The UFO hearings

Suppose -- just for chat purposes -- top Governments have had working relationships with "Space Aliens"for some time--- to their benefit but NOT for ours --us the species . This would make matters infinitely more complicated and complex .However, this line of discussion is far too "rich" for a casual chat site , but, suffice to say , some remarkably clever people of total sound mind not only argue for such a scenario but "know" they have high proof of it .Only time will show what is true and what is not . My near full conviction is with this end of twig speculation , so I just wait in anticipation . Regardless , whatever is released will never be the full truth and it will be weighed with utmost care in terms of future power , wealth and control .
I'll give you one better than that.
Consider this a theory, but after 60+ years studying this "UFO" phenomena this is what has the best fit of the pieces we know.

They, ET or NT ("Aliens") have been here, in this Solar System and active on Earth, since before we humans appeared. In fact THEY were the ones whom accelerated the evolution/transition of earlier hominids into Homo Sapiens Sapiens (us).

Not for Their amusement, but because Their Home World/Star System(s) was destroyed in a SuperNova event of about 300-330,000 years ago. With no more colonists coming from there and cut off from any new ships, spare parts, etc. since the industrial home base was destroyed, they needed to develop both a new "worker" species to help rebuild the population base required to build the industrial and technology base that was lost, and also to provide new host bodies* for the souls of Their people who perished in the Super Nova event, which interrupted the reincarnation/karma cycles they were in the middle of. Also to help expand the genetic pool for their species to survive in this (to Them) New World(/Home).

Initially THEY did live amongst their "creations", earlier humans their workers and servants, hence the substance of our earlier "myths and legends". But eventually, as civilizations grew and control became more complex, it became more efficient to develop select breeds within humanity to be the Rulers of humans, by decree of "the Gods". Hence the origins of our Royal Bloodlines/Royalty. However, over time this genetic based Royalty became blended with the rest of humanity, losing it status and ability based on genetic differences/enhancements from "the masses"**.

Within the last couple of centuries, the population growth of humans made possible the "Industrial Revolution" with technology and industry approaching the levels needed to support an inter-stellar capable world, which would allow them to re-establish what was lost in the destruction of their Home World (place of origin).

However THEY, whom our earliest civilization, Sumer, referred to as the Anunnaki, weren't the only inter-stellar colony of that culture/civilization lost in the Super Nova. Others in the original sphere of exploration~colonization~expansion also survived and did their own "by the bootstraps" restart/reboot of what had been destroyed. Hence some of these earlier colonies have reconnected to extent that some of them are also involved in "Visits" here to Earth. Meanwhile, THEY are dealing with the issue of whether Earth and Humans can become an autonomous member of this inter-stellar community or will we and this world remain THEIR colony and possession. ???

*- This assumes that soul reincarnation has a genetic component, which is why at a certain point in chain of existence, a soul will reincarnate in the highest biological expression rather than a previous lower one; i.e. why we reincarnate as humans and not as dogs or horses.
The process of accelerating hominid evolution into humans required changing the base DNA from the 24 chromosome pattern to one of 23, to accommodate injection of some of THEIR DNA into the mix. So yes, humans are half "Alien -ET" and many of us are souls that used to be on that lost Home World before making the shift to this one.

**- For an example, consider the Nazis and their concentration camps. The armed guards and wire fences were to contain the inmates. Actual 'control' and direction of day-to-day activites were done through "wardens"; fellow inmates whom for extra food rations and being moved lower down the list for extinction, would to the bidding of their captors and keep the fellow inmates in line. The similar system in today's world has certain "elites" among humans as our "wardens" whom are rewarded with wealth and power beyond what most of us have.

Obviously this throws a wrench into most of our religions, which THEY gave us to be another means of population control over we humans. Also gives a different perspective on our origins and history.

More details are in this thread;
The Geminga Scenario
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If they could get here we might learn from them. Maybe they could cure cancer and stuff.
It doesnt have to be confrontational.

