The UnBenghazi

Americans still support their government’s military interventions and condemn those against it as traitors.

Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
We own that spot in their country, therefore we should be there.
Killing terrorists is what I like.
So, those people demonstrating outside the Empire’s embassy are terrorists deserving death.

Why have some Americans become so bloodthirsty?
Because cowards like you invite death and your kind should be locked in a cage with a muslim with a butcher knife.

Said the person sitting behind a computer........
Just like you are, hypocrite traitor.
Anyone who opposes the warmongering oligarchs, is a traitor. WTF!
Why do you say that? Odd...
They don't get turned over to ice, they are let go before. Nice try to deflect though.

Why should a city waste the time and go to the expense simply to have ICE release them?

ICE official: 108,500 undocumented immigrants released in the last three months
Not criminals.

I thought the argument was that all illegals are criminals?
They are when they enter the United States. But I'm talking convicted criminals including murderers.

You are just making crap up.
No he’s not.
Americans still support their government’s military interventions and condemn those against it as traitors.

Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?
Killing terrorists is what I like.
So, those people demonstrating outside the Empire’s embassy are terrorists deserving death.

Why have some Americans become so bloodthirsty?
Because cowards like you invite death and your kind should be locked in a cage with a muslim with a butcher knife.

Said the person sitting behind a computer........
Just like you are, hypocrite traitor.
Anyone who opposes the warmongering oligarchs, is a traitor. WTF!

The founders warned us against doing what we are doing so it seems to me that we have this backwards.
Where? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and who knows where else.

Its called being strategic. By maintaing a base in these places, we have the ability to respond to future threats and attacks on us and our allies all over the world.

When did "Conservatives" start believing in massive debt to be the world police?

When are you going to start paying for this stradjety as opposed to expecting the future generations to do so?
We wouldnt have any debt if democrats wouldnt bitch about fighting dirty. Furthermore, we sure as fuck shouldnt be rebuilding anything. We should fire bomb their cities, then leave. War could be very cheap, if we didnt have bleeding heart liberals.

Really matters none what you think we should do. All that matters is what we do. With that being the case, you didn't answer the question.
Youre blaming republicans for something democrats also do. Obama did plenty of "world policing".

I have never done that. You simply have a guilt complex. Few people have condemned Obama more than I. Now, do you want to address the question?
Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?

Why do we need them exactly?
So, those of us that want to go to war and risk American lives the first question is why? What is the objective? Are we going to really go to war or just pretend like we have since Vietnam? Are you we going in with the attitude of winning at all costs? Are we going to back off when they use human shields?

If there are no real cut answers by the military, Congress or the President, we will be wasting American lives.
Even when the troops themselves call them on it



So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?
Lol. Nice try.

America shouldn’t be killing people in foreign lands.
We own that spot in their country, therefore we should be there.

If you're referring to our embassy , it exists only due to mutually agreed policy

If you've referring to our many oil related installations, globalists own them, international conscripts run them, they do not pay taxes to America to be there

So, those of us that want to go to war and risk American lives the first question is why? What is the objective? Are we going to really go to war or just pretend like we have since Vietnam? Are you we going in with the attitude of winning at all costs? Are we going to back off when they use human shields?

If there are no real cut answers by the military, Congress or the President, we will be wasting American lives.
There is no need to go to war. No nation on the planet would dare attack us.

All our wars have been wars of aggression.
So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?

Why do we need them exactly?
God damn youre ignorant. :laugh:
So America's enemies should be allowed to destroy American facilities and kill Americans with immunity...And people like you wonder why others call you traitors...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?
Lol. Nice try.

America shouldn’t be killing people in foreign lands.
Actually, we should.
This is how you protect Americans.

View attachment 297608
View attachment 297609
View attachment 297613


And now it’s time to send Iran a New Years gift.

View attachment 297611

I don’t get it, according to the left President Trump is a puppet of Putin, and Iran is with Putin. Why isn’t President Trump kissing Iran’s ass like the Hussein did? It’s almost as if President Trump isn’t a puppet of Putin, and this can’t be because the left never lies.
Did you purposely forget that those enemies you speak of, are responding to the US military killing them? Funny how this thinking is so common with many Americans. I’d like think it is the result of government media brainwashing.

If our stinking government would mind it’s own protecting the rights of the people rather than enriching and empowering the 1%, things would be much better.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?

Why do we need them exactly?
God damn youre ignorant. :laugh:

I wish I had a nickle for every question that gets avoided. If you have no answer the best idea is for your to just move on. Your answer simply says in other words "I don't know".
We own that spot in their country, therefore we should be there.

If you're referring to our embassy , it exists only due to mutually agreed policy

If you've referring to our many oil related installations, globalists own them, international conscripts run them, they do not pay taxes to America to be there

The oil itself belongs to the people of Iraq. Its in their constitution. They were a couple decades behind the rest of the world when it came to oil tech, so they brought in outside companies to retrofit their facilities, and of course they dont pay American taxes because, its in Iraq.
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So, those of us that want to go to war and risk American lives the first question is why? What is the objective? Are we going to really go to war or just pretend like we have since Vietnam? Are you we going in with the attitude of winning at all costs? Are we going to back off when they use human shields?

If there are no real cut answers by the military, Congress or the President, we will be wasting American lives.
There is no need to go to war. No nation on the planet would dare attack us.

All our wars have been wars of aggression.

I don’t disagree, what is disturbing is many want war with no real thought put into the consequences.
Did you purposely forget that we are responding to the American killed in Iraq?
Americans shouldn’t be there. It’s not our country.
America should have no embassies?

Why do we need them exactly?
God damn youre ignorant. :laugh:

I wish I had a nickle for every question that gets avoided. If you have no answer the best idea is for your to just move on. Your answer simply says in other words "I don't know".
You expect a serious answer to the question ,"Why do we need embassies?". :laugh:
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
If democrat marxists hadn’t played Vietnam and had Bush not acquiesced and had Obama the Marxist ideologue not surrendered it probably wouldn’t have been such a problem.

Nothing has changed under Trump.
Did I say it did? He certainly hasn’t surrendered to muslim terrorists nor democrats.

Trump continues to say we need to leave. He just doesn't have the balls to do so.
He’s also said many times before that he doesn’t want to tell the enemy what we’re going to do.

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