The UGLY racism of the Democrats

What's your point here?

they aren't a pack of racists?

if not, please explain why

You'd have to understand what racism is, first.

[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Those are the three components.

Eric Holder, Barak Obama, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, etc., etc. all eminently qualify, since they enthusiastically support all three points.
they aren't a pack of racists?

if not, please explain why

You'd have to understand what racism is, first.

[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Those are the three components.

Eric Holder, Barak Obama, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, etc., etc. all eminently qualify, since they enthusiastically support all three points.

Where is the evidence to support that ridiculous claim? Find documentation, in which they "enthusiastically, support all three points".
Any organization that that has a word in its name that refers to color, is - by definition - RACIST.

Like the National Black Republican Association?

or the Black Conservative Leadership Network?

or the Black Conservative Coalition?

Like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?


Whoops, shit. It's an organization that was formed to, specifically, fight racism and injustices from whites, in direct retaliation for the terrorism from the KKK.

He was at an event commemorating a civil rights march in Alabama. The new black panthers also happened to be there. It was coincidence not a campaign event or anything you people would love for it to have been. Did you know Donald Rumsfeld shook Saddam Hussein's hand? It's because there was a crazy conspiracy involved der der der

Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider ?the bullet? | The Daily Caller

Maybe try arguing "real" issues and your party will come back into relevance. Enough of this crap.

Ahh, but the fact he was in the same rally with them is revealing. You cannot deny that. If he were any smarter than my younger brother, he wouldn't want to be seen around these people. And, it's ironic they are centered around him during his remarks, for a photo op of some kind.

My party has nothing to do with it. Your party gets away with crap that should get them arrested. Your party lives in wholesale hypocrisy. It's only in power because of people who cannot or will not find a job and are too damned spoiled to look for one.

You liberals make me sick, really sick to my stomach. It's funny you can call people racists and bigots, but you take the cake. Absolutely take the cake here.
This is a man who launched his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist, and then laughingly tried to claim he had no idea what Ayers and Dorn were all about.....This is a man who spent over twenty years sitting in the pews of a church, being spoonfed abject racist garbage, and then tried to claim he never heard any of the shit spewed by the racist piece o' shit reverend. Funny how Oprah was able to recognize what was going on, and fled that church.....This is a man who, without any facts whatsoever, beyond the claims of his lil' professor buddy, accused police of acting stupidly, and then had to hold an embarrasing "Beer Summit", in an attempt to smooth things over after he realized he fully inserted his own foot into his own ignorant mouth.....This is a man who was thoroughly schooled and humiliated by a true leader named Benjamin Netanyahu, in the White House, publically, before the worlds eyes.

Bottom line, BHO is not a very smart man when it comes to common sense.
lol, rightwingers trying to convince blacks, Hispanics, etc., that liberals are the racists.

That sounds like something straight out of a satirical comedy.

Liberals are the ones who are holding the black community back by pinning them under entitlement programs that vanish the very moment an African American tries to do better for him or herself. Yup, it's kind of sad that the poorest black Americans have allowed themselves to be pushed right to the bottom simply for the chance to have a free Obama phone. No matter, the Democrats have trained their voting base to destroy any African Americans who make the slightest attempt to educate their own race about how the Democrats have worked so hard at making African Americans nothing more than indentured servants. Satirical comedy indeed.
lol, rightwingers trying to convince blacks, Hispanics, etc., that liberals are the racists.

That sounds like something straight out of a satirical comedy.

Liberals are the ones who are holding the black community back by pinning them under entitlement programs that vanish the very moment an African American tries to do better for him or herself. Yup, it's kind of sad that the poorest black Americans have allowed themselves to be pushed right to the bottom simply for the chance to have a free Obama phone. No matter, the Democrats have trained their voting base to destroy any African Americans who make the slightest attempt to educate their own race about how the Democrats have worked so hard at making African Americans nothing more than indentured servants. Satirical comedy indeed.

BS. Liberals aren't busy trying to disenfranchise black voters, who , willfully, vote Democratic. Have you taken a look at the Republican Party platform??? How is that appealing to minority voters, and women, in general?
lol, rightwingers trying to convince blacks, Hispanics, etc., that liberals are the racists.

That sounds like something straight out of a satirical comedy.

Liberals are the ones who are holding the black community back by pinning them under entitlement programs that vanish the very moment an African American tries to do better for him or herself. Yup, it's kind of sad that the poorest black Americans have allowed themselves to be pushed right to the bottom simply for the chance to have a free Obama phone. No matter, the Democrats have trained their voting base to destroy any African Americans who make the slightest attempt to educate their own race about how the Democrats have worked so hard at making African Americans nothing more than indentured servants. Satirical comedy indeed.

BS. Liberals aren't busy trying to disenfranchise black voters, who , willfully, vote Democratic. Have you taken a look at the Republican Party platform??? How is that appealing to minority voters, and women, in general?