My giess is that they have a big question mark over earth, Climate change is killing the planet so maybe they had better look elsewhere.
They have been here a long time already. But for reasons of Their own, don't want direct and open contact with humanity at this point.
The confrontational implied in my earlier post is between the nations of Earth and disclosures about our "Visitors".
"Climate change" (Natural and/or Anthropogenic) is not killing the (our) planet! Earth has past periods with much higher CO2 and higher(and lower) temperatures and Life still went on, even evolved partly because of the frequent changes in climates.
Rest of this post is answered in my one preceding.
Returning back to thread topic/OP;

Here are the 5 most memorable moments from Congress’ UFO hearing​

Former military officials made a series of mystifying claims about unidentified aerial phenomena under oath at Wednesday's congressional hearing.
“The sheer number of reports, whistleblowers and stories of unidentified anomalous phenomena should raise real questions and warrant investigation and oversight. And that’s why we are here today,” Rep. Robert Garcia, the top Democrat on the subcommittee, said in his opening statement. "UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft. And that must be understood."

These UAP sightings, experts say, might be attributable to balloons, drones, optical illusions or even the blinking lights of a commercial airliner. The Pentagon has said they have seen no evidence linking UAPs to alien activity, though they have not ruled out that explanation.

Government is ‘absolutely’ in possession of UAPs​

David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official, told the panel that he is “absolutely” certain that the federal government is in possession of UAPs, citing interviews he said he conducted with 40 witnesses over a four-year period.

‘Nonhuman biologics’ were found at a crash site​

Grusch, who underscored that he has not personally spotted a UAP, told the panel that he knows of "multiple colleagues" who were injured by UAPs. He also said he has interviewed individuals who have recovered "nonhuman biologics" from crashed UAPs.

Grusch said he prefers to use the term "nonhuman" rather than alien or extraterrestrial.

Officials must establish a 'safe and transparent reporting process'​

Some lawmakers and witnesses pushed the federal government to establish clear channels to communicate UAP information with both the public and the military, and said the military should establish a comprehensive reporting process for unidentified objects sightings.

Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot, told the panel that military pilots do not feel adequately briefed on UAPs, which he said leaves them unprepared to respond to UAP encounters.

Stigma associated with sightings 'silences' possible witnesses​

Some witnesses and lawmakers at the hearing argued that the stigma associated with reporting UFO sightings — as well as the alleged harassment of those who work to investigate them — may be hindering efforts to determine their origins.

Graves told the panel that stigma "silences" pilots who fear "professional repercussions," which he said is "compounded by recent government claims questioning the credibility of eyewitness testimony."

UFO spotted accelerating to 'supersonic speeds'​

David Fravor, a former Navy commander, said he and three fellow military pilots spotted a white Tic-Tac-shaped object in 2004, hovering below their jets and just above the Pacific Ocean.

As he descended to inspect the sighting, he claimed the unidentified aircraft — which he said bore no visible rotors, wings or exhaust — began to ascend and approach his fighter jet.

He claimed that the UAP then vanished, only to reappear a few seconds later, but this time it was spotted 60 miles away.

Fravor told the committee that the technology he and his team encountered defies logical explanation.

