House for a decision, and this happened in 1876
The thing was, in 1876, the Democrats went along with in in exchange for the North essentially giving up all the gains they had made in the Civil War, giving us 100 years of Jim Crow.
When Democrats get blamed for Jim Crow, remind them Republicans were complicit.

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