I didn't say liberals were trying to disenfranchise black voters, just that they were trying to keep them enslaved to the Welfare system -which they are doing a mighty fine job of. If I were black and on Welfare -I'd be pretty pissed at Democrats for not leaving me a way out of the Welfare system... A way out that wouldn't cause incredible hardship. That old saying give a man a fish, or teach him how to fish... You know the one. Instead, we get crickets from the black community, and votes on election day like the good little controlled base that they are. Except when Democrats are trying to do a character assassination on whichever black American figures it out and threatens the well regulated oppressive structure the Democrats have created. Black Americans have traded slave owners for elitist and filthy rich white Democrats... I hope it was worth it.
Liberals are the ones who are holding the black community back by pinning them under entitlement programs that vanish the very moment an African American tries to do better for him or herself. Yup, it's kind of sad that the poorest black Americans have allowed themselves to be pushed right to the bottom simply for the chance to have a free Obama phone. No matter, the Democrats have trained their voting base to destroy any African Americans who make the slightest attempt to educate their own race about how the Democrats have worked so hard at making African Americans nothing more than indentured servants. Satirical comedy indeed.

BS. Liberals aren't busy trying to disenfranchise black voters, who , willfully, vote Democratic. Have you taken a look at the Republican Party platform??? How is that appealing to minority voters, and women, in general?

I didn't say liberals were trying to disenfranchise black voters, just that they were trying to keep them enslaved to the Welfare system -which they are doing a mighty fine job of. If I were black and on Welfare -I'd be pretty pissed at Democrats for not leaving me a way out of the Welfare system... A way out that wouldn't cause incredible hardship. That old saying give a man a fish, or teach him how to fish... You know the one. Instead, we get crickets from the black community, and votes on election day like the good little controlled base that they are. Except when Democrats are trying to do a character assassination on whichever black American figures it out and threatens the well regulated oppressive structure the Democrats have created. Black Americans have traded slave owners for elitist and filthy rich white Democrats... I hope it was worth it.

Darling...that's not even reality, anymore than Republicans and conservatives have you tied to the mindset of hating Islam, warring with Iran, demonizing minorities and gays, or thinking that tax cuts for the wealthy is a good thing.
You are pretending that a myth is true. Blacks, for the most part, are "hard-working", taxpaying citizens, who want the same things as everyone else. There are miscreants, on all sides...but to assume they represent the majority is wrong.
When the Republicans are willing to play fair, and treat blacks with respect, then, perhaps, they will get our votes...but not until. By the way...there are far more whites on welfare than there are blacks...perhaps you should redirect your commentary to include or focus on them.
BS. Liberals aren't busy trying to disenfranchise black voters, who , willfully, vote Democratic. Have you taken a look at the Republican Party platform??? How is that appealing to minority voters, and women, in general?

I didn't say liberals were trying to disenfranchise black voters, just that they were trying to keep them enslaved to the Welfare system -which they are doing a mighty fine job of. If I were black and on Welfare -I'd be pretty pissed at Democrats for not leaving me a way out of the Welfare system... A way out that wouldn't cause incredible hardship. That old saying give a man a fish, or teach him how to fish... You know the one. Instead, we get crickets from the black community, and votes on election day like the good little controlled base that they are. Except when Democrats are trying to do a character assassination on whichever black American figures it out and threatens the well regulated oppressive structure the Democrats have created. Black Americans have traded slave owners for elitist and filthy rich white Democrats... I hope it was worth it.

Darling...that's not even reality, anymore than Republicans and conservatives have you tied to the mindset of hating Islam, warring with Iran, demonizing minorities and gays, or thinking that tax cuts for the wealthy is a good thing.
You are pretending that a myth is true. Blacks, for the most part, are "hard-working", taxpaying citizens, who want the same things as everyone else. There are miscreants, on all sides...but to assume they represent the majority is wrong.
When the Republicans are willing to play fair, and treat blacks with respect, then, perhaps, they will get our votes...but not until. By the way...there are far more whites on welfare than there are blacks...perhaps you should redirect your commentary to include or focus on them.

It's OK if you don't want to address the realities of the poorest members of the black community, I'm sure when Hillary runs in 2016 some elitist white Democrat will contact you, and when they say jump... We all know what you're going to do. Jump darling.
lol, rightwingers trying to convince blacks, Hispanics, etc., that liberals are the racists.

That sounds like something straight out of a satirical comedy.

Liberals are the ones who are holding the black community back by pinning them under entitlement programs that vanish the very moment an African American tries to do better for him or herself. Yup, it's kind of sad that the poorest black Americans have allowed themselves to be pushed right to the bottom simply for the chance to have a free Obama phone. No matter, the Democrats have trained their voting base to destroy any African Americans who make the slightest attempt to educate their own race about how the Democrats have worked so hard at making African Americans nothing more than indentured servants. Satirical comedy indeed.

