The UGLY racism of the Democrats

He was at an event commemorating a civil rights march in Alabama. The new black panthers also happened to be there. It was coincidence not a campaign event or anything you people would love for it to have been. Did you know Donald Rumsfeld shook Saddam Hussein's hand? It's because there was a crazy conspiracy involved der der der

Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider ?the bullet? | The Daily Caller

Maybe try arguing "real" issues and your party will come back into relevance. Enough of this crap.

Ahh, but the fact he was in the same rally with them is revealing. You cannot deny that. If he were any smarter than my younger brother, he wouldn't want to be seen around these people. And, it's ironic they are centered around him during his remarks, for a photo op of some kind.

My party has nothing to do with it. Your party gets away with crap that should get them arrested. Your party lives in wholesale hypocrisy. It's only in power because of people who cannot or will not find a job and are too damned spoiled to look for one.

You liberals make me sick, really sick to my stomach. It's funny you can call people racists and bigots, but you take the cake. Absolutely take the cake here.

Wow, anybody ever tell you you're a total moron troll? If so, apparently not often enough.
Then it no longer relevant is it Uncle Tom?

Like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?


Whoops, shit. It's an organization that was formed to, specifically, fight racism and injustices from whites, in direct retaliation for the terrorism from the KKK.

Un'cle Tom'

Disparaging and Offensive.
a black man considered by other blacks to be subservient to or to curry favor with whites. Cf. Aunt Jemima.

Uncle Tom: meaning and definitions |

You obviously are lost on the meaning of the term.
Quite the opposite, I am not subservient to, nor do I seek to curry "special favor" from any whites, as my posts will attest.
That label is only suitable for race traitors like Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Herman Cain, et al.
And you've, again, identified yourself as a racist, by using a racial pejorative.

Yeah, the link was from last year. The rally was in 2007. The media was so biased back then it would have covered up just about any gaffe and or misstep by the President-to-be.

By the way, they endorsed his 2008 campaign.

Racists endorse Obama on candidate?s website

“Obama will stir the ‘Melting Pot’ into a better ‘Molten America'"

-NBPP Endorsement, 2008

Now what?

Funny, I remember when a study came out saying the media was negative against both.

Did you know you can "link" to news stories that can back up your statements? Most right wingers don't know that.

Romney Quoted by the Media 50 Percent More Than Obama This Election - (

Which only proves my point. Read the title: "Romney Quoted by the Media 50 Percent More Than Obama This Election." They were trying to catch him in a lie, a gaffe or something that would damage him. Obama was hardly covered, for a reason.

Your logic is flawed.

So quoting a candidate running for president is a "trap"? You don't want to know what they have to say??? You sound so fucking stupid. Can you figure out why?
Which only proves my point. Read the title: "Romney Quoted by the Media 50 Percent More Than Obama This Election." They were trying to catch him in a lie, a gaffe or something that would damage him. Obama was hardly covered, for a reason.

Your logic is flawed.

They weren't trying to catch Mittens in anything. He did it all himself, because he'd change his views from one week to the other.

The only thing the media did was report that Mittens had taken a 180 from his views just the week (or even day) before.

While noting little else about Obama. You really should keep up. Obama changed his views just as much as Romney did, and nobody cared. He (Obama) was going to win, no matter who was running. The media was in the orgasmic euphoria over him, really. He could do no wrong. They were all Chris Matthews like "I have a tingle running up my leg." or "Obama is the Perfect American." Not making this stuff up either.

No. Nothing you have to say will prove otherwise.

On what? Post some links. Refresh our memories. If you can't back it up, then don't make the statement. And make it good.

Gee, "gaffes" from the "Conservative Crusader". And did you bother to read the "gaffes"? You are really something.

Now a "gaffe" is "I wouldn't represent 47% of the country". Or "Corporations are people my friend". We need fewer Police, Firemen and Teachers. Now THOSE are "gaffes".
lol, rightwingers trying to convince blacks, Hispanics, etc., that liberals are the racists.

That sounds like something straight out of a satirical comedy.

Worse, right wingers believe those groups are so stupid that they follow liberals because liberals promise free things like "food" and "healthcare".

In the meantime, you have these right wingers cheering "Education is for snobs" and "let him die" and the majority are most certainly poor or borderline poor.
They weren't trying to catch Mittens in anything. He did it all himself, because he'd change his views from one week to the other.

The only thing the media did was report that Mittens had taken a 180 from his views just the week (or even day) before.

While noting little else about Obama. You really should keep up. Obama changed his views just as much as Romney did, and nobody cared. He (Obama) was going to win, no matter who was running. The media was in the orgasmic euphoria over him, really. He could do no wrong. They were all Chris Matthews like "I have a tingle running up my leg." or "Obama is the Perfect American." Not making this stuff up either.

No. Nothing you have to say will prove otherwise.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game...folks are more willing to cut Obama a break, than they were Romney (or McCain), obviously.

Yeah...............they were willing to cut Obama a break, because he said there was room for everyone.

Mittens and McStupid went from supporting gay rights to banning them (meaning they said there was room only for those who believed as they did).

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