Zone1 The Uber files show capitalism at its worse

Money woorks its way around people. I beleive that Sinema and manchin have gown rich on corporate donations.
Boebert just spent $4m on her campaign. Truth and integrity gets lost in such a system.
Again, you blame capitalism and have nothing to prove that capitalism is corrupt, just the politicians. BTW, it is both Democrats and Republicans that get rich off of big corporation. Pelosi, the Kennedy’s, Feinstein, but I see the ones that you call out.

BTW, America is thankful that Manchin and Sinema voted no on that massive Green Deal in December, otherwise inflation would be worse than what it is. I applaud them for their courage to stand up for the American people and put people over party.
Again, you blame capitalism and have nothing to prove that capitalism is corrupt, just the politicians. BTW, it is both Democrats and Republicans that get rich off of big corporation. Pelosi, the Kennedy’s, Feinstein, but I see the ones that you call out.

BTW, America is thankful that Manchin and Sinema voted no on that massive Green Deal in December, otherwise inflation would be worse than what it is. I applaud them for their courage to stand up for the American people and put people over party.
You are twisting yourself into a contorted position which I suspect is riven by antipathy to me.
I have stated that the corruption is not just one party so I dont know why you are picking a fight.
You are twisting yourself into a contorted position which I suspect is riven by antipathy to me.
I have stated that the corruption is not just one party so I dont know why you are picking a fight.
It isn't capitalism that causes this either, you claim it was capitalism and it is corruption by the government.
Yes. Capitalism.
Corrupt government, the problem is corrupt government because without the government officials collecting money, there would be not payoffs to politicians and corporations would not have such undue influence. Simple fix that neither party wants to address, I wonder why?
Corrupt government, the problem is corrupt government because without the government officials collecting money, there would be not payoffs to politicians and corporations would not have such undue influence. Simple fix that neither party wants to address, I wonder why?
There is no corruption without the capitalist system feeding it
Its just been on the BBC. Macron looks guilty and so do halff the tory cabinet. Including 2 contenders for the tory leadership.
Uber are the robber barons od olden days. Absolute scum.
There is no corruption without the capitalist system feeding it
The corruption is on the side of government, if government would end the pay schemes, then the corruption would end as it has nothing to offer the companies in return. Hell, you said the government is corrupt, but now you are saying they aren't?
You need to define what "free market" looks like. My observation i that it is the law of the jungle.

I have seen companies brought down by rich competitors giving away their products for free. That is the free market and is a conspiracy against the consumer.

It's called anti-trust and it's already illegal
I recall when the government had a different mindset with corporations. They broke up Ma Bell because they
considered it a monopoly.
Now? Amazon is not a monopoly?
Big corporations have Big money and many influential lobbyists to tickle the ears of the politicians.
We're screwed.
I recall when the government had a different mindset with corporations. They broke up Ma Bell because they
considered it a monopoly.
Now? Amazon is not a monopoly?
Big corporations have Big money and many influential lobbyists to tickle the ears of the politicians.
We're screwed.
Corporations are now bigger and more powerful than countries. In the UK Starbucks regularly open stores without obtaining planning permission. They then apply retrospectively knowing that they have more monry than the local council if it gets bogged down in the courts.
The corruption is on the side of government, if government would end the pay schemes, then the corruption would end as it has nothing to offer the companies in return. Hell, you said the government is corrupt, but now you are saying they aren't?
I havent said that. There are two parties to this sort of corruption. Govt is one of them, capitalism is the other.

Why do you think corps spend so much on lobbyists ? they are holding back civilisation.

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