BS. Liberals aren't busy trying to disenfranchise black voters, who , willfully, vote Democratic. Have you taken a look at the Republican Party platform??? How is that appealing to minority voters, and women, in general?
And why in the hell would the lazy, the ignorant, the downright stupid, and those who have been stuck on the entitlement train being driven by the Democrats, embrace a platform that is the exact opposite of their entitlement sucking mentality?.....Why would the following abjectly idiotic morons embrace a platform that calls for personal responsibility, education, and a belief that welfare only leads to a life of misery and despair, as opposed to a platform that calls for free shit and sitting on your lazy ass all day watching Maury Povich and Jerry Springer?

[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Obama Money - Where Did it Come From? - YouTube[/ame]

Face it, you god damn idiotic dems have fostered a system that only seeks to keep the downtrodden down on their knees.....You idiots own it, period!
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I didn't say liberals were trying to disenfranchise black voters, just that they were trying to keep them enslaved to the Welfare system -which they are doing a mighty fine job of. If I were black and on Welfare -I'd be pretty pissed at Democrats for not leaving me a way out of the Welfare system... A way out that wouldn't cause incredible hardship. That old saying give a man a fish, or teach him how to fish... You know the one. Instead, we get crickets from the black community, and votes on election day like the good little controlled base that they are. Except when Democrats are trying to do a character assassination on whichever black American figures it out and threatens the well regulated oppressive structure the Democrats have created. Black Americans have traded slave owners for elitist and filthy rich white Democrats... I hope it was worth it.

Darling...that's not even reality, anymore than Republicans and conservatives have you tied to the mindset of hating Islam, warring with Iran, demonizing minorities and gays, or thinking that tax cuts for the wealthy is a good thing.
You are pretending that a myth is true. Blacks, for the most part, are "hard-working", taxpaying citizens, who want the same things as everyone else. There are miscreants, on all sides...but to assume they represent the majority is wrong.
When the Republicans are willing to play fair, and treat blacks with respect, then, perhaps, they will get our votes...but not until. By the way...there are far more whites on welfare than there are blacks...perhaps you should redirect your commentary to include or focus on them.

It's OK if you don't want to address the realities of the poorest members of the black community, I'm sure when Hillary runs in 2016 some elitist white Democrat will contact you, and when they say jump... We all know what you're going to do. Jump darling.
Jump, I will...and you're be stuck out, for another 8 years....having spit in the wind. Who's the stupid here?
Liberals are the ones who are holding the black community back by pinning them under entitlement programs that vanish the very moment an African American tries to do better for him or herself. Yup, it's kind of sad that the poorest black Americans have allowed themselves to be pushed right to the bottom simply for the chance to have a free Obama phone. No matter, the Democrats have trained their voting base to destroy any African Americans who make the slightest attempt to educate their own race about how the Democrats have worked so hard at making African Americans nothing more than indentured servants. Satirical comedy indeed.

BS. Liberals aren't busy trying to disenfranchise black voters, who , willfully, vote Democratic. Have you taken a look at the Republican Party platform??? How is that appealing to minority voters, and women, in general?

And why in the hell would the lazy, the ignorant, the downright stupid, and those who have been stuck on the entitlement train being driven by the Democrats, embrace a platform that is the exact opposite of their entitlement sucking mentality?.....Why would the following abjectly idiotic morons embrace a platform that calls for personal responsibility, education, and a belief that welfare only leads to a life of misery and despair, as opposed to a platform that calls for free shit and sitting on your lazy ass all day watching Maury Povich and Jerry Springer?

Face it, you god damn idiotic dems have fostered a system that only seeks to keep the downtrodden down on their knees.....You idiots own it, period!

Lazy? Downright stupid? Entitlement train? Oh, you must be referring to conservative whites, who feel threatened that their "gravy train" is going to be interrupted, by them becoming the "new minority" in the sea of brown. Personal responsibility? When was the last time your team possessed that attribute? Education? Last time I checked, you morons were cutting spending on education, so, so much for that lie. Welfare, welfare, welfare, welfare. You're a broken record. Stupid's white people that are getting the welfare. And white corporations that are being bailed out because of poor management and embezzlement. Let's call Bernie Madoff, a Jew, "white, for all practical purposes", shall we?
I'm retired...which enables me to sit on my ass as long as and whenever I choose. And I prefer to watch Judge Joe Brown and Judge Judy mete out justice to stupid white people.
And then I watch Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews on MSNBC.

The "downtrodden"??? Is that supposed to suggest that you care, and have a heart? LOLOLOLOL. We own it...ain't nobody mad, but you. LOL
Then it no longer relevant is it Uncle Tom?

Like the National Black Republican Association?

or the Black Conservative Leadership Network?

or the Black Conservative Coalition?

Like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?


Whoops, shit. It's an organization that was formed to, specifically, fight racism and injustices from whites, in direct retaliation for the terrorism from the KKK.

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