The Ukraine Attacked Russian City with Missile!

Wonder why no Zelensky-loving piece of shit here wrote something about a US Himar having hit central Donetsk City today killing one civilian and injuring others?
It was a Russian air defence missile that missed the target. Is it a good explanation to you, bitch?
I wonder why no one Putin-loving piece of shit here wrote something about a Russian missile having hit a residential building in Kryvyi Rih this night.
May be, because nobody really cares (including Ukrainians). Besides, this residential building looks like Soviet style. You wanted de-Sovetisation and de-Russification, and you are getting it. True Khokhols don't need that evil Kazaps' things like cities, education or industry, do you?
What treaty was violated by Cuba back in 1962? No one, except for a treaty with sane-mind. You are trying to endanger your much more powerful neighbor - you are asking for problems. What treaty was violated by Mexico back in 1822, 1836 or 1846, except for a treaty with sane-mind? If you can't stop immigration, if you can't prevent revolution or find a mutually acceptable solution, if you are trying to suppress a rebellious provinces with a pure military power, while you are military weak, ok, you are asking for problems.
Once again you are unable to defend Russia's imperialist invasion of Ukraine, so you try to deflect to other issues, always past issues. The whole world recognizes that the invasion was an example of Russian imperialism and nothing else.
Once again you are unable to defend Russia's imperialist invasion of Ukraine, so you try to deflect to other issues, always past issues. The whole world recognizes that the invasion was an example of Russian imperialism and nothing else.
Only in the same meaning that Cuban Missile Crisis or Mexican-American war were examples of American imperialism.
What treaty was violated by Cuba back in 1962? No one, except for a treaty with sane-mind. You are trying to endanger your much more powerful neighbor - you are asking for problems. What treaty was violated by Mexico back in 1822, 1836 or 1846, except for a treaty with sane-mind? If you can't stop immigration, if you can't prevent revolution or find a mutually acceptable solution, if you are trying to suppress a rebellious provinces with a pure military power, while you are military weak, ok, you are asking for problems.
Can you name any major power that has acted differently? Certainly not Russia, as in Poland in 1939 and Ukraine today.
Only in the same meaning that Cuban Missile Crisis or Mexican-American war were examples of American imperialism.
The Mexican-American was a fine example of American imperialism, pure and simple. The Cuban Missile Crisis was equal parts American imperialism and American paranoia about the Red menace Neither excuse Russian Imperialism today.
May be, because nobody really cares (including Ukrainians). Besides, this residential building looks like Soviet style. You wanted de-Sovetisation and de-Russification, and you are getting it. True Khokhols don't need that evil Kazaps' things like cities, education or industry, do you?
Sorry, Kazap, but I can hardly view cities, education and industry as Kazaps' things. A bearded peasant in bast shoes and with wooden plow fits more.
The Mexican-American was a fine example of American imperialism, pure and simple. The Cuban Missile Crisis was equal parts American imperialism and American paranoia about the Red menace Neither excuse Russian Imperialism today.
Oh, it was not paranoya.
The Russians were in two weeks of delivering the rest of SS-5 missiles and in few months of achieving the credible first strike capability (and, likely, starting WW3 by their counterforce attack).
The midget being Zelensky? How does that apply to what I said?

So far Russia has been reacting to the Ukraine's escalations as if they are more than stings.

The sting analogy doesn't suggest a retaliatory attack on the entire nest.

Yes, I suppose so on second thought. I'm just anxious to see if Russia has the ability to get their Kinzhals through the Patriots? Do you have an analysis on the question?

Dear uncle being Biden?

I believe that America will never escalate to nuclear but will escalate in small steps in conventional warfare.

I think that Russia is going to be pressed to a major escalation quite soon. A Ukrainian attack on Russian civilians with results will do it.

Neither Russia or America can afford to lose this war! Of that I'm sure! You?

Those who are best informed seem to agree that Russia is going to take Odessa.

Of course America can afford to "lose" the war. America tried to expand it's influence by tweaking Ukraine's government. Now they may have to pull out and settle for the other 95% of territory they've conquered to pave the way for corporate expansion. Boo hoo. America finally has to settle for not being able take over the world. Wahhhh.
May be, because nobody really cares (including Ukrainians). Besides, this residential building looks like Soviet style. You wanted de-Sovetisation and de-Russification, and you are getting it. True Khokhols don't need that evil Kazaps' things like cities, education or industry, do you?
Thats Zelensky's home town.
Sorry, Kazap, but I can hardly view cities, education and industry as Kazaps' things. A bearded peasant in bast shoes and with wooden plow fits more.
Really? May be, you can show any truly Ukrainian city, build by independent Ukrainians from the scratch?
Of course America can afford to "lose" the war. America tried to expand it's influence by tweaking Ukraine's government. Now they may have to pull out and settle for the other 95% of territory they've conquered to pave the way for corporate expansion. Boo hoo. America finally has to settle for not being able take over the world. Wahhhh.
America's continuing world supremacy depends on whether or not it needs to compete with the coming Brics alliance.

With the Brics containing both Russia and China, it can't. China as the only nuclear superpower is much better prospects.

The current war is America's last opportunity to eliminate Russia from the equation.
Yeah, your dogshit army never misses targets, and every building even abandoned long ago is a barrack full of Nazis and foreign mercenaries. I know, I know, no need to repeat this bullshit over again.
Hey, as long as I'm talking to a representative of a higher civilization here, who blow all the Kinzhals out of their skies, know multiplication table by heart and what an indoor plumbing and a toilet is what's this thing our guys found in a Ukrainian palace? Can't wrap our heads around what mighty Uks might use this contraption for. A great thinker that you are, help us vatniks out please.
Really? May be, you can show any truly Ukrainian city, build by independent Ukrainians from the scratch?
Depends on what 'independent' or 'Ukrainians' mean in this context. Kiev, Chernigov, Lvov.. To name a few.
Hey, as long as I'm talking to a representative of a higher civilization here, who blow all the Kinzhals out of their skies, know multiplication table by heart and what an indoor plumbing and a toilet is what's this thing our guys found in a Ukrainian palace? Can't wrap our heads around what mighty Uks might use this contraption for. A great thinker that you are, help us vatniks out please.

Have no idea. Maybe this is a village somewhere near Voronezh?
Actually, the US took 2/3 of Mexican territory. And as for Cuba, the mutually acceptable solution was found.
So you admit you were lying about US imperialism in Cuba, but you still try to claim the US made war on Mexico to gain the southwest. In fact, the Texans won their freedom from Mexico without US government help, but after Texas later applied for entry in the US, Mexico attacked Texas and the US, and in the course of the war, Mexico lost the land that is the American Southwest today. Despite the fact that Mexico had started the war by invading Texas and the US, and that the land Mexico claimed, only because it had been claimed by the failed Spanish empire, was only sparsely populated and governed in principle only, the US compensated Mexico for the loss of the land it claimed with $18,000,000.

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