The UK is considering banning Donald Trump

Britain should build a wall around the island and make trump the chump pay for it.

Our greatest ally in the world is debating whether to bar this loser from entering their country. For you cons that are denser than lead, CLUE!

Here's a clue for ya...
Read the thread, dipshit.
It's not your father's Britain. Go praise Allah and STFU.

Wow you are whiner aren't you.

Hey you worhip Allah? Whatever floats your boat Skipper
Banning Trump is like bandaging a broken leg

There's something tragically ironic about that.

They just jawboned and never did vote to ban him.

It was strictly a dog and pony show because Parliament has no authority to ban Trump. I believe its only the Home Office or the Home Secretary that has the power to ban someone.

What a joke!

Correct and the people who could ban him have already said he won't be banned. Some hack with a long running feud with Trump gathered enough signatures to force Parliament to debate the issue, I guess that's their law but its a nothing burger. I'm sure Trump loves all the free coverage though.

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