"The technology that we faced is far superior to anything that we had," Fravor claimed. "And there’s nothing we can do about it, nothing."
.Experts in this field are reasonably sure that this year, and possibly very soon ( or , very very ), there will be a huge "Reveal".Whether this will be partial bits of genuine info or just another misinformation mix ( 20% truth versus 80% lies) remains to be seen . There are two main Deep State factions in this overall matter ( far too complex for here). One favours an Alien Invasion False Flag for manipulation and control . The other favours some degree of "truth reveal" primarily because of the huge number of new whistleblowers with top quality and full provenance info .-- which needs rationing and controlling for Sheeple consumption. On this basis , your personaL beliefs are irrelevant as the minimum expected position is that non Earth craft are continuous visitors with remarkably advanced technology.Something that has been known for a long time by researchers and those with access to otherwise Above Top Secret information mainly from Crash Retrieval sources .
I get that impression too.... But maybe the reveal will not so much be an admission. I'm thinking that being that they are so desperate to distract the public, they will start to use their high tech toys to fake alien encounters. I think the vast majority of people will see through it and conlude they are full of shit. But the scary part is I think a large enough minority will be leaving it and the government will have what it wants: A new UFO cult which votes for whatever party supports their newfound faith. That's what they're doing now with LGBTQ+. It's a cult of victims. The controversy is persisting so it's not helping the Dems as much as they has hoped. Even people who used to support the nut on that basis are growing tired of the obvious politicization. Now E.T. is going to have a go. Now it's going to be LGBTQET+! 😆

People have to realize and remember that current technology may allow the government to pull off a very convincing alien invasion. It may be a combination of real military technology mixed with Hollywood special effects on a grand scale. People are going to have to be strong not to drink the Kool-Aid.
I get that impression too.... But maybe the reveal will not so much be an admission. I'm thinking that being that they are so desperate to distract the public, they will start to use their high tech toys to fake alien encounters. I think the vast majority of people will see through it and conlude they are full of shit. But the scary part is I think a large enough minority will be leaving it and the government will have what it wants: A new UFO cult which votes for whatever party supports their newfound faith. That's what they're doing now with LGBTQ+. It's a cult of victims. The controversy is persisting so it's not helping the Dems as much as they has hoped. Even people who used to support the nut on that basis are growing tired of the obvious politicization. Now E.T. is going to have a go. Now it's going to be LGBTQET+! 😆

People have to realize and remember that current technology may allow the government to pull off a very convincing alien invasion. It may be a combination of real military technology mixed with Hollywood special effects on a grand scale. People are going to have to be strong not to drink the Kool-Aid.
I was a bit disappointed at the lack of substance. I believe we are so fucked up that if an alien did pop up people would think he or she was manufactured.
I was a bit disappointed at the lack of substance. I believe we are so fucked up that if an alien did pop up people would think he or she was manufactured.
In this day and age it would be hard to tell, and if the government and the media assume full responsibility for interpreting it for you I would not trust it by any means.
No such thing as aliens from outer space
Too far
Your belief and opinion based upon your bias.
Those of us who've studied this matter for 60+ years aren't so certain to deny probabilities.

This is similar to many debates on religions.
Some say "there is no God"; others say there is one.
Your belief and opinion based upon your bias.
Those of us who've studied this matter for 60+ years aren't so certain to deny probabilities.

This is similar to many debates on religions.
Some say "there is no God"; others say there is one.

The nearest solar system is too far to “visit” Earth
The nearest solar system is too far to “visit” Earth
No it's not!

At very basic, one could use what's know as a generation style, life sphere ship.

Since you are so smart and certain, we'll see if you can find anything about this (before taking your hand).

Then there may be other tech methods.
For those whom still use the non-digital methods, a few books that can provide more information and insights.

This is one that gives a historical overview going back to the first civilizations. Also provides a major outline and summary for those interested in further details.

Alien Agenda​

Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
By Jim Marrs

Author and award-winning journalist Jim Marrs investigates extraterrestrial presence among us in his fascinating new book, Alien Agenda.
Marrs uncovers compelling new evidence regarding extraterrestrials—that alien life forms have not only visited our planet in the past, but are among us right now. Drawing on numerous eyewitness accounts, highly classified CIA reports, and his own meticulous research, Marrs marshals an impressive array of facts to confirm the reality of UFOs—as well as the depth of the government campaign to keep America in the dark.
Here is information unavailable in any other single source, including:
  • Intriguing insights into the 1947 Roswell crash and the U.S. military's efforts to suppress all public inquiries
  • Detailed accounts of UFO landing sites in South America and of abductions in the U.S.
  • Vivid descriptions of UFOs by Apollo astronauts, in their own words
  • Tantalizing clues to the alien timetable for revealing their plans here
  • And much more!

Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis

by Paul R. Hill​

Paul Hill was a well-respected NASA scientist when, in the early 1950s, he had a UFO sighting. Soon after, he built the first flying platform and was able to duplicate the UFO's tilt-to-control maneuvers. Official policy, however, prevented him from proclaiming his findings. "I was destined," says Hill, "to remain as unidentified as the flying objects."

For the next twenty-five years, Hill acted as an unofficial clearing house at NASA, collecting and analyzing sightings' reports for physical properties, propulsion possibilities, dynamics, etc. To refute claims that UFOs defy the laws of physics, he had to make "technological sense ... of the unconventional object."

After his retirement from NASA, Hill finally completed his remarkable analysis. In Unconventional Flying Objects, published posthumously, he presents his findings that UFOs "obey, not defy, the laws of physics." Vindicating his own sighting and thousands of others, he proves that UFO technology is not only explainable, but attainable.

The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology​

by Nick Cook
This riveting work of investigative reporting and history exposes classified government projects to build gravity-defying aircraft--which have an uncanny resemblance to flying saucers. The atomic bomb was not the only project to occupy government scientists in the 1940s. Antigravity technology, originally spearheaded by scientists in Nazi Germany, was another high priority, one that still may be in effect today. Now for the first time, a reporter with an unprecedented access to key sources in the intelligence and military communities reveals suppressed evidence that tells the story of a quest for a discovery that could prove as powerful as the A-bomb. The Hunt for Zero Point explores the scientific speculation that a "zero point" of gravity exists in the universe and can be replicated here on Earth. The pressure to be the first nation to harness gravity is immense, as it means having the ability to build military planes of unlimited speed and range, along with the most deadly weaponry the world has ever seen. The ideal shape for a gravity-defying vehicle happens to be a perfect disk, making antigravity tests a possible explanation for the numerous UFO sightings of the past 50 years. Chronicling the origins of antigravity research in the world's most advanced research facility, which was operated by the Third Reich during World War II, The Hunt for Zero Point traces U.S. involvement in the project, beginning with the recruitment of former Nazi scientists after the war. Drawn from interviews with those involved with the research and who visited labs in Europe and the United States, The Hunt for Zero Point journeys to the heart of the twentieth century's most puzzling unexplained phenomena.
... Nick Cook was the aerospace editor for Jane's
So more conspiracy theory allegations with no hard evidence.

I believe there may be sentient beings "out there" but not based on that bozo's testimony.
I'll give you one better than that.
Consider this a theory, but after 60+ years studying this "UFO" phenomena this is what has the best fit of the pieces we know.

They, ET or NT ("Aliens") have been here, in this Solar System and active on Earth, since before we humans appeared. In fact THEY were the ones whom accelerated the evolution/transition of earlier hominids into Homo Sapiens Sapiens (us).

Obviously this throws a wrench into most of our religions, which THEY gave us to be another means of population control over we humans. Also gives a different perspective on our origins and history.
Agree entirely . However, I seriously doubt that this would be received with open minds for longer than 1.42seconds ,let alone for any sort of sensible discussion , by our multitude of predictables (human and horses) and lovers of only convenient consensus narratives . Not even I dared push their buttons with this perspective, knowing what damage and outrage it would cause them .As Sophie sang --- " Murder on the Dance Floor ".BTW , Anunnaki were almost certainly the last visiting race but there is interesting research suggesting other previous visitor races or expeditions .Possibly four . But keep that above Top Secret . We do not want the poor dears to overload and make a nasty mess on the floor .
I just want to know what the government was doing, that they didn't want people to notice. It had to be pretty serious for them to follow through on this ridiculous head fake, in the guise of a hearing on UFOs, and aliens...

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