The UnBenghazi

This idea that it's our decision on who runs another country is something I never will understand. We would never accept having another country come in and put our leadership in place. I don't understand how it is we think other countries will be OK with it.

As I said before, the Shah was our ally, and a very important ally. We had an obligation to support him and assist him.

The Khomeniacs, we knew, were a threat to our interests, and the interests of every peaceful nation in that region, should they be allowed to rise to power. I don't know that Carter could have possibly anticipated the scope of the long-term consequences that would result from allowing the Khomeniacs to have the resources of an entire nation at their disposal, but he certainly knew of our obligations to our ally, the Shah, and he certainly had to know that allowing the Khomeniacs to come to power would have been very bad for everyone involved. Every President since Carter has had to deal with the fallout from Carter's abject incompetence and neglect in this matter. It was the fall of the Shah, and the rise of the Khomeniacs, that let to the spread of the disease of violent Islamism across that whole region, that has led to nearly all of the troubles that the world has had in modern times with Islamist-based terrorism. If not for Carter's incompetence and neglect, the original World Trade Center would still be standing, and about three thousand Americans who were murdered the day it fell would still be alive.

At the very least, even if we did allow the Shah to fall, and the Khomeniacs to take over Iran, once they attacked our Embassy, we should have declared war on them, and used that excuse to exterminate this disease before it had the chance to spread to other nations.
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Trump is NOT saying the Obama bullshit that it is nothing more than an " spontaneous demonstration".

Looks like Obama's Iranian Mullah buddies are spending the cash that Obama gave them. Obama was a fucking moron to give the Iranians any money. What the hell was that shithead thinking?

Obama's loyalty was never to America. That was a huge part of the problem.
This idea that it's our decision on who runs another country is something I never will understand. We would never accept having another country come in and put our leadership in place. I don't understand how it is we think other countries will be OK with it.

As I said before, the Shah was our ally, and a very important ally. We had an obligation to support him and assist him.

We had NO obligation to overturn their government and put him in place.

The Khomeniacs, we knew, were a threat to our interests, and the interests of every peaceful nation in that region, should they be allowed to rise to power. I don't know that Carter could have possibly anticipated the scope of the long-term consequences that would result from allowing the Khomeniacs to have the resources of an entire nation at their disposal, but he certainly knew of our obligations to our ally, the Shah, and he certainly had to know that allowing the Khomeniacs to come to power would have been very bad for everyone involved. Every President since Carter has had to deal with the fallout from Carter's abject incompetence and neglect in this matter. It was the fall of the Shah,and the rise of the Khomeniacs, that let to the spread of the disease of violent Islamism across that whole region, that has led to nearly all of the troubles that the world has had in modern times with Islamist-based terrorism. If not for Carter's incompetence and neglect, the original World Trade Center would still be standing, and about three thousand Americans who were murdered the day it fell would still be alive.

The World Trade Tower was because of our intervention in Afghanistan.
Sounds like Iran is about to feel the Thunder in some places.

I am ready to drop some serious ordnance on them bastards. Make it hurt, fellas.

You are? So, you are serving over there with the USAF?

Nope, retired 25 years ago almost. How about this: "I am ready for our military to drop some serious ordnance". Better?

No troops, no new war. But, some people only understand force, so i think a clear message needs to be sent: DON'T FUCK WITH US. Bomb our embassy means you are going to pay big time.
Sounds like Iran is about to feel the Thunder in some places.

I am ready to drop some serious ordnance on them bastards. Make it hurt, fellas.

You are? So, you are serving over there with the USAF?

Nope, retired 25 years ago almost. How about this: "I am ready for our military to drop some serious ordnance". Better?

No troops, no new war. But, some people only understand force, so i think a clear message needs to be sent: DON'T FUCK WITH US. Bomb our embassy means you are going to pay big time.

That's the message we were sent on 9-11. We didn't listen.
Sounds like Iran is about to feel the Thunder in some places.

I am ready to drop some serious ordnance on them bastards. Make it hurt, fellas.

You are? So, you are serving over there with the USAF?

Yet Obama starting wars with nations that posed no threat to us was fine and dandy.

No it wasn't. None of it has been.

