The Ultimate Appeal to Persuade Fellow Blacks to Stop Voting Democrat

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
By Lloyd Marcus
April 1, 2012
American Thinker

. . . Black media and mainstream liberal media, for the most part, ignore black conservatives. It is shameful that I had to hear about distinguished black conservatives who have their heads on straight from white conservative talk radio hosts.

On rare occasions when black media (talk radio, TV, etc.) does recognize black conservatives, for the most part, it is to denigrate them -- labeling them Uncle Toms, traitors to their race, and self-loathing stupid n******.

Liberal mainstream media today strives to keep black conservatives "invisible."

. . . Black American brothers and sisters, the Dems have been playin' you for suckers for far too long. They are not your friends. Their motivation and their game are extremely simple.

The Democratic Party leadership has been infiltrated by arrogant, power-hungry liberals who think they know better than you how to run your life. They invent "fake" enemies via lies about Republicans being racist, mean-spirited, control freaks. Ironically, this perfectly describes the modern Democratic leadership. Every Democrat campaign is the same. Vote for us! Surrender all power to us! We'll take care of you and protect you from the evil Republicans! . . .

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Great article and so true. Conservative blacks, like Herman Cain, aren't taken seriously by the media. Cain was called a puppet, traitor and worse by the liberals when he threw his hat in the ring. He was the first one they had to attack and get rid of because it would have been impossible to play the race card with Cain in the running.
Great article and so true. Conservative blacks, like Herman Cain, aren't taken seriously by the media. Cain was called a puppet, traitor and worse by the liberals when he threw his hat in the ring. He was the first one they had to attack and get rid of because it would have been impossible to play the race card with Cain in the running.

The leftist media cannot afford to take them seriously as to do so directs the spotlight on their lies.
End liberal superficial biological identification and divisioning.
What's soooo bad about plain AMERICAN?
we evolve,and escape the socialist trap.
When we no longer superficially divide ourselves like the commie machine tells us to.
End liberal superficial biological identification and divisioning.
What's soooo bad about plain AMERICAN?
we evolve,and escape the socialist trap.
When we no longer superficially divide ourselves like the commie machine tells us to.
Blacks have voted Democrat long?

And apparantely, the media and racial interest groups tell us...........racism, oppression, poverty, lack of opportunity, unfairness, etc, etc, etc, still exists.

And what do we call repeating the same activity over and over while expecting different results? Insanity?

Ok black folk. Time to try a new party. Especially when you consider the alternative, in that apparantely, as we're told, everyone who votes Republican is rich, happy, greedy, and suffering from none of society's ills. Join us!!!
Given the limited brain function of an Afro, you should not expect them to be able to do anything without rigorous training. You can't get Afros to change their votes with appeals to reason.
Why should blacks vote for Conservatives/Republicans? How are they currently helping blacks?
Given the limited brain function of an Afro, you should not expect them to be able to do anything without rigorous training. You can't get Afros to change their votes with appeals to reason.

:talktothehand: :afro:
Both Black republicans in the United States agree with this thread!
Given the limited brain function of an Afro, you should not expect them to be able to do anything without rigorous training. You can't get Afros to change their votes with appeals to reason.

Are you for real or just trolling? nothing more than an attempt to subtly enslave people with invisible shackles. Difference being, it's a type of slavery they don't mind because they don't feel the leg chains being locked up and don't see the shackle when they look down.
Strange...I don't see the word Republican in the top post. Am I to assume that you believe that Republican and Conservative are always synonymous? That mistake is often made by liberals and the ignorant.
Why should blacks vote for Conservatives/Republicans? How are they currently helping blacks?

And how about you let us know how the Progressives/Dems are currently helping blacks?? Convincing a group of people, any group, they are better off on the government dole for generations is degrading.

My black friends and family realize the importance of hard work and embellish their heritage with knowledge and learning. Equal is equal, not beneath, not above........level playing field for everyone regardless of the color of their skin or their heritage.

I applaud those of every color, race and ethnic origin that choose to blaze their own path, I lend a hand to those that believe they can achieve greatness. I feel sorry for those that are convinced government is the answer.
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For the vast majority of blacks it all comes down to the handouts. They're told the Dimocrats provide them because they care so much about them (and their votes), but those dastardly Republicans will take it all away from them. So when a dimwit black raised by other dimwit blacks hears this stuff it's a slam dunk for them.

What has trillions of dollars of welfare and whatnot over decades done to help the black community? Nothing except provide the incentive to not work. And how's that working out for them? Fools. Keep voting Dimocrat if you're interested in no hope and no change.

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