Praise be Hillary for bringing slavery back to Africa!!!
Slave auctions in Libya caught on camera
Trump is NOT saying the Obama bullshit that it is nothing more than an " spontaneous demonstration".

Looks like Obama's Iranian Mullah buddies are spending the cash that Obama gave them. Obama was a fucking moron to give the Iranians any money. What the hell was that shithead thinking?

Obama's loyalty was never to America. That was a huge part of the problem.

Obama was a Neggra first, a Muslim second and a commie third. Being American never even made the list.
The World Trade Tower was because of our intervention in Afghanistan.

The World Trade Center was destroyed because the disease of violent Islamism was allowed to spread. And that is rooted in the Carter Administration's failure to support the Shah, and to prevent the Khomeniacs from taking power. Every other problem we have had in modern times with Islamist terrorism, all that we've tried to do to contain it, and even every mistake we may have since made in our efforts to do so, all traces back to this one grand failure on Carter's part. Iran being taken over by the Khomeniacs was the “patient zero” of the Islamist terrorism plague. That's where it all started, and that's where it could have been stopped.
The World Trade Tower was because of our intervention in Afghanistan.

The World Trade Center was destroyed because the disease of violent Islamism was allowed to spread. And that is rooted in the Carter Administration's failure to support the Shah, and to prevent the Khomeniacs from taking power. Every other problem we have had in modern times with Islamist terrorism, all that we've tried to do to contain it, and even every mistake we may have since made in our efforts to do so, all traces back to this one grand failure on Carter's part. Iran being taken over by the Khomeniacs was the “patient zero” of the Islamist terrorism plague. That's where it all started, and that's where it could have been stopped.

We were warned over and over to mind our own business. We couldn't do that. We can't win here. They have nothing to lose. People with nothing to lose can't ever lose.

We kill 5000 of them and they kill 50 of us and they win.
The World Trade Tower was because of our intervention in Afghanistan.

The World Trade Center was destroyed because the disease of violent Islamism was allowed to spread. And that is rooted in the Carter Administration's failure to support the Shah, and to prevent the Khomeniacs from taking power. Every other problem we have had in modern times with Islamist terrorism, all that we've tried to do to contain it, and even every mistake we may have since made in our efforts to do so, all traces back to this one grand failure on Carter's part. Iran being taken over by the Khomeniacs was the “patient zero” of the Islamist terrorism plague. That's where it all started, and that's where it could have been stopped.
The America hating Left must always blame America.
We have been in a quasi-war with Iran for many years, maybe decades.

It started with propping up Saddam against Iran.

Oops, now that Saddam's gone, Iran has spread into Iraq.

Thank you Dumbya Bush.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

The Shah was one of the best and most important allies that we ever had in that part of the world. Failing to back him up at a critical time, allowing him to be overthrown, allowing the Khomeniacs to take over Iran, was Carter's greatest failing; and the genesis of nearly all the trouble that we and the rest of the world have had in modern times with violent Islamist terrorism.

This idea that it's our decision on who runs another country is something I never will understand. We would never accept having another country come in and put our leadership in place. I don't understand how it is we think other countries will be OK with it.
Cold War and then 9-11.
Try context before you jump to ragging on the US like a good Marxist dupe.
We have been in a quasi-war with Iran for many years, maybe decades.

It started with propping up Saddam against Iran.

Oops, now that Saddam's gone, Iran has spread into Iraq.

Thank you Dumbya Bush.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?

We have been in a quasi-war with Iran for many years, maybe decades.

It started with propping up Saddam against Iran.

Oops, now that Saddam's gone, Iran has spread into Iraq.

Thank you Dumbya Bush.
Aiding saddam was not the start. That came later. The Iran revolution of 1979 and subsequent kidnapping of American embassy workers was the start. Carter giving asylum to the shah threw fire on that.

No it wasn't. It started long before that. We helped overthrow their government to put the Shah in place to start with. For some reason we simple refuse to mind our own business and wonder why people retaliate. They are doing nothing less than we would do.
Exactly the bullshit response I predicted in my previous post.
Move to Tehran and stay there.

What have we won the last 18 years? The trillions in debt we have placed on future generations? The many families that just spent Christmas without their child? What have we accomplished?
We killed THOUSANDS of terrorists, and we decimated Al Qaeda and ISIS. Im a big fan of this stuff. Lets keep going.

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